Stone si Country Corner COU NT RY RETREAT $90,000 . Coioplof e p.ivay aid - ldlit sfudy ca0 be 70010 in tis rosfbO, eiicutive rancher nes0led tr,010i0 park 111100001100, N0ss000.0070. Living fliplao 0001001110 large pond set in landscaped riockerp y010S aIoda, 00111 aid a heafod 0011100110 pool i.110 ftis a tro0 HORSE FARM pasturelatd w0111 Stream1 l000ing th.0ouh loca006 close Oo Milton0. Large 0.00 stioe hoe and bak barn sifoated aI 011e end ofa ftree laie drive10 in a 1100 of fIi.wei,0 11000 000san For fothir informat ion on these propertios pIpas calil loge iVintier 845-7549 or r00. 853-1700 and 878-5131 E.W Stone Limited, Realtor 6l LAKESHORE RD., OAKVI LLE REACH.. From Rockwood f0 Palermo From Kilbride f0 Norval Rteal Iistate APPEARING NOW IN The Canadian Champion The Acton Free Press 878-2341 853-2010 The Independent, Georgetown 877-5266 18,000 COPIES WEEKLY M M RIALTOR EDEN MILLS Attractive three hedroott stonefc tobuaowton0t extra large lot, 100 x 266, sitoited ln poosetol Edent Milii. Country style barnoaord kiOthe looloding olltltotic w0aon wheel0 light filoi,. sep.0Ote di0100 rom1 and fi. your 0.0 fîttoshito toh a lar-ge additiont, 16 x 32 wth 0-0110 .o ll stooo tireplace. Vours for the 6011100, 001y $520900. Col noi and ask fie Ooyl Dîggitto, 856- INTERESTEDIN OWNING A MINI1 FARM? A lovel0 yea pol 01 immatOOlate brick1 bungalow0 71t attoohod garage on 131/ acres5, 00,011 of Aco0, on 25 Sideoad. Tlistthome hasoa briglt 11100000 it 000111 floor, living01 room w11 fireplace, dini00 romt plus ti.i bediitoO, ail wltI patilIloo and bi0410001 tlroghout tull bas metoithâtfoold hi ooiOerted fi a passes by 705,,00 front door o ildret ill 00107 titi clean fresh air and open fields. Vou to. cao fhav0 the0 garden 700 have always i.utted. Titis Is fayliving 11010 50, for 700r 1001117 ef 017 U04,900. Hurry il1 f00 0004 fodtiss10. Caîl Beryl Diggins, 856- DOUBLE BUILDING LOT Planing fi hoild y00, 010f home1 but1 nt yo f0000 the oitt spot, 01011 here if is! Doble building lot ln the villageof ocki.ood, ustoa fe Mileos notit if Acto00on Hi.y. No. 7. Extra lot 560110 separated.w soi-cllOs installid. Askingon $018,1000. Sp call iSi. aid 001 fi, 00,71 Dggoins, 056-4701. FARM 200 acres, 2,000 If. frontage on paed ,oad in Arthur, lons ip. Tii laid is 0017 productive oa 100 îith 25 acesi Irfil pasturo. 38 acres 011004 hay aid 75 acres ready flSpring idin AnafialfOoutstra1 rurs hoooh titi 0,074 hardwood bush aid titi Goernmenf Approvid pond adds fi tieutivlalid are0. Buildings conistof S a 010101 clad bank barn comtplitpoothfed Mill, 740 x55' plus stooraara and M10 0oOiî,Ote baryard0460x26 mep10drive shed. 1 M Maculate 3 1104,001 bungalowi wlit grooîd flot lam rpomiad doul atthd aage. Fiasecoîl Barbara LeadbeiSi, 050 4711 F. Penney Real Estate Ltd., 123 Trafalgar Road, Oakille (416) 845-3737 WREALTY SERVICES LTD.U REALTOR Toronto 826-3085 Milton 818-4121 CAMPBELLVILLE Vo,0lostilnotie t nithe myflo00s lomin r~ound hs loly home1 Icafid in titi quiet village if Coi.pbellville. Sevot littOOsIate rSms1, 000t ,ooetly dOiiofOedd o dliiildhougoitO . Lot ls 50x204, iltta 160x40' i00,0004 sooimm0ing pool. P,15040 00 $3,900. For fthIe, detls pli0000 contc BUILDING LOTS 0, acoîbulding lot, osingt $23,00.00polth t 340.00. Possesioiiii.iediatolyo main,0,004, îoa, pobîlic00it001. Pleaecal "Doc- 00 Gilad fi, Informtion. Il acre lot,frontage0f200ft.onin r0oad ln Nassagai.eya,cos0eto Provincial Higit.0ys, rollitg land, sonne 0,01000n fenc0 l1010. A011100S311,900.00. 91/2 par c010010,fgageis toîofro01. Pleasecall 'Doc" Go.0land forInfortion. ACTON Beautitol bric0k elevated bungalow. OltOOfOdl on ds/O acres if pictolO5qoi su,,ooîdioîs. 2,000lq f. of living space. 4004,00010, 1.4 pc.a oîd lpc.b110h, 2 car garage, finsitOd rec rom0 wlfh fl100,10001110 sf010 tieplaii, plus 0501- plefîly finisted 3 rom0 ba0000101 ap0,f01000. 6011100 $93,500.00. Please cîll Be01p 10010 for fulter dotails. CAMPBELLVILLE AREA 4V/270 acre of antatic olling scOOl7 toosands oftees, young ad 0501,7 tiplaci, 1001,170100111001100 plus aooalkiot sui dock 000,10011100 a 21o acre pond ceted by afstlOowii00pin0 rising o theitpllode. As if that is0000 eoogittteear,i Sfior riot ointeizd cottages iciith f100,00 an4 batiooots. plus a cimt lock stableS o5 45. As you drive titi long ciding drieway, you tolyo'reitoing aotiti, .00,1. 01,504100011010t 155,000.00 Pleasp caîl Fay Smi~th for ft he, detals. ATTENTIONl HOME OWNERS W have 1st riitrodoced our "Goarotee Solo Plai"o lot 70 sa homooi.îo f0 taie advaitagi of. tl you hait ho,, considoîi0 silling poil property 700 fir tai ever yo sitoild on of 0 out qiid sales,0 s00 taff to have tOut, explai0 .0iat ws cao do for you. ERETHOUR REALTY SERVICES LIMITED REALTOR Milton 878-4121 Toronto 826-3085 Les Bunker Betty logle Millena Reddeo (Manager) Fay Smith "Doc" Gowland Wed. April 24, 1914 - R R7