R4 - Wed., April 17, étut dol Ibe WW$fl fth m ieqNgWt. f* mm eilim bkèra. "0 mo of serlaus m*uhlowi# arcititctuwa iha rhigee tram the oiaeer Mté quanset stylea. But thére ore ea th~e beone, pi'pOo&ouà,bm strîppedaof "er <5eoative "bern board" et unheerd of prkce. The are also the fiqrîmswhare aniy the silo lndlt0ta tih* site ofp au sriler barn. As rural f iras tae thoir MI the number of berna dêreal4. tocey e "hem- raising"l, once e mocal hight af a planer oemmunity, le unheerd af. Barns ln iAalton 1974 ere rafiactians af à chenin avriuliurel infiuenc. staff plstashy teven Dilis. *1~