Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Mar 1974, p. 14

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14 The Canadtan Champion, Milton, Onst., Wed., Muarch 27, 1974 Britton hospital chairman again Four trustees joïn board Four nem trote joined the board of dirc=r of Mit- ton, District Honitl ut tac luth annmal meetIg Wcdnes- day' Bruce Frame, Maurice =Beaty, Robert Reed and Gus f3oousbi were etocted to fill f our vacancîco on the board. Tbey replace Roford W. Gardbonse and Omer K. Van SicIto (wbo bad each served the maximums six yces on the board and woro ot ohi- ghefor re-etoctioni, Mes. Helen Sîrain acd Don Smith obo decided 10 retie Irons the board alter tbree yearo of service. Mes. Strain was cbairlady oI tbe building and propcrty committro bost year and Me. Smitb oas vce- cbairman of the hourd. Artbur H. Britton, 1973 chairman of tbe board, mas retarnedascbairmao for 1974 oben the nem trootees beld a briet meeting ut the conclus- ion of tbe annual memhorohip meetingf Edgar W. Foster, Hallon Regionat Counsil's ap- pointes lt the hourd. was naurd vice-chaîrman. Coin- milices milI hoe sot Up lator. Nume meinhors Other mombers ut tho hourd ibis year are Broco C. MacNab, Ausîliary detegate, Mes. C. R. Anderson, Mes. Stîelag b Conway, Rd CIao rooshi, Andrem Keitty. Km- mersos McCready. John W. Osîler, Mes. C. Peacocb and medicai staff represootatlve Dr. Ivan Huoter. Annual reports prescnted duriof the meeting indicatod tbe bospital liad anotber buny year. Nomnber of potient dayn dropped sligbtty Irons 21,30W in 1973 10 20.357 in 1973 but most other services sbomed a sîighl oncrease-inctodiof birlbs wbicb rose Irons 15310o 195. Average tengtb nI stay seas constant al.30 days. The bospital bandled 8,809 X-ray examinallons, 11,360 emor- gescy vîsils and 875 opera- lions. Net coul per potient day mas $52.03, op $5.61 over the provisas year. There more 12.08 boursofa worh per pot- lent day. Cbairnsan Brilbon reviewed several improvemonts 10 the Short season at Glen Eden Tbe speing-lihe meataor in Fobesary balted shllng ai Glen Eden Ski Area for the season. Fr051 lofI the grond and man-made s00w would ot adbere o th0e bft-tines or 10 the houe oI the hitI. ac- cording to conservation autbority personnel. Dropile tbe short seasSn wuges were nearly doubled for tbe year. At the end oI February. 1973 wages totollod $21,000. Ry Feb 28, 1974 Usey came 10 $39615.5 Income Irons July 1, 1973 ta Feb. 20, 1974 mas Si90,200 ns wîtb a total of $27,161 in memberobipo. 28 tables play euchre Hatlos Flornsen's Association bosted 28 tables olf eucbee aI tbe Boyoe Comnsunily Centre, Friday, Marcb 22 Firsl place mens peine corner 'cas Jins May, soitb Harold Smillie second. Marie Feacomh placed Iirst in tbe Women's, wîth Marie Mctlowell and Oorotby P icbell lying for second place. Lacky dras were wonby Marie Murray, Elsie Frank, Erma Pickeriog, Catby May, Ida Foster, Belb May, Ross Segnivoelh, George Readlîead. George Brown- ridge, Gerry Carton. and Roy Carrne The priacu for hota tbe eucrr asdbhe draws oere doîîaled by tbe Hallos Parm and Safely Cooncil. bospitat durlng thse post yesr-twu nos combisation mushor-tractoro more pr-i choncd pIl. .O lett lig oqient,.new-motrir mate nd. aw nsfeer. Lundscp- ing wus dune in front of Use bosplita, bondroits wore in- stalle sn tac second flonr thcorvidues. Use X-uyste oa rodeorutfd ndttig s The poblie relations coin- nsittce met mita represesta- lives of mujor industries in the consnsnity ta dimcuso the avaituhitity nd cotent of the bospitutus ensorgency facili- lies in rotation ta, industries' needo, hoe reviemed. He poid trihute ta the auxiliuey mens- hors for tac fine mork tacy du for the houpital, atmo the board nsonshos, administra- t0e and staff. Ansitiury Ireasmoer Mes. Jane Hughes gave tac ansi- tiary's report on bhhof ut peesident Mes. Joan Hourd, and prescntcd a choque for $5,000 wbich conctuden a. ment ut the Ausitisry s plodge of 020,0110 for the X-ruy roans. The curvent projoct sa refurnishing tac pediatries silling ron uta cost of about $4,000. During tac pot yce auxi- tIlaimmsi contributed about 3,200 bous of service and tac Cuody Strippees con- trihoted un additionat 500 bues, able rcported. There arel197 active aovcc 10ua- sociale iembes in the ani- tiury. Oser million Finuocial statoments wcre prcoented b y treasuee Bruce McNab. Tho houpîtul oper- sied on recelpts nI $1,413,019 last your and incroed a $25,205 deficit, he pointed ouI. Salaries and mwages ut $929,733 and genorul admin- istration ut $121,170 more the major coponditurco. MucNuh ssîd the boupitul bas no tond estublinbed frons o'bîch lt poy out lump soin royments for onoxpircd sich louve ta emptoyecu mho quit or retire, and ta date 47,143 sa claimuabte. "Il could hou pro- bIens if severat emptaveen mita long service dcîdod la quit in anc your, hoe sid. The hospital is planning ta i0110- ire a disabitity innuronre peogran fo employccs ile sst help retlfy Use situation mitain a feu yoes, bee repold. Irhermise, bie ouid tbe bospilta s"in un excellont 227 Mais St., Milton 878-2353 Rentais Par Dan Fertlizer spreader 1.50 Lawn ruiler 2.00 Roto tiller 31/2 h.p.12.00 Rotostiller 4h.p. 13.00 Fisse Sasder and edger 9,00 Vibra Sander 3.00 Fridge carl 2.00 Skii saw -4.00 Jig saw 3* 0 Dril 1/" 3.00 Dril 1/2" 4.,00 Hedgc trimsmer 6,00 Sampi punsp 5,00 Staple guns 1,00 Boit cutters 3.50 Post hotte dillger 1,'50 Linoleum rouler 2.00 Lasos mooser 6.00 Sesoor auger 2.00 Postdriver 1.09 Rsg shampooer 2.00 Wheelbarrow 2.50 Ass for Items so# lstai Honety and wesklyrates Oeallable. harnnBttnpreset- ed 10 ye servce.pins .ta James erou, Mes Mr- joncHebur and Mes. Alice todr. Fve y- piswnt ta Mes. Edith Mosool Mrs. Kathleen Scott and Tom Marsis. UÀst of doctos Medical advimory commit- tee report was presented by Dr. J. W. McCutchemn, 1973 chief of staff. Ho reportott eigt family tloctors, one sur- geon, one oye speciatint, one radiologit and five dontints serve ge commanity. Twa doctoro discontinaed practice bore and newcomors in 1973 more Dr. Michael Ho, a tamn- ity practitinor and Dr. Kon- not Bradloy acnsultant in sclutist on tbe consotting nff: Dr. J. H . a orlain, Medicat Officor of Hoaltb and Dr. H. R. Mcflonald of Kit- bride are ontheocourtosy staff and Dr. C. K. Stevenson is on tbo bonorary staff. Higbway accident patients are olten givon primary lreatment uith tac al boupi- taI tbon sent olsomboro. ela- er fo 1pca treatmont or lt betoottaelr ton doclors, boe noted. Two innvations during tbe ycor woro open montbty depron moot- igantaintroduction of iiopi nitiations. "A great increase in population na eopected in tho nex1 few years and, atter provision of nursing, boupitat expansionwilboiencssary," Dr. McCutcheon warned. Survey sous Accroditation (tbe "seat of approvat' awardcd by tae Canadian Coneil on Hospital Accreditation) is progeessing toward comptotion and tac nons sorvoy sa expected in Aprit, adminintrator Ronald Woods tbld tae meeting. Ho roported four nom doportmnent bouds more mot- comed in tbe pont year-Mes. Laita Glanvitte. pbysiotaor- apy; Mes. Betty Bell, food services; Davo Smitb, Ions dry; and Jim MeLean, bouse- heeping. Ho noted the n0w poticy and proceduros moni- ont wss erestcd dsrlng tac Tise bonpitat achnsmtsdged donations amunting9 ts SII,05 from sevait ndvi- dot nd rsizatioss, ond mmorl donso In mein- or fsix poope who died. answor pcrlsd at tac ed ut tac moeting Gorge Jackson sogt assuronre fesse tse baduat on ambulasce mOUl continue tab e stattsncd authUe bospitat, Slow thot tac pro- vinre bus taIses over opera- lion ot ambulances and spli tac province inta ragions. Administrator Ron Woods told hies an agreement mos drawn 10 cover tae ambul- ance transfer frees Use houpi. tai 1it tIse rogional systees and one of Use n' tis mas unit Use ambulance mous hoe banod inide the tosndartes of Use "otd tomn ot Miltan Ithcbuit-uarea"" il may re- min ot tac h sitat and i ma osaiond somoere cIs ni Us toms, ho aId. Better system Trustes MacNab said tho FOUR NEW MEMBERS joined Milton District (standing) with chairman A. H. Britton ad VIC- Hospital's boardof directorsattheanmual meoting chairman E. W. Poster, seuteS. It is n 15-mumber bat week. New Sirectors Maurice Besty, Bruce board. îuooyR oos Frume, Bob Reed and Gus Goutouski are picturod(PooyR.Dws ambulance sys1cm cost provnre. The nos systons oI- The ares, Irons Hamilton ta in central GabviOte, ho 9ged. $70,000 tant yenr but altouilh fceedbtter utiticotion of Use Foot Rogian bus boon joinod Ansltlury mendiera sarvedl the hospitat adminostered tl, mes and oquipment and hot- in une rogion and mitI hoe eefreshmentsat taendoutha tac coul mas covered hy the 1cr training," hie suggested. udminislcred Irons un attice mceting. OPEN 1:30-a.m. to 6 p.m. Thurs. & Ffl. fil 9 p.m. tet ~ANDTEA ~ NOME DECORATING CENTRE TOUR P'EADTA YOUR COMPLETE BUILDING SUPPLY HEADQUARTERS" r25 Stosies Avem, Milton 818-5400 le 818-3263 FREE DELIVERY & ESTIMATES ...Whether building a home a adding ,~ Bnn mn oplafns deas oeuling of -gate is" ei it ie t phang iden ad total. a mom i ohn a an e room e u ling of mariae. ye'l te enjtu exjst5htnge in as hei or t otal Terry Lachapplo Ken Lefamve Moaty Mcfbl.hofl Ted Mist jour cost, with no obligation to you . . Quoit Poneln Craftsman ANTIQUE Valencia SIENNA SEVILLE HICKORY HICKORY Mahogany OAK TEAK 4x8 Mx 4x8 4x8 $74x8 $6.99 $5e99 $7*95 $7.69 7e69 lSpn AID CARRY ECIALS"I Zonolite Attic$1 Insulation B..1 99 6 Foot$ Af Step Ladder 45 20 Foot Aluminum Extension$ Ladder $27m95 Vc4 "44 SEAFOAM ASsMn CEILING $ TILE $3m49 Milto SchIl o rvn D. 0.T ..L )ARTMENT $35.85 ALUi 5AKD1x1 2 OZITE '"- Gruen or Gol aD ra Greenn oraan! 51n'

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