lOThe Canadian Champion,. Milton, Ont., April 24, 1974 - 7IZý II ESQUESING PONY CLUB CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE SUNYDAY, MAY 5th at 11:00 ar. at PEN-Y LANE FARM 0 mile north f oot-Oby nNo. 5Side Rd.,] m7iewest of Tr'afalgar Rd., 4 miles8 south of Georgetown. of ANTIQUES, PONIES, HORSES AND HORSEY ARTICLES Etc. Saddile, .i 741 es, haifo,'s, oartingales, pony cerf, pony tralle, R. S. MacLoghlin bug gy, 2 cutters, harros, bits. manger , hosos, parles and otho,- horsey ies 3 pc>LOoisXIV shocking pink velvt sttonî st refiished) 27001 drf w do5s, pire sf001, pin0 sonceos, set of six pine chairs5, 7okng chi, of 0r4t,07oller, ip choppe,.fofing miiîî. 4 i cre 0, arfou7chairs. 13g'05 mll, ansrpalou,..Iabl.e 170t707570d) and 0,a07) 0070,' te ingoofo aticios a000 t,,'oplace front. Clofhog boutique o,,11 be open f7001 10.300 a.m. I021,ded Msil ho hardi hafo, boots. ,'iding apparei. jackets etc. Porry rides wi be va'Io7laosooI charge. Lunch avalableon Pre0ises. Seling by ,ooober Consigriments o7li ho accepfod up ta 11.00 o o,, day of sale Sc $e0 yoo,' articles in2 oOIy. Owneo,,otioreooor PoyClub ot resp0onsiboroacidents day ofsae This is iot apartîial7 lis. De t aticles stj1170,0 csg2008, il, isi ,fpossible tobe pecifi about h0'ses, ponies and eiipment. Comaond 0 seen hat we haveaoffe0 Fo ffrhe informoation contact Mrs NonsoWilco etPen y1 Lne Fa7o,, 878 4910 or' 270 0247. Altred R. Spence, R. R. 5, Georgetown Auctionoor. sore o o M lc 0it fre sevie0 MPhone0 7 24 location5 in Milo, "Traalga Mlton Hyr 0882 0 prestige building. Fu110 air ag conditiored. central mall OFFICEFSPA2070for007L070 con007 01000107vat, bronze re02007o,00 07 plus 7200 of Thermal Oindossprinkler107 7,20, c rai. 87083823. ,yte,0, m pie0p00kin70 Calo à-u _ 01rrI14735 Be0t R0alty IL7InsuranceLtd., 3 EFOOOM 80777 d0702200 81,ffl7 4479 $20 Morthly includes he.t Store for Rent 111-1207V0 11filt.on Dowotowo Main St. Milto CI Gnral Zonio OFFICE 420 square foot os seond Available May lst. 71007, ce'70 frai 70, clwnovi i 878-3388 cluded in r00f or (519) 578-3633 Kitchener Ph. 878-2326 FulIo Equipped Ultra Mode-7 ROMA HALL 3090STEELES AVE. MILTON, ONT Makeyo 1074book7505 70010 DANCES - WEDDINGS - BANQUETS CONVENTIONS, ETC. *Accooommoatons 1207 00 *Excellent bar 74271,7,01 and kitch07 con trolled lighting MaOde- dec37 Il F ul)ly oqu,pped sourd system Forf7o7hiormtio lbook.,,y arrangemens PLEASE NOTE CARMELINA SEOITA WILL ACCEPT YOUR RESERVATIONS AT 8782460, 8A.M TO 6PM. OR 870065270 R078 4903 AFTE R 6 P.M. Centrall7 10270 0 Cte 78 2070ý PRIVATE SALES ifhe ou have 2420 704 722 ROYAL TRUST COMPANY REALTOR MILTON 878-5000 LOT - MILTON Cholce large building lot, 175' frotatge on high20oy 25, 80207007 049ede of 000,0 Asking 837,000. A3K FOR TON ZORGE SH. Fobert Real Estate G rutown. 877-5213 ÂStella Real Estate LîmîtRd, Broker 388 Bell St., Milton Camphellvulle Area be222201, 4 27020 bath7. 7020 l'ý acres. Goo4 locafion on 08204I 7044. Asking $59,090 V00407 20777 hoid 07700 0,07 Acton d upfeooxd. One 70470020m 0907020000 and tw0 70470020 aparofOOOO 40200000, location. Excellent value ef Stella Parton 878-6705 86.52 IIIIZý1III need a Realtor? seif and SAVE the agent's fee, ho can arque 794f f700 is a 00,07f movo7 The catch is in fhe "90210$" parf. If is Z y rare sel le i000 70,0 w oeails his 0200 the ReaIf27's fee t0 the buyer through 07)20 F urthermore, buyers801 us 000020)0t i. In deoling direct olfh prioîipis. fhey are0of Reaoro's lice a0d if 0000,0 oofy fair 0700 0h07 Mo0sf important 0f ail, perhaps.1007 thepoc fh.tfssîo t 0,0 hegao 03077 importanto ne0o ttalio reuie an27000 iofoîssodiary- wfhou t offending ei0707 90707. Ofherwise,a re)0cted offer 000007700 mean00 hut0felns4n f70 end of 00000,00,008. A corrietentReal00o iii guide youfhogh a0c0r702f' 3ppraisai 0h00 20711 realie f70 fuil marlçet value f the pf'opfry for y02, 90801le gai pliffails 7700 20214 k,)) the sale an4 0090 Sà 91 Main St., Milton Horse Loyers 1042700 plus 4742, 702800,1070700t fre standing brick f ireplace, insulafod 12 stall 7orse 7arn an4 training 7702k. On f2.92 w0007. Cai Roger 0oooîo878041290or878- Sprint Listing Conv07ienfIy locaf04 close ta00 bath 01 f7,8l' h 3 bod- 70007brick bungaow0,sff0777Soom0 in living-doîog 4200. gocci size kfîheo a ,iompiofoiy fenced yard. Havea look w,72 Jackio Boofoo 070 4129or030 2030. Country Living This brick bungalow702 o oig 7277f offs ou living10 7200 2,fh fireplace, s0parat004707$ 7000,7large kif- cher,2034,e0r,0 s d fuil baisementf Situated oo a ho' 77 132' lotin t7he quietillageof Rock0,ood. Askog 030,900. Ross Cescon 878-4120 or 878-2155. Guelph Pyi. 0007 470220 homes. 37047000,8,00907000 47070$g room, low taxesgooci 7020000,00. Coli Yvonne Bright 810 4129 or 878 5603. Multiple0 Listing Service MILTON 878-4129 TORONTO 826-4317 SOnotf ~BEST iRi REALJY AND M INSURANCE LJD. Trafalgar Square 310 Main St. Milton JUST LISTEO Country properfy n007 Co20pboIIliie. Three bedroom boogao isot onf a0 1 acre0,ooded lot. Lliin 7000 160x 16 0.907 87,097020, 0,700700 14 x 13W', ut771f7 room, four plece bath. 70020 0000 f270000. Smoil barn and garag0. Taxes $148.00. Lit0d4ait $4,90.00 ter20s avaiabie. Cal) Dan hite. CUSTOM BUIIT Sifoated on a beautiful, 000070, 30acre lot on the top of the EsOOO'pmenf 20080 of Milton. 2,840 square foot of liing 0700. FIreplace 7007he liing 70020an4 tamiIy 7000, tour 704700200, 0090708e d~iig 7002i, f200 fui) 7007700200, 2 0,08770020, elecOrlo hooflog, 20070,02 baisement 20707 patio 400,0,00 007ca garage,07 f0ltowl 0,0b700d7002 Obrosihout. Possession August lot. Asking 8125,000.0. Cal) Beo Cassidy. EXECUTIVE HOME Situated on a sooloded and oodad, 2Yo acre ravine lot, aIl municipal7 services. Over 4,500 squa070000000 lliig 0700. Five hodroomo, 77970$ 7000, 20787 s000 fireploce, patio 40070, separote di niog '2020, den-TV 70020 0,707 firepioce, clrooiar ktshenwit78 breakfast area, 35' x535' ta2ily 700,270 07702007ula bar7an4 firepiooo, polio 4007800i bOIOooy. Waif 00.0,017 broad- 70020 throu$houf. Eledtric heoting. Toso car $07090. Heate4 0207m2070 pool. Fricot 0ta8077000 160,000.00 f07200 available. M ILIO N S0,00'0 four odoom, brick bungalow oosooienfiy sifoofed 8at 8270070004 parks. Liig 70020, dlioig 70020,0020 kifohen, to 7007700208, 000i7y 70020I' 1720' Complote o'ifh bar. F /A ol hoafing. 90204 477202007. Lisf04 et $35,000.00. WANIE O Lisfingson ail types of p709070700 In Ooifoo Region. 00e have a 2007tin$ 7780 f clients anxIo028ta purchase properf7 In077 0700. CALL 878-4118 FOR PROMPT ACTION Aftr Hours call: Jîm Relley 878.65o6 Mike L040,7th 070-4073 Gos White 870.3001 Bob McCssoig 070 2894 Boo Cassid y 070-4204 Aot 900000k 070-6407 90020770 0fftheOokvlie Real Estate 8oa74 jFOBERT * H. FOBERT REAL ESTATE LTD. 22 Ontario St. S. Milton (Across frxm Plaza) YOUR INTEREST IS THE HEART 0F OUR BUSINESS NUMBER 1 0F TOE BEST OELLERS. Wo are no0 oOoggeratiog the description ohe 0,010 0h18 custom built 3 edrom brick sidspis inooexeletOodition and si tuatedo o a00 large 1 r 2000208) lot. Proporty fetuess ai pond with fish. 80 nursery planfod traies. 00h07 add0d f0072708 of 0775 oognliioot home areo double garage; formal dining 700,01 large breakfast area w i h s liiog patio 400781 beautitol paoooflld toooily rocri wfh fireplace. Opoadlooood thoohout, boiftlo slave and aven, launry o'o 0. Saeo or sur0e7 today ANT VO ESCAPE from f70 high pric00 p7000 11,0$ o2073 ufoday? Wo 72sf listdoan oldor alumoinum 074- 0$., 200707y, 3 hodrooo homo nooo Miltono 90000. homoe ssork nee404, bot fOis value os haf'd f0i bea0. 200 it tor sure. $37,9WR. FOR MORE INFORMATION Cali 1 "he A tio A ensI i MUIIILTIPLE [181111 SERVICE MURIEL OUBIEN 877-62 JOAN JOHNSTON 0177J2 TERRY Gi WARRENf GARY THC bPOING ALJNU 3UTOoOIo se t is nwlylisec2-St0707, 670470020 brick alumlom borne In Milton. Coooeoent fo s2hools, shopping and 27270708. Immacoiote condi- tion, boautifully decorated and teatures farge soparate 007077770020 02000000,007 Olreplace; den; $02008700207 2-4 PC.battis single garage. Do yoursef afaor and corne out to sale 70 todosy. Only $67,500. TREASUR E HOUSE. This large triples inoGeorgeowns Pr'oides agrosi ncrn 70moft4,00 annuaiiy. The pro. 2,17207 of land,72 201c 700000707ia of belog s274721404 for the purpos of bulding sixplex bsde the triple, ceci et 80,000. MODERN OFFICE BUILDING FOR LEASE. Ap- proxiomately 10,000 sq. lit remaioiog. Avalioble 0778 0ail7 Located In 0080 g702010g Miltone. 878-23 65 T8264_LON f80 JOAN THOMS 877-6342 10 BILL CUROIE 878-4944 LBERT 87-8127 CRAWFORD 877-7953 )MAS, MGR. 878-2366 Dorset Park Large 4 bedrOoomd Omo 800707 home con- oooientfy 7000004 and In beoutitol candi- fl7ir fhroogbout. The 0,007 000700 foclude a sauna roomand shO2r, cedar plaOk re marin andbar, extra washrocum en min 07007, 80/ percent mortgage -$67,700 Comfortable 3 be4r0020 brick bungaow oo large 7004800904 lot ho-' wood liciers, off hoat, close t, ,,sý,coI Paved drive, double% %oI"rage eomfellto value and 800 ..giy rocommeodotoT- -$48,900 Rug Brick Duplex Close tf0 downtown Milton an 004 ne toi c4f ont0m004 tenants. This atf tractiveo2 soroy buildng has boosparatofsoits eaoh ith 2bdrooms, living Poom, kifoheo and bafhrooo. Parkiog for 2 cars. Excellnt 700000. mentand priceodrigh a t -$49,900 On Country Lot 3bedr000,8 sldesplitclooo f to o. Immaclcondition070,0 and ta02117l deooathd. A famly sizo homo oopipped solth eipoOronc a)ir 0700070$ piant. Af0o2hed 2 car $07090. -$9,900 GET PERSONAL AND CONFO DENTIAL ASSISTANCE WITH YOUR REAL ESTATE R POU R EMEN TS CALL STAN THOMPSON, 442 WOODWARD AVE., MILTON, ONTARIO - Phone 878-2455 86m52 GET THIS SIGN ON YOUR LOT! Caîl Now' FOR A FREE EVALUATION 0F YOUR REAL ESTATE Expert Guidance and Fast Action Real Estate Requirements Caîl Stan Thompson Real Estato Brokor 878-2455 68 MAIN ST. MILTON "Broker" Side-Split Located o a0 large ow lot0 76006132 fhio 07700 bedroom sidespif otters 0007 extrao S720 * 0,7074027700200.eaven 77270$ and 47070$ 7000, oombioation, large 2008007 beo0m wih ensuite and walkin oset 5x 7 i h olodsow, 20007777r bodrooms and4 72. bafh, fl,,s204 ric Io Ask ,q 9 $4,900.00 47 Acres Located close ofKeliOpartfbush andpartf2iar. Askiog $2,000 p0r acre, 0p00 80 00007. Insurance 000207770a complete U7e0o0 Iooopoooo iooiudin$ F770, Auto, Liabiiity, Lite, Mo0709000etc. and we01002007027 inquirles to discus ou 00708r00200004. FOR PROMPT AND COURrEOUS SERVICE CA LL 878.2000 Boa Cr000 878.2888 Gloria Ooosold 878.3561 Lew0in Soles 078-9136 More Real Estate Page il Acton Elevated Bungalow 2 704,000,0, 000,0n kifohen, I7 z 70070, 702 r000, 777007420, a0002704 garage v0ep2d 47,ve. Cal) Patricia -8057 53-0420 or M ILTON $54,900 00002704 3 70470cm lot. F00l,~Vst * Fo 270070 20,ce. Patricia JUPP 19 853 04200or026225. Wanted 3 hodrooms, one acre $75,000. 3 7o4rooms, country 7ot 835,000, 70 7 0002700s, $004 buildings $150,000. H. Keith Limited Realtor Streetville, Ont. 826-2253 800,9052 CHRISTIE & WOODS Real Estato Limited, Brokor fO9Mao Street Milton COUNTRY Execulîve Homne: 3acres. A Wealth of living is in store fo7 702 in 0770 $7027020 home 20,07 a pic- f2700q oe 800070$ 0207 lookiog 700 Mn, fas0.iow iog Strenm amid mature0 f7008, 4 bedr00ms, 2 ba thIl, 2 firplpfces, dayOlght 7007000700 7000,, 0204007. Cai for an 00907002008. $150,000. 6402a0cre20r, hoose, barn800,00amo p7000700. Term0,. 2 Building lots in country. 79,500 & 25,000. CALL 878-2095 878-6057 002050 ý.Mlizilfflfflffl II1IZý1IIII .1.i2i7i.77~i5iii7217iSi~i 2 FOR AIL VOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS Phone: Maurice Beaty. 878-6418 - Res. ~Ss............A 451-3341 - Bus. Repo-esenting Do yo u CANADA TRUST REALTOR Halton and Peel Dioision TA0 OPOwEîÎ hf IN MILTON Immacolate Doîlls House The eoquo te, decoir and ch70 009 0,0207e of7810,0800s0770yhome ,0 40 ight the mo ',discr 2000809 Doubeentri M extra 2place glas door to ,o fonnmspacous 0,02700. 3 gooo izdbedrooms and -$551000 IIIIRýZ IN p- liq un