86 The Canadian Champion, Milton, Ont. Aprîl 17, 1974 Camrpbellville W.I. instalis new officers The annuel meeting ut Canaphellnille Women'n louli- tute wan proclaimed "Grace Wehh Nfght" as Mms. J. Wheelihanpresente= m Wehh wilha farewet tsu gnwshufor the future in hernec hoernor Arthur. TIse meeting ha&anhwislha 'raRli. Mms. 0. Va- Siche rmadl o pesai "An April Day." OffOcers Mms. W. Wehh inntallerd ot- ficero fur 1074-75 an folluws: loorary prouident. Mms. R. Chuit; president, Mms. G. VanSickle; Snd cice-prensi dent, Mms. R. Farker; secret- ary-troaurer, Mms. G. Black; assistant, Mms. H. Denain. Brancha directums are Mms C. Mitchell, Mms. H. Denain. Miss K. McPhedran; finance, Mrs. S. Cramp. Mms J. Wbeelihan. Mrs R. Elliot, Mms. L. Stokes, Mms L. And- rews, Mms V. Cockram, Mms G. Inglin; cheer, Mms. L. Crawford. Mms. H. Dennis; publie relatians, Mra. J. Werelihen, Mrs. R. Etlint; district direrlor. Mrs. R. Et- liaI etltersate. Ms. S. Cromp; To-redonmaîr hintor,: Mrs. L, Andrews, Mms. R. El- liaI. Miss K, MePhedran. Fianists are Mms. M. Ma- han, Mrs. G. Inglis; asotiturs. Mms. R, Austin, Mms. V. Cack- ram; salrty, Mrs. R. Parker; caurtmsy. Mms M. Coltina. Announcements Ttsanks were received frmw the Suve the Sight projet in India stotiug bac vitamin roncentratr bad saved the sight ut thounands ut clnildren. Mra R. Ethot espressedl tbaoks ta Heurt Fond convras- Inv-itations were received ta, thne Food Forum on Roa Ctnurch. Georgetown, May o; 4-H uchiesement day May 4 ut Ontario Schuul for Deaf; Girl Guides napper and a film lere wil hae o newpap- ersfortSPINRths m.ta s cummilten will ha in charge of the Bev Scout dbuser in the Lions' Hall, April 27. Volunteems were recrudted for the cancer canvans tu ha completed in April. The standing committen con- vennms are ta hae reoonible for progreon plannig Fouler chlld A tetter wan recelved frim the foster ctdld lu Hung Kong and u memhamship for child- renosaid. Mms. G. VanSichte will at- tend Mountain Union W. 50tIn annivemsary dimer. Mrs. R. Parker wan pre- sented villi a gin; by Mms. 0. Vantickle in recognitiun ut her leademship in a creative stitchery clans. Heppy hirthday cinhen go tu Guron Kresiî. 163 Maio St. chu ceiehralen bis bir- Osday on Soturdey. April 20. T'Me tth Milton Brownien held their mather-daughter banquet aI St. Feul's United Church os Wednesday, April 10. The ladieu ut the church prepared and necved the turbey dinner lu the giiln and ibeir cuthero. The girls uftIhe pack corhed bard preparina for Ose eent. mubcng the rester- piecen, flucers. prugrecn and place cerdu etc., ail in ceuve and yelloo- Aller tbe dinser Ose girls enlertaineditheir moîbers cilb nsts and cougn and Ibmn enjoyed ceverai Laurel and Hardy ficms. lise nec Tecny Gsvl for the 6tb Miltas Brucsien c Alne Feegan and iheir Crocs Qo-l ns Peggy Barton. Many happy reters ut the day are wished for Kevin Verntreete. Fine St. - oho ceYehrateu bis nisthbhirthday un Saturday. April 20. Deryl tltogman, lormeriy ut Martin Si. Milton ban gruduaed troc Caceer Acudemv inToronto and han accepted o job as radio an- nouncer cvith CJC.J. Radin in Woodstoch. Nec Bran- swick, Daryl is eson ofruce and lAocoihy Osagman. lorceriy of Milton, no oftlcy Le Dacyl wouldhaeglad to hear troc hss trsendn in Ose Milton aea. Congratulations ond hent se b go lu Reg and Muriel Gray. 12 Frise SI. - oho elebroîr Ibeir 301h o-edding annivecnary on Thurnday Aprsl 10. Nscb and Michelle Gauthier. 605 Sirethena Cl., sere c icilrd 00cr the Eanter urrhrod by Boh and Lice fl'shul and sac Joel troc Launsdownoe, Otario, and Don and Acu Cooscuy troc Thorshsll. Mcc. MoonoftWarckb Eoglend han hevo cn Miltos for a lese days visiting ber daugiser, Margursie Charron of Victoria Ave. SI. - oho cetehralm hler 17Os hirthday on Stlrduy. April Art and Dolorea Melanan, 627 Churchill Ave. wer ciciied avec the enter crebend by Dotorea' perents, Bruce andDorothy Dingcoa hec gradmoîher Mns. Lua Shipmaa. and her hroOier Darcea Dingmas, ail ut lvy Leasu inhe 1000 Islands. Coiuc 0551 Dolores Meleann is iterested lu prssting necn ut yuur hir- ihduyn. acoivernarinoe, Chrintenings, visita and viniturs and other special eeis. CatI her et 878-3138 or o-rite out your ueo-s items and reave ihent for ber ut The Champion office. lOi Main Si., Milton. -Weather ca p.%],y holissy weekend. Cambodian chlld adopted by church To-est ysic members of St al's U. fW. crti n the Fetlusbipa Roui on Monday evesing, April 8ciOs Mrn J. Gilhert, prenidenti n the chair. Th cetng oa opened o-iih to-o Eenter pemnendeaprayer. foltoseed hthe Lards Frayer in Mms. Gceai o m chergeuttheenierprogram chic hconnisted otEecter plnms. hyma and prayer. la plc utf the Cacter meusagr, e taperecurding ofta lt by theMudertar Rt. Rec. Brce McLeod, gie t the Hamiton Conterence. ouc presented. sn chich he spolie ai bis dutico and codera deeelupcents n otOe church toay. Foiioseing the minutes and treanarer's repart. other reprs cere presenîrd. Mms ÉEpW. Fonier. Christian Citizen and Social Action Cons-ener chos e the lapse "Humes Rights- and morretated ber remuchc o-ilh themmessge ofEasteruand Christ's promise that He hud cme thet o-r might haer le and hase more ahundantly. Hetp apprrntatrd it cas a pleasure la hase 'Ney %Lawrence report toc Ose Chrstien and Msssonary Edacatian depurtmeal o the aduptson of a Cumindsan chdd wo s hang finuneed hy Ose ehurch sehool under the Fonter Farents Flun ai Canada. A graia letter truc th e esilds mather rcpleiced Ihul the maney sent, sot asIc lnabed eller the ehsld hutalso the oeeds and edueulsos af the other crchers ofhefamily. Hseghsc ut the Heltan Prembyteriat annuel meelisg aI Fort Nelson United Churcg on Mureh il sere given hb Mcc C'hurles Thomson, o-ith rcerpts froc a speech givea hy Res. R. C. Plante urgisg support for the Missin and Service Fond. Mrs. A. Ciecents cas- sentie!to sel asecons-enectfor Ibm Nosecher heneer and the sursaus hootho sere acnigned ta Ibm uosts. The pzessetenacd Ihat une the ccc Unitied Buard, the U.C.W iStahae rrpresenldby one memhar os reh ofthib sevra ci- Sceelecocingeentserre cf speesul interent. Flens toc tise cuccuge sale. Api 20 acere tinalsued. Final meeting Four U.C.W. delegutea are to, attend Ihe tact meeting ot Ibm Hulton Frenhyleriat on Api 29 ut Freellon, haiorc unsticatson seilh Huion Fresbytery ukes place. seul he heid an Jonc 2 wiOs Mmc. Hsldegarde Toit ut Toronto us speciol speaker. Theuaruai ocidoor congrregtioal servie and pirose o-iil ha heid an June 23. ladivideal pmuiecis and uctivities uft ?he units sere reported and tusety Eastcr egg cd b y Uit 3 sere Iclscsus rereshcenin cered by Unit t brougii an sntrresting und informative meeting ta a close. 38 enter Thsrty cigbt ple bave suhmitted o-bat ihey tout o-Iil ha gmod chaires for the sec taca ut Miton creut. A remmiiteeo-bich consista of Cria Brittain, Andy Frank, Shirley Scitt. Dace Lloyd end A. diBenedritt citI ceci nana ta ebuase a o-snner for' the content. Clean up 5J1e00 Up. Coup Firo- Thet's the thece ufthOe npring ceanl..uy1 erature cailed out this o-oub ta att thse rural aeas in Milton. Thse literuture aisu carnies Ose o-umning that nuidour fires ure pruhibited. Local iiretighicma urge citsocan ta ha cspeielly came- fat o-itb tire et ibis time ut year. When the grass s dry tis essly set efire and a serious rirecouatilresut Elipoî 7Famlly Page Vvedding Leaver - Varley lise marri W e of Jo-Aune V=rey and Charles Leacer tnkplaco in St. Fots United Crch, Milton, Moeeh 23 a14 pi. ev. Charbon A. Hainer otiiated. Mms. H. Magleea ca Oe ranint. thAneinOe daugluer of Mr. and Mms. Ray Vartey et 205 Ontario St., Milton. Che in emptoyed hy Diversey Cnorration in Clarkson. Cherîmi the snoftMr. and Mms. H. W. Leaver ut 516 Taploc Cre., GOhvitle. Heina empluyed hy Dserhead Dooro in Gavlle. Matron ut haner was Mms. Bonnie Dyer ut Gsetph Bridesmeidn were M.: Cathy Gilhert, Gabvitte; Rathy Variey. Miltton', Barhara and Becerty Leacer. Leaver, Oahcille. Sent mon cas Dennin Adam ut Gahville. Unhems cere Tum Daitey, Paul Leacer. Gakcitte; Brad Doyer, Gselph; and Kent Vartey ut Miltan Renepiun Futtocing the ceremuny a dininer and dancecwan hetd for 150 gacola in the Maonir Hall. Bill Vaughan ut Oah- ville, a rosis ufthe groom, cas master ut cereconien. He read telegrinrcie troc Mr. adMms. Henry Hanting ut Holtand, Faut Perras ot Nec York and Miss Rahin Stili of Barhadno. Arnold McDuffe et Ranck- wood, urle of ase bride, propsaitd Oie toast lu Oie 'ibe couple were married un thse 201h weddtng an- nivernary of the Iside's parents and the Mlth weddlsg anniceesar of Ose hridera grandp a. Olt of tuwn gutsluwere Mr. and Mms. F. Pastst, grand- ~ ot f Oie hride, Mms. vegruedmuusher ufthOe ~meand Mr. and Mms. MLendl, sont and oncle ufthOe groom, adl front British Columbhia. Guents alsu travelled fronn Toronto, Guelph, OaIscitIe ana Drangevitte. Ohowems Micelaneus shuweri weegicen h y Mms. Cathy Gilhart ut Gokville, triends and ueighhoms ut Badenuch et the Badenock Cum'- msnity Centre, and h y MM. Jean McDufte of ttaclwuod. A lutchen nhower was given hy Misa Judy Gerhart ut Clarhnun. A unchon and shower a given hy Mms. Dora Giltiamn ut Bronle. The troussau ton wscu hetd ut the home of the hride'sarents.L. Mr. nd Mms. Lever are living in Gabville. Silver wedding at family party for Belvederes Joe and Rasa Belvedere celehceted their 2SOs cedding ennivemeary ciih e party et Huiy Rnsery Hait Mercb 3t, given hy their cbildren Merise. Loa and Enzo. Merried in Caiehie, ltaly. Merch 31, 1949, the couple coeed t0 Milton sn April 1951. Sratrd uth lerai teedlbe cilh Mr. end Mrs Ceicedere weeMr. and Mrs. Jue Fedoilu. Lore. Marine and Ensa Celeedere and Mms. Rasirio Belvedere. Dace rlog-m- Wiinscing file eschenging ut rings hy Ose couple cere the tntiuciag cechams ut their tamiiy. ail ai Milton: Mite and Heidi Oeteedere and tamiiy. Marie Rose Celsedere, Frank and Sylvia SILVER WEDDING Anuiversery o-as colebrated Marcis 31 by Rosa and Je Belvedere of 195 Bell St. Milton. Thcy were married March 31, 1949 in Calobia, Italy. Fedule and temily. Luigi ana Elsie 'Antoucci and temiiy Mite and Linde Fedulta ad tamdly, and Tony Fedutta. Mc. and Mms Oetcedere tbunhed Ose Multirin and cuny triens and neighborm chu honored thec. A speciel ibanho cas given lu Ose Serent tecily end Osose chu conhed for the occasion. Fnttocing the upening ut their meny gifta the couple led in the dencing to the munir ut Tony Benedetti. À ~~the ofea aglna Church Womeni St. GeeaChipc, ocil Hnod Tise meeting opened clOs a hyme and prayer ad titaay leit hy lthe preaident, > Mms Claude 1%t". and Mm. Le Page gave Ohe Oiought for the day. Tise serlrsadtreaaarer's ertars and ie rolIa ~~- - -an ilr mea The programt for the camîng year wan disminanil and plaonneil. Secs-at muney- CHARLES AND JO-ANNE LEAVER are shown makîng rojecta cern fallowiug their wedding Msrch 23 eit St. Paul ,S P' ptoo'.Tjlde Mtay m.etn Untd aC hMitnTe bride is tise daugtr wiIhah a IOehoet Unitn barh, Mltan Tis Vera and Melores King and of Mr. and Mro. Ray Varley of Miltaos. ise groo0m cal teature a sale etofti ai tise sou of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Leaver ci Oak- Plans etc. The onnea ville. Tlsey are living in Oakville. meigi an edl Christ Chrr Caidln _____________________________________May O. Mm. H. Richardsonorean *.a.¶ ..a.article fromt the Ideal. Lunch Heads InsLiLuLe cas s-ced, toppedott wiIs a St. George' plans sprinç of bulbs an lice Scotch Blork WlI. met Thersday, Aprdil in Ligny Huit. Tise lurIs committen served e deitrsuun denser tuchon The presîdent Mrs W Harris opened the mouting ctthea pointa, lThe Cno-drap tatioced hy the Ode and Mary Stewart ColtirrI Furtees memhers anacered Ose o ceal] Reports for Ose yenr gîc ien hy Ose conceners Mms C. Servsce cens charge ufthOe elecîton ut otir wch o-en an fuliucn: Hoorary prestdent, Mms J. tresse, prenîdent, Mms W. Herris; firot vire preuident, Mms. W. Lacsan; second vce prenident, Mrs. G. Hume; aecretary-treanerer Mms. E. Joyce. Plan cs e Il o-as decided lu taIse Ose short course in crotta, second chaire heing Interior Desigs. Arrangementsa er made tue Ose card part t ch ciii ha heid in April' Flens cere mode toc District - Annuel May 223in Hiticresi - Cbarrh. Miss ee Chishatie ciii \\\ attend tIse otticers' cas- \\ terence lu ha heid in Kit- chener April 30, May e nd 2 Ilices voted todonete $t3 the Cancer Sucipty -May 1t0 7 naChtldCSaft Weekh "s s A.C.W. isale* iplants h ktha .as Secerat doete1 %- tade lu the meehg ». prayerod ithe. RsssyOahi il sei. liait srontritl te thae mseeting, espeeialty Mre. Hond for hierconntiution lu the las-h. -Aprif lu Cents- mooOi, gice generousy chen a convassaengtâst ynur home. ARTHUR A. JOHNSON. D OPTOMETRIST 218gMain St. Milton.- 878-3673 Arien- Wednesdav and Catardait About thn' tqwli ih Doors Moano $%one878-3138 The Corporation of the Town of Milton PROCLAMATION The Milton Chamber of Commerce is a vol- untary arganization of business people which is endeavouring ta co-operate with the citizens of Milton su that, warking ta- gether, we may build a community of whict, ce may ail be justiy proad. 1, theretore, by virtue af the pawers vested in mu, do hereby prociaire civic support for Chamber of Commerce Week, being abser- ved Aprit 21sf f0 Aprut 27th, 1974, and cou aon ail citizens ta tend their active interest, sup- port and ca-operation In making this ob- servance successfuî in every 2007. Mrs. A. J. MacArthur, Mayor, Town ut Miltan. FORD RENT-A-CAR SYSTEM l AND e CORtTINAS *COMETS OMETEORS0 N STYLE For Caroîrte Moloring Pleasure For a Dat' a Weekl a Movthl a Year Drap in and seo us. Our Economny Rates Include, Gas, Oii. Insurance - SPECIAL WEEK-END RATES - * COURIER PICK-UP TRUCK * F-100 PICK-UP TRUCK 12 FOOT VAN ALSO AVAILABLE g ~~nasa NOTICE TO ALL CUSTOMERS Country Pete'n han tained forces witIs Parmer Jack--onn of IStarials fastent grao-ing T.V. and Puruiture Waretlaane cheins. What this cerns ta ail present and future cuntomers is a iargcr vanictp and lacer prices on ail merchandice. This s the rosait ot volume buyinq thrtuqhout Ontario. Far- mer Jactes Milton es ccc being advertiscd weetip au CKCO T.V. channet 13. Yau cay alsa hear of aur saper speciets dailp on CPGM radia 1310. We alsa adoortise our Cales week- y in the Canadian Champion, The Actan Pree Press and the Georgetawn Indepondent. We have thse came courtesy staff and af course Country Pete stili seelcames pou far a cap of caf fee 007 day of the meek. TIsant 700 for your patronage.. e h"jp ta cee ail of you 0000. Country Pet*and alils sltaff. WATOU FOR FAIMEI JAOK'S MAOI MIN ... MOI $00NI