.C6 Canadien Champion, Milton, Ont., April 24, 1974 Mer"brook ... Coniait[fed tr page Cl Fireplaces butrchas paly be The large lo bung - ire- harmer candle saîf:e place ha s an aid bars board butter pras, irosulae pic- mantel adsrsed mith assarteil chers, jelly malds, saa borne brasses. As iras iele diahes, aidI sbevisg mirror Z7 anches la circainteresce, la are aed as amaad halder -a fer cry tram the original lasiciion mhen it hcld bailiog maier for acaldmng the bides and beir frram slaughlered piga. Aasecasd tireplace lin lathe mare formai living roamn. A lovelyaoldspaol cradleisastill nord far baby Betsy and is cigbt ai home alangside antique tables asd an oId lianal denh.L Esgllsb gloa hhUUfU Uh[ - The tmo large asindama in ~ £theedignilied dining rouam are E lait andraped. Antique en Enliati glass an mindao * aefses catches tbe sunligtl, I naendiiig nparkling rellectians i thraagbaai tbe raom. A crysial chandelier centres lltllllIlllîî a thie large mabogan ~ e, dnnglable. Alovey s eo? r eeie rcmmcd mitb apool design. I ýtti I Aerynsern oun Hamrel a acten 4e r~~dchbeirlom portrait. ap ae hcing as r a on the fine cid heil bards, apoal beda. clansical the bedrooma. e 6îl.- Mary points out the tact OLO WICKER choira in %fdt h opataîra courmi are rai1 fe by ta tact - Veiy the Merry bedrooma yrrmmetrical. 'Nobody buda are ÇIarticolarly a boone lihe ibal nom, she beautifuf. mss POPULAR MAILMAN Bob Brownridge and Mrs. Brownriclge were hoeared by hoxholdera on R.R. Friday eascning when o atereo hi-fi waa praaentcd ta mark iheir retirement affer 16i/ yeara on the mail route. Mrs. Ailan Patternan, Mrs. George Marshall, Mrs. Browsiridge and Bob are ahomo with the hi-fi. (Photo by R. Downal It's time to check your bike Obie sales la Caada bave ocaily daubaId bossuai 1971 and1972l(aniesimalu ii ront 100,000 to I 1,0lllltsaioi a sputicaman fic ski Ontarsio bal nîs' Lonacle. And Oiiiais Sil eycle acientis arcaseliissi ibis iroile. Alsliiiib osais figures bisvc iss blai s-laaaid, fatal eollision sh îg bils iaiup niially ligiun thi pas Bicycoleacients can bci pro- venira la -sinem viy as or vahiole aciîdentsh lis' niaosari sh ha bib lae lia rilis sii loi yoa to hadîr coialls. lins iîbaisiaibaimaadiliis'g clidraion ofthe road and liat su drive delensis-ols ai ailties The sie il poar liib afnfecs ynnr abiliysto raeadauseilie sienclat, pcdaliîî and lirabîag Va sliuild I)ae to.iraeli the îraondscoml ifi ihe hall il yeu fns lii isba arc sfunt ipnagbicyl it hc yoinrcnooslumiar.ssiîiaidsio ii by praiis-ginpiakiilot, adochercplacesawaysiaisitras- fie îdl at feah s-glu iaId s'ai havelt ndoaîaîssol. Frras- ample, if s'i bave liug-li aî Il speed racr, yiill fiud st tbis time oo aaiusd ta shi osas.. and s'iiiaa raeliiromiidai.pds iîb iî. Ai bigb ipeuti iiui can loir contrisl iflo iii a mal stlor tho irssai gaieg vhell catches onaiimirarasiag. Sale Operctiis Condition Viar biscs'll lsa i ull. undcc ski tiglsas' Frtriei Acl, and i mail lcia laoine iparasiot condition. Haccoarasomnctiia1ioibheck. Lauieaiiiii roas bib, licîd haar.icaser brakecandeiaab beiriagiaeed gond mli-picpiso grase. Chaia and padals nîod suod ligbs maebiae ail. Secrsat - Kccp hadlioara siraigbl. tiî1b and righi bcigbî. Koîs' biadlbar nuis îsgbî. Mabe sue layas arcaaail. Wbiils - Cbeek (or boal or miissag ipikis. Kaîs' axl is Tiras -Ciras- lia cois ad liraiis. Keiypressureiop. Danit drive mlli balaI tirsi Bmkibs -Keipitham pspnls' adîiild Chaia Shuldbelsiieadaad oilid ro1uals. Cheik lar c an babas. Keop propei tension - about' -3i p-aad-dio mono- Yeer Blicycle Mast H na bell, bora or air oribnîirdcc. -If s'ai are daii-g toi osatici lighî anrobleaospbeî isoas, people and a she bighmny are r disieroihlo ni a dosta feit or lois. pin on wshite or amber lia fcoat il s'oor bies'cle rofficir or lighbio Yin muss naie bai fleiceii masorial ai loat,. l mîdo on the dii and white rinfcs Ilai l bans 10" long onathefolrntilrka. RULES 0F THE Bileîs are Prohiblie: j, RIGHT TURN Road study doubted prefer $ for roads Milton Conocil bas serions beaclîl in hnamîng ishal han dcia abant thebe hascs ai to ha donc, iftihra s no gisg aheedmwilbanaapdaia mancylaodo lt as tbe mrns Ilr sinds' MoGenebia cxanad the Prrration aftshe apdîic Msnîstry bad loallîd ihe mois eostl$23,000. ClerrbJack amaonalp ls'e iath area la Mcecchîr sad Milton Coar the acas lamn and 1bk M0 par cil bcd becs lad don the ar cerni il Ibai lac the 1974 des poib by the Mînisirs' nI almoation. tasorn and tam- The mattr mon ratred ta mmclom mîlh the initial badget. stsdy. MrGeachîc tld ronnecil Tsesdoy otlasiiiecblthe Mia- iaty hed sadicaird the suds' maod asurrtheiomnaofsal- icicai tonds ta, do the mark Bailais efse nehsidy K n Moticachîr aaid Ihara arr aid slady as deticirai ia haap thtw lam hsy toc soma yeora. Hecsoidthermiiry nor agcd the aindy, Ibmn rclaard F i o asssadiooadilth rails jL 0s è Coutilo Jis Kecrrs-nid Ils. thc stody sboald ha torgailca and the moey osad la do - mach elreedy os the prioriiy tinit. Hie nuid tterr mas n- 0 FA B1iAN 7 Fine Furnituro i Y -ICS hicke MILTOU Main and PLZ MILTON I LEFT TURN anc: mbenithe speed lii la 50 gi od milrsan or r on more _o o cd-i oairolled-ooeesa bighways (aalcss s'ai lire on pripccis' suter dirb, adjoiaiag tbeeaaitrolled-oecsIl mbca, die highsaas su mhiih ihore la n oc ants' isibr moasof nes by higb- le coadi- milil. cIl on oi clemis' Signalg nec of 510 art base a Yeti miss baad-siaeal lielore hi an tbe ioraing, eba lattbans. siapping andoarid or sloming dimn. the er crd an- Rigbl.nt.Ways ciiit 10" Atintercionsi miibhoi ligbis, baeb Ier stop or s'icld allas, yield rsgbi cI- ivenmater- mas' tiisramic pproini fronm 1" I idi. thecrial. Comina outlofadrive- mis'. pielaI righi-ol-aaay. Toms ROAD Daaitdreidcio onisiathelas pal rads Signal miii obead il lanning poist and bld signal aaal s'_ ari rady la suari the iun. Pal boîb binsid on handleboas mliea mîbing shi sIla Do ais mibi the isri eso ia i sali to do sol. Cîimplet oîr i inîr lahe pro- per lai. As boas' intersections, ha' soier lir is thei ir pcdesiriana. Uer off s'iar bibi and molb. Pedastrice Crnasos Violîsk the b rilh-mis'a ic pld eilriînsinithe rossoor, slomia1 dais- cs siappissg il ocessors. Durst pais anoibr achice aithin 1 (1) fcc ofthecrosaoec. Thie -ira jais aimne af the raies ofl k -a.d ya mass bom ad alias, lias s'eus hou laide Os the ..flvrs-s-\ Handbiah availoble fromt ski Minirs at Troospor- STOP saisir ,asd.Cimmnniiatiiim. Obituary Ivan Gould, barber Ras- s-harles Rainer coadnciadithetouncral sceice recaniylfor Ivan Gondaof 108 Mill Si., Mîlton, mbo dicd an April 10 ai Miltoa Haspitla. Bornail Lloydtoma. Oal. an Ang. 15, 1085, ha mas-ad In Milton la l910 mhcs ha mon ampînyed liy Sandy Dntt os a barber. Aller Sondy's reire- ment ha pnroboncd the businessmbrich ha aperaird foras-ari40ycni5. tannas of Crarmara. aiso Ha i suarais-ad by bis witc Grant Baher aI Barliagn. Alice MrTagna and sac Bill af fil mas ai Evargran Orililo Cameas-. Mîlton. Pnlleairrssr Bsill Monaaî John Lnuit ad Ioan mas o litatiîmc Rosa t'raraa ail ai Milton and mambar ot Si. Pool's Unied Cnrl Waodwsard and Cecid Charti Milton. TRAVELWAV Friends, customterse say thanks to mailmagn Bob Once 200 Irseade asnd payer. Mes. Allast Pettrsos many years. eutemers fl Milles' a ms sn charge et the get ___________ Rurel Racle Ose gathercd la books mbicb mes cisa Graham Hall, t. Pesl'sprensed ta the Charch as Fridey eveis te Bromridges.L BR Cytribale te tte ma mb bers bcisgtsg ttefr mail Manie BELL R for the pest 16½ veers. Bouqets et lomers mccc Bah Bramnridge and fbis dosaîrd by Miss Bessie Smith 01DFUA mile Ruth recestlyilgave up asd Mc. and Mes. Robert FRRPNI the R.R. i mai ceaIe Hamtharne. The MiltosnELV ellbsflthjeen coisuisft Sesior Citicens Club or- BLV te iver Rl. R. Il car.hestra estertaised mith estil tteir coutlc mitt the munsic and recitalians and lait Canade Posl Office expires lai neyeraI sisg sangs. Ima mare yeers nh ttey Rab Bromsridgr thenbed cas retire. H :%asdoe thc ail bis cstomera; toc tteir R.R. 4 mail toc thc peut 2e lcibales andsIdbmasocil years.daing bis doly, bot emec ycer. Itoci Lamrence said Bob E Friday'a perty ma wamenthe hind ot meilsian mho orgeird b y evecel af the meal "bayosd the raIl af b Zanr. Den il Lamresce dets" ta pravide efficient mas master af ceremosira scrvice la tic banhalders. asnd Je ites, Jus WiBmatt and Bill McFeddes spolie as Lunch tallomed, mitt thc bhaBf et the Brsmsirilg' mest icca-ing. Evcryose FIEE HOME OOMF castamers. Leu Fortes csniribated tomard the preeateil a letter and el- dioner. Among thoor ai the PHONI velope aI mole mbite RImer bed table mas Mrs. Jesair Douglas and William Raycer Means mho bas aosioted the prrsested a srs hi-hi cabinet Bramnridgen miib the mail 87808 mttrcord changereandltape rootecon a partitimcbaaisntor _________ COMMUN/TY 227 Main St. Miltea Rentais Fertilizer apreader i.50 Lama relier 2.00O Rate tiller 3i/2 h.p.12.00 Retenmller4h.p. 13.0O Floar snader and edger 9,00 A LI Vibra saadier 3.00 Fridge cart 2.00 5h11 nsaw 4.00 Jig nsaw 3,50CL AI Drill 1ls" 3.00 L A A Drill i/i", 4.00 Hedge trimmer 6.00 Sumppump 5.00Pre-pasted washable Pestlhele digger 1,50- Lineleam relier 2.00 Lama mole 6,00 ON Semer acger 2. 00 Ponodriver 1.00 Rag ahampeaer 2.00 Wheelharrew 2.509 Osh fer itemu ei liulndRe.t'45 Hoerla and w.nktiiratesRe.t 5 __ avalable.Weave gît a great vartety of pý and at thts Iaw prce, it's a s juif Can't affard ta misst PS. LTD. LE FUEL OIL 'y OIT SERVIOE 380 TOURS Cianadat L101 87 Mountainvlew Rd., North Georgotown, Ontarlo, L7G 4J6 " Maritimes International 14 days $349.00 twin Newtoondland 19 days $499.00 toin "Sape . 8 days $183.00 ltn " Lake Placid STOME 3 days $ 82.00 loin " Western Canada 21 days $564.00 loin "Golden West and Expo 74 19 days $479.00 Bain O Agawa Canyon Elliot Lake 4 days $io.0o twin ForI- lsîrblissebar or bearcer boa infirastatias piroor col 877-2251 ý:l_ - - 1