Gymnastics, music, skits at open house BRAD JOYCE hango salidiy froro the rings dorîng his performance at the Milton District High Schooi open hanse Wednesday. (PoobS.Dls Joo yS Dlo The Milton District Higb SeotOeHosse mas rataid aocesyail mbr atfended. About 300 people mere present ta mafri the auitorium preorotatior. Participants in the programt mcc grIf gymnasto Dearna Odeobach, Drbishi Appletor, Maria Maamorato, Kaores Jobooton and. Ee-y Kuocbnik. Bob Rerd, Brad Joyce aod Mihe Arnolfd preoroird their demoo- otrationo on the rings and high bar. Debbir Watdrn aod Jare Wilsn presenîrd a musical interlude on brhatt of the Folkb Club. The bond aito favared mitb a few munirai piecro. The Drama Clab gare the aadience a pes ai whatil to coming up ox thnpter- formance VYoure a Gond Man Cbarlie Brown" ta br presentrd Mayl13, 14 and15. Streaiser tu The Theatre Arts cfass presented anhki involving the paris broch tbrme. iocioded in fise perormance mer Jolie Barbrr , Neil Clarkson, Dehhie DeBruyn, Andrea Dofty, Monrone Hume, hosan M c Cominb, George Mcilmraith, Patf i 0r, Janet Sbreiber, Marh Grenke and Çlary Doroan. - Adding ta tie paris brnch orene mas otreaker Neit Ccismkon mio appad a r grm second time during tise ion rTise. stdents urre otant repiay ot tise skit as congratofated for tise in- staged hy the students. terenting performance and JetI Wbaiog emerd tise diuplay. Hi Q team is victorious By mteers Ohm Beamsîlle. By the nemi- Tise Milton District Higis lisais ail Hamilton tlams tcbooi Hi Q contingent uereoutlof therunnîrg and returord to Milton victorinus Wfite Ouku mus playing Friday aiter defeating White Dundas for a position in the Gais S.S. and minoing tise finals. cbampiunsbip. Noirth ns. ssish Hi Q ls agame show teotîng Milton soondly deieatrd intelligence, sponmored by the Bramurifîr and White Gabu Hamilton-Wentmnrts Bonard pot out Dundas leasing urty ut Education and hroadrast Halton, use north vs lise oser CHCH-TV in Hamitton. south, in the rompetif ion. The gam innopen tna group By therend ofitheiirstofta of tour Grade 12 utudeots in tmo game lofai poinsires if tise Hamilton ares. Hattor luubed as if tise sutb, Whsite mas reprýeened hy Miltas, Gabo, unuld min ouf hut the Whitr Gabu and Blabefucs. score mas stif f cloue ..510- Tise rent of tise competîtn 400 for White Gubu. came from Hamilton- Milton heains jumped te Weotmortb urbuolu. ork ut the brgiuning ofthIe Multon's tram of John second round und tonS a Chapman, Mîbe Kendrirfi, beulthy fead. Milton main- fin Kirby and sub Bill Fay ta inrdltherludthrughaut tise drtrated Ibree Hamilton high round, uinniog 110-430. The scisoot trams beore estering final score mas 110-940 oîth tise nemi-finals agoins Milton the jubilant minors Canadfan Champion, Miffon. Ont., Aprît 24, 1974 C3 Student Gord Thompson is studying in Belgium Gordon Thompoon of Mifton usrerentfy orfecird le partîcîpate in a one yrar internationaf otodrof ru- changr programn sponoored by Rotary Clubs Iter- national.H ti lutudying i Oefgium A grade 12 student af Milton Disfrirt Higb Scisoof, Gordon i thersnof Mr. and Mru. Daiad Thompuon ut 382 Maplruood Creor., Milton. Hr urote Ibis articlr on hin impressions t0 date: By Gardon Thompon Il lu surprising hou fasf righf monthu paru, rupeciaf fy ufrn one isulays sreing nwthiogu ard trying te finid fore lu oie otheru. I rau remrmher un f hough il wr onfy yestrrday. leaviog Toronto for Montreai and afler a I Ohoor drlay, cor- firoîrgoen for Itrussels, My "home foor' for the year ns Marche-en-Famenne, in the Ardrnnesrrrioo of Brlgium. The village is lypical of thone rn the French-sprahing prouvioren: quite suaIt, narrow roadu,mwithftheoloeue bolf right up ugoruf ther sidroalhs, aod11 mih a square in the centre cf the four. Thr sqoarr originalyo'ususrd for fueso guiringu hut, îsith the adverrof modern hum, if ns now a parking fol. Thr li11fr uhopu. such eu fthe hof cher, the fluber and the pantry- maber, cornidrred typicaf of Europe, arr uluecly bring drivrn ouf of buinrss hy large irternatiunaly ownrd shopping chaîns. Thr caler, on lhr other hurd, are tl lhro ing--Marrhe bus 45 lu srea population ut 4,Ift. Thr beginnirg of Sep- temberhbroîghtuîith itthe heginning ut ochoorf Mire os run hy Cul o u prirots and is an all hyu' uchoof, altbuugb le thr fîberally-mînded sectionu ufthIe hîgger cîtîru, miord ochooto are sturfing. In Frenchs The uyntrm lu thr old unr of hring witb thesaineclan ail yrar (and offer ail lhrough une's ucltuof years) and ut studying a sen courue ot perbapu 12 subjertu Tbe h ggstAt dif r.e bomeser. mas hasîng al] mnyclasos .n French, and urt if Christ mas, aI thugh tImau iouking pro- grenu 1 could ouf foffsm the intutini ary class Now if lu mucb brifer and in Jure t rul n doubi try tbe final rsams. mhich arr oral.,i front utajr o ee frachers! Muni proplr go1 te Eropr lu trasr andtopoe1 haie donr my laie nhurr. Untlî Christmau, t spenl muni of my limie ririg hrfgîum, o 1h a tourmito Luxembourg. Joui before the Christmas holidays, t mml 10e Alicante, Spain. for four dayr to sit my gruodiparrntu mho r there for a montb. The %veebrod aller tbul 1 lf1 for Imo werfs of nbiing and ski- inulrucin in luthe Sm lus A Ipu aI Leysin. For tbe Mardi- <iras Carnisal, 1 t ent f nNice and the Cote d'A zur rn France. Wr meuh doms by cr, croosnn the mhole ut France. Whilr thee me foiiredtheFrenchuand Iatus ruants. soupfgor a bail day ai botb Mo.nte -Carfu and Canones. My latent trip mas once ugaîr a sbiîng une-this timr lu Lecb in Austria, uhere i swmy parents for a feu dayu. Tumorrom, bing the brgirnîng of Staster fiofidayu, 1 lease for ttaly, in partirolur lu vs it Rome, Fflorence and Venice, mbich should broery interenting. Aller thal, the Belgiar Rotary District 163 ns holding ifs tisotrict Cor- ferrure, ut mhich ifotariano fronm ail] oser Belgii.m, a fru trou oeîghbrring countries and t he 20American and Canadiar Exchange students hosîrd here by Rotary Inter- nainlîfil br preurot for the eekend. The Sfodent Exchange Program is unhriievasly mn!l orgasiized. mith Rotary lofernatioraf1 piarîrng otodrofs in hosi clubs in more thonr30countris, and tise hont clubs in foin placmg thse sfuderti n tiree four hont families for one year, My host familhes have brrr àreaf. treating or libe arother son, and eafly hefprd ut the begorirg wfhoiy learinggof 1 have learord a great deof abouf the propl e on Befgiom aiodof other coorfre as el bouth throogh my day-f0 day living iththrm ando.lth the mary confacfs wifh fhe fIfrernafionaf Eochange Sfodrof o The uarey of ways rn ofuch differeof cuffores approarfi fhiogr fias brrr faucirafîog. Tfhe re o r monfho afreadv seem tus shiort todo alfhinguf 01 wnt do. f carrof fharb fhe Rotary Cfob of Miffon and Disfricf 700 of Rofary Infternafionaf eroogh foi fhe opportoîfy ihey have giver fa me. -Mary locaf fîrfiermer are catchirg smefi ai Beorir. < 8eta&îàý Qg .4 4 54part fIEL SWAALD a0t MAIN ST. MILTON - ~ 7vey~ v878.4472 CHARLIE BROWN IMariene Hume) is coming to ... ... t Arts_ - Milton District High Schoi in "You're o Good Manon uto s Ni Churlie Brown." The pluy begins May t3 at MDHS plrdcton Ous ca ea for a three uight engagement. Caurbuhion thr camer (PhtobyS. ils)stunt rcpiay of the _Tlie, nsf local bloodi do ki Ma1to 7 i Child Sufety orgee orelchoi sThursduy. Moi 23. ISerf (Photo hy S. Dilis) -~EIGHTY-EIGHTH IN A SERIES A Mark of Progress in Milton:" Newmhomene reoaduuandr nesrvices taxe shape Inthe gomieg DoreiParkara ut Miulîn Oundedu of nem homes areuepeoted te b rompinird agalin ibis muar au tise papu arifyo0f the Mtone location hnoomeso ahios. Wemeicome theuruw residenis miss are ti nding the loue a pleasant place t0 lioe. .'or aprogrer ( / , I ue Pi ug connan... AIS 208 Main Street E.. Milton 878-29 j 227 MAIN ST., MILTON 878-2353 I lep