Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Apr 1974, p. 14

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12 The Canadien Champion, Milton, ont. Wald. AprIl 3, 1974 Halton "lrenaissance"àà PART 0F THE CROWD et Thurndey' oRIenaissance rally in Milton ,whîch drew 600. A t Renaissance rai/y Panel cristical of education A panel et idorators parti- ripateé in Halton Renais- sance Commillee's puhlie meeting in Milton Therséoy. They icrluded slrerinc m mitice elce-chairman Mre. lOctly Hanstord of Oahn'ille, Dr. Diavid Domley, a lftra- laire profexoor aI St. Mi- chacî's Collrgc, elemcnlary echool principal Roc Shoe- smilli of Hamilton, and ce- roolly celired Hamilton seeodory echoul principal Ronald Gacueo of Burling- Mrs. Hansord teit parents sheuld help their children ce- main in srhmoland help lhocn ohtain empleyment. She de- crieécseeicg sloppy, pale and unhempt teenagers "hanging arouesé'. Prot. Dooley suggocled therr is considerahlorocncern about eduralion and il is a pareol's rîghl t0 express UsaI ceccern. Ho lelI cosl stue dertsxare clever, wclprepar- ré. dediraleil and sledious. The current dorinme ap- poar, tl e ho'ihatoier a young persan decides is right, is il." He salé he cas ioorrieé about the iccreace in en creaI disease and teil the commanémient "Usou ohai 001 commit adellery" shoulé hc entorrcé s Highlighl of the panel cas Mc. Gamude cho, in a hum- orous flo.n rriticioeil 1cm' tire cecational syslein pnoi h y ntl Then 1 inoeé Y' eparet"îîieof Edàusa reponsibility for evalealion et eludeol progressc Boards of Eéucalion: Use- ally inselateéi from soce ef the prohîres on echool hy a toril organize and highly paid group ot aécinislralers. Neet cempitn Stueoos: Thoy sheelé ern le fil i010 eecioly and conîrihue le ils improxe- conl. They nooé competilion, or lhey are col preparcé la tare realily. Lite sheulé in- clue loir. happicess. satis- faction and naccess, or il ceelé ho delif Bul sarifice, failare and lcageéy ahoutié ai- ne ho inclocid Teachers: Thoy eheelé ho ahIe te "loin the eleécol on' and their moral character sheelé heofe high calibre. The teachers' trecalion sheelé discipline ils on mechers, but il éoesn'l. Teachers OAKVILLE P'ATHER Allen Anderson ob- jectrd toaettacks on education and adnmini- stration and said tisere was "bigetry" prosent at tise rally. mui~~~ kQl/I DON GENTLEMAN, Irft, area superintradent for Hellon Board of Education wax questionod by Milton Councillor Jic Watson lrightî duricg 'lbursday's Renaissance rally. ehoelé TEACH. Taepayere: They sheeld relI theshoat. They sheald aIse ho ahle te face Iheir trustees thoal has-ing administra- lors prescrit. Adminisîralors. Mmlt are excellent, thoro are a fric roeptfions. "l'mheginning ta gel Ue impression that Usere cay he exceptions in Hal- ton." Ho aIso telt Ihore sheelé ho more cocpulsery sahjecte, Ihal il lahen GRILL le learo; and Ihal a lhereegh lenw ledgn et the English langeage is o0e cclt important tool. English. he salét, incluites listening. Pleasrpaytaxes Millon's Mayor Anne Mac- Arthur hrought greelingeeon hohaît of the to ané Use Rogion of Halton. A tercer leacher, she wisheé the greup weil in ils effortseand assered thec the teachers aI Milton District High Sehool arc dedi- robéd. Olen teachers are dis- appointeé ie Use lach et par- ental qeeriex, she noleé. Sho hopeélthe orgaoieation coulé bosurceteul andéhopeé fur "eleéenls ecerging troct the sehouls cilh healthy cinés, healthy hodies and heallhy atîtades." xtli hase te pay the ochool board whelher yee pay ce or Ulooglot WOçé,ý a Hallec hoard et edocationtrxt was also e plottorm guesi ana said ho cas pleaseé tu seolthe neree shecnhbythe group The hoard ca always seehicgj puhlie onpel and "ce cho for' weré t0 yoer positive snput," Wrillon grooliogs andée groe wcc seft hy MPPc tic Snoo and George Kerr, Borlinglon Mayor George Harringtoo and regîooal roonrillors Des-lé Coons of Berlioglon. Marjerie Powys of Milton and Terry MardIl of Gahellfe. ".Alcohelir frer-for-ali" Regional ceosciller Jic Whatson of Milton, a forcer leacher, said the Renaissane cos-eceOl cas "cerlainly long overéuee" He rasligaleé the eéocatiosal system for tes "insulatien" and suggooloé chen Me. Camepbell lrieé le protonL a moral issue he coaléolt reach acyene and "the parente ané leachers can'lrmach anyheéy eilher." Watson calcé north ecas lion arra supeinlendeof Don Gentleman lxch microphone and ashed hica if 11e cas ova e o cheol in hix ares, haé an 'alcoholir ree-for' aIl" îoxolo-ing sonce clodente recenlly. Gontleman repliod "I éoht n'loochat you are rrferriog la" bel oftereé t0 taIh il over wîlh hic aller 111e meeting. Gentleman saîé 1the gucslvspeaker Laery Henéer- son was really off hase in inéîraing the primary 1cMk lorre ie a suhversive mes ment te handle otodecte. (Aller the meeting Wats and Gentleman acgued ai le g 1h over the counciller's legationol) ILI Ri LARRY HENDERSON oras the keynote speaker et the Haltos Renaissance Com- cittres rally in Milton Thursay. ohjected strougly ta Ushe wholesale castigatlon of the school systeso, the timide attache on administration" and charges therle cas "samethlg uner the hed." Hsosforchlldren relut M M M anythîng lthey wat and halvent ootered ,whe said. * Casisue fgroin Page 1 "there la hlgolry here conclodeé lit was a social tonighl." ho addeé. revohuion designeé le holld ,Aaoiher man qiieslioned ,la soclety tolally different "the triteneos" of, Larry fromt Use one we nowe have." ilendersenos mind. hy several memhers of the Robhert son sait! ho wao audiesce. Several ashedi for recenlly involved in three 9peifico te prove same of hin parents' nlghls aith Uischool crtic ismo and generalina' and j ou 21 people lorned out. donsib. ,I Inuit torward te seeing Grade 13 studeol George mure Of you," he said cilh a Houd, Milton, argued agaiool PlOn IHeoderoon's sceepino Mother of tco yooo damnation of education and children, Marge Kirhpalrich oaid he hasnot yet ocen Use complained her children only pirejodices of any teacher rereive 181 days of ochouhing, ohowing throagh. Hiasochool thanho ta bolidea aod '0 ha igy hoo ha l profenojoosl developmeot cs, ongrapI hoo aY. Wheo sheweot to school an lue of vocso il îwas 202days and in13 years andse lihrary nlot Mae o-of schouliog, Usatos a dit- deroon agreed evr I eference of one full ochool had mieotionied a, e year, ohe suggeoted. reouent In every ochool in Use Aoother lady oaid ohe d né would lUse le hnow hoc te gel Wasts p rouf rid of the pop machioe in her A=aotof three children childo puhlie acthoul, E.A. on Ga ,ie Edward Berry Orr in OahviUle. aahed for proof of po- A Home and School nograph in ochoul liheaibes. representative trom Hendernn replied he led Borîiglen oaid Home and oeen saome hoohs in his son's School welcomed more -e. choul lihrary and suggouted paretinpto and the ochoul perhaps the parents ahoutid le adiita n welcomed 01the judge of chat a child feeélech teu. r.eadas. Mro. Joy Woolland of e Hedero nOo a hriet Barrie ooggeoted parente are al hal cln ge c hen Mr. "oujotly oet agaiot' and Rusoell the h Igh ochool haven't had a clenre tspeah prinicipa he meolioned na hi.out0 outil nec. "I want Use talh, rone le refute honIng stedento te realine the cled Hendersoo a Hitler. parengte r o ocre Henderon said il coo net Use o r e onere i pilricpal hot ailiers who led Caplladheadon osed Ihat termi Mr. Russell "mpus on hy eduraleo if aohed hlm le came hall a mt caseo and he really hod donen echoulo with smoking ce prohlemos wUs teachers or lioges hut Henderson cao principals. Bot he charged etomped. "A poroones opinon "intimidation" hy ad- le ot oeceeoarily right, minietrators and oaid chen lecause he leo a right t0 oay he ceot te talh dUsh Hallen's e Uem," charged Ro-11-l "I Directer et Eduratioo he cao challeoge massy et the things methbyarcommitlreof three. Milton, Aona Willate con- dered chat cas crong if elodeote attempted te hrîlng change loto the cerlé Heoderoon agreed he'd lihe le oec a letter corld hut "I den't want te tain il over tu you and your teacher te do il." Stedent Richard Case, alo et Milton, claimed Heoderoon enaggerated cecI et the pointe he cade. Stodents den't joot cant te leoc about "that hig, leaulitol corld out there," Usey cant lo hoc Use ailler aide teoo the olodent told hlm. Where cerr they Milton resident George Jachon wendered chere ail Use peple cho are ce con- cene iUs edoration cere, oden the Home and tchool movemeol needed them. He condered if Use emotienal aspects efthUe Renaisoance campaigo had! hroghl Usem, out. Renaissance frsP en Ken Campbell cali he cas roctactrd hy many people cho claimed they were "lcuctrateé" aI attempte le gel anywherc thcough the Home and School organizalion. Allan Anderon, Clahoille, THE RENAISSANCE RALLY packnd about 600 people into Milton District High School auditorium Thursday evening as thse Renaissance movement picked gp opeed and supporters. More orea rallies are planned je Aclen, Burlington, Georgetown, Milten and Ookvilln Inter 1h10 conis. (Photon by D. Pink) The visit hy homosexuels te mmittee ceelé le meeting salé 11e cas set leppy wiUs 1the schoul clase cas "merely trequenlly and proparing th1e "ill-eoundeé assortienq' a eymnptem et a much deeper proposaIs tfor1the H allen that have baient made osd oisease" in 1the schools. Osord et Eduration, dUsh reftee Camplelî's charge, "That's oer system righl nec assistance troc consultante. et hullyiog tacites. He saldbhe and ce don't 1111e il," 11e LasI tu speah cas Mr. cas pleaseé te sec se mech concluee. Craig, principal et M.M. interest in eduration, He salét the Renaissance Rohinson High Brhoul cho hoeeer. Let'Is talk carlbans. And how we can get you roUifl, If you'ce thinking cf tcad- ing youc car, wo should talk. We vo bora involved in financîng cors forea long time. And we vOworked with So wr con put together. aeloanthet'lsui tyou with out getting you in over your head. à The First Canadian Bank Bankof Mont We con evon talk ebout anc type cf (on thet gives you the full price cf your cer. Even if you'rr flots customoer. We do thet beceuon wo IM"W-helpingyou do oomething le tfie beot Way tomakryou one. Corne on in. And lotos talk cars. MILTON ~ ak ireal 14-4 Main St 878-9911 SO~ARE A McLaughlin Group DeveIGpment f £ I a ANNUAL MEETING Date: Wednesday April 17,1974 Place: Percy Merry School 263 Britannia Road East Time: 8 p. m. OUEST SPEAKER: FLOIA MACDONALD, M.F. Kingston & Thé Islands PUR POSE: 2 Au ditors report 3 . Batificationof prpoed hages Io our Cntitution,.ehich brifly ae: a, Annual eletionof delegates andalternates for fedcral ad provical confereerces bI The lormation cils standing CommitIt of Finance ci The oloction of aies piesidients by theirarea members d) The annuealmeeting to bheld in arch orAprl 4. Elerlin oi offlicrs loi' 1974.1975 5. Efeion ef delegaies and aliernates REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED HALTON & HALTON EAST Prýogqressive Conservative P~ Association

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