'Old Fashioned Values' are comning your way ENPEHYBODY gets in Use awim ut the Credit ValIey Club nehen tIseP hrdy pi18 toS u Tlnkerbeil Nursery sehool bolds swim sessions Friday morninga. ALMOST OUT 0F THE WATER is thIsn Tinker Tsrt t au Manager Cecil Martin allows the sehool tIse use nf Oie pool Inunge and bell nursery school awîrnrer wo b sait quilte sauna at no çharge. guI Oie bang nf il. Retarded children swim in club pool AIt etcelby pnschIrsh ts n ubsrlsoinotemcMae nemmndssbesrntmatec them lu Park seblln in Mr. Martin toron 1he beat L S J %ýS a in -the T sherbel INPursery Georgetown cuhere Chey use cap inIthe puol evecy Frtdoy !ls ting hum aIl esper- ienôç enrirhi Che retarded. ibsIsrboîl Nurnery Sehunt. npnesncred b y ?Nrth Batus Asse . ation tfor the Mentally Retarded, tries ta develnp att Che .pntential in ynnngnters mith-tbe mental age cap lu Oive andl tbe crnnlngical age up ta egt . Frsm thece, Che childten utl attend' Susfi- sihiné Scbunt tnr the Betarded un Che SevenCh Lise. Fue mncnings o meeb the The smim pcugram startett lu Marrb, and alceady bon shows marbed reuults in Che childeens cu-ordinatinn. In Brian's rase it bas alsu stim- utated bis spec deiln- ment as he adsne mords eacbmweeb in thefnand thepnnl, and tbe lunge, tu Che seboul, free ut charge. On Fridayn tbey are taben toi 1he Credit Volley Clab in Nursal, cubece manager Cee UfNL VULUINTr4L0 tonne cntîn is Oe 050500 or the socico pragrocot for thse Tinkerbeli nursery scisool clsildren who use thse Credit Valley Club pool free of charge. Affects 200 boys Scouts form own district Mitlions Boy Scout organ oad rou~ o re operattng izton na separating lroemgIbe oieil nom u more leaders DabviSle District atd lorming are urgentty needed. Accord- a necu Milton Distrirt. iog 10i proutocial guidelînes, Scout leaders in Milton de- the ISprest leaders sbooId cided the local groups are really houe the assistance of large ennagb nom lui staod on about 10 more leaders. theirocniT. er re approi He said local leaders are matet 200 boys etrle on quite cotbusiastic about tbe Scouts, Venturers and Cubs, chaoge aod aIl are morbing ,vuttbaboutl15leadersuaitpre- bard lu makr plans tor tbe sent. ncitcb. Approsal fur tbe cbange saur on rosIs vias rrcrsued trocu the Ont- Foruseueral years. Scuutitg arin beadqoarlrrs aod in Milton bas operated as a provinciali field repreuet- diuision ofthIe Qabuille Dis- liatine Bob Turner attended a trict, Boy Scouts ut Canada. rerent meeting on Milton to Otticialu leel more Milton ussint tbe local esecutîse in participants cuill bo aSlomed a mabi plansnfto tbe change- chance lu go lu jamborers ouer .Creatin nthte Milton aod camps il Miltoo mas on District cuill take efleul this ils pavo. Tbrre shoulol aso bo tatI relatinnsbips unitb the a sauing in administratiun Dabuille District cuill beuv-costu. ereduonJune 30. TherScoutsurecently sent a Tn Jomnonee letter to0 local basiness firms; The necu district is ase announc2ng the pruposed mabin plans to sond aI Iraut change-cover and seebtng lin- oneboytothe WorlddJam- aocialnsupprtPresident boree in Normay nesl year-a Strain reportu a lecu cheques projecl thal cuill cousit aboat have already boen receiued $1,000. Somne boys trsm Mil- but more are enpected at Bou Ion cuill also hn atteoding the 84, Miltnn. Suoutu also raine reginnal cnnterenre in Brant- tondu cuith monlhly paper and tord this July. cardhuard coltlertionu, Jim Strain, iarting presi- del2vering handb2lln and the dent ut the M Iton District, tait appîr day. r -------------- SEI loase sidtng . . . fnr the t il AISE cacaîcce beaufp of it. Entiancas anc nom, aidar nO olocco, aoatîameor brick. * Neuenatspainting *toi a cusa n d inishes I 10W FACTORY PRICES ON J OTIIER ALUMINUM PRODUCTS I0 Aluniinum Domrs I uGT Ie Combination Windows 0 Car Ports Ie Aluminum Awnings t FEDERAL INDUSTRIES i oecawaea F-tof Fnrrei.,580b tnvi 843-0318 I OUT-OP-TOWN CUSTOMERS PI-ONE COLLECI Georgetown Bntary Club helpeol tbe pcngramn alungby dncnaling fil0 mucrtb ut inait- able armi bandu cublcb help give the children confidence as they lune any tear ut the mater. lOtOs help Gourgetomn Elks Club are abs duing their bit toc Che e ta ded yuungsters. Tbey don- ae a trampoline, mbich sa used in Park School. The smim progrom ls head- ed by tinda Taras, a Bed Cross smim instructer cbo bas murbed tor tuo years miCh Dus Byder in bis prugram toc bundica¶ped cataren. cbaicman ut the Tioberboîl Nursery, cmphonined each chilol bas une uulosteec muc- hier. "Ose vuluntrer cuill houe tbenamechildtfiniaitleasltmuw mnnthu os tbey qet lui bom eocb luther mdll.' An ospaid unlusteer ancrages Imu mursîngs a meeb as ber contribution lu, the rolardeol cildren. Until a yeac agu ail tbe cant mosohosorbedhby the North Haillon Association toc the Mentally Belardeol, cubu rai- sed the mney tbugbdan- ces, cattles, and babe noIes, nom the provincial gouveru- ment cnuers OS percent ut the coult 'Me nouery uchosl mias utacled tbcee and haIt ycacs agit by Jeunie Kuiben and Jue Beeney, in tbe bouemeut ut the ARC Industries mucb- shup ait Hucnby, then moveol a cocstin ntrGorgtowns Christ- tan Schosl on the Seventh Lîse. They nom, nccupy Imu rosai Parb Suhosl, and havelmnepaid assistants, Sue Euons and Jane Van NorIas. A HELPING HAND given the young nwimmers confidence as they try nut the pool ut the Credit ValIey club. HYDRAULIO OIL WE MAKE BULK HYDRAULIC R & O C.S.R. 150 a NjA;Y11Pa Kendall 450 11I CONTAINERS GOATS, TRACTORS and MACHINERV We have aCOMPLOTE lJhnSt.,Oakvilin MAHN i0futh .h 386 'Stades Avo., MilIon 278-30 Itent lou is andl porsonnel. 243 main SI. N.,rAton 853-0320 rday April 27th, 1974 No 545-258 Recol star 473" cai IMPORTANT 000 prcosto lu aie eccry effot c supply adanr-1 Dr o oanoîto,r creasig sotofîîtariotrns ,îed rctl. hnee,i lduelttcoditonstcyîttd qtaei-ffe faeete aobtsocroona the ccig tot lcnîu tequcatîctntifisadweoibe]I dr-rouît oubtite ecaal u elt~aiy O ?6,sNt gI1M frîtry gren cl015t sommer use Cana t -rtinF 10-6-4 The ital rutrieîlu h e' Nîu0 £1100 aredîoaaiai rautd as CO-C No 270-04 Kentuck aigri i AbN1 20' CLIPPER 3Vi2 H-.P. LAWN MOWER k ;ysl 11 as d i aaM'e diaNoi P STANDARD ySire conts C60y'. ePark Kentucky Sîoîîîauu 1 rye 01400 Prodoci a oî oui gsaou crlou No20901 I 798 N35'i 2 TRI. TOCPL'IN SPRINIIL A word to the wise When t cornes to hot water, uaiflg it wiaely-ttot waatefully- makes good sense. milton hydro your hydlro > 250 Main St. Phono 878-2345 ATTACHM NT SALE &1l"II,