Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Apr 1974, p. 9

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GRADE TIIREE uludents froin Roly Rouary Sehool rate swimming instruction as one of their most favorite cosurses. Youngsters are shooro bore splashing in the pool at Ontario Sehool for Uhe Deaf, practicing kicks and gelting instruction from an instructor, According 10 a Holy R.osary staffer Use youngsfers wgre in their second session. It should have hemn Useir third but Usey apparently were held Up 40f minutes waiting for a train to move and mîssed one enlire session, tPhoto by B. Burtt Student from OSD kiIIed A gouai uit-round siodent ut tino xcboul for lino Deaf, Thonias Jobs Rue lrugiealty losi bts lie oh on siror k bya train near bis home in Adtos Weitnesduy. Ho buit huit iner nifi bis ianity in lino Maptehorsi aurnis, Churchill Rit. S., anit wus appurenily oating alose tx viil a trient Jii Jordtan, asother OSD siodent, ohes the accident ocorret. There niere nu inoson accoriting 10 police. Ho ous bit hy tino niosihooni CNR Sp about 5.35 p.ni. and laine G0 uelphbhy uam- boflance. Setghhorstun onet 13 years nid Tommy Rue nias 13 unit but Iransferren tfrain Belleville lest Noveniher lu Ose Miltoln xehoui for Ose Deuf. Ho nias tescnibent as profuondly teof. He nias burei in Toronlu Jaouary 23, 1961. Roy Wtollaston, tino superis tendent ai OtD, ,rcits Tommy as u gui stoitenîseur &Cino p oJ bis ciuss niho en=nei ulinýtlis. Hie got fi bis s a of t sap but b, nias a goot boy, ho sait. bis sleplutiner, niolier, irotbers Jue, Albert unit Juck and baby sister Charlotte mosedtol Aclun trou Tnronhei fixe monOhs ugo. Mr. Amos orbn ni Boaver Lumber in Milton. are Mr. ast Mrs. Lynniui Waller ast Mr. unit Mrs. RiîchardAmos. Hn. flubent Hîtobal alibie Exangelical1 Chtrtb for the Dent sn Toronto came ta Aulun lu ussist Tommy's nurents, wo are nien dent, uni condtedthlin fuserai service n Salortay ut tise Rofmtey-Sboemauier tonerat hune. He' nlac repealeit is morts in sigo tangtagotfor Oie henetit of teaf tamily meniheni ant Irienits. Puiheurere niere brOthor Aibort andt Jackn Rue, filent Jii Jordtan anit au otficiai trou Ose Scinotl tor Oie Deat. Intermunt ono is Fairrieni Cemetery, Actant. Wbenutusuerut procession paunent a golf course other, tour mnetre ttreparing lu tiee off for their regutur Salurday afiernoun gumne, oneoftben tonen t Iourd tbe nireet. reniaxed bib cap unit hetd il user bis heurt. ".Why dit Yoo do thal?" iJ.R. Currie ~~ i OPTOMETRISI * BURLINUTON Tetepinone 632-7788 i MLEWAE . (Conltînuan Oion page one) concise summary ut the flts ut nitiaaion omergeit an t l, thenigtitiginiu of lbe Renaissance Cunitteos finit mses ratty in Milton lte test onni. invilteilcritilslSms Camipbell suin Ile bupeital wbuareoeuncersieitfor lino improreonenlt oftise pablie eduaainnal systeon will parbecipate inllks contructire qus for soltons lu, ldm mosi pressing pruintenni n tise synloon." Ho alnoi urgorineons lu gire critieisme; 0f thse syslem in eiliner niritten or oraltin, niic nitt b, aludinit byaess- enlise of conultaunte to b, appuiolnt iy Oie Renais- sance gronp. Tineerungelisltssidhb, bped thb, nsanfe'satii oili hring furtn "positive alterntive 1irnpoals reftiecbng parentl andtax lupyr isigint' lu bu presentn lu bltn oant of Eucalion. Mounniute ltocal muveoneni is alfrarling satin- onde attention. On Monday nI unels Camspbell wull uppeur on theCTV naional prffl' Canada AM" for discussion on tise pnsinleono lin publie edaraltion, and on Wednsday, Aprit 24 lb, Ratton Conoitire wul ine laernt un CBC's national radin shouw "Cuseen" at 8 poul. Camapbell parlieipuled in a Hamillun radis station lt show one niurning lust oeeb. ,Paner drive Collect 41/2 tons L.ast onth's ouste nnispoper collection netlud the Milton Boy Scut fouruand a bulf tons of paier, acting presient ufthOe Milton Districti 2h Struin reports. He recoived arepnortlrom Oie puper coîpuny this xeen indicaling Oie March colletion bronghin s9,Ot pouis ot oIt sewspupers. seiuts oil bu cnllorting agan tha xulturduy mursing unit urge bomounees lu tie ap thoîr oInt pupers uait cardinourd anit louve thern ai the canin hy 9 ani. uluritay. "'Uncle 8111"f Now that's service Coniplaîis about tino poslaf synleni are frequest iu R. R. 2 aRinniont residesi Biii Johnson lluninrty knxxn as "icnoi Wiiline" is singisg their pruison. Not long agu, Rarinnioni Postonistruss Marg Cou rceeixexi a lettor aittresse to 10Uncle Bilt, R. R. 2, Runinninint Ontario, Canada." A pestniistress' job ns t0 inon urea residesîs but Oie terni "Varie BiSi" conlit bove moudt a noniber of peuple. Tino letter mngbt boxe enduit IIp ltin iteait leiler secio. Honierer, Mrs. Cos pessent a note ssyisg "Ht Bilt. lu this yni?" anit peppei thOe ltIer in theo Johnon niait box. Wîth lintOe itoluy, Bill oas ablte to rouit a itelightfl citter troin a store in Englaut. It nias pestonarboi Hall, Yorksitre, Marein 26, tabisg osty four days tu rouci ils dlestination. NOTICE TO PARETS KINDERGARTN REGISTRATION <inu, garto egistraton Sptembr194l Nort Hailon Publi ucholso wl ako plac o u Fr 8e, p 26' 197 4betwn thehnur sofn 90005 utm an 20on; 1:15p.n anda4:30p.m Public n honl supporters mat, regstrhe cldn wh ihIl havenutundthe geo f easono nf tho ast daunf Februay t1975. Prfo u bli shoo supportw ne beoptei the o fthe 94txbl or193 asnren notice, or a deulrto r h Muxcpal Ceksnofice un Aithucriieo bupis nul xertificate ii beuaccepta blean prit f ae. For turnhei' informiatin, nal[ theuthool principul or the North Eduatin Centre (878-4154). W. Priestner, R. G. ChapmnO, Chairman, Chaînan ot the Board North Edtitnt Cenre. OU~R RADE RS WRII Dear Sir, As prendent of Haton Etonientury Tes- cbers' Association, t reprenent approxi- onatly 1,318 etenientary touchers in tbis eouny. t mnention ibis tact, ont hocause t dlaim ta speuin for every tlueher. but to in- iate dont ilst my respniiiity tu ho aniare nf the attitudes, ronrna anti objec- biven nf thon, loebohrs. du tartner buckground tu tb, noonnents 1 have tomubeaout tepresnt elueaion- ai ciinateinntheoconnty,l1nbnntntaitndtbat have groonaupotith thensynteon-renoixesi my eteuentary undt sonnary odanation ber,, taugbl in subonîs onder loao trustee boardts, toninship honrot, the Burtington buardi anti fintty, the Hallon Bonrd of Enbsainnas iloaîniexista. Myltosons at- su alteOnde oleniontary unit soronitury schonts bore. As aparent andnaoleacber, Ibuae aouy taboen a loup inieront in ohal gneon ni ailt tevesof the educafionat nynleni. 1 have sot alniaysagroetnitbuilth lb, poin orulte changesnihicht1haveniiesoerlbe years undt t bure ot heen husitant ahout roicingitheconcernt'v hunl.1tniftadmnit teonysbltene, tbut t boxe flot been as vCr ully sopprture of the tremnioious nuniher 0gnn"tingsdt have hppened and are suitt happent.ng. Wboncer t, as un inividtuel or asna reproantutîreofn a touchers' or prents' arganinubion, boxe usnent for us auntienre t express a coseers, I havo utniays boon a sympaibhetie bearnng hy the peuple wo Mr. Campbell in bis receet press confer- once says are raîtens, iniestixe cow- urttly unit ninidtbng. Tbut niay he Mr. Caniphelîs perceptin of the situatin unit tore are masy ressorts nihy bis reactn ongbt ifler froni mnine. My isteot s noul tu quarreimnithi ipressionbu harulwilh tino initcation mhat berepreses ail finat nu gonitundtrigl, the adninistoutnrs rexre- senltltlh sba il ndtrog, andittheh touchers fonction sonienibre in a su mns iandt heures, euercisîsg no judgmnix Dance Instruction The Canaien Champion Miltn, Ont. Apnif 11, 19749 E: oLDILL4EAS Arthritis hon heem calet the oldent inonn cbmnnluc itiness il bas heon idntified existnin tanioralvauumn, and hborngsno persona conaern for thernieibeing ofthe ch'ilntres assignetol their classes. Mr. Cunipbell, fil s absolale nonsense! The teaxbers t bsow are ruspunsihie, ui'ilatae citiars. They Car, aboat wao buppeni tx ynur ebtinfres Tbey nsunt ynir chilitren tai boune literulo, weoil-adjule aduts i th a respect tor thenseices anit tise rngbts ni utiiers. They wns your ebîit'- reslfaîe cncerenxn aboiuniwhatis rgb andlobat swrxsg. Tbeyxusittsenitlors taxurbin co-peratinsxitnxtiers touse' caoplxbxb wateer eac is c i'bheo0f ur- xouplishtg. Tbey niant tisen lu acqanre tieosbtitsxofcoinicatin tbut they null need taxlasctios eticieotly, un moul us tino other silis nicn are necessury or itonir- able tn tenegreeuof which each is capable. Donyoa, asparets, qurrenuiiitiutose objectives? Or is the expressin of ntisap- pruvul hy Mr. Canipbell unit the Resa is suoce Coninitteetirectnt txniarntthe nie' tbonshyxwicb wealtenipt toreachlbheni White tino reason for estabishisg lhebm outtee bus bers stairni as a "cancer" ta e aretors t0 tie highest qouiiy 0f etiucatios on nir Ontario systeni", t boxe iresnn coxnin ts indicating Ose luaita ubicn noon tu be currelte nxitiuin the systeni, aotess t amtou aserstanni tnat Mr. Canipheits Ire- quest reerecex t lanmeeting axbnch li was outnunibere. antaaiidentuatM. M. Robinson csittute such a statemniet. ti is itooniliaitlparents are intenettet os. ough tu usve ime unit thougnt tn inipruxe the enucatinal uppenrixitîrs fnr Iboîr sons asndiiaugnirx Ills saitilxser anian wth an olaxious talent for unitisg people sn a casfraroaxîng exthuisasniasnande- sirrtxilfet positive eringr.dntis hy setliog at the arixus groups ist'xied as cunibatasis on a hallietiei. whensîscere legi timaleconceret cxx li hesi hediealt ci lb insaxpiritutf cx.iiperalin by siltîog donix andt rt'asi.xig ixauther. Yo',xincerry. trina Cxuisxs, R.R. 2, Miltn. .971 In Top, Acrobatic, Ballet, Pre-School Ballet, Baton, and Modern Jaz z Fee $12.00 for 8 Weeks Beginning Saturday, April 20, at Rotary Park Commusity Centre Pre-register atthe Parks and Recreation Dept., 251 Main St., "Don't torget to, ask about your ex- act instruction tuer For information cali 878-721 1, Ext. 53 or citer hours 878-4003 years oint. Ws'rs availabis Ye, enar Chamepion la axailabi, us Wetieeodne as lIA TON VILLE Jennings G.etraf Store B ROOK VLLE iscLestis Store ACTON Antan buenie Sboe Jions tn and Oat Royal Mii k Store GEORGETOWN Stevens Stare Fendiet's Store lue's Tank nseo Defr,. Sonoke sse SPEYSIDE Speynide Ganterai Store HORNBY Honbe Gainerai Stare Contre Fura DR UMQUIN Druonquin Stoe PALIE RMO Paiero Store <silissos Station LOWVILLE Roberson GuIf Mont oiNm* Varity Lunixilfe Varlety KILBRIDE Cesse's Store CAM POE I IVILLE Mobawks Inn Eurfens Garage Rabls Traik Stop MILTON I4EIGHTS Fîttier Variete Panisside General Store lnaundt Arounit MILTON 'Chalet Restarant. Oka -Drue te Hoti'ns Restaurnt, Hoti Drive-le, Bonsies Esse, Oltonos Fiuit Market, West End Meats, Miltor Varieiy, Fttx Whoul Stop Harris Statiosne, Boxkes Stors Th, Chamio, Einley's Phnrniany Loitxith's Saper houe, Miutou Deliiatesui, Milton Drag Mont, Plie Snioke thnp, Cerauan Restnuanst, tonus toiik, Nuninvioc Resinuant, Meilton Ditrict Hospital nai 25 enante Stin. I I ~ [Cr~'mdflI The idea is ta give you a little car that can out.corner, out-hustie and out.perform just about anything in the twenty-six hundred dollar ', range. And then let our Buyer Protection Plan put it in a class by itself.' Oxîrideaixu'nickingnxexoell Andoneuf îhereannnxa hx ixnpnnnaeriulhn.xlinderen8nne ihai5ixxnxniulninnafpin.bupinnîiixnoafficand onihehî0haaylinereaeeio'nninpiiinnaienpinen nxahnixnxefrnnn. innJudinealixely V-t For ho nioîeadxcuiurnnxixihere'xiheiiptiooalOrcmiin "S" pidiage diiîn,. mciii innp. niai style ahnek. faim n.,iîpxixt .,ntsiini inieciar. Fuira- Quinn inul.ii,,nn ,iinn sheil butAnt xcii, and I9'npnnîinniax'nnxgnnhxx'L ,unhiiiuahnattbe nnpiînnnii lx,î',Olnînni P.nk.igx apliîilxiery dîrnîl I ,..,,~"lIl nîmlmianLinypen * pankaix t'n,îin ihn.'i ,nninn', icxinllxl air nandi' iicningnipninin bun îcgnidlaxx ut ahun opinons ycu nia, ,ndd. bu Chenu ha, liii, of panier £ upfn'uni luicircuniinside Cun9asenihe ialaceconine 'S" Corna,, nie,,,, niianiiunedare,,innnoaiai,'nirnn'uoi Jusi Nortin GLEMENTS MOTORS TO* BRONTE ST of Hsia 74 Jeep Cheronee 8822

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