Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Apr 1974, p. 11

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I Ujývely discussion features first Renaissance "forum"' Hnltnn Renaissance Dlnsnittnns sein ot lie pbic farun a ans Ianc Mnnday wlnen about 85 ai' tendnd Use Mltun fartan beid ait Ontario Scisenifo tueUs Dnt ust sper ms Knnneth R. DavisPreur ut Hlstery ai Uninersity of Waterloo and a livlvy qas ilsa answer perlnd lïbs addrnsa. Pubie taretas cuntinund Tunsdy in Gngtw n Renaissance cbqlesnan Ken Campbell ot Milton an- nnunced neyerai speakers cill headtin Use forums. Rted edacator Renald Damd spake Tuu in OereenadwiIl be bCk tue eet uesdy's Rpin Oakville, chue. aMilten reaident W. B. ElsIey, a retleed educatri nebn n Acteon Frtdy andTo Singe, r utOnhele beada Munmday'o prug9ren in Burtinglun. hub Smith, puiiamentery asis t t Ue Mteluteir ut Educ=u, is aise mcheduind te attend Use Burtinglun toumn. Alternatives Peut. Davis Munduy reiewed education in Ontario and cnCled tee a relues te Use .tudeo-Christian nyntese. The pensent ugunientien ut educutien te 1e ceunty nystea, pe trends in leceers' erganientina repesent "e muig tesard tar .onutai cuntret" 6ie enid. "'In a pieruiatie, tree suclety, shud nt goernsin be en=cn te aItut tue e rennbe numbner ut aller- natives-tor tuerge seinueltins aitlessi" 6e usbnd. Tbeue buser iban Roman Cathetien whbu see te penvide FARM ACREAG WANTED FARMS WANTED Freta te acres and ue mtth ne l fottr tree evetuatten- tatcheat buildings. Sutttbte tue humses. Fue esetîdeumet JIM ERTIN~î nei te otumnpns Residence 827-4678 Inge Winther 845-7549 or 5 te 20 acre parnets, ctth nr Reidec 83-99, itheut buildings, Ornat v I Residnce 53-190. emanti. Have readn boyet. E. W. Slone Lti., Roui. tor, 61 Lakeshre Rdl. BAYLEY- MacLEAN ITD. W., Oukvitte. tealtr ueamtt fléchi < OR Lc %A Look for this sigfi OALL 854-2655 IUST LISTED IN KILBRIOE Olcler trame hume un large vtllage tut ut nearty ¾v acre ttatertnel 3 large tedrentas, numptetete rebuttt kit- ctiee,tlicinguruuecand rncrm, 198'tfrmtage, bea ett tutty treeti, net tortace andntntmeey, laree3ecar gee aen,esprieu crnnt'eennun across lot, artestaneettIn baemectt supptytng tceiuhbeueteu commercialt establishmets Jone t possession. A spring spectut ut $40,900 cesh. TIIIEE DEAITIFIL MIIFAIMS 22 acres-titoti tend aed bustM esîrpment. Peineti et 500 per acre. Ternis. 22 anres, 'ettittu and eeleed ehaltetu buildinog nites-meetetf Camptetteitte. Petenti et $3200 par anre. Tee tas. 5 acres-smth et Camphettottte-cumptntety trnnd. retend at $42,00. Tcmis. CALL Jim Watson AT WORRALL'S ~-The Royal Trust RD"IT"Company Real Estate Division t.t. NO. 2 GEORGETOWNC-3 Budeenta raisei Butgowe. Listait Iededay, sutd Thueedey. 100 ACtES-Ct eteute Neesagaeea. tl tenk e ltttt longern this uone but ite eutd. WOODWARD AVE.. MILTON 3 tedroeem Bucgalow. Lînteti Wudcesdey, sutd Thuesday. OUt APOLOGIES TO ICOnE WCO WERE ICTEREnIEO CN THE ABOVE PROPEOTtES. e-E DtDN'T HAVE A CHANCE TO EVEN AOVERTtCE TWO OF TO CM. AVAILABLE -53 Acres e-mb tmmanutate site eptit homen, doubte geaae, pies 3700 sq. tt. block hide. Faeteettc set cp ftue hsmuit hasinessmae. Askteg $135,000. - Prestige Home te e park settteg, 3 hedemom, 2 steeey hrick. Yen Oant catch the hait games teum teeuc own eutode et tbis mn. Auktcg $65,00t. - 2 Storey Brick Home Spattees lt andi mt, tteeptae te liin otuoem, 3 tedeneme up, tien on maie ttoe atod stiti a tamtty euum Inethebanemeet. ThistIsaeodee. Askeg $5,50. -lnvestment We Oeve O dopex pnoerinten te chnne tnon, lie i n ayentonent, cent out the tOen and let noeoene rise helr puy oft Cour moetuae - 19 Acre Campgrounds O Lake Huonu. Detaits tee cumnereus te eptete, Rie usearcattaedce'the happy tdscuns ileith yta. - Building Lot 21/2 acres et bush, goed building tocation. Askteg $29,5011. - 17 Acre Triple "Att Horse aed etdteg stable business: huen, barns andi ait ut the peeperty te excettent cndititon; reedy te mve it. CALL THE ROYAL NOMOCO 878-5000 COLIN SMILLIE GEORGE SPttLLtE 86Mta2 distin:tly Cbrintin scbuuls ns ppsd teUe Zcuain cpfi uoti.esy=ia,er otitl eequiend te continue Useir tee support erthUe public :ytet, Davis paintnd eut. He etapheieed Use nend tee mecb er tienibitity in Userbic edtucatien nynteta an U e dessinent secuterista cbicbns cne tereplace the traditienat Pretestantisun deneenstruten renpect tee 1he Christian natue betd by et teanlea sigolticant tainerity in Use province. He cbergnd Usee in e "nsynlenetie subversion" et purental centret in the public nyntene. Suciety han becoe pletrelistie but Use nebeet =ynt asn't be neid-'il ha tlen inte e taeneltisi neculuriin." Notlthe stlle Reerle sen eduentien te Usth bus be naid il a imspossible te pesent nenh a tepiennetdlinicet cey unîbeut dinturting il. Religinen edecetien, 6e teIt, purnt, I "tcannt te gien up te Use et. A quention and ase perlitd telnwed, tabennserel Us te eudine sieted their siece un the current educetien centroeeey. One cemen cleineed Ibere are teucheen nuppunedty teeebtng eidren UsaI nl] lite tret Ced, yet tany tearbeen den't betiene il tbetaeletsn Ceurge Jecksen cendered tf the Renaissanre ceapaign cen ennîber crepes triai but coinrititten cheirman Campbell eetd "thet trtal hes te be foughttinrev'erse." Ca.pheti dinreused booke in tisenbeuteandusuggested there seulti be a rating syntea nirniter te tiat given mesien, ne tbet bildeen ciii net "eeeideeteily drep nIeo sewer" *ti atecber recee t mendeeahbook Heslletbhel discusseti une book nnttha trusee chu, etter reeding juet 35 pageu clied i "sie" andeerdered it leremced treta ai Haltue bigh nebeet tiheeries. But soee noeu ere studyteg Pieyhay and Pleygirl megezinen te communicationnoclanses, Catapbell edded. Cult hingsout Anether cetan enhet parents te ninit tbe ncoeni and enk chut te e6ildren aedeing in titeretuie end Elgtish clesses. S6e rlimed Usey es- werbing cilUeut tests and etlting Uingee uto Reeder's Digest and necn- H-etame end SCheel cen hrietly disecused. Geurge Jacksen ut Milten said il ceon't ey eftective, due te e iecb ut interent un Use part et Use parente. Pref. Davis neid Use Renaissance ceuntittre "has taure petentiet tue chaenanethIe Hume and SCoel ergenteettune in Use province put tegeUser." The tupte nceeg erud lu ses eduontien and e mate sttdent enbnd cbere yeu iearn lil, tf set te nebeet. "I leerned taure in cleen tbon i leeened un tbe etreets," 6e eeid. A girl stent deneribed ber sehent's sen elteontien courne un ntresning seamity retetienehipa. But Camepbell rleined us edueutien te the echeuin te * nnsding Use prinecof etme indisiduein, end Peut. Devin said 6e bel'iennn preper sen educetien but hie ece childeen gel "dinterted... minintermetiee" un ses et theirnebentl. "Sciety has boed taure sesunt heng-upe esine tIm ses educetien tegen,"1 he nieimed. Acadrenîc vs. enutres Keneeth Hensard et Milton said heceeeeeocened about the "hante ecedemie" te the systene. neoh as npeliig. Dasis saiti 6e cens "aboutit ititerete" etudents remieg inIe uniceenitien tedey and bianted the schueis tee coueentrettng un the 4'esetton" rallier then the hantes et educatien. Asheti te ram 6te "esetien" 6e net- greted Englteh ceurses Usat aree't teerhtng hante Englinh and eue coresn teantasien, utepia, liteeery crittrtsta, leiperai kittet et eteetivsn "but sery tittie un hec te ocette a sentence era amm ouneudedth 1e teruta ctth a reetuent tee sceitten commente on eduratien and the Renaisnance mecemeet. aino tinenetai contributiens te heep the nensmitre ceeh geieg. He promised ateameto consultants ciii tabe the niece efth1e peeple "positive propoaes"-te 16e board et eduretien. Want pa.rkway beit restriction Iifted f rom town A large blockt et lundi teb central purt et Milton shoiti te esetnplteeta 16i te Park- members et Milton Couictt egreeti Wedneday eveneng. Couneilter snet ouI 16e urea an aitlantis helceen Highcay 401landDeeeyCRd. teecî re' muine Rd. on the cmlt te the prepuset Dorcal Way os the Couri hiadt reoriseti 21 ppicons trom tandecenens ctsmu lhaetnds te te exemapt. Insteati oe geaetieg 16e 21 requents, couneit Strike. .. <Cotinu teona page une) firbets maieteteet e 24-hour match eith1e plant's lhee entranres, until Thuesday chen Icu trucks anti e horde et policemen erriseti te reoecur sprints omneti hy Chryster Curp. thut cern inside theetet buetiplant. The truckbai ha e ct trorn the nherttt ultucing Iheta te remose the epriege. Piehetn utioeeth 1e trucks to cronss the fines, in t6e taco eth1e e-rit. Ce Frtdey boeeer. chen Ico trucks arrisei tei haut acuytmore spings, agroup et about 50 ntrthtng m paoyees gatheret i eth1e M ti St. plant etune. As the trucks cere ieavtng tbey enreuntereti huards anti hochey peche Mn chtrh nie inch spihes heti heen deiven- anti une truck sutteei eight penctueties white 16e secondi truckha bto f ale. Thele cai truck matie il us tar as Cleeles Anc. tetre the tires cee tee flot te manoeuvre aey taue, anti e toc truck cas cutteti Il hecird the truck te Scohie's 'ire Serice for nnyaînx. Mentohttne C endae truck retatterm dineenered one of ilsntructrtnmeceinvoieedin the eperutten and sent eta pîye eretrene the unit. Anin 1 ReTaI pestaen eith1e scene setiU nie trucke are net etieceti te cross pirbet hies. The original driver, chu liad eepartedty reeted the terk teM nota Uer rentai tirta, let anti relurent inter ctth anoter trerine te bond acey the traiter. Steikeen boid telieeth Ue trnck to the Uteetes Ave. lut chere tbe tires cern epet anti henint anti heot t Ue driver chen he tinlly teft wiUs hisnItend. Reen uttieen truta Huttes Reglunet Police steud guard around Use truck. decîded 10 attempt le hae the choie block enempteti. Metaheen aise reiterateti their stand thal 16e eorth- southhbraeeheofthe parhcay sheuii eue in the luth con- cesion athe easttieeofthe tocn, rather than tbe einth concession. They aine ap- peesed a motion caling tee emners cho cee entitiet te huilding permit prieir 1016he purkcay legisiation. but cet able te huitti nec hecanne et the minimum nie et 50 acres etiputute in teh1e parkcey tegisiaten. te te greeteti permite. Ce greet denetepaets Planning titreeter Bo6 Seadenyit bld cousicilth1e lifting ofth1e paehcay legis- ltttn tises net mean chute- suie subdivision dreltpmenl on thenetlands. He satihecuns getting "e tenod et peuple" che thnuhb thet teraune I6e teisliton on thts parcet their bad.eoeutdlieripetfer mansise subdivisnues. "The counril te nt romrnttteg il- self te greut large desetop- mente." 6e remindeti metaheen Zsadenyt said tuether expansion tehtog placuo 101e rant anti cent et tome cas "untthnty." The Mintstey et Naturel Renources te ienhieg at 16e area cecI t ofacew but drainage Ihere couit hase te he le 1he 12 Mite Creeb anti t he prosince te. enpected te teece on ftas unCente Creeh Procincial Park te tuether tiocestreum. Lande May le a po em tonttr said tecauseeittneaneecver- sizig series toserve the Ce flt the tomn' indus- teil restdentiel ratio ttttOht t,ý tîiîctitrng t'toîtatel xcggected an aenemeot te the meton, calitng tor the procince te puy open market salue tee tends lete eci the parkcay-renher than the peton et "landi they teene te Direct taeprovnce Lent ceek ouenti reneti murd teon t6e Mtnintry et Ceuntng, Otticial Plane Breech, Ibet uIt fture reqeste tue exetaptions fronm the parkay beIilatefl nut 16e local ceril. Ceunritier Riek Day teld curit dit if Use ruenecil titi eut ltght tei have thin block et peupeeties enetapteti, 16e reenrcil ceteid te reetining Use parbway belli princile. Municipal parkland to selI by tender Cule et a pince et mounicipeiiynvmed tend in Use subtiie at Cnampbeiile ^y vso 'publie tender cas receta- mended by the adminis- trutien entatitten ef Milten Ceeniti Menduy. The land ces dedtouted te thte tewnship uithUe time et deveiopmnent. Dennepere arei nec seing ot the meniri- patity cil! rensider reneiling tl te theta. Cierk Jeck MoGeanhie poeir eut that il the tend cee dedicuted tee park perpoeen il ceetd requere ministerial approvauto elft il. Ceuncitîne lita Watsnn peintd nul Us deentnpimnnt mus eigt ecu Use rend tenta tbe Cempbellville Rail Park and e tamn puret et park lundi citbin the denelep- ment wetd probabtyhecmoe prehlem than udsentuge Hie suggested tuandtremilsnsute ceeutil prebehiy be uned te acruire land et Creeboitte Purk end peetietty puy for the tieceloprient. Announce date rabies clinics Free anti-rahire echoies are gaieneed tee Heltn te eariy The precelenre efth1e dieeane tii npeing ameeg toes ben creeteti nnae co cbwieh rreulted te the regien anhieg the Heatth ut Animale Beench et the C;neta Deaertm eet et ..'y doiges nd rate are aepteti aI 16e lcs tee Amongthe dates anti places efth1e clinten te une ut Loc- Region... (Continued teon page one) te bcelonely involseti with the day te day eperutien. "Ifce hreeanedmnistra- tive otticer te co-ordinale thints. cbet ciii 16e chair- mas hase lotie0" 16e mayer condereti. Milton Couneitine Jita Wat- soneaitibetfeaethirieg an administratti'e ehiet beeeene 16e staff ceutti beeome top- heacy anti nething wootti 6e tett tee eteeteti ottictais te do hut say yen or ne. Peero depuiy Watson neye 6ie eealie nemething han te 6e dene but indicateti a preeerence tee mahieg a couneilter a deputy ohairman le anniet the chair- marnnhis task The prehieta te sure toe he hot isser chen t ilet 16e ceuncit tiner. Counoitiore Morroto anti Mueeoe teet the administration ebiet tsnes sary te put the retion on the road. vitle te the etti eehml bouse Wedeesdey, May e, teeta 10 ua. tei1 tin. Thureduy, May 9 ee coesi Naeeececeye aI the municipaligaragetfrnt1 It il, te Aeten aI the erene tena 2 to 6p.m., aHoehyteetan 10 te 12, aI t6e Orange Hait, et Gergetocn in 1he municipal garage on Mepte Ace. tenta 3 tei 7 p ta. A Miltun cetiil tl be hetti in 16e egrieulturet hallio Tueetay May 14 from 3 to7 P.. A routi eaming anti peoprty numbrring systeta torethe rural areasel Milton ns te 6e tesestigeteti aceerding te a reeommendation efth1e cosecil's admintetraton cemmittree Coueciter Brat Clemenîn; teiti cemmtttee membere et sneoftIhe contusion thut eite i the eumeeittg nysteme teheritei teota Cerlieglon andi Oakotite, the urhaeaoresuoftceand tbe ahsence et eumhern te Naenaguceyaand theecetion ot Esquesng. Cterh Jack McGeachie repartrd the contantion cauneti tetth the tenes heing nomn- -Thin Satueday, Apeit 27ei Girl Guide Ceehie Day te Milton. Buyahbox o cmke anti support Gutdieg in Milton. The Cunutien Chumpion, Miton, Ont. Aprit 24, 1974 I Driver injured, charged after 100 m.p.h. chase A Scerbornegb man han teen eherged cith ritiatea negtigeeee and poessnin et a stuien auto hy t6e Milton OPP tellucing a lItM..h ehaeeeieng Highcey 41,i- boy tnerning. The mnas faes a ceeiety et ehargee laid hy Halten Regien Polite telieing an eeriytaetniet break-in et Allon's Gurage on Highcey 5, Burtingien anti a seutfecith apassee-hy. Pelice salt a men puile inte te the garage te a stoien '74 Buteh Century and hbail suc- ceeded te getning entry te the building cbee a pasetet Stoney Cee6truck driver te- tercenei. Fettocieg a souttle thera retuened tethecar andnsped aleng Htghcay 5 te Water- dece chere bece patt by Weterdecn OPP ennta= Drennie Edliectue. Tuneed Trente The tehiete scueg noeth on Htghcay 6 and esoided a Guelph DPP hloehude aI Cighcay 401, thee turned east tocard Toronto. Milton DPP cere atrrted and jninetitheehaise. The fleeieg driver test con- trot ot the Buicb on the south- heud remp atHighcay 25 Hospital. Hectttiremetn in anti roned 16ie eue oser tbeee protective euetedy utiai Use limnes. He s. te eattstec^ry end ottheceehc, repart Milton condition aI Miten District OPP. liredT, fte (Conttnued tenta page one) said sorne people whe cee miset in Saturday's col- tection tttek therpalers tuthefar grounds andchmp- ed them in front ofthe ScoutHall. But Saurday's wnd scattered the papers around attd Scoute bail to go out Monday ntght and cleanup the.tairgrouns, Chamber gift Racks for bicycles The establishmettt et bicycle tacks at Jees Grttery Store, at thte ettey heetde Mitont t.epartett Store and at Domeitnion Hardweare toue appros'ed hy Milton Commtettt Servces Coteittete Moeday etght. The rucks %till he prosîdest hy Miltot Chambr et Comttmerce attd hoertttty ettt dttcn on the tumber et bises pared ontteps tostoresandtintront ofcom- erctat proprttes. Farmers Market First vendor signs Trhe trot vender bas heen siged up te displav prodttcr at the Mtttton Faroor Market ttttcumei orgenersreported thstccrk. Wttetdrtdgr Markctet ofMttton has rentet space tt the tppter tearket, "Maor et the Stlantet" Andy F"ratnkand sponttoringMittnChamberofCometrrce 'n'cretary Ree Harrtt totd Tthe Chaumpion. Thc ttarket stUrte Saturtiet Jonc 1. tnd rtta's ctch Setterden tri Churd' 19vit ibsJe dupticate in tecrtions et the muntctpaliiec now umaigamatrd. Ce toid the cemmtttee 16e staff con- ntdered 1he neitahttity rit eamieg t6e Guelph Ltnr as Nasgaweya oad. Mrmheen indicatrd thee cane aieeling the extencion orthoeth1e namesoeth1e ttnec nom te Btortiegtoe ceuiti meet Naesagacrye ren ientse Th Salvation Army PICK-UP TRUCK InMilo o& Aea EVERY TUESDAY 1 877-8522 _ -CHU RC H Rector: ReeeemRo.sten Miton, Ortaro Pheone 8-606 onOaOns Robrt F. Atgait Senday, Aprit 28, 1974 Gnacr Anglican ChoncO MItone DOntante EASTEt tl n.e0 a. on olt Comunno 9.30 u.m.-Juleo teheent and Sermon te 4e a.mon oo Chench t1.0 n m.-Mettes ami Ser- 8.00 con OtOtle Study and Ttnuneduy Apit 25 Io O.m nn oIC Comnon eou are alwayseen come et Geaoe (homO. EMMANUEL BA PT iST CHU RC H Commoercial Steet ,Mlton. 8it 906 -078 3542 totenton Panten, On. Wliaon Foeten, Ontanto Bible Cetleuu. Sontiay, April 28, 1974 9.a.- oBnnie ScOmi 1î,0eaon -Menn Wonstc Mn. Gordon Wright, Sotest, Fonceard Bupttet Cloonr.h 6.e50 p..Song Srvtce Otue Tdie0e Quantci tron Thittetoon eaptit ChorcO. Wrdnendlae, ný3 pe co Cneyer anti Bible Stody onetu enter t tto ove Hocce et Oce Londti th tnnanke8lcttou and toto Ote Courts with ST. PAUL'S CHURCH OF THE UNITED CHURCH OFCANADA Main St. atJamesSt. Oec. C. A. Hatnen B A M. Ocv. Orcjnt and Choir Leader Mnn. H.n etti Maee Sondai, Aprtt 28, 1974 11 a.on -Mntcg taoeetip Il a on -Ctonct Schmtl MILTON GOSPEL HALL 30t Ontanto St. C 878 000 COnntans gathered le the Lord Jes os Chrit Lent's Oay Sootiey, Aprit 28, 1974 10.30 e.m.-nrekicg Breadi. t2.n5 p.m.-Sucday Setomt 7.ee rt ..Gospel Servi,. WedttestiaC. e p.m.-PraCer andtt uible eeadmeu. Ait Are Weteeme Te TheSe teek Yetmiret tht Ktngdumuto Got, euit Cie rtnhtnsuocess. Math 6:33. Number, please Consider road namnes THE PR ESBYTE RIAN CHU RCH N CANADA KNOX CHURCH MILTON toc. JonM. Murray Oreanise Mes. L. Vianhtom Sontiay. Aprit 28, 1974 9.c5 Juoten Cttcc Ochoet ta0.n Scnon Chunch cseî Seronstt ton Sprngtmre t2t - Weeand uoWhOeat' 7.00 c.m -Yeng Peecines Socity. CNrery tacilten aailale o yet wnt roofn in Mitlton CHURCH 0F CHRIST Co. 5 Sideroad anti ath tne Traftalgare Suotiey, Aprit 28, 1974 lette c on -Bihle ScOmi Ctassen tnn ali ases. 11.0econ MornotgouWnshc ettoreni Peectes o et c Gospel, BOSTON AND OMAGH PR ESBYTE RIAN CHU RCH ES 0ev W..Lewis,OBA.,OBD Suotiay, April 28, 1974 OJtta.m.-WorsOtp Service and ChuOc Schoot ( Nrseryncites OMADO 1tlCOa.m.-Wenehtprvetc andi COonch Scoet t(Cursry tacitittes t A cordia i netation tse ote nd HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHU RCH Atlocal assenhy ot The eteeentut Asenonhtes etCariada W5akefield Rd. and Cet, 2n TOr Lord o Due Suntiey, April 28, 1974 9.45 arn.-Snday School 1net ar..Meoîttu Weenhtp 6.0C p.m.-Famttc Prayen t.te p.m.-Eceettou Wedneedlay e p.m.-Pnayen and Bible Studly. 'Anuseeer ehett cati epee te cam et the Lord stoulthe oaoved" Rom. 1t0:1c. -Art '78, a coltiton et art cuek dune hy Heiten etutients, militec disptayed ut the higb echuet gym on Aptil 30, May t anti 2 euoh et' ternoennd eenieg. ~O~ FILE BO'Tii G)Flet""On yor fair share of Ontario's new $300 million tax credits. IF.a iies, Pensines f5ocnetos. hoardors, the handicapped and others miii benefit. Ontenio's nom Tax Credit System procides f'or three separete credtts: i. People cho oce or eent (incittdteg et etes aed hotrrsn) mey shaenj the Propocrty lix (redit. 2. People who fil1 out a Fecdorel t one tax reture may share te the Sales Tex Credtt. 3. People oser 65 mev shere ite ho Poner Tex Credtt. Esve if you deelt pey teotee ttc thtx \tr. pieuse be sere no iil otet aed file boih the i-oiorei incte tee retere and the Ontarie Tex Credil Form. lhey both cotme te the semee eecelope-you miii fled the Onteio Tax Crodtt Fttrmon pages 2 und 3 of the TI Scheduies. Niatto Tortotoca "01,ts an oýIslde Metfo T0fOntO, d'a' 0 (Iaioe ao NeW it .~Afd ça ng tioVrs" ,v E g'ecie p'.Oda 0 Fridal 800)( arn . SaturdaY and ula Ontario's TMX CREDIT SNfThM Wlm aG. Das Pemie Arthur K. Men Me ef Revnu

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