Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Apr 1974, p. 2

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2 The Canadian Chamopioe, MilIon, Ont. Apnif 24, 1974 Sm oke Redevelopment committee damlaaie MitnCuclbif Huiton Con.niy Cnedi Union oprned ini't beanch office in Ouboîlie Saturduy mth o eibbou cutting nere- mooy. upeeches, open house and mute and chrese lu ceir- brute the occasion, The Oukvtie office is ait 338 er St., in 16e centre uf a growo n usineuu commun- itan credit union officialu pret a brigit future for the office. The gruup nuau for.oed 15 yearsaga on M iton au Holy Roory Parish Credit Union., huve years ago lirname Milton Comn.naty Cnedit Union. and ibis year expandrd again ta becon.e a Halton-wide group. A provinial charter per.itoithe group tousrveruii ai Hall n rerepi the Hallun orwuhtoknMdoo. iah~iii membersbip. Manager Joies Frijteru suid Oaturday the Milton =prio has hero n'rry suc- aruu nd bau gromo rapidly since it rnt community-wule juI fine years ago. He said the Oahu'df e office wao sure to prouper and once ilis runniog sn.oothf y. another office wcili 6e opeord on the ooringtoo Pua- out-i-bao Haito Rntoooai Chairmao Allan Masson and Oukvîlir Muyor Hurry Baret partîi'- puted in the Ouhoîlie rih6on cuttio cre no : Ib uled op thg6e ucde reui b.hhad diutited souceo1 pie<e of il tu gueots aI the opening. Masson, ho once oprated a finance ron.pany office in liakvîlie, uod the nrrdit mouement and concept ore "ýa great henefit tlothe people nonerned, and srung a r need." Vcepesideot Gordon NORTH HALTON ^Rnu 877-1211 to study A citiens con.miltee studying nedes'elopn.ent of the busnes oee of Miltoo oifl include the n.anagemn.et uf parking lots as one 0f the malter. thu1 con.mitne oilt discun n m iltoo Couocil's Coin- muuity Serviinn. Committee agred Ikat rummittne uhould conder the entuol plans for the Mary St .lot 001 under construclio '0 oad otier parkiog fot iH to100 Emmron MnCready. ('bamber of Commerce presideol, appeored ut the metig doodoy. He told the commitîne therr didn't seen. tohbearyine particularly in charge of thot fonction nînce the parrbkiot authority mon aholrhed. Council bas unoomrd 1601 nesponsibility. Il mou soZted the regîooal Police mene brodtant aout ticketiu caco in the parking lot unless metersor some techoîcol desice mon ued. F.oncy palot McCreody suggesled painting the commun feoce ai th hcbof16 arnig lot on the lomn ' sid He notrd a conteot could be held and morals painted in four font stripo. McCreedy is o meonher of the urban cre redevelop- ment committer. He.aloog mit Kmn Efsley. Mike Crucefix Liz Frameand one unnamed me.mber mllsat on town pagrking lt the conmîittne ooce it la allocatinog uecoodury spare fonn.ed. for en.poyne parking aod McCready noted a traiter reserving primne spots for and a carfilbeen prkedatcutome'0. the lut fur four n.onths in spite of utteonptu t0 base if n.oel Botb MnCeeudy and Mayor Anne MacArthur Councillor Art Melaeoon aonured McCready the car noted rn.ployees and oner- aod traiter would 6e n.oved chants were guilty of tabiog soon. up prim.epar ing space an Sune pnlmrspace leasing leso deuiruble opace Te conmîttee dincussedi for cutoonees. Seek volunteers for recycling program leterested i0 a recyrliog n.onicipality corrntly on- progru. for Milton? derwrnen the cost of iraons- porting il t0 a renycling Milton Couocil's ad- depot. ministration comnnittee necommnded Mooduy that Nned belp couincif lob for solunteens to Couocillor RH tarris ongaioie a recycliog progran recalied eaeliec discussions uin.ilar 10 SPIN, wbich bau on pros'idiog large containers beeo operatiog in Nasouga- ut the wonbu yard on weva for ses'eral yearn. N ipiouiog Rd. uhere reuideots could lobse thein Councilior Jion Watson nepanated ouaote. revealed the Nausagaweya group wold lie toseethe "10e need bel p1 Ine. the prgu. of recycfing ex- citins aod volonteers to pudeioaotheurban aresaof asuiot on the progruon," 10300 SPIN operates o Councillor urad Clements montbly depet for los, on suggeuted. and paper wbere reideots o'bo buse oeparuted tbeir The con.nittne agreed ta garbage cuna go and depouit it reron.oend tbat couocil ud- for recycling. The sertise for volontnero. Halton Hrgional Concil mili be ionking for a reuite on rent 6eing poid t0 PrIer G. Luub Associoten for thr neir building in Surlinglon UsaI the region is usioguashead- iloorters. The firait meeting in tbul orut building mou conducted omidul the clommer of humn- mers and dills oerbead and in a ruen. Usat mas slifiog bol. Thr iacb nf air condition- ing. nr Ion tbot motter any lue. Of vnoilation, aioog milb 16e loch of carpots on sanorros attd ceifing tiles angered couocillnrs. Needs impronement Saimemere seeing the reg- in neut home for t6e firo Kronto cbaired t6e brief cere' Relatons by Ken Hraid. Co- ;tpressed. "Tbere bas lu 6e manies Presidenf Ben Rnis Operainrn I nsOrOnoe somr improsemeol." Acton sord il mas just erghl mnooths neprsenlolis'es McDoould eonillor Pot McKenoie de- ogo 1he credit union received and Lambina mene also In'o mooded ai1t6e conlusion nf OpprovOl t0 espand in10 the duerd and somas Jrm Hr t-b h1e meeting, negion of Holton and in 1he of Milton irbo mou the fomilder Hr complained aot t6e Oas'rlJle branchus firut of 16e credml union aI Holy Ro- iayoul in thr cool chaut- mnth. business bod heen sarylthalmuasltheforer005er ber. home meuthers mene gond and "mearemveilooOr of the prsen rg izatlO smuoed in sucboamayibolt ucay taounlfirsl million dol- bey couid osiyseesomne of utr i asorîs." The Gabsille Ai 16e conclusion of 1he ibr ollier counncilloru and office bas hemn open since cermony. 15 lucby dramo mout bud difficully hering Marcb15 and olreody hos 30 mere beid on Ofympin Coin evenything tinit mot said. memtens. He said 6e mus sets. Administration and Fin' confident HCCU bod a gond future in Oubville. Dîrectors Gordon Hommes. Harny F'unk, Albert Sohoulen . 00 Gos Trelemons and Churles tebi mere olso inlroduced. as mere the Gubsille office staff, manager Homm Nea- theau, Fianca Tino.turgwba-w r Best and Kuthy Twnsend,,......,. cuber speakers IoPY ENS/, TM S&FL'f Greclingo frou th1e Ontario Credîl Uoron Lrogue mere broogbt hy Ed Achesen. mbn presentrd manager Jules M I TO PL 78 9 2 Frijlers milb a desk pen set. and Iron. t6e Deparlont of Consumer and Commercial ni D. Lido10Rehuraàf,%P: Faavous Chhws 1 a lm aia od A. . M ORE Foul cunsn meals-steaks-c6ops-fish and n6rps INSUANCEDON-T FORGET OUR CAMPBELLOILLE g SUNDAY DINNER SPECIALS1' 854-2271 For Roservations Phono 878-9061 Memoriol Donations WiII Be Gratefully ACcepted By MILTO0N DISTRICT HOSPITAL Contrihutions go toonards the panchose of hospîtal equiponent AT MLY RSANT HALL 139 MAIN STREET Every Monday 8:U pi.. I 0L REGULAR CAMES $20.00 MINI JACICPOT '22000 IN52. NUMBERS JACKPOT W65.0 56 IIIMBERS AdmI.iu $10 SPaoIaIIzIag lt Tgke-Oul Ordo"g Froe: Cbinese Fuud Dohovery Or0: 10% Off Chieso FoodPick-up Ordes. f(Min. $5 0,4cr, en Towe Orly.i HOURS: Monday t0 Thaudon 11 em utao 12 midoght Friday and aturdon lons ta 2 ao. 873-3272 or 87838 hfle,.sr SmS Tbru Thurii. MILTON Fn, iied St. f, 00 end 9:00 e.. fOu.24m. 25 p. 26 s1.127 s.,ud, a'ti ~?27 su-,28 mon. 29 rae 30-d 1: - - - ZI FAMiLY ,ao. 'r..u.2 r- 3 s-.4 "'2'd:0 -.- The Vampire MASTER Craves MlOI 0I F CMosi, TERROR AdmitEnteteinnent alerAdult En5etinin 000e Cboirmn.a Hic Morrom toldthe couicil bis comittee mas meeting mith the laod- lord to decide foil much rent sbould bc rebated. He told 16e couricil they woold receive 20 per cent but regloonil chair- mon Allun Mason had eue- lier suggested M0 per cent. McKenol1e mas advised a sourd systeon mas being con- sidernd 10 moke discussions in the chevalier euoier. Saime members had t loSo shoot tiobebeod. Monclanda s an iuteso 1:1d p lon PUBUCUBR the date for MiUton's annel spriog cleug-up. -0111 seod Gord Huooed- feit, Murray MeConoell and Dinh Hendricbuon toi a poo ?.eratorg' corse et Mohawkt -Autboroed recreotion directoir Bob Sn.uB and Pro-' grun. Supervisor De6 Keliy te, .tiend the Ontario Municipal Hecreatiuo Associutign Con- ference. -Asbed Muyor MacArthur f0 press for un extension ta the saoitary lundfill site deudloine inNunagumeya ut J .R. Currie OPTOMETRIST BURLINGTON MALI STelephone 627788 AiifIQùES¶ e COLLEOTOR ITEM S Fine OId Furniture q SOpenS 230 teS PM THURS. &F FI. TILL 9 K & A Antiques 192 Main St. Milton il (RESI DE NCE) 689-4751 WATERDOWN À Iî l 0 A ITO L IOSCU the reglonal level. -Agreed to adertue boars and conditions of uue for tbe Oakylie landfff site, for ftse betefnt of Milton cuaterner. -Referred te budget u Pro- ee'l po protect Frank Joc' rpry onOntario1 St. fron. erueige. Worka ouperintendeot Bruce Mc- Kerr suid rip rg~ installation wud be the o y gwer. -Autn.rized Fire Cblef A. E. Clement te attend the Ont- uriu Association of Fire Chiefs confereoce und sen.i- leur ut Suroia, Muy lg It's -The Big One Campbellville & District Lions Club 2 ad ANNIVEcRSARY D-ANCE se DANCING 9-1 AM REFRESHMENTS BUFFET SUPPER PRIZES SAT., MATY11 TH AT MOHAWK RACEWAY Admision B KIWI PERMISSION OF THE ONTARIO JOCKEY CLUB $6.00 per Porson Music by 007's For Tickets 854-9944 Mr. 'lic Wakely THIS AD SPGNSGRED BY THE FGLLOWING MERCHANTS Crawford Lumber Earlys Serice Station Clare & Bob's SheIl Station, 401 AI Interchange 38 Nort Inglis Bus Unes Lt. Syles Broadom, Milton Bank of lau Scofia Elsley's Dmp Gus Mowbray Ltd. Impedaî Ess Praducts & Home Comfodt Hawlea Farms, Campbeldlle Chris Schouten, Auctioneer, Milton Canadien Tire, Milton Toronto Dominion Bank, Million CampbeiMiile Opera Emporium, Country Gênerai Store Richarduon's Fumiture, T.V. and Appliances McCuaig Iiisirance Lt. j t Credit Union opens OakvilIle branch office -ODE MRNH RE to the homne of oiSmle und fan.ily, 311 Martin St. ne' sulted earf y Wedoeoday n.oroing wben an upholstered chair on the fun.ily mon. started on fine. tmilfle told The Chan.io blo son John, 7, uahaeoe his parents. and ueotber brother oheo he learoed of the fire. Aootber girl mon amobe. Pirefigbtees suid the fun.ily l0 lucky the fie nous dincovered Sn.illie estimates itsnill bc anuther three meeku befe the dumOeiolreOaired. Mil- ,on Fire Cbief A. E. Clen.ent eolin.uted damage mutl total St000 atleuoî. There mou litIle structurul duonage but nutohe opread tbrougb the foile causeof theeblaze isot bomn. spector ata meetiog atu8a.. Saturduy. -Agreed ta let tenders for three sundiog Onits, o gader, Imo fine ton truck. an Usree hall ton trucks for the morks deatent and un aerial Iadder for the tire depart' ment. T6e committee agreed the tenders would not bccon- strued as a commilment t0 purchaoe aoy or ali of the Items. -Wene udvised the second huod Zambuoi the tomn lied considered for parchase is o looger available. The Lions Cfub oI Milton had plege $0.300 foc the parchuse of a machioe. Con.nitteerira bers agreed the teon abouti] pick up the bulaoce aod shune colts of t11,f00 f'or o oem machine. -Agreed May 25 mould be Milton Cooinciles Commun' 17y servies Committee met, Munday oight and: -Advsed Murray Inglîn it parking a iimited nom' ber of school buses behind Higbmuy Gospel Church mould 001 creote problemun uoless complaints mere e neived. -Asbed the Kinsmen Club and the tome staff ta decter- mine the most oppropriate spot tanlocate 06bus shelter for children and saduts on Martin St. betmeen the corner of Muin St. aed the bridge over the 1t Mile Creeh. -Wan ads-ised round1i mould select a building on- Building flot yet reaedy_ Want rebate ARC INDUSTRIES STEELES AVE.. HORNBY THURSDAY, APRIL 25 2 p.m. ta 5 p.m. 6 p.m. ta 9 p.m. Halp us callabrata Our 8th anninarsary Reonamber ta niait aur beautifuf ceramnic giftshop. Refrahments oili b. serla and ail are welcaome. Toyota Community Calondar Whotas dolng in Centrait Halton Areal1 MAYTIME BALL The big day for the Gala Bull of the season 1s May 4. Mlton District Hospital Auxlllary'u Aayfline Bail n.ll foulure dineer and da ncinu alîthe Galuoy Club In Oak- ville. The trente of the Bail ibtis year le "Monte Curie Nighf" Reserve your tickets novi by caling Peggy Bieder.nan ai 87a.9287. REGISTRATION The Milfon Girls' Softbali Association will bu holding their final registratlon on April 27, ut the Leulon Hall, fru. t0a.. tuf1 p.. Don't forgeta birth certîfluale or pruof of age is required. OPEN MOUSE Be sure f0 anfend Open House ai A.RC. Industries, Steeles Aoe., In Hornby, on Thursday, Aprîl 25. The hourswill befrom 2 p.n.fto5p.m. and fron.up.m. fn pef. Hein fhe.n uelebrulo Ibeir Oth unnluersary. Cerun.iu mork wmli be on display and refresh.nents mill be seroed. See how much car your money wIi buy at 878-M "" "'826-2931 Hwy. 26 Just North of 401

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