TRIDENTS ARE CHNAm P S-~ ~-rfTL JUST LIKE THE SIGN SAYS, Milton Tridentsar chmsand playing coacs Carl Hymers (bofilt) and formard Gary Hudson hold up the Ontario Inter- mediate "B" championship trophy to prove lit. Tri- dents clipped Port Dover sun number aux of a sovon ganseries, capping it off seith a 7-6 win in Dovor tant Wdneady Ilht Hymora acored twice in- cbuingthewinor nd Hudson added a single to Ern h poica honor to Milton for the finit blle. (Photo by D.Pink) 1 New developments held up $Ofri an'd Tl One of 30 entries Wins crest award Haltan Begienal osacil hasaa ne- crest Tise creut denigned isy Wiliam J. Faulda et Banliaglen shows a iseaser repreaesting Haleon Huis, a deer repentg Miton, ais Gais tree repreoenting Gahi le and a liglisoase reprenenting Bunisngtan. Hiawas one ofabouat 30deigs enteredinthe crest csatent First priae mas $ote. Just two ailowed Ban trailer parks There mont he any more tradler pans an camping grounds allowed in Milton. At a planning anil develapment cammitte mieeting Wednesday, Milton Ciocnil appraved an emeadmeot 10 tise eoning hy-tew aliputating that eut thse te- tradler parle nom in existeoce mfli he allome One sa et Molemis Ion, Camphelilie anut tise ailier is ilse Milton Heigis Campgrsaad aI Milton Heigiýs. le descriiig lte te-o proportien ta ie allomed in tise isy-tam, planning directer Boi Zaadanyi said a 90- acre porcel adjoiing the Mohawk Inn traiter parh as te hie included, as il has iseen in une as a necreationai area for tise Mohsawk parh for sevemal yeans. May 14 Tory nominations Hellon Couerveises have tise feeling there may le a federal elecion in the mind. At lise groupseonual meeing lant meois, membere agreed te isutd a aominatin covention on Tusday, May 14 te select tiseir cadiat fer tise neet federal race. Il miii lie field et Whtale Gaho Sciseot in Oakville, and MF Michael Meighan fromn WemImoueL, Mentreal tas heen nte- to mpeas. Haillon MP Tercy OConnor us lise oitting memher and tisere is enery indication hie mill again content tise Hatonsealfor the Tories. He isas heen tise MP sioce mustiog Luherai member Bad Wiinsg four yenro sigo- Operation Placement Job office opens (Ipecatiet Placement, a local office trylng tai prenide nomamer jobs fer stedeets, mdll he t<ticiaily opened la Milton eetWedocsdayathuug the office lsepen and ie busines already. An official epesing cereoey la schedaled fan 10.30 a.m. Wotsesday, May i mithilocal bOF Terry O'Connor, MbPP Jim Ssew, the mayor and coneiliare Invited te ariciae, Tise Milton office is tocated in lise pool office bilding and mutl remaiseopen uetil tise end et Augusi. Lest penn Oponaluon Placement offices le Milton, Gaheitte andl Clachoon rcee 2,000 registrations tremn stodonta and found sommier mors for 1,410 et them This yer officiais estimata close te 2,000 stueool miti find jobs tisrouis th1e thnee offices. Milton Cisamhen et Commence la sae of tise sponsors, ange-itieCanada Manpoer and the Oak- vidle aîd District Laiste Couecil. Scouts collect. il tons of papier Gver il tans ut maste semapaper aut cerdheand wrotiectedirom homes and stanc in Milton, Satan- day dtrung tle Milton Bey Scouts' montlipr col- lection. lum Strajo, acting peid reo theMlt is trict Scout Association, sadi -a eod atts iggest pite ut palier tise Scoute have sema jenlise te-e years tey have run paper drives. Tise mante paper gem tei e recycling plant in Bramptet. Tise Scoute are poid hy tise tains Strainesaid next montscollectionmillhle witised trein May t8ata May 25, te aveid lise Victoria Day boti- day memeed. Meane-iile a traiter han heen paniso at tise er et tise Scout Hall je tise Milton Fair Grouda, and anyoem wantiog te dispose et maste popor or card- hourd cao laise t te tise traiter aey day aftie weeis. He (Continaeil on page elesen) limit; circumstances it e-outl scea that tihe sensible tising le do is lei tske no action for misici could ie claimed 1150f we are wyorsening. existing condi- tiens." Baille's report said. denly ieause of lagoj cýalculationots e iitr tevel. growth in Halton stops Baiie said tisenew termis cheices included ieceeasueg afim ifstompreve tstand- have ee-statemeete inthse peetspeciat polms fer tise standard et treatmeet; ad et p 11oten contret treat- press te tise etteet tise pre- Milto, Acon ad Gerge-ieceeasing tise dry meather ment. pcetecting tise enviren- viece is prepared te mome es- temn. "We have heem ieferm- flow en tise creek isy fim_ ment letise hennit ot att. Our lent te sacrifice eevirenmen- cd tisere je insufficient fieow in puding epstceemi mater. difliculty at tise pesent lime tai ceensdecaioneen an effort tise receivieg streams te proe- adtietsird cioice meuld ie io tiat eehav-ebeeejeteormed te speed up the censtructien pry ditute any additienat et- te age en e decreased tisat tise preim referrel te et nee hemes. lent froim tise plants," bie standard et water ie tise eeîets bot adu-ice ee thse pre- said. creehn dee-sstream et tise cemiegeof new deveepmeet eadie saidhieand isstaff Baitle salid ene et three plaets. han net heee received. e-otd bie serting eut un00mw- Irit meetd have te hie dene Ne advice "Tise situatiee je tertiser ered questions aed tryieg te intieeeorthere areas. Tise "We eppreciate that the cenicsedisy the facl thate-e csart a proer coue. ZIut &nêbiau ëIîampijon Vol. 114 No. 52 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONT. APRIL 24, 1974 Obtain 58 cent increase Rockwell strike is over Tise Boche sInise la over. tremn unanimaus as only ene Aies Petrie bold Tise Warismen relurned te liseir tisird et tise Milton empoees Cisampion tise 43t Milton jeobs at 7 a.m. loday (Wed- favored tise conirat-hut a morisers mere aisout 67 por nesdayl, ending lise 710-day- majerity ofthlie 1,500 eru- cent againol lise nem ceetraci old sInise ai lise Milton plant plyee et tise compony's and tise majority et tise 150 oi tecismeli Ine Ofea e tiee pl ants in Milton, Oshawa empleyeen atne Canada atler a nee- tisree- Osisawa and Cisatisam ptant rejected tl, isut tise 900 em- year conteact e-as ralified carried thse vote. pleyees at Cisatham mere Tueoday. Raltication mastear Local 1067 UAW president 'pretty eolid" iseisind tise centeaci eiier. Pay plus isesents Tise ceetract jeluden M8 cents in mage increates over tisree yeaes, plan sevecat e=ade and ne- iseneiitn, uno iciatn reported. Thin incitdes e 25 cents an heur increaeeretceactjvrte Mercs HALTON REGIONAL COUNCIL held lits first chambere. Some ceuniciilars ceuto att lecar wflot meeting in the council raom of the nese Burlington mas heieg said and seme could net eee the sp.eaker. headquarters lat week, Counicillors complaîned (Photo by S. Oils i about the peor arrangement in tic courncil Council endorses brief rejecting hydro routes A isriei meitten isy Coonacti- loir Don Gordon misicis dis- putes tise need and lise laca- tien et isot tise Millen and Haltes isydesaisstations and rails toc arelars t Ontarie Hyre oiginal "middle" r itis MO isV lise, e-as eedorsed isy Millen Coancit Wednesday. "I prefer isydre's original route," Gorden toid tise cona- cil. It pomsed tisrougis tise nertis-estecorner et Nasa- agae-eya bsut lett tise remein- der et Hallen and tise Millen ares virtoatly anteucised. Gardon's report ciaimed Setandt Commission stady and tise OHI stady recem- mended altier rotes isecamse tisediret cStetf tise entire na qoiry isas been about $380,000--"aedl ene doim net spend vast sums ofmoney te prove tise original rote mas correct." Monn Ileast Tise Hlten soisotation siseutd ise in tise pacimy iset around Haiton eestern booindary-preierasty in tise 150h Concession ratiser than the Nintis-isis brief reeom- mended. And tise Milton substatien, te lie locaeo jest enst et tise bicttcp secionof ethtie tee-e, e-oudntbrenecressa'y ifhy- dro'n original cotte e-tu c- cepted, lie naste stle tistins a civil serrant at Queen's Paris tan destroy yearn ot planning inot only isy a local maniclpallty isut isy Hydre and sacis varlous pro- vinicial deportmentu as isigis- Region By BaisBaril Hallen Rtglenal Cauncil miii ise asisd once again le reconnider an enriier decision and isire a cisiet administra- tive ofilcer te poli lomse ends legetiser and maise tise region a coisive sait. Couascillora Mary Manroe e-ay planningl and tise Teronte Centred Belgian Repart)ine one strese et tise pen." Tise nortis-seuts roate frnt- Limeisause te Milton gee tiseags attractive rural tends, geod face-s and rul estates, ise said. He agreoil mitis Milttn's narlier isciet tisat ctaimed Miltas mut ie tise e-t perseculed and anptainned communitY in Ont- aria,"' if hydre fottome Sol- andt's recommendalions. Gordon alm eisjected te maivinti tise epropriation att isearingo for land needed for tise hydre lise; ted tise exemption of Hydre from tise Planning ced Oevelopmet Actes provusuons for mIe.en- sive dualogue" heteee tise penniers ced lis- pubie. Teee recemmendatiens by Sotundt are 'totatty ceur- cep table" lie scggents. Copine of bis report witI jgo te tise premier, MFFn Jie- Sete- ted George Kerr and etiser goerement meebers. 8-year-old killed on way to school An eigist-year-old Milton jolerment e-en et tise Tratat- girl e-an nîreci andl billot gar Lame Cemetery in Oak- misile sise cressed Tratalgar v ille . Rd. seMis of Biaoeia Rd. Asdefrm Earle, Devon i tant Wednenday moreing. survîved isy an eIder brother Devon Cook, a grade tisre Scott, 13, and parente Me. and and fosr studeet at Ferry W. Mrs. Watsn Cook. Merry Scisoot mas crossing Preneat Hifonyd ose tise road mitislhec isrotiser Frhons hae deidda toelea Racle, 6, tei e-ait for tise mern- Cuc aedcddt tr ing sool bs jaut isetore ea Devon Cooks Memoruat Faed ectocis~ ~~ Pcunsul et n plan tunciannentaey dont- apporentiy matised irem We siens entc mission e-tris, un hiec hjnd a rne-f otiined cars memnry, said Rer. M. C. cher se wa struuch iy a ihrutrnsrui. Officiais ai ntrtisisecd veucir. Cee Ferre itur Sueheni arc brother encaet ueisurt. ansitug cutis tise tcnd and Driver et thsecar mas Scott donations ras lie made aI Moyen et Oaieilte. No char- nitiser tise chancis or tise ges mere laid. - scisool. Mrs. Ciscistete-en said De- Fonerat service mas hetd at ves e-an an ostgaing girl. Hieway Gospel Chanc in 'Everyene toved lhec,' sise Mitoan, Friday attereeon and addeil. LoCatioi in reglo Gengrapisicat location e-itl liertisrFrime factor in maising a rerne-mendatuen for per- me-tn headqaartern for Calter Reguonai Cececit, accordng tosite ommittee risairitun Tee- Hill. Mayor Hillt ld reporters tisaI bus rommi ttee baid tocred ive proponed sites durung i meeting Menday merning Ce said thse cemmutten 1,a iive cent increane in Octeher, and te-e t4 cent raines en tise contract an- eivernary dates in Mercs 1975 andt1576. -Webladtased fer mere," Petrir eaid, but cefenedtta ebrate. Empteyeeu e-ut atmo isenei trema a compaep efier te pay futt centof deeta e-trs, a e riio are pregram toc famitles, a pension misicis attome rrtiremeni ut age te for tisee mils 30 yeern et service, and a cent ot living clause miic gises a ose cent an bouc raie toc every .35 increate je tise consumer index. unioneerea aeraeet4ian heur plus a 60 cent cent et tivieg bonus. Outleanly Tise ofticiat strise deadlie e-anttu .m. Moedey, Aprit 22. Negetiutiens misic brobe oit tise pires joue Moeday hiadt resumed Tisurnday and centieued te junt befere tise sîrjise deudtjne-O.30 e.m Moeday. Unfee etljcjets; had tise tece p lente et tis pachkege eticed Mftten e-oris had utredy bren n stcjikecreartya eek and thiscu teltee- memis in it o'coc Menday, but tise Chathem e-trs force rmejeed et thejr john. Ratifjcetion es mere taben et tii u.m. Tuesday and tise cesutt et tise note e-es net eeeeueced untit 2.30 tisai Inedefiasrceeoeo rd'rs, tise Mjltee emptoyees liad teit tbejr john ut 7.30 p.m. tant Moedey, hetore tise otticiat stejise deadtue Worisern naid tisey methed off tise job te pregest detays in negotiating their nemeeontreet. Thinge e-ere quiet as <Centinued on page etenen) May be open soon Pool hopes brighten Hept e opnin RoaryFayns Pluming totd tise romn sotution ueee-ed te iuge oe a Pr s he-mming Foot mittce tise piping eAau ruting trtm tiseMintyo iscigist. - tis eeeh Atter definitety in eeed[ et replace- Iteati e -bet etksu ctuisiuterig nuent. Tise remmittre intrertcd plgsadcutrpasta consultant Doug Puton toge ptave tedn pcene p anntisai Permaent together e-ish Fus and Heard isoeni p.0 ed ai anymWiser Iliard naid hie ptan and study Heard's ire C 00 t $0.00.utnom e-oldn't ie a lemporery soggeslion. Patte e-an te appearo the pootrcanbe put meanure, but a permanent haehmudeett n150e te tisî000 ye,. fo Hieu e e noîrd tise hoeding pool rherisrd te see if tise 11,0 e 2,0. agent ed e-oetd hie draine-as nseedtofrepair or Bi itrard et Catisea urnedfrteflOfhe epamn. ('encrete Resteralionu poarol. r Town lirlt tts ic m chn preeented a proposaile oOlTn eii Miltont'eterjtuscommnty Hersaid thepol decsand Werhs neperintendeet services commutter Monday perupierai pupueg e-ecd aise Br-uc cKerrce-au ittructed tisat e-outdl replace tautty iave tohriereptarcut terr te have tee-t marisinery do pipig inethsepoolando'ercas sonuciueston as tiho%, srcrsary rxcavationsut the tise piping inrconcrete. urent Ibis e-au pool 10 drtrmune tise con- Ceard and Chsarlrs Fay of Thecu-eseto Ileard's dlition et tise main drain, Erirtise rouent liait con- sdrdrecommendatione idia hulase sers a pool rii prmafc o pool but, aste r7 prim facto lineriialed and a nmer ofo rsuggestions Iban rneinprurc upe-ards irem n site Hill lud ai tee point aIt n sit - -H ill ut gvencpistpe ofisesing tise pool open aed operalionel e-aun'tliuiiug isecice ta eindibsumadetarecm foriisusumrner ucru-ucrulatnd. t ccordung t0 meodatute, Hitl han invjted Taises six wes Citl, au chaire sould tu me-d scbisinionu ai Ibis lime Frecuding Heard's solution by Jiiy Dcrung thediscussiinsuhetdtn standsup aeduius endecned isy Orteen noe and tises, tise select e trmpcrary sie. braits offucuais, tise mors commutter eports te, vsit ses-erai appluceetu appeared coutld ier rouepirîrd je a nie eacb and every sitertsatua on thsucene aller thse conci eeisperiod iseenisrncgit u te ttenton isadirlittiad cnnideeed at ieard saud tiaieern ifthse et tise rnem,;ttcr prohaiitjes. main drain us tauity ut rctud Proposeriiene Coonejtornshave epreued bseined anduaine oein- Inordro aaud asituation duuappùintmest mils nec statird. misere laedne-ners birîg je headquariern un Bertinglen. Couccl especis n e-aise a proposais aCter tise cee- tte-anileasedteor tree years. finaldecusjon son 46 HALTON F'IREFIGHTERS learned mere about Extînguishîng ptn fjres ocitis chemical fire ex- fircfighting and f ire preventien lant wcek in a one- tioguieheru was tee of the lesnons. Mare photos of weck regiosal fire echool hcid ie Milton, umder the Uic fire ucheel exerciee je today's paper. sponsorship of the Ontario Fire Marshal's Office. (Photo by R. Downs) administrator moivement is strongly opposed oftiantingtas and Bic Merrem vanoudeporttente togetiser Hatton Hitîs Ceuncitior Er- Syken attriisuled lise cun- Moue a prahtem bsuildingat ils ist mli sitl hie et Hallen Hilte miii pot a me- and irev tis apron.tly nie Syken eepressed opposi- cent coetesion Ioise tact lise Syis teels tisai iy Ibis tume a maisesiit arrangement," tien le duat etteet hetore thse tlondenieg oporîun. tlien te tisaI recte. "l'm eppos- reguen te insatrans itionai per- net year tisings mitI tie run- bie suggeoted. coueil at a meeting le tise Have to ieeconsisre ed to t, t den't feet tise need od. "Wrre draitivf etc tiret niog more ne-eotbt. «'Tse Miltonayor Anne MacA- nr fttae. Severat meenhera con- toc it. This je misat e-e have a bsudget, settueg up commit- more to Bociingtee isasint thur sait tisa administratar A similar motion mas de- tacteil iy ts nemsaper cisairman isireil ta do. We tees ion tise ficst lime. 00e hetped anylii It isas dis- proposalit eadue turneil ientdenty ntisyen. Sme have indicateil tisey'tl need a have nutticlent staff le taise have motiing tei compare mush repImi staft a ndid. ets dm s oolleni s councillors tet an admin- lot et convincing hetore they care et tise affaire aftie rag- aod bave ta do tisn on a proisiems. Tise soaner me gjet teit tise chairman mautd have istrative otticer could puli approve et that motion, ion." triai and errer heois. eut ut there, the hetter. Te (Continuait! as page elleea Services at fly Dabs Durit isos vlrtaly ceaseil tai g in Areport tisaI coold have se em n orie Halelo R- vere elecis an growts ' ruhutHlo e tisrsaghoal Hallones gion gTslas n iecause we hsave wil le dscsse tis llr-been intormed thsoai dis- naan ai me tin hie reg- eussions wit stlaff ai ieMn ion's PilcWra Cemmit- lsiry of tise Enviremnenti ta tee. Our rholiallan control planes According ta a report tiled are etie vrloaded or isave isy Direcior ot Puiel Woriss reacised tise limait ofliseir pre- Bois, Bailie, lits deparemnent sent capocilies. tinder lise