Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Apr 1974, p. 25

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The Canadian Champion, Milton, Ont. Apr 17, 1974 B9 CJMD new TV channel. Support given for some Milton viewers retarded teamns By Jnyce heaton Therels a aen fefevsion channef fn faon. If's CJMD, Channel titrise, and an cane y00 hase trouble getfing if on yor ae! it'a hocauae it'a att Closd circuit ut J. M. Demyno nsee. Grades fhree, four, and tisve studenfa are gisen thse op- parfunity fa feara hon piec- farea gef un T.V, as nef an bing invotsef in a fot of play ta isecome famifiar nifh tise nderfise direction of Ed Ritey, feaciser fihrariun an tise scisoof, tise stodenfa are formedilotoafeam of camera techaiciaan. Tisey 00e00 porta naît of tape recarder. fripad and camera, deacribed h7 Me. f4itey os tis cieapt version of a M ittian dattars oth of compex equipment. Fil m io Recentlfy fise ren isited Kef o Conservation Area and fi tned the Haltn Couofy Museum there. Tisey foffoneti theo procesof tise film anfif if esentuuffy ended ap bing s'ired h y feffon stadentu on thectelicircuit. The reatity of thfe art insof sod f ed une boy f0 esefaise, "Boy, those guys on isig T.V. don't font around, do fisey!' Andy Webster, a nen student lif J. M. Denym, nos thtetearnt.He was in oein fise fapiag of a grade lise p"aY Wi enchigte pfaybacs isec reafiz ed tid appeciated nisaf goes into camera technique. Camsera nark The tean did tise air nork nisen grade four studenfu hroughf their science project into tise resurce cent re anti ex- pained if f0 fet ton students. Thy ere eucîfed f0i eafine fheynwerehbeing ienedhby tise ofudenfu on tefesision. A simulation of a party fane nos atmo expeeienced. mhe equipment belongo f0 tise HIton Boardi of Edacation and sa avoifate for ose in elementarv scisoofs. PLAYBACK 0F FILMING done ut tho Halton lu port of a team ut J. M. Denyeu Ioarning TV County Museum uit Keluo ilu shown to follow camera techniques. classmates hy cameframan Stophen Prior. Stephor (Photo by J. Bouton) Campbell invited to board meeting Renaissance Comnitter leader Ken Campbell nitt be o'________________-________ vited ta mort nits theo Hatton oacrd of Education, tise huard Terpr niae h pncnetpa alsi agreed dariog a regatar meeting Thursday. Cs eatidctsts pacnetpa ossi Canpbsell hou ted atnost tiaity charges againut edlucaion posîible f0 farîltte co-opeeafîce planning and teariog and f0 anti edacaturs in ecent neehu. fils fient charge concerned tise frovde more fteuîisîtity in peoflean. peunce oftsofmisbianuin M. M. Roinson igi ssriootoand the Suits oe. out ail fodtor ceasorshîp of boooks in uchont tîbrucien. Tise report recoguizen tise idea that ot att ufudento are Wha atio snite f or open concept scisools isut nated on tise other isond fisat Wisutufian oaoy fhice in the open cncept. Campsetl iad asted Bordishairnn ifil Prieutner nisuf ac- Tise Ontario foutîfute for Studîrs in Education îsceurrenty ionse and theiboardneald take in connertionnith Diector of underiakisnganmajoruîtudy ontisesuhjectoandftheboard agred Educain Jin Singleton's brisavior. . o f0atois cfosefy tise outcone of that sudy. Iu bis ecpty Prîmstner resi ened fisc incident isicis precî*pi- Tise open concept plan conl into consideroisto parent op- tafed Corn rff'u attacs on moral pollution and supportedi position af tise Robert Baldnin Schoot in Miton. Parents of Singltfs achtsn ciîdren in tise area recaffed unfasoraiste rnpeeienrms ciidren Tise chairnan reviened nane ut tise retiginus pragrofos is ati bain otieraeeas isefore corning f0 Miffon. and pragrontu thut dealt mifunrais and etisics non bieng taught tn tise scisonts. -Au a rnutf uth fisc say Comniussion Repoct, Tise Hiat- toeaBoardusetuop aconnittee tstudy religion in tisescsotu. t ..I mas compasetiof parents, ctrrgy, teacisers,utaudents andtn ý i Ir S tu d fl Q wA iI ffettimos, protiucing an Anthofogy of Oprning Enercines, tise tio pinentfouta Vafues anti i furtiser rogrags bel' urrespansihîfty sl to therci ren. Weihave a langmway ta go a a d catr area forfthe gndof therktis entrusfcdfua urrustcosip. Simnnnynes, Ruth Ree anti Van McPhia have bren ."Affthsetrustees knon there are unimirahtetiferry nanord as ecpenus ofacads ofmer, Halon ard of nooris n ocisont fibrairfes but are afuo anorr of tise inishitfugm Education annoneti Tharstiay. nature 'If cenooruship. Tise Spaninsh Inquisitin sati noble foot Tise board gave foynes tise anarti because of the off-Ont- bat oonenwas prontiof the mosuta Tise nay ne hantifr npecific aria 1,5w nerte vîctory andti f Reeti anti McPhaif for bing campfaintuuaboutaffensise titeroture or practics is ta quifty seni-finaitîs in tise Ontario Mîneti Doublstr Tennis Touna- have theadmnisfeatur inveuigate andideafnwitttthemrater. ment. Thi imonrereftertive iny opinon than thseDaeron /Oryant They werefisrec of ue stutienfu in thseregfon to nsc approacs. anactis. Thec anardu ace gfsen fa tiumc utudticf niso moise oui Gise truster chance standing actuereenf in partfcipaion or conpeitn 0f tise "in yuur rcntutatnent yu mnton opeating trh h fOntariofleseioriseyonntinreitsrpysirafnor aotemc pur tise efecieti trustees au tise proper neans f0 ocisiei'e educa- fumnai change. Wr 0f course totally agree. tionrier, nisen tis incidient atM. M. "tinson occuerei, t betieve affer contacing ~ thschoo, your net contactnoon ih thsepress. Yoartrontee or nsoutt hase heco the neuf siep. Wit ise nay not hace hoen B a d eyes increases aiste ta get yon tise resuffu yuu nanteti, fie sisonit hase 0f trust isatiachance. For inteiriitoftenusaid thaf thb trustees airein e u a o b d t pnoeremaga inst thetiucator and tbey nitihbe if tisry arre n e u a i n b a e not afonedte tacf for thrir ontifurotu atnorogiuasneaeippooouct "f0 sunnory tises. ne aff on thai fise educationais se Ha,74l , tgton tttioardtfiucain e Aydaprf2teetof Tsie termiis foc tron perfect Ifi ne aul pull togefiser uuing our vari nus te$22463bde ni h or' pi 5meig h tatents, a isetter, more vibsrant andiusrfu schoi systern for our huard met Tisurutiay. ciîirrnnwiiiruit. We nerd ymrinpt asnwetoas tbatftail Granteegultisonere reeasetisy thseministryfilleiaut uegment osoriefyuso tiatnwe may havera puici scisouf uyu- neisandiadminitrative officialiumnrued ovrteeeent f lem niîc con lieua positive influence on al] the students nhaf' incurporair tise front uchedufe in a budtget. ever ibîheurtes,' ise saîid. Prnc,,.ial l itwl ae'ouiit fur E'31.331.847 anti the Favors open architecture 0penConcepuisuuun on enursation oftaria on Board ci fitiaca ton at a meetinf Tisursday. Tise bsoard agr te cotinsue builing open concept ncios inisre anti nhrn if nos deemeti advsuahfe. A repart frono Ausistant Dîrectur ni Educaion En Laoentier nofetithaf optionaf attendancrareas made ilpossible loiryoangtfrrin oearea ton ovetu anotser area and aoid hacingauitudentattendritera conseniunai soof orannopen concept uciuigaîis i oriser cice. -Haiton Renaissance Committer reatier Ken Campbeli ni Milton nau ona rdin tali oson one morninf faut neck in Hamil ton. %ELECTRICITYIN Is Our hussa % ouni ho a Tunkamer mufh% .Cat an enpertf ore c N *Wîrîng % 0 ONew circuits % 9 Odtionat Outlts N 0 Osildutte Lighs Ï FEATHERSTONE i SELECTRIC muiiqaiies w;ii ise requmted f0 pay $20,243,607. Ifi tac budget us approoedau pesteti Burtiogion niti hase tu poy $8,534,9t48, Hatton Hitis $2,559,903, Milton $1,694,M82 anti Oakissufe miii pay $7,453,994. Millfrate up Cismcfigureu represent increusei routa tofthenmunicipal- ity ofan averag otf2.5miliuor an average nf6.5per cent. Miltonnnillfacea .3 mii rate inceasewie costus illin- ire seys6. per cent Oakies' educotion miti rate junps isy cimse f0i secen per cent and2.1mills and uringtonnwil face a illrate icrease 01fou8noufis or an încres ronfsuix per cent in dollars. Insvienîofihinfiatinry trentis thseminisiry hou iocreou- cd crut ungsoun per papif expendSomno. Crîfingo fnr eienenbary popliiijumpifronnpauato 704andifr secondary statients tronn $s210 to f070. Haiton os nîtaîn tauue ceitingo. tfyou'rcthinkintoftrad- ini ynur car, wc sonutd taih We'vce v n ivvc in finncing casfo alnginte And we woe k it Su we rau put tngrther ainoan thut'îsui tyou with out getting you lu ovet your hoad . The First Canadian Bank Bankof Mont - CJMD CHANNEL 3 closed circuit TV ut J. M. Denyes uchool lis oporoted tay thse students. With camera from left arc Dennis Laroque, Stephen Prior and Bey Edwards. Andy Webster and Tom Ruigrok look ufter (he console. (Photo by J. Beoton I -qluv Àann oegz a busy< A rerart tîird nis Hottor Reginoa Cauncif recentfy shsons tise tas-otion Army cr iai tan isot an active year rn f973. Accortif fa fise report Inn boyu or 114 days nf caire nere proits- iti t the if noue ni Concord. FPaur anneti notfiers nere cureti tue a lofai o1377dtays ai an expenur ni abaut 13,1fR. Tisirfy-righf neitare familles receis-e assistance af Chrismnoas andi f5prons reeeis'ed gracery or teso turniturr anti coinsn Tisirfeen paetai uuiciff ruse% i arnt i nit recier isetp trono the suicide pres-ent ion bureau nite on Ce a g of n851 personu nere dteais mont bonda tota FAY'S ELECTRIC ELECfRIC SEnVICE 878 2048IA Wc cun evcn talk about anc typc of loan thut given ynu thc fuit pricuof ynur car. E ven if yvu'rc not a (ilitoniur Wr do that hr.ýausc wc koe hctpingyuu dosomething ns the best way ta makeyou one, Came on in. And let's talk cars, group ni 1,631 Casier anti Chu freaf s nerr diutrîisut part ni tise rogue of nons. Ou top utftisii tise Sa Armp cons a, -moun centrea tretmeft ce afcohofics and a pr home for girls. Fîoanaloaspport forfvfoitdnts fr.. scfoolsfor he me- ..)fy rnfarded in Halfon have bren assured by Haf ton Boardi of Edac ion in the studeofu' efforfs f0 fake part in fise 1974 Spe- ,, af raylpies, The olympics are planneti for Winnipeg June 13 fo Jane 1i. Mayfield srbool ha, a 16 person fean and Bfruce Lyn and Sunshine schanls wiii combine te seda a 14 p000 tram to the Apparenffy a]] buf $1,700 of ffhe$,10O bas bren raisei from sources oab.idrofftheboard, The board agrerdtfo pik up tse $f 710f if nevrioa ry. Fxuriu cnfnnfirr Darig discussion of aprogrrvs repor frofte comoittee oni,.hofoforffthe frainable refardei, the board agreed f0 refer o recononrodafion f0 ifs rorrafive commiffer tbaf fooufd see refaeded cbifdrenennar eaf fieffi whife fbry are eiding scsool bases. Afin referont f0 fbe eori.utiveconfnfffre non a suggesion fbafta porabe caurom bc proidrti af Sanuhine andantter porftable roo be peoi'idrd af Bruce Ln f0 affef'iafe crontiing tbofb .',mboof Won't petition on compulsory subjects The Hallfon Board of Education i n0f f f0itinthe Min- istryof Educafion toinceasr thfbe rof conpufsorysb jerfo fbaf ar rrorrrsary fa conopirfe requieena for a sc ffary schoof gradation diploma. Th boardicamieftofhafconclusion fftr rceaivig a c iff rrporf Tbr report indicafed tbere nvofd be fîfffe benefit fa sfaifroivforcedftotalle mafthor psy'faf1 fiforss anti second- ]y, afitorifd the befief thaf offodenffin cocert nuis fber par- rfffifoad prinipffalsoiffoselrctftherores fbey isfoae. fI n'ai noird a bîgb prenoage a of tdrofsallbe bath op- tins isntoagb fbry aee 001 mndatory. NEW SPRING & SUMMER FASHION SHOES JUST FOR YOUI1 sea, 5F,, 6 184 Main St. Mlo -Champion ciasuitîrds nîil self if for Yeu. J.R. Currie usns OPTQMETRISI nercy BURLINGTON Icabion > MAIL social ltefr Tefopisone 632-7788 aio PLAY IT SAFE! Why let your fomliy and I friends rlsk fouls on old stops Reinforcod concrofe Unit. Stops have houdt-o safety treads, precast FOOTNGS FONDATONin one piece, and cao he însfaftod FOOTIOS FUMBAIONSqauckly and cleanly by ou froined STEP * WLKSOrnamental Iran flailings SURFAGINO & RESURFAGINQ te Match EXTRA STIONO NON-SLIP PATIO SLABS Fre Etiate 88-85 HYDRA-PR EST ____ r0Esmae 816 3 Hydr-Pret-mde uderLet as insfatf permnne Ress r damage. tale aroaeid tepool PRE CASI tecaune bheyr nn-slie CONCRETE SIBS *Enha-e tho b oiut and alu vof ni v *No oaiviror nrete tovvreonafios SCATHEA CONCRETE Let's talk car boans ,And how we cangetyou rolhig L«%~ real 144 Main St. 878-991 1

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