lS- Wed. Anril 24. 191'4 mm m m -Um GEORGETOWN COUNTRY RAN CHER: This large four bedtro brick M R M M 13Mproperir v1cm a commanding clnw o fhe calley and t h.ures a Hollywood ichen, an extra lage rcratm ro ___________________________________________________________070 a largo stione tîreplace, walhoul Nib FiA l e LAand a roomy wet bar. Donot miss thls L-%d-gai %OavelyhomeO. M MÙM ff _13- GEORGETOWN FAM bric ga'a thr 2 b: with Full on.. tILY LIVING 3 bedrocrn selld c bungalou ocith large detached go, brand new broadieen ,.gheut. Liclngditiltg cottblttatie, ths,tfaeiiy rotnnad gams ro0 separate entrance from back yard. price $57,900. Coul today for 0h10 2 ACRE COUNTRY LOT 3 bndrot bungalow eifh pannlied l. fgom antlly.siand kîfoen, br..ewayconoacts 2 bedroott Apt. A&Bny extras. Cail todac -j QU iET S ECLUS ION: 800 test iaktront proprty --appreo.2 Macres. Excellent tushing and huntvtg. Uorgos viel rail today about thUs rare opportunity t0 mn0 a pi oceof much seo ugt.aftr reai estate. Asking $33,900. BRAMALEA TWIN. This 3 Bodroonn bungalcu is a mu5st toi ses today. The bving-dining roo.7 comrbination Is bnautitullv broadloomed and mother willove the spacious kitchen. The rec 70000 i conrletnly tlnlshed and there's still plenty of room7 tor dodos workshop. Iwovt last. Caîl now. Asking $55,000. -miFrank Tyreil 877-7225 OFIE Sandra Ucrnanskc 877-8361 OTIC nma Kroezen 877-2722 DUPLEX + ONE 877-5159 Barry Cock 877-4267 wcth 20onebedroelllunts tand oethree Sandra Nairr 877 130M bndrcenm unit. Excenllent location, close tc TORONTO Norcla Tripp 455ý 8365 motit us,. 1111115 school0and shopping. Super value. Call n0e Barbara Dunlnavy 877-7731 ter turther details. 457A.1330 W. Rac Cock 877-4267 00019 10 Ways a Real Estate Agent takes the worry out of Homne-Buyi ng 1.They save you time, effort and headaches. They dîscover your infterests, learn somnefhing of your persona l fastes aed fry fo show you the types of homes you wanf f0i see within your price range. 2. They advise you about neighborhoods. Their professional eoperience Is val uabie toi yo ln anal yziog fufure frends and fhe potential value of yoor home as a long-range Invesfment. 3. They help you see through unrealistically inflated pnices. Omners who fry teselI personally, often tend f0overprice a home. Homnes lisfed Wfhn a real ostafe firm henef if from professlottal knowledge of current market values. 4. The realtor arranges definite inspections. They make appoinoments for your convenience. They wili also see thaf you have plenfty of timne for a thoroogh, unhurried inspection. 5 The realtur helps you sharpen your vision. They inspect homnes wifh you, caîl you r attention f0i improvements and advanfages you could overlook, and point ouf dlsadvantages their frals ed oye may spot. 6. TThe reai estate agent provides tGu with full information. foolf Tewl ieooessential facîsabout faons, maintenance costs ult of construction, adeoooacy of public services, schools, chorches. 7, The realtor acts as eoitr Self ling of the tiser points of prico and other differoncos can gel prefty hecfic. Vour agent smnoofhs over the defails and holps boyer and seller arrive at a Imufually advanfageoos agreement. 8. They help you stay within Vosur budget. .They wl ep ou analyoe yorfinancial situation, give y ou sousd Imorîgago adolce. Thon, If you desire, they cas recommenci sources of morfgage fonds. 9 They help you know final facts and figures. At f8e closing of the transaction you will nned a comploto financial siolomont, givi0g you an exact record for insurance, fao and othor purposs 10. They are in business to serve you well. lO isfo thelr advantage f0 handle yoor traosaction compefently. They are anolous Io serve yoor falrly and eopertf y wlth competence and infegrify so you will look toi fhemi for any further teni estate requirements.