FOBERT 877-5213 TORONTO 457-1752 BAMPTON-PE EL VIILLAGE-Lsigs aescarutiln this beoutifol and deiîroble ora. Three bedroain sidesplif plus den ortlourfh bedrosin doinn, broadlooin, dîsiteashar, et- tached garage, pautd drive, ail thi5 lor el U08,510 EXCELLENT VALUE-Maotre ffaple trams end o clmc of tha river addto thetchatnffhsucepina lh faslote. three bedroom haine sltilg on 1/ 3 acre l suenlc Noteal. Comrplet. oith couetry s10.4 kitchat sepatate btoadlooinedi living and 410109 moins, tino garages, 2 sheds end lois aitd lois of parking, this is the ideal home for the fenley inho needsspace. Just lislOd this home willso selsl fost. Cali eom f0 set. Askiffg o0ee $59,00 FRESC COUNTRY AIR-5 ycurs for the bteathlng ohmn you lice in 1his superb mwo seore, brick and aluineuin haome luslî7 ins.oth of Brampoith esyoaccessto minltr- tories. Only 3 yeats c14, Il festure 4 spaclocs bedrooss 1i1 bath$, broadloomed recreaflin ope, double garage and ahace groctd pool, paeio and20 30acr. ta caîl eour omo. A0k- ing $84,900 ALMOST ALL GOf4E--O0ee lio lefI-Fulle dlefached ibros an4 four hadrom brick and aluminuor bungaloins with aI- tachoil garages. Extra large kitchmn; L-shaped living and dining rooin,-al withinaster bathmensuies, pluslarge 4 TOWN COUSE-ACTON 3 b.drm two in sf0 ey Iloothoco.- end unit Bofeattertn cndion m l baseint amti- cOlle beafed. Cbely 830,900 FEW AN0 FAR BETWEEN-Thtteequarter acte lot neat Trafalgar Roed and 40f Clghaya. Cineteli fm0etd-ptlo. ed tight ai $33,500 BUY ONE PROPERTY-GETTWO HOME5.-Justminutes train GO trainthfis speclous fino-sorey seml-detoched hante is ideally sifuafedmnatre-quetetacre cccii landscaped loe in Norcalerea, threeil« frf toin. Each slde has four bedroses, large livieg teato. lapa. kifoen and me and a hall bathis. Tino stail horse barn or garage. If yos are looking fo- an Income ptopariy, a haine for orself pIus le-loins,o possible concersionet onme feinlie dinelllttg. ln the couetty, th!$ is if. Oele $111,000 TCE WCEEL 0F FORTUNE SMILES-A large tiplto ln Georgetoin providllg a groso lecoine of 00er S4,(100 a. nualle. This ptopety s ln excellent condtioatndcoetes comptle iih an etra large parcel of land iih possîbililes of haîng searofed for a oea siopîto. Ain ideal supplemmOt for your incoine. Askieg witi $8,000 basoniont îith firoplae. AIl complofely finlshed wiuh excop. Williamns is this cenfope old trule gracious white brick rosi. tional broadloontupsfors and down, sodding frontand bock ilnce suroudedo byoanacre and e half of mnicured lains and winîn distanco roin everything. Sfartlng prlut grounds with stoteir tems and flowering sittubs, overlooklttg M519W thfe credit River. This is tru9 Nefure's Paradgle. Enfortebt- nenf is alays apleasuro for ail cmnceroied. Theto Isa moItI- lOECAL FOR TWO FAMILIES-Downtoan location, duplex tuilent eatutmîfor pleasontlivlng. Large livingtoont,foro- .ith tan 2 hedrosin apatients, soparate enCrancas. Lot the al in roomtan, spaclaus fotelly roant with fiteplece, tulle extra inconce assist in peying the Ina-foage. Try an off-. equippedl kîtchen plus utllity room or auxillery kîtchenancd $44,900.00 two batis.Double car garage plus walkout fronbasemmt. A JUSTSTES TOTHÉGOLFCOUSE-Tis hreebedoomealthi of happe licing aaits yoc in this unique home $95,000 bungalow with Iue washrooms and titlshed recreatlon tanin T-Oo LOTS-CIJRRY 0500V-Mme is an oppoî-tuoiep for oce,-bmks the Georgetown Golf and Country Club! With a an enterprisioo builder f0 purchàse lino 12,000 square foot brick barbecue attheobock and slttingmona hall acre lot, the lots sideby sidein the hearttof apak senleag tightineGeorge- cnn,nator is coinpletooith the price of lustSO62,5W ton. Far mote details call oct office foday. Pticed tlght ef SUBSTANTIAL COME-SPARKLING INTERIOR This$490 ah to stotey solid btick detochedl home is wîthie walking dis- BONUS BUT This large dupleoed two stoy os premently tance of schocis, shopping, GO-Train and rocreafimnal facili- puiline in a heulfhy nconte. Soîfable for a yocng fanley oand is. A dtetached single car garage, a tireplace and a front theot e -laos ot tant hait for help wifh the ,notae. Present porch are ail mnhancoil Sy the tully landscaped proparflies oanotshave bought andnmust sel. Asking olS4î.000 Prcedi af $04,900 this home oi nol lest. JURE 15 POSSESSION-I40011e situated ona quietfctescenl OVEO LOOKING THE CREDIT hlyER-cufteftame bego - s this nwl led tout bedt00m Stick and stmre senfi-de- low on lovte landscapeil lot wifh faily roo i 0far tOPr .VI/D E i tachaitbacksplit, Soea of tht outsfendinigtealurfs itclude vote paveddri,c.loor pourelfor fturetOgarage. Curry for .. co 1 U..paraeadinng roo, lag eatn kichn two ashrooms, this e. Onie $4,W8 7 5 1 garage, largo pitshaped lot, Curry lot this one$45,900 TORON TO 457- 1752 NEEDED-ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! This 4 S bedroomn, 2 storey house is spotiess throughout. Single car garage, paved drive and neat land- 111=, scaping. Eejoy your f ree time ln the completed family room. This home miii not fast!! Priced af C SPR only $67,500 FA.BULOUS - * CALI THE 'GO TEAM' ANYTIME 877-5213 For furîher information on Don Schenk Mgr. 877-7887 John Zorge 877-5345 Ihese advert isements after Ras DaIy 877-6891 Mary Jones 877-7049 hours call the foilowing. Ken DeRose 077-3552 Em eoe 8735 Bruce Elpoclie 077-0696 Mary Rose Peters 877-39408 raDRse 0735 Dan Tîmmons 077-1770 Helen Aikinson 077-3333 Mollie Adams 877-6045 Rail- s P- M.i-Donald 877-7490 lbsl 70b 77-0360 .-.:, là in7à