ABeil 17-18,1974 footIoose and fancy We takeourleadership serîously 115111.1 S 00 m 1 c PgIr "GO CANADA DAYS" EXPLORE CANADA VISIT US AND PICK UP YOUR FREE COPY 0F CANADA TOUR 30 PAGE FULL COLOR BROCHURE] 4 DAYS 6DAY Mini Cruise FROM $9 9 FROM$1 39 2DAY Canadian West Coast FRM429 CALI TO-DAY 270-7712 OR 270-7600 the a TRAVEL SQUARE ONE MISSISSA UCA LOCATED ON THE LOWER LEVEL SQUARE ONE MISSISSAUGA Loeet.d Botw.,ee Tho ney à WooIco SQUARE ONE MISSISSAUGA 275-2370 Fashion Sale and Clearance Give yaursell mare than yaur pocket's warth. Came freshen yaeraelf up at th00. eecliieg moeey savîeg prices. Clearance, Famous "Susan Van Huesen' Reg. $10-il-121 I SUI a lerlr shri eaIOnds a Teautfllhon Shirtfotdsc al's8laiu$ 811 el l su ase PolysIer caner. Càwas frem 1 =,pe led,,. ..s 10-16. Orbest selling Polyester Blazers Very speciaiy prid Stretch you wvarde and yaar budget et ha greal was ik di. u pceddr ot Iln lae88nth ase cl o ra&plk ami Seature.ng bis a. s h a 12 100% 'Acryllo", Easy Care Reg.$ Rlbbed Turtle-neck Sweaters . 8 Flaflsrilaasweaters ln easyars Arylic naclemptlnalY 100% "Acrylic", Eaay-Care, Reg. $9 Sweaters sti.Wlh1esaaiaracca- ea 88 greet, roieeater fahloa, and ose tnellhlrrleakaantaee lIelle loc phicas. Smarneqlg es a es. Saaes: S- M- L 10%Ioyeteasy care. $1 g.I$87 great liaek apporlaally. Teiiered by a rcaherlaerai f, 1;8 of eaay. browe, yellaa. Use your cenvenient CHARGEX or MASTER CHARGE II 111\CREOIT CARDS. SQUARE ONE 275-2529 CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMINO, 20%5o OFF ApdI 1l7th to Apnil 27th, 1974 Ail kinds of framing including needlework, petit Roint, prints and artwork. Also on display * Recent arrivais of Quebec Arctic Eskimo carvings * A Spring collection of paintings by gollery artists. GALLERY of FINE ART Lwrlevel 2523 mearwl 275-233 M"MZ'