R6 - Wed., April 17, 1974 RIALTOR LET VOUR CHILDREN LIVE WHERE THE TREES AR'E TALL -THE AIR IS PURE Cue tuouokuiud misetflein the csesn chic indivi duel loekuofthle saesusuieomchaletuosi aecres of land This hume s hruly unqice. simurles a huge livig metr .iltha lucnlycvinuiand many euhas pusu harm stuing ted eus guglleethiusgh yeu o ftoucrue o milund cedaun and mnapies; heaeed caihedual cellinss megnieylsguicuuith andespae; Frankllinson; husad- lcoed n ttiuuughsut; heu full haths; grud tissu t nilly rcorn - Reduiesd suedech &roued cunei Peulmeteu; double garage. Ail te r 97,050. Se cail tedaY, uithout delay. Barhera Lscdhttea e sa_47e o esimdenun e5u- HOME FOR A HANDY MAN lirs hedusse bungalow inl Eden Milis awuits Y75 persseai fiInishine touches. Exise large lut, 100u556. This home hennie a 32 Il. ln ruei wilth upen tirle- plce, heuduusd tise, thuuugieut hauehuaud kîtuhan cuphueuds and huilfit le uue tep etuce en ed Fuicesd et 152,90e. OffeulsO suer su usessiun. Fui uther deteils pice Cali Beryi Dlgglss et 8.5e,1781. EXTRAS PLUS EXTRAS IN MILTON Wntilm ieuied thrse hedrue, krik bungalowe un e veuy nicniy iuedcped lot. Pchae pluse ot 552,550 inuludes etuce. ufigeictu, and dishuicehe. Fleished nuc use, hue heu aed another fr145e. Tu cleet anYtisse plise ccli Beryl Dissies et 856,4781. mil ACRE FARM Cureru piupeuty us gssd sudsI necu Eden Milis..MW5 sq. tt. steel hern neu le 1964 le fully equlpped fui hsg upsiaiissusngucdtisui'uilthecoundstieY cuuiently luiesuuOuhlukee. 75xt5dcluy hern ced lImpleumt shed les gssd cosdition plus icirgn tises heduSu lhose uilh hase hen msdseleied and eluely deoe atsd.' This puupsi-ty heetus large ponds, ahout Scacues mised bshuiith reuininlgecege uder uultivctio. Domnn, wuli ouist le filsaeclg. Mase ccli Barbara F. Penney Real Estate Ltd., 123 Trafalgar Read, Oakville (416) 845-3737 When vou're sick. . YOU SEE A DOCTOR!1 When you need gIasses ... YOU SEE AN OPTOMETRIST! When you need legal work done ... YOU SEE VOUR LAWYER! FOR REAL ESTATE SEE YOUR REALTOR Get expert help when you need expert services DON HAMILTON LTD. Real Esfafe & Insurance Box 1147 Lisfowei, Ontarlo OFFICE RESIDENCE 1-519-291-3500 1-519-356-2558 76 ACRE HOBBY FARM Lecated on paved road, 3 bedroom red brick home, bank barn suitable for beet or horses, large training area for herses, asking S57,000.00 Cai ORVAL HARRISON 1-519- 291-2927. 100 ACRE DAIRY FARM Palnfed barn wlfh 38 steel fies plus paris, sfabie cieaner, buik fank, miik transfer sysfem, 2 silos wlth unloaders and con- veyors, imp. shed, 4 bedroom brick home, Cali DOUG HAMILTON 1-519-356-9085. 50 ACRE BROILER OPERATION 9 reooe brick home le goed condition, neet imp. shed, 4 floor breller bars, quota for 16,000 bîrds, autematlc feedlng system, double garage, this Is a beaufîful farm. Cali JAKE ARENDS 1-519-291-1788. 100 ACRE DAIRY FARM, Bank bars wlth 5 stali mling parleur, pipeline miiker, bulk tank, 5 bedroom brick home, Cali DAVE SIMPSON 1-519-291-3458. 225 ACRE DAIRY FARM, 4 bedreem brick home, Imp. shed, large painfed bars wlfh mllklng parieur and free stalîs, pipeline milker, buik tank, 2nd house & barn beth ln goed condition. Cali BOB BALLANTYNE 1-519-356-2576. SENO FOR FREE FARte CATALOGUE DON HIAMILTON REAL ESTATE & INS. LTD. 132 WALLACE AVE. N.. LISTOWEL, ONT. Office; 1.519-291.3500 Reldence: 1-519.31d-2SUe REACH.. From Rockwood f0 Palermo From Kilbride to Norvol R1eal E7state APPEARING NOW .IN The Canadian Champion The Acton Free Press 878-2341 853-2010 The Independent, Georgetown 877-5266 18,000 COPIES WEEKLY