JOHNSON d pî 7 94R MORTGAGING AR NJEY L-- INSURANCE REALTOR INSURANCE TORONTO LINE 8e77-.526 1 TORONTOUN 453~1OO FOR YOUR CHOICE 0F HOMES 520 IN *GEORGETOWN* BRAMALEA *BRAMPTON OMALTON eMISSISSAUGA oORANGEVILLEOREXDALE &WASAGA BEACH *COBOURG aCOLLINGWOOD OWOOOLANO BEACH IOERE IS THAl' CENTURY FARM HOME just off COUNTRY SQU8IRE, 3 bed700058 of sure 858087. Ai,'poo't Rosd .07905 of 7 HIghwa8y, 15 acres wit88 Stsp-dso tossiîy 7809897005 kitoOsen wit f69890908., beaut188i re01sltlss.d 102 year îd85home. Pasture and 985al869687 008897 10,8 exr lre o. 1889r8garag, land and barns ok en 16.01 exeautive horse. omspletaly deco.'ot.d and 857806109ed. ot 98099 fermoete. For' delails cail Reg Cooper. on s m1.e. Ring a bail,. ca11 "Del". TERRIFIC BOY. 3 5.670009 brick1 bungalow9 9818 garage in centralI locations. Pe,'989 for childress. close te, 8898098, shopping and und5er $008. Coli Elles H89g for detlls todoay. ENTERTAIN YOUR FRIENOS in tiIs beootfly tinished 9005119 8885n w8108 huge 898.. tls'eplacel This hom5e 8508 large 1 198 086g and 15 08058g room 10 walout80oced8605deck, 3 spaoios b88878898, chess'y ki,58858. Y089811 lsove lsoS n as80 yos sas 19, set o msention the 8580.49081 9800888 lot 10' x 3W0, Actos 9880. Cali Alex fso better waof tliving. JUST MINUTES from Geo.'geto98e -GO trin This seceptiona 4 bedro08814008soi fsot home8 sf85 attoohed gorge age lot, cls t80 s 89858 churches nd recration e6k fr Mrra fo RAVINE SETTING. En1890the tranqu11199 of 0851.3 88498098 slde split r10859in55988. Stop 08578088 t85e sliding dos 9708m mly 8085n 88pati. Th5 8159 ,s mogsificen. Yo0911 be8808870t80se8518088Z Cali Margaret Pae.. V08ARIÇTY A HOME FOR LESS THAN 849,000. 8188have I9. A go798098 brick1 hom8e wi998 d0ouble carpst. Lo9897 lar'ge living dm158078.r, super7large lot, 1080086 in 9111898.789. Hu6709 85.897 and call R808980sy. SPUD COUNTRY. Ail yo.. potato pickers have a look ai5th5s95 acres. Goo6 home88and bors, gravai plt, 7800108 w8055, close to eve78110. Cali Ross. IGEAL HORSE FARM. 1W0 acres excellent fer- 98900608056710bric 611/2 5'/or home8598, good barn0 9811 openo stablltg, new9stel8arm 008' x 160'. Ex- cellent financ190 98181 substantiel deposit and g006 posmsiono. Askissg $90,0110. Cali Murray Smith1. 008185081 LAUNOROMAT. Excellent fine of equip09en0, 8806 lasse, g086 volume8. Excellent mort0g108n. Ne6 a 1194e of 7007 lime880885 day. 60180g C900. Cali Bill Ellis for a8look 0t0a98088 OUTSTANOING CORNER neîghbourhood business, 089888 98117 eq92pped. Profit00 andlos st05t9880t1s8877goosd 5569811189880858555879818 the GO train 75581005 starting8 clseb. 7enlm 807r yu 98998 m, this s.. Cali Ross. S ACRE LOT Close to401, separaed and re8089fw building permit81. Excellent mar5ket907680 soli. Ossly 0,000. Cali Murray Sm8ith. CREATEO, OEVELOPED AND BUILT O main- care. 2,800, 9808e bedross w585 firepI0880960I18.5609088968818c, 3088 acresof rll50 85(118 with8 photogeslo 91898. 1080986 j680 00,185 of Geor'getown. Cali HerbSpti9188. WORK ANVWHERE but iv in heountry wsI1the You ca't los, 8088 cres andthm som for ony S34,90. Cali Michael Cernay. BETTEs THAN AVERAGE in8eer ay0, in- 9196199 77980 $59,980 0 and lo a850 706t yoge. 3 88678098,8big9lo, 28minutes 97os8 5898 A tisIdSsto fireplace in the 9098119 7809, an857 exta7lrg 7597005980 70098 and 9889 more. Cali Michael1 Carney 909070 ,5'8 g890. INVEST NO0 in0this alm8080n8w 6 p900 locatsd Ino 990i98588679056ho. AIl deluxe ap75988058. Be0780 8989 landlord. Asking 8120,000. Coali Ellto Hogg. BE REAOY fO the. 97809 880886 98159 9067 09 88o8885 of th5e 9068880 8199800 andf8 ponds 8098598 00870 os No. 108518859809m00r990718601. l9's near skiog and r8069 for 7087 year round chale. Ao18isg 041,900 w,0h g806 58798. Cali Bill El118 for dela118. ROCKWOOO. Charminglounr home57 8598 8mpl0901 7898068118d0m nacres8, 7 rom home w819 firtpOoe. ouble garage 98109 s8788987, pols barn6, 2 00vw barns 40' x 100' and 40' x 140' 989890070067 coin. trolied. Twosll,2-20000sp. services. Arlexcsllent 969 al 895,009. Cali Murray7 Smith1. F99,H 811ploos9 7 85 1809098508 7774 SaIf'E s C80per 877-9458 Marion Co,,,ey 877 5764 nH.y Ps trp,58o7 e 877-7858 r5 d'ur ,99 89' M18arg7 Parker,, 877 9180 Mury mt (Acon 8 01 5 8H1 91, Spize 75289 Mîsha.i Carney 87; 6712 Alex Glenn (519) 833 2465 R6w,,,977 W0,897989 87 ilEls8 Bernad Clarke 877 4637 Ross 179819 877-2895 ElIs9 Hogg 87 4987 WE BELIEVE INIT J