110 The Canadien Champion, Milton, Ont., Aprîl 17, f974 Lowville Communion, baptisms confirmation in church hy Mos. T. Rarnshaw Palm Bodo mas ode more mitaningol1te obildren ni Use BSunday Bchool wben somte of Use teachers g ave eacb cbitd a palmn Thero mas a full cborcb Sonday gfor commun ion. baptisms and confirmation: Transtorring tboir mm berubipo more Harold toboston frnm EanI Plains Ulnited cborcb and Robert Newman gronm Cobsn'ille United. 1<1bride AHS SCHOOL in what wan thon Trafalgar 'l'onensnsp nonc junt lannauuns in the early 1940s When tib phota mon taken. In the front row are Gordon Hadley, Harold S00W and George Pelletterbo. Second row, George Plumin, Joe Pelletterbo. Bill Meredith, Arme Pelletterio and Marjorie Hadley. Rear root, Edwin Hill, Allun Patternon. Roy Melculfe, Lucille Proud, Millie Pelletteria. Hilda King, Helen Oscappella and toucher Mins Dorothy Sporks. Photo courtesy Mms Allant PutterBaFI Omagh Slides of Australia Hinm mOre Cheryl Lynn Chewha, Darlees Buth Jubnlint ond Ann Christine Newman. Confirmod more HeaUser Coolson. Brion Floch, Diane Hamilton, Lostie Aso Jnbnston. Allinon Knight, Laura Knighl and Lawrence John Trenwi"h Bon'. Wavne Irwin's commnion message the Vital Link, doncribed Use bridges in or lises. Tise cborch and the Lord'o napper il lifte abrid~ whifh hinds us ho sa I. fmiyofG Bhirley MoCormack en' .jyed her trip 10 England In he Winger brook. Richard and Helen Bon Ottawae wnl? White there, lhey visited Uhe partiamrent buildings. the moneom, the art gottery and took a gaided tour of Use clip. We are pleased that Robtert Heathorington l0 home from Use bnspital agoin. Announce euchre winners fly Dosna Ourgen t The Senior Citlsns Esobre Clsb met1 et Kilbride Public Schoot and the reuBts more as foilîns: ladies bigb. Mos Laing;,second, Mos. Bollard. and tom Mos. Wetbeoelt. For the gentlemen il mas high, shown at WMS luncheon hp Mos. Cecl Pattersoss Thse annuai pet tuck ton- cheonspapnsnred by tbe Omagis Prembytorian W . B mous beld at Eupne Centre on Tbursday., April il. Nearly l00 ladies and gentlemen gatbored ut 12 o'ctocis 10 partahe of the delîcinus smorgsashord mitai. Ber B Loipstor of the cburch welesmried Use guests and ashed the blessin. Mos. Cecil tattOrson, president of the W.M B. 9 ddfor Use programn Z MayJoyce mas the C ionit and William Milligan in communty sineing and lateo Mo. Milligon mîlb or- =smait Mos. Flara Bloshi esred several vocal solos. Bicb Roman entertained Use audionce mitb beoutîfol color slides aud interontîse commmtorvon a hulidat trnp ho had in Aostoalia last faIt Mo. Boman is an expert toacher of scolie db ing s rmu ch of bis tîmo os- luisstg waters in and uround Australia. and showed mouderful pictures of the finli and ptant-lite under the ss Other picturen of the animais, buildings, tbe land asd vast a0000 of treetes land and scooce negletation. He noted that one ocre i resqired for a sbrep toi gr000 as gratssîsn'er pour inland- Tise films and comments more mucb enjnyed by aR. BonItes at 90 Thomas Galbraith, the oldetprn present. non- tbut~ to Use Prrm mw a recitutiýon ontitled "]Mabio o Lady out of Lit", and also bold an omusing anecdote. Mo. Galbraith. o life long memhor ofGOmagb cburch is 94 years Young. Tmonty gifta more amarded for dooo poloos. also 10 the Io1 est married couple Mo. and1 Mos. Clore Ford. 40 yoars; birsbday closest lu April 1l, Mos. H. Butherford; poungesî perac-n' attoodiof, Bois Lewis. Pool Marshaîll Julia Miers'y and Brenda Mooshoîl; driv'r bringing most guests to the dînner. Mos. Olive Gîxon. Mos. Bohort Marshall gano the coartosies. espressîf op preciation 10 gUontS in the Two win awards Mos. Eloosur Berry of Paleomo and Mon Boberlo Doba of Mltoooeomong i,000 Ontario renîdonts tu 1010 Ontario Gradiiote Scholar- 'I re scbolarsbips olfer studonts $«0 per termi plus Use omoont o1 teir toîtn fees. for a maximum of tbree consocutive terme. They are awardod to stdentsmwho plan luse full timie graduato sien n tario univer' sillon, ALCOHOLICS MEETSEVERY t GraceAnglicao PariSh Hall t HING A PROBLEM' M ..snawPTlIsod ParisI Mfail Man Street Mitn 1 o hune a relative mlsbuàdrinkiog prohîm? program who had helped matethe d uch a sur cessfol event Foneral1 service for Mon. Isabel Meflomoîl of London wsheld on Monday. April 15 fromn McKersie's Funeral Chape]lolîh inerment lin he îomilv plot in Evergreen Comolooy MIs. Mctsooell is sto ivec hx 1100 daogllloon, 100 grandchildren and to great-grandchildren and her brothe' F.dward ',no., of Milton. Sincero sympatlty extended t0 those oho mui hor passing. A large L'ongl'gaion1 oornhîppod ai Omogli Presbvlorian Church on Eastel'Sunday, Apsîl 14, with Rcn' t0od Leoîn in the pulpit. T10o numrnOs verecon- trihuted hv the choir and the nacrament of coinonunion ohserved. The chuos'h a hooolifull' donoroîrd it1h Eonter fllos and hydroogoan. theno oore later sent la the sholîino and nîok in hospital. Fonera~i -rv1lro10nheld in East Auora on Mooday. Aprîl 15 for Mon. Cora Peaocrb wldolo of the loto John Francin Pearock. Mon, Pearockbi oorviinl ho a son J. Franis andtîîoegrand- childroo. and oas poottocroord hy lir lIusbaod andltoosens Robert and The Oîntario Soaro aond Assoriation beld tbeir mootbly meeting at Boyne centre on Tharnday es'ening Apoil Il naitb more thon 100 attending. Bernard Porter of Woodstocb, presîdont, 1005 in the chair. An interostisg table of enhîhits 1000 on displup, constng o a teamtchime ohisîlo, o largo horsesboe and other items. A municaI program mas ginen hy o group from Woodsfock, tino Young bops an the tînlion, Imo Youn& ladies, one on the piano and the othor o soloînt with thoîr roacher, a young mon wo had 1udged at many old lime tîddlo contents thronugout the Ut.A Theso were nouch onbovod by att. Loter refresb' toonis ere served .Members w000 preOnt tOom mony areas ofOntario. Seon on TV L.ocal farmers wereshown on the poograno "bn the vrenent Tonne" on CBC Sunday ovnnng.C. Ford Jr., Colin Marshull, H. Croîg Ieid. 0ruc0 MctClure and Rfood Gardbouse more stronning the necessity for koopiof land in agriculture and the need for more food for a hungry world. also dîploring the soaring pricos for animal feed. Statîsties ,lcîî liaI Ibîror is rnogh ishoat on hand for. o four oeob supply of Blour. ,hc. ob grove dinostor in case ofa poor alestn 1974 Farmers are leas'ing theland Last in large n mer and oropn topi. me_ he bigh rice andH r oirgently nod.Fil ht ofoMed BerdH aIEye Cetr on F1 î. Escbrt nprIl 2miegb tale u nmot Foerd . Edohar. aho Thrr. ofbrt Mrr aeondb RFrd r Caotse.To Bomoge poin Gheadyne rd and Geral Fea CartnTe onseal oclhall Myte hi oy masentred du rif th FEuh Isohril 0000'ttbls nwek Birtbday ginrs een M s Dont GoeogoTom rdgr05. Hamît BîeotMonW Ford and spal enth Jartne RThe usa oil h owdsyt hor wy toye du tha e PooU ss Cuny anid. Staîod 00 o Birthbay rdh it tO Monad Rtld EGeo Buondg ateooo. H Hami Ruteforbdubo Jai yn Bittl caeotsd a .E Fomr a d off. ent Foomrs or eard biat PrhOIn Ihîs nteptand Stanod ore Mr.i onabe tor ilO cyaora. rosI ber h Ea01er andba- hateno onten homora Myo ndMrs and Ruboo cattsoa d pwretamff. thdan ecenters mon'e1 h1aroa Shai ex e finm itrrton and ore n hoFal tnbiariOmilsCOINS ool par hi Otaooy King; secnnd, Bob Weir and low,Perey Lee. At the nexl meeting Mos. PotIer and Mms. Galbraith wll act as as bostessoon Mos. Wilbert Ford wilt ho entorne Brant Hospital far srgeoy and will ho otaying t.n 10 three tneekssu me wisb ber a pleasant stay and a speedy oecovery. Nom renidenla Welcnmenew residenîn Mr. and Mon. Grant of lbride St. mbt Use village. Tbey come tromn Borlinglon wbere Usey lîn'edgfor tboeeyears. Prior to fhl tboy residod in Quobec. Mo. Grant in on secounant for Consomoon Glass. pm55 newly lormed Optimist Club of fJpper Burlington mas invited lu a uupsser meetiug at the sposoring Carlisle Club's commtinity hall. GomIt speakrs wore Boh Parker, Bieatenant-goveroor of the zone,. and Boom Bbiploy, psi president ut Gptimnist lInternational. Eu for there are 24 frein- hors in Use Upper Buolinglon club witb prospects Ionomeg n'eoy gond for a lurge membersbip. Bomember. Ibi is a non-pofit organîna- lion hoselilting youth and Use rommonity. Anyone in- terested na innited 1or contact Wally Popor aI 878-M0 or En Enoolsen aI 8780496. Weekend visitors North Trafalgar o Clubhbeld their y eochro party on loy oighl. April 10. not rue tahles oI in play. The ladies' were wonby Drotby erston, Violet Nin. *Conningham and Ena %rnnd. The gentn' potoen won hy Claro Wilson, dl Dooglas, Jim ton and Keith Webb. Hnwden og Aroro the weekend witb the n tamily. and Mrs Laooy eo and daugbter Julie don-#pe the eenrd Mr. MId Mon, Lonlie geor ofrnhy. bday grootings are ded 10 Mildred Ion lnhn mîlI celehoato rthday on Apoil 20. hday grootings are ,od t Mon. Roy Breok, ll colobrato hor hir- on April 20. ron Hui spent the r oookond o'ith heo 1111111111113_ *IMIMIIIEI Available only from your __ Co-operative. àli É DÏ,N I Strong, knot free. Made from pure, smooth, 100% Sisalana fibre. aiful f0,0000 Il. a a C; aaentillestrnth excreils300 Ib Iohroni e . Mi e 81-29 Bbrtbday greetings are entended to Joyce Wilson. noho milI colebrote ber bir- tbday un saturdap Apoil 20. The Gaffodil lunceen oîli hobheld aI the Hitîcrest United Cburcb on Thursdop aI 12:30. The goest speakser mitI ho Mos. John Murray. reep in touch mith real ostate den'oloponts in the Halton Hîlîs and Milton ares, tbrough Use pages of Markset Place appeorine meebly in Iis noospaper. PEEKING INTO MILTON'S PAST .. Students of S.S. 1, Nasaagaweya arowsd 1920 or 1921 are pictured noîth teacher Della B. Kaiser. In the front row are Cawford Mailon, Jim 'Inglis, Mac Elsley, Jack Lloyd, Bll Rtoberts, David Malon, Frank Watson. Second row, Murray Corrne, Jackt Coarrie, Errsie Lloyd, Dolph Purchem, George Inglia, Alex McNiven,. Cbarlie Hammond Gus Parchem. Third row, Doris Cairns, Frances Ployer, Laura Peacock, Beulah Inglis, Margaret Stokes, Mary Roberts,. Irene Tteis. Janet Maoon. Eunice Mitchell, Cora Inglis, Gertse Ferrier, Catharine Bell. Photo loaned by Mra. Dolph Parchemn. Drumquin Lilies on altar lOy Mos. Ceeil Pattersos -DALE- A large congregation F ROSS- wornbipped aI Bethel rniled OR Chuoch on Easter Bunday mitb spocial music by the -MARCE choir. The minister Ren' Lynne Cortin delivered an RS inspirine message. Easler llirs more on the attar front. Birthday greetîn s 10t Genffrey Drembron Jr., John Bailey and Karen Hoyter. Ebenezer ho Mos. Rosa Mc Lean E Mos. John Kitching's mono friends wisb ber a speedy recovery. Bhe is a patient aI Gselph Gouerol.A Bistbdap greetiogs 10 Denise Gaigle and Jimmy McLean. Flomers and special music marhed Use ohoervance of Eastor at Ehosezer. -Gardenors are annions ta gel going at their gardens. Tise Chompion is an Inox pensive wuy ot telliflg en'erynne in central Balhon ahout pour future evntsl. I Speck nrf SImaII -Coavsf FORD MUSTANGI smaller, but more luxurious and more exciting than ever! Notable Standard Features - Ford cares about your safety Fonctiunal: 2.3 Liter', 4cylonder engins Fully spo ctsroniood 4-speed floormuoed transmission Rock- and-pinioo steering tonualtfront dise brakes 3-cotoo taîllights Tachometer Foot. uw.ontno and taom- peroturo gouges BlanOmoll tires Impact Absoibing Froet and Oour Bompar Systenos Foet Retractahle L.of thoaldol' salis lsulated tfront soh.5s'ame At Forci Motor Cumpany Liteguord Desiun tutotp Footures listed onf page 20. roof structure - tel gurd rails In sidn doos Corrosion-resistott broke lies .009 Emrgbsorbleu steerîsu colonon and sfeeieg obeel. totaety desiged 0000 handios - neogp-oobiou Instrument panel . impact-obsorbinu luwinated satety glats mindshield Hazard ota.'nîo tioshor. OuBckap lights Sîde mirkns lights. Gi are reuced instrumnt panel paddisu. Be~c 4 c>4. Muiang Il $3382 Licne & Tao Entra Um Your SmaiI Car Headguarters TRAFALGAR MOTORS 409 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-2369, * "The 2549-vcWLine" aM SOBLERTW1IflEn s pot Cashà CTY o ff The Dnck Ta Tou ___ Off 40AlERAOn BANLE SMENT AVERAGE 0000 STRENGTO f35 lira, _ CALL VOUR CO-OP jjJ *Dintrihoted by U = 3~ 1 optimists Thursday evening the