The Canadlan Champion. Milton, Ont., Apnîl 17, 1974 13 SUPERINTENDENT ta' Milton Apantment Building. Fnee epntunent PIcs saiany. Sciel hcsband aed mile fueet. Ta stent eaniy May. Fan eppeintent Pboe 878-3978 42m5t CLERICAL STENOGRAPHER Salany 5113 te g14c.71 pics gesenal tninge tenetits. Appilcents suhebave e minimuam et Gnade XII eduaetien and sesenal yeene gaeneaisfie epeniesce. sInetenence miii be gises te persns mitb epenience an book- kesping machines. Apply by letee ta: A. H. Britton, Businemss Administrateur Ontario §chool for the Deaf, Mîltoo,'Ont. SALES CAREER OPPORTUNITY Ambitioas self- mcttnated sales person reqcirmd by branch et esarld nids service organizatioe. Ossly those seeking execative Incarne ses commissiott basis nemd apply. CALL: T. Goldmann 845-9680 Or virite: 125 Navy St. Oaknitle, Ont. a2ganc2i OFFICE-MANAGER - BOOKKEEPER Reqtired byCabie T.V. Campany. Must bm eicpmrienced tai trial balance, payrall, ac- cocuts payable, and aariacs ather dclies. Wiii ha mopectesi ta rce attice and deal mitt public. 877-5211 Farrier - Agricultural Assistant Uoivorsit of Guelph Fa. astuos in lamge ansimal alieic area. Shîaid have c e tammieg background, ased te cane and haedtang et lange animais and bec Imtained. shulied blackscilh mho shos nasses. Campetiti as scaaies mith excellent becetit pnogrammes. Applicatienscshoa id ne dimectedu nEmlsvmeel Oftice, Uniesity ot Guelph, Gaelph, Ontanio NIG 2W1. i2MS1 Continontal Janitor Sorvico Spmueg us heme again. This i the titme la hase ycas wne dame ciecnnd. Cali 878-5127. INCOME TAX PR EPARATION Ferm Businemss Ferconci Reid Frank 878-6960 ant CONGRATULATIONS ta my Sisten Jane Gosa ma mo as o nntease t hat tien te Caead1a Chamelonshie &fier miltîlce tho Ontario Cham. pisesiipnThcnhs taCrig tan mekieg anis pessuile In.comne Taxc Time Formmgcsseeble mates please phoe alters 6 p.n. 878-4997 INCOME TAX RETURNS Exertly preperesi Hilî's Bookkeepiog & Income Tas Sorvice iEst, le Milton siade 1965) 420 Fine Slred Milles Ccii Acylince 87-76 iî MATURE pesa tea ose tn or eeens Of.Caeehe e t2nsi.46W0 eEc-pSNciBLEernsanctoceme into haome andcsans for e Mos age5 and t malle fctisen morks 2eShlltS. 071832232a1tea 4 Motetaie V mn Farm RIDING NEW LOW RATES lst and 2nd MORTIGAGES Service Witb esteonlty O.M. B.A. Meenber 10% UP TO mOiVALUATION -,Ceembie les and ced. --pap ail yeiii bilts. -Ceenbiee denots. -Buiid a bce -Addl a nesen. ced ManIgageus Irnen 13 CALLu JOB REYNOLDS SERVICES 639-1043 (Evenints) Or 527-4557 Hamilton ON Rdam spltieWIt mehng nd Rsmrd. tf fecnâ pesedcaI BieOi26. MENS 1e1. aire 6 Pse. Bis ciel.1 BLAKELOCK CARTAGE' ton Perne -Office - Apanîmeet Menes ton Light Industnial on Commercial Delileenis fen PianoeMaslcg and DIsmantl les toen Cacnteecs Senvice and Le Rates Cali 878Ï5222 75c-t ON FARIO MINISTRY 0F GOVERNMENT SER VICES TENDER Painting Contractors SEALEO TENDERS mutl te neiieised ceci p.m. LOCAL TintE et Taesdcay, Apail 30,19t7A. Fan the eolenionr painting et sanlees baildingseta the Ont- ario Schesi ton the DeaI, Ottarie St., Miltes, Ontanio. Plans and Spesitisations miii te an dlsplay et the teiiemlcg Cons tasclice Asseciation Officesu Hamiliton Canstructioc Associaties Oelph Constnacon Associa. Tornte Constraction Assaciation Fer tanthen Infeormatien and Tenden Decumnts contact Mn. E. Van Aistine, Mialstny et Gasernmeel Sensices, Regiesai Oftice, 345 Parki St ' W., Dures, Ontaria. Tels- phese 62123515. The LemeslOrny Tendernee eecessailiy ascepted. H. VAN ZANDEN REGIONAL MANAGER TENDER OPENING NO. DUN 47t LEGAL NOTICE (E glish Tack ahA iO IC Spsucg Sessions Uvnae and by aintan et the Cammeesieg Waiciîacsemnee's Lien Aat R.S.0. 1t70, i miii elfen ton BaGINNERU sale by public asaties tbe INTERMEDIATE loleieyigu oes 1910 Fend ADVANCED Mustang, liaecsecambe 366. DRESSAGE 5W8 (1972), the pnopenty et 3DAY EVENT Williame Cheslents ton temieg PREPARATION and stanageschanges le the ameant et$1 10i.00.e pluas osts Ssheelieg tan herse, paru, and ieeeds epeimi. rider. Ticasu 11 .00 ancm., May t. 1974 Nan egistemicg Place: Hanby Garage, Cati Hrneby, Ontario Mas. R. Lister Ternis: Cash on seatitied 811-2598 cae. tiamcS GARNETHOWOEN - ~ ~NOTICE ini SECOND lne t Wa7JofGuy2ilson MORIGAGE ilth eon Mncpiy et Haltes. M O EY AUl pensons aigcam Lon sast Oed manîgages Wilsen Bassel mwhe 4usd es cirngel guchi n the tas asanh day aI Naceme. ysiasy ai yaiis hans. i97 aresosavued tsfile puast -Payasnsr20aynas sanaauitutheasdalvigvî -Prime ates Exccaices, anasr bnlssE the Ceecpintely oen 1std av et May, 1974. Atten -te W0 pon dent of appnaissd Ibal dateathe Eeecalniaes miii proerty sale pracen ta distaibate the Saai ne benius, ce biien changes asIate haaleig negand eniy to alaises et mhIab they ebail Sbap anacca and compane thten have crfoie. sosIe, Ihen del Ion n les- DA E I îtHa' 'ti, ý-i ota eediate appeietrncee le îessn uth day of Apsil, 1974. hom e. Larna Jean Bulis and Leone JOB BACHT 1-929-3666 Kennedy, the Exeetaides et &ferhbees the EssaIe of Gcp Wilses lOushailiel 584"107 Béisseil, by Ibain solicoitens, F ENAMOR E R.RE. Ltd. DODORIN AND SOPINRA. MenctenO.B.A. 145 Mlii Staest, Georgetown, 'aInsI COntanio. 77mi- NOTICE TO CR0 DITORS AND OTHERS IN TPE Este et SIDNEY WI LLIAM SAVAGE, lste et R.R. Ne. t, Cemnpbellsille. le Tan et Miltes. lleely Township et Nessageeai. Regienal Msnicipaiey et Assissent Clenk, deceasad. AI pensans basing 'dlaims ageinst the abese estaste ans neqained ta send full pan- ticclenseofsscb dlaims te the andensigeed Eseceteu n or a belons the euth day et May, 1914. aller mbicb date the estate's assats wiii te dis" enibsled. basieg negand enît teciaimsta ebes esthes bhn neceiaed. THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY, 282 Leheshene Road E., Dekailie. Ontanio. bp ALLAN J. NICHOLS, Solicitor, MI LTON, Ontanie. The Corporation of the City of Borlington N TPE MATTER 0F Senties 443 et the Municipal Ast, R.S.O. tilt0, Chapten 284. AND IN TPE MATTER 0F siesîng and steppine se tbat pantetf Maintreet le the Ciy et Bsniingtee, tannceniy saiied the Village et Canc misîilie. teteee Penab Stneet and Cedan Sprngs Rond. TARE NOTICE THAT the Cosncilaofthe Corpoantionaof the City et Bsniieetae proposes ta pess c bylaw siesîng and stepping sp that pant ot Main Stneet betmesn Hannah Stneet and Cedan Sprngs Resd le the City et Baniieglan, tanncnniy ceiisd the Village et Cammnsilie baeg pant et Reeistened Plan Na. 2e, Plat et Csnninsilie. AND FURTIIER TARE NOTICE THAT the Psbic WankS Cammtîse mill at lils nagalan meeting ta be hali May 7,17 talae 4.00 in the Cammttes Rsanc, Cisis Administration Building, 426 Bant Siet, Baniingten, Ontari, hean je pensan, an by his selicitai, seensel an agent, any persnse mha daims that hcs lard wiii ne pnejsdlcily attestnd Sy the By-law, and mha appiies ta be heand. A sapy et the pnapasnd By- Ian ncay be nspected dsaieg effias heans et the attise ot Rogen F. Cloutîie, Cienk et the Corporationsoftbe Cityaof Banl.egtan, 426 Bnant Stne, Banlîngtan, Ontanio. Octet et Banliagtan this iSth dey et Apîi, t974. ROGER F. CLOUTIER, A.M.C.T. CITY CLERK For Complote Aoctioo Servlice Chris A. Schooteo AU CT ION EE R sales et ail types Salas candastad anywhere. Tel. 878-2576 AUCTION SALE Aprîl 22nd Mooday Eoeoiog 6:30 p.m. 0F TRACTOR AND SER- VICE STATION EGUIF MENT FOR FRANK OYHARAS FINA STATION LOICATEO ON NO. 5 HWY. IN TPE VLAE 0 WATERDOWNi,NET O WATEROOWN HIOH SCHOOL. Ca.csistingcof: Fend Fengases nractan aed 3 p.h. biade ieoed snapei. (Partîi list enlylý 2 tint ahaagens, spaah piag cleenen. Lincoln sembinaties shassîs and gan lannicaton. bampen jck,. ay drnes, ail pence and tank, Atlas batteny changea, lime mienahes calai msaenshas and sccets. trouleSia 1251 ais Sas, psy c cava vamn tirss aicoac ced Milts, tluonescent lights, antîgue Wilde's casle en mteets, aise saime garage supplies, seail teams. ehl etc. Macy moene items 88 abgqse trem', erpeopaýhâfifre,3 #id. onea on saîtf eenoet nespoesibie fle ny accidente. Terris ash en choque. Jim McCarteey- Atctiaseer 6B9-1778 Materdan 1m55 i ý (,A[ -1 bednonc salte (gent shapel, 2 pire biankel bases (nefinishedi, 2 single ssnaed front beds, add dresseurs, sonme liec, assai hi echen tesus, eleetel clesk, RCA black and white TV (gond codtinc elese w.,ednoel kitchen table and chairs, plas a geed selaleso et glass and china. Due teshortnticeeoftbeetwoastaites incas uaebie te get a tait listing betenedeadie fan titis papen. teee ans many moes asetai end antigae pisses te cheese fnenc Nao reese stastes muastbe settied. Execatons an Aactioeen n nespansibie ton eny accidents. Iim McCartney - Aoctioneer 689-1718 Waterdown AUCTION SALE FOR Floyd Craven TO BE HELO AT TPE FARM, LOT 10 CONCESSION 3 ON THE THIRO LINE 0F ERIN TWP.-i MILE SUT0FN 24 HIOHWAY. ABOUT 2 MILES SOUTH-EAS FO PRINGE ON Saturday, April 20 at il ar. CATTLE: Regîstenna Bon Smiss san, ban Nev. 3,19,ctdue Apail 4 mîthneg. Browne Smiss sait. BrowneSmisssam 150%i dasApaîl 5 teSmiss Bail, Bmemn Smissco sa(50%t dasMay iltaSmiss Bail, Hereford ssa baed Sept. ta Smîss Bail, 2 psebmed Brawn Smlss heiMas (no papensi baed Nos, and Massh. Registened Osern sey hIni', ban Apr. 3, 1972, hnod Hereford Fen., negistemed Oaeaesehlitder,nnset, 193, Heeford see,t600IbS. 2 BrowneSiss Stens 60070iWis., Heefor'dsxSisssteer 0ib. Hlenetond bail. 12ncesths. 2aopen Umîss beifens 50 adis 2 'tolstein heilea caies, 5 meeths. TRACTORS ANS IMPLEMENTS: Nallînida 4,s5dieselitnaston1000ehis.w. heeuthaase &tfront wnights, Al1ils Chaimens Ns'Y'45 gas tnaalen. Faincail "A" gas tracten, Massey Fengason Ne. 82 SP. Combie 10' headen w cab, molan asemhaaied, N.H. super M6 baisa, cen Idec Ne. e0 sorn pichen, Buler bic & dayen, 1350 nbs., A.C. can planter, 2 man M.F. 2 tamnen pion, 2 P.H. Caclishaîl enait piam, 2 tannan, triple 'R' saliîatan at"li mith cttashnd meeden, M.F. Na. lB tnaseenr nanans spneadem PTO, Unisai 'Beatty' spasene, 2 section draag liasens, 2sets hannms.23& 4 sectssCoc. shaltt mhenled ciltisatm, Onhi hammeancili 15" P.T.O.. Lete grieden n. 3 H.P. eiactais ncatem, Woods elealla coalier .. i hp. nctanand bna32wagons andtfiesaksgmasiltyboxcorslk shneddsn. New Idea siderelie, John Deas bioee n. se' pipes & hesd, M.H. one may disa. I plates. MISCEL LA N E OS Licoln Ans meiden 223, edteyinaesiden milh saltieg tensh, t6' gnain agna, 2 extensien ieddens, aluisna 22' eaah. mine gale t6', tan gale t6', Stemant sattie slippers, set et lange de- harnens, Remngtoeeahaic Sauvy sangeaevcacu pp&2senits gneienaematsm 3 toncone aeng i poalbe 2unitnciikem.55set o leneostmetsheas, 2 elecînia lencens ihydnai pas.s lesuaales and m ine, adait saddie, baile & biankel, poey saddie & naidie, stad shon haltea, I heav stel tsssed (30") abaut 20' lesg, Blackh& Oeskemneach gaindnr csfor Fend long box1/stoe, 2 metlcie he ests, setlnanbitacages,gqanntyacadancnena3 exterior ligntsnw. electric eye, 9 yen hog beseis. LaIs et naIs, bolts, tiless etc. TR UCKR 1956ncadel 700 Ford 3 toc n. teisI & clee nackis, mans ahk. nut n,sertitisate.idianagsalia',it'.1 FRED: isennciesscnisedhcysn2ane nslascec.3 lis sleaaed,25s Tinsthysesiecad 551cm panssemnul F5551 TURU Fleaeas oTv2 au &w, tumepi acsens, ssaesluviid & chair, daseepent S cai, chronce tanin & s chairs, sappen Millan. tri lite & 2 natshîvg sanie lampa, smcg lamp, gren. 3 sid snacks. 3 ah attise chairs, cpnigbt place, set ni-toid ioasemed denas, meed doci 2'8"xt'e", mend sieigb ncith B neindleen. RIF LES: 20 Wiîcbeten m48i 84 BtuhnIl saoee .22 rifles (2), gan naok - 4i1q1 fiia TE RMSu AH NO RESERVES. FARM SOLO- EVERYTHING TO BE REMOVED BY APR. ce. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS - LUNCH 8V OSPRINGE BROWNIES. Max Storey ROCKWOODAUCTIONEER i8anc42 AUCTION SALE For minm tai lease cea tsr raent section in mant Harvey Dunn asc 1364aLsmem asegLire Ohslg.an2iilecsmthstf Hy. 5adi,865 jmile Eastatf Traftalgar Rad. Saturday, April 2Oth at 12 Noon FARMS WANTEO MACHINERY-Mcssey Perusan 30S.P Fcomnine vulfi Il it I BRI mnccdes and pîclise igacd condition); Caclîchstt 110 s6 mac Juines 84RT77 panas drill an vannes, grain, tant &grss New Holland 66 aesivncaa827iy67 Super Haylîaa halva nîlh chats, Cae 3 P.H. i ft masataîe auesaticl mcngm; Cae 4barsidgsakenaie laderemnnbe; C ase 1 ta 20acreapaselc.nîtior 5.A.O. trctoande leader;. et. acs httan 3 tsmmsm yisn an 1mihuSa Ibuildlings, gmactls i nabes: Casg3 PH.atasmsnepow;Iamiiace bttmatiismsnw devncvd yavesrecsyes tc'ciien pisnmuth la inc cnca cas tans. Case 2tamman 12' Mottanc 3 plans; Masses Harmîs t ti. double diss igasîl BAYLEY- MaCLEAN LTD. eg; et. I plcte ans nay dîsc; Cschshatl 3 section drcg Racîcan cultiatogm3scn Heay hcsmcnc& pe;e3 sectionaceed s5stî herss &cpoe; Int.1 lfi dolesaci ngeackemr NewnHclaca32 vi. grain as hay giccatas: Case va nas. gacana asiaga spanades aaanrbtes. RabbMn tudadngon & 1lt tiet mach. Ranhes tmea wagon;.ChampionéttIl shownflsngmith 2tlu estensions;lfrot A endsaeranlae.4"aaucsa16ilu. longnwith 4cH .P. motor; ~ ~ ~ an.hmeml;gancopr ri hoe Stella MuSC. ITEMS-230 tt. et Beatty niable claen chais, 500gai meten tanli. 2W0 gai. tagl tank, atas tssath. 5-14 i mise Parton gates;1 i6ttminegcta: 2080maSssllist ennbasbiheeavl.iM1 Stene ts 13S 7 geca ceda psta. 3si t ofsttieg bac piyes; 2 Rosi Estato Limitosi maadee pauieys42îinch & M0 insh; i doubleaction nyd a mn i te csy emem5i 's1 H.P. maIes: i aid dsill pn;es. " ya scntyiy Brokor luamestels &smagitms; a gaosetviathaynsaeshi leamtamvness; 3 bus. ofted clasgssged, lbois.cnentlsgm 1i 388 Boil St., Milton bus timsthy, 5.H. matas nssntnd bales to pams FURNITUgE & ANTIQUES Frigidaise 22 vl. deep fiseo Electsahamg humidifier; Acncennîegesmacshes. 2 bascer het 1',' STOREY plae mîth ae.; Msshnesm clcestertlgid & chais, Bsama unsubriukhome,a3telmocc caetesield andchair;.2nrlasaynbeasa2tlScuaengtiMbds lasgealivingmsanm, lare kit- nlth sFsicgsn&mttmessesu Tniliaht fUsr ndvacicene P 2 chn and aînvng emea. e tenue lcmpS; 1s12 liuelesm nsg. e 1 scannar ugs Il miss. u laco, sange appliacesn Mausehalîl items: Ash cpinleibeckroske; ceed ong)1lag 2 icarsgasagenwith mask dsccsasresingqtableg&clacl; dap etf table; 3gocy ak alsais cep. Gees location un tha l fentatuvugScis2 bssac seccvtisslanyc, MaSsUavs vas Isan aI Multon> Ackusg sinqîrcker, Maclie 3aer drsserv & wsisnasal singlevus sJiÇ,oouoù ,riael with amiS 55v uîlclss &551u551, led: i ,itotlale QteSsC Sealas, a va, aid sracsk, CAMPBELLVILLE Ow ,aveoctîsvags nosgspasiuef ccidsentssaleasay AR EA, Ssucre, srans and masgh TERMSCASH FamnSaid Lunchesvailable cat. Pas ben memadellnd u d s me gcad condition. New fu cen bathneemi etc. Mrs. Haraldi Bronn longeg corner lai t4acrs Jacki Lenson, Cierkc Casa moaties on paee naad. $5,9dd.W. Vendes miii diard BrowSridgO, AaCtioooer hala tinst mealgege. Phono 416-878-6730 7BmUi Stolla Parton More auctions on page 14 878-6705 etnsa AUICTION SALE A C I N Ward Brownridge ý anIDRO hue Friday Eve. April 19 -7 p.mW Licenset Aastenen Milton ane tan tan Ist et Locmtmd ie Ohe Village et Freelten, Cornereor Breck SALE Frnn-Lisestack J nasse 07 nc8 t BM146f Rd. and Old Ne. 6 Hw.frFarnîtne Sains MATURE coaple lookine tan 3 Hncy.o tare I Milton. cal, Mrs. Helen Whiteman Phono 878-6730 87 76 8m149 Mrchandise trem 2 arma esae his Wmds. Ens, April 17 ApaiasAi ye TaeEE desm tenicheaseas Caesishing et (Pantial Liest esly): at 6.00 e'ciock ______ofMay_1,_inNo-tCa 95443W 2sntFnch satvinale s e k e cabew), sdet tae CsMFSR h firruns - - 1- h.Idsfursio,,e soane vOFRAsLE 2 r AUCTION SALE FOR Mrs. Florence Akins TO BE HELO AT MER RESIDENCE, 18 ELORA ST. IN GUELPH on Wednesday, April 24 at 12 p.m. FURNlTURE: Round eek etension table 14 legs) mith 6 chains aed eak baflet te meatch, ail le gaad coedition. Oak hall staed, eak exteesioe table mith 2 ceases, set oft6 banc chahrs, maleat iibnany table, conern ci a sheit and loIs et minia- tsres, pine blanket box, Bostoe rocksen, lange 2 piece pire cap- beard, chestenlieid & chair, studio ceash, caeed hattan taie- phoeechair, 2dnessers and asashstandstesmatch, pnessed back chalr, secenai terneries, piee ballet mltb moustache pa11S, 3 seaiI pie tables w. tapened legs &dnamens, geed. APPLIANCES: Kelinlator hig, Leenand electric stase, Man- coei B&W T.V., Westieghease radio & recand player, mie- vaster, Thon maieger masher, aid Cnasley consele radio. MlSCELLA4EOUS: White & gaid teilet set, A' place seseal mooden drape reds, ail painting hy C. West le rne g!a Inane, secenai ethen lange guIt Inames, laIs et othen pictanes aedo tramces, 12nreal goadcanpet bais, rackin hors, candenmoai (12); bnasn lanieee, dining naenc ,niren, micken deil car. riage, cnade andnrocker,nround top tnnk, 2pai d skates, Singer' sewing machine, gaidlen & canpene teeuls, rsg, tci2 and ethenrs, sevenai geedi gsîits, biankets, etc., tablecleths, etc. GLASS &CHINA: cenyeld bise&wchitetfuer, Nippoen pinces, Oenncae pleces, beastitai nase beai satin type, hand paintend better', cseneal pieces et gaed glass, sonce meai ged jandin laesecenaî gneen depnessien places, secerai anchen aepnes Sien pleces, secerai pink dnpnessien pleces, silsen helden teor hnîde's basket, Ints-e-caps & sascens. Many ethen anticles, teei nueoste menties. TERMSi CASH NO RESERVE HOUSE SOLO. Max Storey ROCKWOODAUCTIONEER 78anc42 miss, etc . Fall iist appeaned shildnen. exsellent loaa stone or business attise intlestmeel'spapnn. Pneaiew neeenes-il 8771202. loaetion in Milton, "Tetalen fronn4 o'lcokadayeofse. s80ncaSla4193 Squae"cssn ectheplae. MaSSE mante a te nt uni sais 2 scits aseilaSie an unis Chais Sahoasen pastessienal couple, ne pnestige building. Falis air saîiner hlamen, close tan mrIthin sscîned. sentral mail Ac Min irslton, i-241 2472 Tenante an scsnept, elesetan.brnz Milton nepli, le sénting ta Bas 322 Tas Thenrmal micMac, Spainklen ieniaSl Canalan shampion. systen, amppe parng. Sali Ocictt70 lest Reaits & InsoannetLtd., EL TRI -tan sasata Hatr AUCTION SALE 1wt resrie hn Mitas Sydn, 11 2245_I 0F ANTIQUE FURNITURE, GLASS ANO CHINA, BOTTL ES, 8iv15 CROCRS, OIL LAMPS, BRASS HANOINO LAMP, ETC. FO TWO FRîl/ATE COLLECTORS IN MILTON AT TPE PAIR. SoefrRn GROUNOS IN THE AGRICULTURAL HALL SoefrR n 11001li.0en Sotorday, April 20 at 12 Noon iMain SI. FURNITURE: Ci Geercl Znitg Pie tiatbeck mith a glass parie doons, sornernsspbeand. i ns Asailabie May ist. open hatsh, lange estternnt dnapleet table, drap ftc'aetne (59 7-3633 desk iam cpbaad,craie, 2hlaehet boxes, sanlcs odd (5 9 7 chains, Guestes rocken, lange hiaehet bac mith betn dcen 2sap baskets, pie deagh box an legs, ash iash stand, saiOnithee steit beaksase, patntedl tt.1899, sashstand, 2 pie minions, aitcen i barnd, lange buggy seuil, 2 danssans, 423 ha damen, lange table, 54"» bad mith Fiee appie tuncs, hanse seilan made entc ooet minnen. Note: ainastail et the tsnnitane isnretielshed. o itw PRIMITIVES. Od paieys,mîtife tnen, hey keite, beatjask. lange sast irn tee OFFICE hettie, 2sastîlinhangiagtcryieg pans, lange lanten, bask sam, a20Squarne cent onsecond sahbage slisen, tiat irns, sad nec., tnîsets. niniatune butten îles., sentnal davmnîsm Mil- paint. meedes nain, myail toiephese etc. tom a'ea, ceac and liant in CHINA: sîsîed in et Fis bise plates and platInas. scenis Piles, Wiiiam piatten 1840, Dncitasse Royal Bayneuthseis cpeand saue, Rase Cas h csoses ton cap & saucen, chisa ssay gon Germccn, Esgiish. Nippona Ph 878-2326 Nanitake, Carnisai. Canhenny L.apnessisv. Coalat glass ced LAM PS: Gosd selid bress haagingiencp with 4shadas,nise haegne: u2. ROM OR iancpmthneatshie shade,.tont and pnîsncs. Bsniivgtaatfivgen AVAI'c ianp, tismesîl, nîlli glass hase lance, 2 lencys, ave daced l870, ese datad 1812 etc. aeîe eav ae 8OTTLES & C ROCRS: F Ss, ceenev qieten s/gaiies, Hancîlton glass manlis haviue, Ring heed tasetasit, ne Cesnerlis Issete. ai8 cala, dotaconsmagen BlO nîdeest etc. Sesenal gsdscracks, cen e Cali avtens5 tiamenedced vaned, i St. Jan N.B. .1 Yarmossth, N.S.. gingen senat4 4018 teen Maifes, J.J. McLasghin. Tenants, plus cther gcad vnad betties, patteny ehk bettles etc.85A RTE S MISC. & COLLECTABLES: FOg. N 2evgnesîngs,55S1 seppenpiaîcs,3" ie ileight, shamieg ths tinst mayen et Milton, Ilace ata3 Cappen bailer, giegen bnead siclc,. ceesa bases ot aid bookis, sone dated 1714-1744. Sesenel flfr5 25 cN edasan apencnencs. 4.y bocks, cncl, 1aea pîstanesgae Ancenîsa, saeneai gesa pistanes naesaly ean.sîa 511 n ndo paieuts 3 dlated 1820-1e22-1l63. Dalton citcaatitg meshiaes nanadn, inisesyd5 $17 pe dated 1a12, nankîce. Bnass jeiiy peul, lange bness pel 18s5 Sel - ssnstîtinc ans a, ansus id bnass plagae 192a land et Calanchas, ail painting, tee cad- -nnate sasuanas Mn, dies, ssnap beook 18s0-îa70, post canas, sales, 1896-1t07, pennies 'saules.4 7aa13i. 1812-1873. Basketf Loee Canade hait penny 1831. And nariy - 555c4670 calle gsad sailestabis Items. MAODER cousntry apancmest. Tens areasash. Noansenses. scnals loaaea, Astan 853 Seliîg by bîddîag nanchea. Lunsh asailabie. 16n69.î Omvess, Hall Dinestans,aorAastiaeen SF1.5162185 eatnrespaasihletforaccidents. Sedsa apONTaInena sac Previen tnanc iSan. day aI sale. cntaîîs issacea in a dapins. Wce't yo plan ta spend the day with as,. aPPlianses and services i As thîs sea good ottering slavies Adaits sels $145 a AUCTIONEER: sONE berom patmnt CHRIS A. SOHOUTEN ONEa bdroon apalmen av ia l a s.8 -05 . s 85m50 462 78ma5l 51 Ô-/-Dl ()