Wed., April 17, 1974 - R7 G{ORGETOWN ~~~~FAMILY LIVING :3boossd brick bungalo Oht Codahd ga rag e b o snd so c bro ad oo mr throughout Lvigdgooos7ane 2 battis, fa y roofsa d= . fo ith separateentrce f 0,5 back yard.osuOC oao h QUIET SECLUSION: 8 Oofetflakefsosf psopesfy -approx. 2.8 acres. Excellent fishisg an4 hunfing. GOseous v91001 Coul foduy abouf fhis rare opporfunity fOo o aplaeeof much sught-fosSOOl stfafe. Asking S33,900. CHEO: This large fous bedsoost brick bungalo slfoaýfed os 2 acres of pfopertf gueas a comfsandlng view of tev lyadfooafusos a Hollywoood Elfuhesus eofso, lage reouseaflos '0000 wifh a larspo 000 firoplaco, caîkouf and. Osasoomy voeefbar. Do'fsmis fbls 100015 homeo 2 ACRE COUNTRY LOT 3 bedrSus bungalow wlfh poselled liusgsoom, 1359117.5,OOd Efchof, bseezewcosecfs 2 beduoosAp. Mary Ouf s. Cali f0430 OOAMALEA TWIN: This 3 Bsdrsos bungalow c a ou uo f0e 00odas. The living.'dining 50000 combinton 1 s beufifuily bsuasdioed and mofhes wIllove fhe spoolous Eltches. The ses roo os plefOly fisiushod asd fhose'u sf111 plesfy of ruom fus dodos cosksbop. If uon'f test. Cul rom. Asking 055,000. DUPLEX + ONE clou 2 ose bedsooos usîfs and Oso tfhso bedrooo unit. Excellenf location, Close f0 50b001 an4 shopping. Supor value. Çall sow lor furfher deftails. OFFICE 877-5159 TORONTO 457-1330 Frank Tyrsou Sandre Doofasskl Barry CouS Sasdsa Naiss Nosrme Trip Barbara Dusiosus W4. Reo CouS 877-7225 87'7.8361 817'2722 871-4267 877 1380 4Sý8365 877-7731 877-4267 IC REALTY SERIE LTD l RFA LTOR Toronto 826-3085 Milton 878-4121 CAMPBELLVILLE AREA 42/ sacre of fantasfic rolling scenesy vofhfhousuodsoffrsoos.oungad mature. The o sOofeyhomoehas 4bedrooms, a l3x1llving roOo Oh a cheery fhreploue, family s15e koitchen plus a walku soin de ousslookiog a 2/2acre pond ceofod by a fost flowlng sprlnq rsslg os fho hi liside. As Il tf30 is otfooough, thoeeare 2, four roos winferized cottages wlof heof 100 and bathroooos, plus al cernent block stable 25 x 45. As fou drive the long wisding dsiveway,youftestyou'e entefin aoher wold. Prluodto sell afslS5O0.00. Pleaseuall Les Bunkerfos further deals. CAMFB E LL VILLE Esioy quiet solaued liing ln an ismmouulafo 3 beooOs 11/ storef brick homse, j usf secest:y redecosutod, Iocafod ln a ssOI rural uillage, mos «Il1 I..dsuopod lot wath a 1u x 40' ingsouod suimttsng pool. Psiced ut so02,500.00. Pleusu uall WiIIosu Reddes for fusthes defails. ACTON Beautiful picuruesque sussousdings cosopletsosf tis custuos builf 4 Aedrooof brick elevated bungalow~, sif uufod os 81/2 acres. 2M0 sq. fi. of living spaue. Cossisfs of large kifuhes, dîsîsog roue, offic ar oes. One 4-pc. and ose 3-pu.' bath. Pisished rec r000 04Sf floos t lu 0011 sf000 fîsoplaus plus auootpletely fin ished 3 rofbsefet pt. Asking $35.00. P10350 Ril Ooffy Isole for fusfhes details. MI LTON New 3 bedroos bungalow wifh parquet f100,0 thsoughouf. Spaclu rm.pl0505 of cupboasd spuce. Tasfofully docorated. O large 000used lot. Askiso $55,011,1.00. Pleoasecall Fay Smitfhfor fusfhesufefoils. f NCOME PROPERTY -TORONTO Cosses store, clfh large 2sid flous aisy apusffoosf, 2 bedsoutss, liin 5005f, cuusthloo dislsIg soost and Elfuhos. Psluafe entsosse. Lot 10 22xl119, has garage and seposufe parking 3503. Stose has beo 35 01 foical sepaisdepuf clfh lasge workshopa0f he 'oar, cihlfh001flous, cues f034 loading tracE and 10012' loadisg dos. Nous Daussporf and Old Wesfo 0004. Fut f urfhs lInfoatio and30 specificafloss please culi 'u'Gowlaitd. BRETHOUR REALTY SERVICES LIMITED REALTOR Milton 878-4121 Toronto 826-3085 Les Bu nker Betty logle Willsna Rsddss (Manager) Fay Smith 'Duc" Gowland Qài flou m -vi 80gib WANTED Cash buysr sed 3 bedroom aIder hme sn the Acton, Georgetowno arsa for refiremenf. Possession date sot important. 11 ACRES Stone house, four bedrooms, fireplace, 0050 oil furnace, banS bars presentî y used for hormes. Cloue Io highosay No. 7, sast of Guel ph. $82,500. SALES STAFF WANTED URGENTLY FULL QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE PR EFERR E D GEORGE G RAY RealIfor Acton 519-853-2888 Stones Country Corner 76 ACRES Dosse 0004 locatios in the oufokisOs 0f Milton. Eu. cellent lnsment psopesfy. AskinO 0300,000. 25 ACRES Very ssci !h creek susnisg thsough, located lose f0 Milfon. Askiso $125,000. 52 ACRES Luod inCaiedos Asa clos ooHws. 9 ad 10. This propesfy os ufsf chOffig wifha year sound useek sunnins fhrouOh and maturebush maisO usuesis softig forsn co50unfry homes and sfable. Askiso $50,000. 94 ACRES Loo:afsd unvys ce roa55i00d close to mall town Ad4 bsusoo., ufssory vessauulfs home0 sakos th15 ssproe y a nauuel ooffisg fos antiques cifh ifs aura of ths pouf. O pes cesf financisO. 11 ACRES Louafsd stof f Camphoiluille. Sfasf building fhis Sprsso asd Ofous ln bofose suhol sfosfs. AsElos For further information on these properties please cail loge Winther 845-7549 or res. 853-1990 and 818-5131 E.W Stone Limited, Realtor 61 LAKESHORE RD., OAKVILLE