Vol. 114 -Na. 1The Canadien Ciampluan Mlton, Ont Aprl 17, 1974 dýW AE . 15 CENTS Urestop gap uear at pool STRIKE SIGNS WENT UP aItisae Milton piantofa tract aitis the management. Picketn are manhg Rockwell internationsal, Monday night an 440 eus- the apring planto tiree aitrancen, 24 hourta a day. ployeen lat their jobn ta await a nena union con- (Photo by R. Donans)i Little interest in move Recommend market stay on Mary St. Aprepttt amv Mtasmovirg Ue atratirn ta Unr rom slorsnear iim lr Ue pradtae nayqotî-pdae Fa 8esMrkeit rom Ue Main St. aUera Main St. ids. Ha raid hae as dis- Heahalain a problem MarýSlt. ur-in o to aMain mrahants coutil harailtentoma poialed tUntan su inpeope Apprety tperalri o Ue jtereniaroirm tie peope hatng atrtate ad 0 s m t a tahUe meeline. mar et ave n maj ai Main S. merchanin ,hinha lma FndenethUe maria epanayosa oui afUnhe mautag envesed hy Ue nrg ta dawnnamn Andy Frankt raptatard =mark ai ie rleanavailtaita. Cheier&soiCommerce Hea a» aidl adnatthad Unr prointamn mai mratd lha Ha raid hinnatners mottd hat- Taenday mrniag. inarket groin and proipar hut ratrd i Unr more mre prrdtare on a Wedaenday, Oniy star pepe alieaded ioted i rrated ltîtletrafiinmade. pdi ilon Tharsdat- aad lina meatiia io arfor Ue Main St. Brininahe Frankn raid Ue additional = anad thes tt prires marinei va our n mre rada to Ue trant andfcave ipara anrntd lhaan invitation and seti minais et a ItUe niaminr anantinas and Unr paring ot or parkini," to inoninnirs and oatd markt. ILoin prineswoad Uraer memanata. GDtrourrged, avesloaty kiniathlia marknet. Ha drive qoaiiy produners amat- Gerry G(tUra minoopralen GoUro ad thera at the arird liera mas romaor 8 and ieava linamarinai itUn a varialystoreeailtheamoriend mneting raid hra iad bhan vendons a i rsa e = poAr qoaty prodana. ai Main St. spaha jinavr o onsidarainta vernal supporitaloaaion aad Une vrda Aisenna ot pubiett arin- roins and iydro otts on Maan S. nera oUer prointamo that bailtohaienonnidered iU lhenaomte, Frankn aid. Vndor Grd Tatein aid a mmve la Mata St. mntatd treala a long ina ni vendons minreas Ue Mary St. salop jr c ompant, easy la suprvise and to galaround. MarmiantsArtMaaomn andtBarbara Haines agreedda mmve migintlha iamprtag wtjUnsomnsanid i as iaIi Unaitih. aitami mat- ha rip- a ngt temarina i tUat %avidtag any bhaîrijlfoe n S. rmhants. Atrari siopprs BoUn Meaîmonanad Haies agreed Ue oau asn tanorUn merninanla to maka Unr rirent rharmtag and attrantive la - rioppers. Haines, mino oprates an ars aid rraiis C hp o Main St. raid mant- peapetaiadltd lier thay go raiof n ta l iny geararien S.m MARKET, PU. 7 BRENDA BAIL, a Sunday scisool ttudent at Emmanuel Baptat Cis stotpped a ohile us tise body of thse chuncis ta admire tise Eater Liiy beore tise altar Eater Sundtay started for many Mltoniana nattisa to churcis on a brigisi spring morming but oar clouded by anfterr shoaners. (Photo by D. P Miton Caantoi iiti ded cnntrolthenr tvat ni nhotortna. wa inri la gai the rammatity Ev en alernnnntiderainiei awnmtg ea ai Rtary dscussion Tnesday n t Pakopritg for tae dentaire as made but Palan bk summer easan ai Uner wasasakedtla irtng% n a t mn meelinniMnday. Tanadot- stifiate inr a paint np jin tn, n nigininrannit, meetnag jrn gtethUe parol tina ar fr the a Bronkvie diaranard a §ig fsnruminer. n sniner ai alernativms itUn WtUn ny 10 marks trgo en Consutanat Drug Palan ni beirra Uneeiegirning ni Jniy Canadien Swmmmtng Por ut nnnij ekr asI e Design. th.qntre.A tjrrpt 'fie Conulant iad rartier jbmudmih rmt i renammended anne- REnn na prtd pendtire on akout $65000 fnnr enrata tetr th , wkat ha called a poenthtnrao mati reportad tai or pano. Caunan asined hum tat agreement noatd ha mode weak la taveellgale oUer wthinOntariro cofrna th Un alteratves. Dnrtng line DaftotuseUtapooltirrm 9.30 metng Tanadat- Patar nid am. la .30 pan Mrndaysti itwrtid rosi ahout Ugatatoînthrough Fiday forr ight pt tme Uhe 'prtw"Unate1tand waala nf Ue nommer. Thr tl Unh e mrnaguaranil ddae Rotary port r usuaoty open ft iondeiveryaiUnt en. ta 210o.ain.Mr Hetn.ntm iinaahave extenstva ana ai Une OS potl a blid the toma Ue poot anrot han hean dinnnraged Ca open ontena renavationnuare ieaura of maintenanncentrrk su made tla overrome teaiage ard avertimt at OSD U wihnmahar iimpossible ir emptoyaru tnnuid have toar Affects 440 men Rockwell is on Union emptayaan at tina Milon teai npriag plant o RoctaninInt ernationat oI Caaada Lid. enl rat an sîrina at 7.30 pin. Mnday ta prssror a nein moIrat. About 440 emptoyani ara aiiantad. Tin atri hraa-yaar cn- rat aiih Loaa 107, United Auto inriers anpired Marein 15 and anoaemnionahadkean graiad whitea agrtiation cnnined. Espiry dae aon e ariens irnaltomad lina innersta l tgatty strika Satrdat-, Aprit 1 t hatUe- inatd oif anltMnday evenirg. ISînirs taldtd in neispaper UaifiitUe strika iad stariad Satarday Uey ltha God Fridat- hoiday.t Ngrtiaionîs havaSeean gise onasrima theamidde af Jaaaary. Union iprinarmai raidîthat mre naîrtiattniiore o haliaer paniag-iirtading nth atagsand ardtinga haneits." That- dciid trha morrespaitin. Sîrinrs have hean aegaaiaad iniaO oreinnr rhumtsand errapsofaImai narrying pacards ara paktng ai at tihrea an- trarrs o trhe ptant-taoon a Sien esAve.anidonia an Martin S. Turoday monrng tina merni tlin trarepornid nr prrintamr and anty satariad parsananetara hant Sanati enrnragad nananat ro maka a deninon beaoan OSD mas ntaitaag ta raina arrangemntsanad mimmtng poaotgardnand nntratrsrnntasenaiftray shrldlomk ataranhare for emptotaint Unn ninamr. Crtanittors Don Gordon aid Art Maannanen- inaldcînstrp-gap esr ro gai lina ppor jfr aparo higtsaminaaani rat aansidarad tatar. Paoarerpnrtrd turthar laudy ofthmn pootlnshowstthr poot hatirin ras ntiaa ament tlabinh iiin n pprrtrd hy footings. Ailer tarniig tinat ne ntaggantad the port nthin a port Mat aynt a on saggestad the apoolabttant may have ta br knanhad rut aid o anwaraeinsttald. strike attaored antr theatand alfine. Union pranidant Atar Patrin aid ninairinrBilttZitir anara bottinnTorontoanrd noaval]- tinte forcamminnt Ttaanday. Tharanar abaott100me wring an the avanirg sniftt ninantheanlrin as acatad at 7.30 p.m. Manday. Tinaet-ti thair jrbs hait avay lhrnugh ina shit. Theanlrikrhaaohed ap tar n nnRocitinatta narrent ptant expaninprograin A $3000,0, 7t001)nquare tant addition n rdrcostrucin at thaeiant aidr af ther ptant but thne ananioneininardid atnrsn the UAW pinitt irai Budget doubles for new library snn rag b ta "onaadg i e ao a-and longea Darrg lit e aine meeting niimrnnnavi ýdndtaMti bail, ag craniricws pantning $Si tal.nrUnecrewiir.r>ny padniaonbankn rni $,059 prapanad uadget inakea jrIt ta n yaan. Tiat tanna tat yer o$la 00tatiOn i yaaeproviin fianthe additioanifa thon doninesa tnt par'o ando a nw ap.ditaerofns netary andoadnofttnan tu npandirg ot $430403. $3739 tr flmtan Mms.Coninaythe itarponigdnt-par n Satanes, rirga hanaitsn mmd m tiry h ainve Commen iÏhe depritn travet lotananrrand cn-r hantaayng nrtlbla.ininntdanniangt)anentnr ventin eapenin reasn e toatatttdnat haitanse Boh Zandaya and a t-ont Imm $21,602 to $40,005 n te ot aeintons ranrit în tinta drofttan l974 atimnatesn Tenananit had ppord s Thec t-tonner reqarnird That moies ataane tor sanon n apialtbudgetlereaar -taor sanlatries ad tngn tinnand a hall parai n tan tor the tttaay board and tarnfttaTihe rani nf the added ta the ntaff. Lirraar TreranarenoDaniLangerd tbudget was orn smlesot--t anti Sinatagin Cormoy said the noirdme tan uinoavetaon- nmateraot o pstage, triai taos rnwreaniing the stan paytrgaon linadehantare teteptanne, odvatisarg,. pani nare potrsianat fr theatiinror at $SOinothe enaipinan ad hornotama -ib,.r5 naernance nn irstipayn neot Yeon tfothensitet-plan oiiaaaitrr iararted and lnthe tarh.iat J Sioathe tbudgets stoyt he Caani nilraien taudgets t-rapta reqarnird iere aienexmiyra iar the rto ut an nin coptint enionltir- rnannsary. ehace t hnadikottn $180,00S0 Tuesdopo nsession oas utntoa Malor nreasen la pay tor lbarry t-arposnan pnnoant preiiary budgets. Dinar major innreaeansna tiltiiaup r at on $1,34t $3.007 andt aniientat ervaces jamp ram $1,500te $0,500 Thes na cmtrease tarer daiendratonnthe taananofithe Region does have power to limt capital Iist ,i.,tt*4 Halon Regionat Condo- atting wtannn blchadnî ittors iti ha.advia:d ltinry d o hre anharg onrhbard atm hava Ue pamern l ucnapitli t-ovai. budget roimalar roa nae Tia ntamkas i avidani la X>tm a rs muniipaltiier. ina Unal lina ngior non pana ReintCotnitieaina retritions or deharmaran .= , a inrnidia deiale dring and il innatd snaam oginal 10 Une etri nait meetingwminrdtiril amer ibudgets are haiamg Ue pahlien orkn rommiliar tanataaad. Tina aresta nucln premenla a revised budgt la shoult h asinnd ta raduata linanonail. etimales, bitnQtaiitotd 1 - eat Urinornged aroard lina atainite npaifiaeprjanîn. uetalinttainattaam ontthte Noanvanar ragan oad entat ocinatl l- gar anA lakm ýo.aitstadgaet or smpy situatiton The regton vi dahntura na dand nhaetoask areos tancuibonk Ragiosai iraantarar Don 10 ceriainin ni nof pnding Fermer as imtruted l an ad ift Uny rywmalt h ava la guienna ronn e Oalarto mepiti. il's soi an easy M ipalBoard non aiUngt idan a emmer l. a ot mea.Evea lina Miisiry ai M~l Met lnerdtaaln Treanary and Fronamies and Ina tlieldane iterviewIn iaergovernenaai Ataire itlUnFermer ha ladiceied Ue old nai deida." irch, rionlan renponnaiiie for ra- Several Halaoncotanniitoro ,ytSet ordia-tga mpilal budge haveatpresediaarrfi ainta artnip and wi vaelaarriva ai a la trY la ronvtneUe roglan mni maximumfilgure. oaitlin ned for prejenit ta Ha raid aie 0MB hint- Unr areas. Tieyiear Ue ltam Pink) diated a desire lr Ue oiaalanamy ai thetoal e tra. Al .or nothing? Has double yolkers Lat torah Edtth FearrarofreStrparted grttang a n rgg anthta yolk. She naggrtrd theare tartr w-aod hth egg.sut havenabnho is lait ng do.a an ter tala tor rnrry ant han there are ornerai nontraahrr aat-karg anrtanr, pradunn abaar and bryand the ai 1dty. A Nora oataana ntd The Chatmpian Tharsday tao ay nhr hailld td on yottanain anti otthc tanrst ght eggs ahe openrd front a dotenractaaord Themtthat has. Sets! Could win t Eye championship Mitton Trtenta coutdl arap ap an Ontario ntetr- mdate "" haapnntap iththettPort DtorLakt an oPart Dnnrr tantight tWratnrndoyt tifnat. thrn l havertheLa kerand taartfans hnk tinttton tr a Frt day ntght gatoe. Tridrnltanok a ttrrr garon ta tan trad intahrt af nrarn srrirnanath a tarttaagnaertameintnn Miltn Mnnday night. hfrnrra tntt housr roa-d] Tttrnt a otrntedainianuary ath a byr nt thr plaofntt and has rtiananatrd Thnrntd, Catnna and Arrnrotr ta thr Ontarto tttr. Thra arr Matono tants tnternandatr teamin an iravatyrara Skeleton ldentity is mystery 'herhomsnrntadtaynarknnApratt nerroabaitd- ingait n North Brtagtnnrtare rivd to bcthoerat a caucasoan otan beten 20ntand 2yrars otagrana about 5 tret, 5Sannhra tnnttight. Annordang ta tnsp. Jamesn Currtr ot thr Hatton Pot- ice, thrro-rrra t any intries hetnrr drath thait arr nanbte. The ohntt Oaa tonated taon daya tattnanang thr tinding nf the krttn. inpetor tarrar ayo thrr aatt hnoare an-dtg- gtng at thersittr ttoaornr, a prononra dr ttrx has hrenonent tatry (ooaaranyaintormatonrrgardang a nnnsntgwonan. Ittaabetarardnshroanasbradhetneen 15atntd.5 yrsoinathr tofot ndeep grave. Thr banna a-rrr toranandratta thretCrntre tor For- enananScinc nnn Toronto n an attantpt t drtrninr thrr drntaty tnpentan- Cotrir nya itaitt prnhahty hr a wtitr hrtnnr thry knoonaho thr norton nan tir hpstherCentreraoattnnanrnp wth omeatrntnras aras dnt a'nrk iacnennnrrd. Ail in fie of duzy Firefighters in jail tfool fttrettghtatrranrttrlail taatwrrh htat w as n the fare ot duty . . Mittn Far(ietrtA. h. Ctrntrnt and Lt Jana Culntonrrrtaken un annndunted tor ofthe Maptr- hrtt)ratnnton Cntr, whanhta ndronstruction a hnintersection oailttghonyo s25 and 4na The tour. ono 1 rtakrn af rgarnntrralo. asttrigttd ta hrnta the tr drpartannt ttadate on the mnltt- mittion dollan prjrnt 'an a hrn threhbatldtngo arr nnntplttnthe aanrtghtnrs amatt ta tantatar o th thr toyv Five public forums A araa ar pnhlof nattn nctan t aarusatthrbchrtdain tlaton htarrn At-rat 22 andt 3t. Hatton Rrnasancnr Coointittrt, nnonred than anrk. Thte trot iane Stoada S prat 22 at aOtario Snhntt for thr Drat an Mtitton. nWddtannat tarunna ae pannotr naAt-rat 2tt n iortoontDistrctttaigh Snhont Apr2at iMt.tZ. ttnnertt Shinatt nAntoat At-rat 29t a t nrotant nonk Sntaot ain tartangton and At-rat 30 at QaeaEtiabaetha Park Snhant an Oaka atta Att arr ahrdatrd tra8 pin ,!tnoaac atnrnnpolgn tradrr Kmn Camt-brlt. a tton vnaogr itannounnrd thot Ronat taanadr ot ltitaataapan. a rerard hagh nhant trannapat nttta40 anrnarofeprraran n rdnnataon, aatt Or thr tratorra -pnakr ai nanh ot thefr tnntamanadran at>tý u non oEREND TaRoan. rPae r REPAIRING THE DAMAGE foliowing the lieus beo sm amwhnebxcr was derailment ai a box car an tihe Canadian Pacifie jarred lrotD il tis eels, lait the tracks aid plowed Trtacks betaeen the Steer Ave. and Broite St. inoatisad niflise eambankmertt. A craie (top)i asa croningr Friday mnornung ir a team of CP trouble needed tolifittise car bacit onto tise marks. sisooterta The rapair crew waas roused irom their iPholt by D. Pink) al] où an ho ab W( wl 7.1 tý th M PL $3 ad at bu nc pi