One Word Explaîns Why People Use Want Ads ..Resuits! CLASSIFIED RATES Toloee Ibo canadieo 881 Main St. 878-2341 OCompion Mita. Otio BIRTOD, DEATMD, MARRIAOEI. FOR FHCOMiNO MAR8I1AOEI, ENOAOEME NTS - NI Chare. FOR SALE, FOR PONT, ETC. - $1.l5smtnimstchardgoe Sos 15 woedî-ope odSrss805er. OShsflest 195sf eo (no c opy charogs - $1.50 stInistust chorge Sor 15 stors, ki ord55 flratsco. 25COdisco fcsh pyesot. BOONUMBERS Sefsis officc -O2codOtoia. COMINO EtENTS, CARDO$ OF THANKI -11.79 fo fuîst fîso 11008. 10Oc top «Ch* odOtiol fin. île MEMORIAM 1.70 Ner isI O uIces, vest0e oS18PErise piusi 100 DEACLINE 15 12 NOON TUESDAY CLAS5IFIED DIOPLAY, REAL ESTATE -511.Oper colun Iech. OIADLINE THIS CLASSIFICATION - 1P .M.MONDAY The Cacodian Champion, WSd Masch 13,0974 9 DRISWOLO-DonaOndSao e sWILEINSON, Edcoct Murfcl Mollord) of 88488 -ilocae OnsTuesday, 568 ch 1215740e plat occs8c th OPeclMeoa Mospo 1 s#CShOl soeet Scid oS Bramton. EdytOc LaooPi1. stelot 7 lils. 95oz. et Milton oS 8.8. 3, Dstsgectc, District Mospital on Meecis 10, Icloeno stiSc of EoceS8c 1974. Wilkinn oa Ocs toto oS îsu Rcuth iffs. Dot C=ctp of WOO l46 isiore, LeS oS Mlton and OOLEY-Me. 099l Mes. Mosoosel (Mrs. Wton. Bowtlel Robert (ner McMIster) oS oS 9oscly. Locissiy 0.8. 3, Milton Orc plescd Se recstcstîepca îcel.aval ltc ieS ith of Soce osanccoîoet. dcgterc CaooiLvcc Rose OetcoSteMCieJos ocilî il's. 21/2oz. oS Millon Resscs8a Mote 34 POISO 55., D.lrisio Mospitol oc Mosot 6, Fcoea oe, 3oS 900,9St 1974. Sccc ssOOi 8 TeorsOow, pce 1 5115sc Me. 0nd Mss. A. 8. stoodley OcSd tccOotee5cceel acns W McMesfcs of Mil80s Unei stis hurc M Ser 3.00r nid e bOby sistce Sor Moecss. ecIcc.ltcsstBesp 1s46 Cstfsy. DDWDELL-Ms. and Mss. OstOO 8ruce tle, Jones) of 35 Mory St., MiSocoare plcossS o TELsER, EispSO lace-At OccosOoe the lîuto oS Ssscîe HoiScc Centecciol M6002 oS S09 Colis Joshso steiglS s Ils. Ttsesdoy, 560,05 7, 1974 , 5 Oz. ai Milton roîstsî EispcS Joce TcsSere. ih r0008 Hoseital on Mesot 11, 1974, c air oSeoc8iste lio ist46 Toiller, de siSe MIS. JISlCOFF-Ms. oa Mss. MROIsOMo8t9Pe iSe, Jostes (litr S9cfiigi of 90 docoosed. Peicofe toceso i Maryv S., 5611So9 Orc piescd ",vice WSto tela on Ootils8y tlaSoS9Osct the liefO 0* teis aI the McKersie F598PO i 6 .t c. vtMltnDsrc Hopia -nMrh1,1197. cmtr. 54 ougttcuJcfcifei Lvsscc its. 1200o.09n Moi-ct 5, 174 e. Josep hfBuet 560150<1 Sespitol. TOIMOLE -Do ugles li-ostoic, ose piessd Oi Son Jaon, Gdon40,ocigt tirs. 10 or., at Peel Mcstorio Hospital, oc Suicdey, Moc 3 SONT1, j<eeioik Mille, IMcsslr oS Brsiltsos L oogo, Ne. 15, A.F. & A. i )Siodstiss, OS MilSoe Otsltii osital, os Tscsdov, Mos Ch 5, 195, F sedorcsk M il le, Ssst in tisîS9ti-vcos bonc fis oh Iie Isobl asd 56<0. Mosgoie5SmithiandE. StanlevHunt of Busiiigsos, and9 Ms Blesnche Cook oS NrhDakota, predocoase b0y 0i-tettis C harles asd Harvey, 900< f'1899 oS wi 11,1 499ro Musi-ay Pettit. Focci-el Oseices 0d oni O Fridov OS SOc Mvlscsic F.5 neso b Home it St Ic.5est in9 Ecci-grencs Csttss GAR00519<, Osi-old F151ers0 115s15rb0< of Steosc and Antique Pi-eserscis Assoc. i Sudacsiv et a Joseph Brost MeorSi-el Hespîloal, os Wednesdav, Moi-st 6, 1974, Geroa 515ei-sos Gbtt oS 5 5 Ns. i Muts !oi is7<4 Gaosbt and Moi-gsi-es Ford, Sevibess oas COsdinsOmagh MAR 55H, EditO Loreccs Ssddcsiv et Joeph Brant 568150<101 Hoespital oc Sunc 00v. Mai-oh 10, 1974 EdiSO of C, Stanley Mai-st et Milton, dea0i onStetOi of Pesee Stanley Clasi-eest Miltos oa sistos of i oS tofosd asd May 156<52James Restîe aS t e McKloisic ccsdov et 2 0..5. IneOsst Fsstgsc.cCstei- A 'se ucl Cosc, M. aesîs Businoes iegstnis boy Cose E5pisv15est Wocted EngagemnsiS LcsS c eove OTOVIO-1 soin 005081818of O oydoil L. Itoser Who possSdostOy Meeoh 16, 1-. The gaiscof15cstopy ncsst Alwoys esssttlcPd by fis ife Mouoaefand Sostsy. MOUNTAIN- t oving stssoPs ofS er Sffie ad grocdfothcs. Sydney Chares 0550 505sse 081y Malot 13, Mis steery Sussfond deys of MIS tsooblcd olohts oic posS; Antd sn 000095 scoug eats Hetos fi nd sstopsl et tost. E cc rnstcsbcecd by Bill, OciSie ocd Sostly. MOUNTAIN-It locbg stosoryo o deoS fteocad oPot9Slft8s, stfo passcO estev MopotS 13. 1958 . Mcstoey drifts So scentes long post, Tiste eolls os, bst stcsores lest, Sussisc passes, 55100E5 Sels Loclools rcstcsbcped, Jist, ecd Soatter, Mortit Tristhler, E508se ooseNIay Moi-cti 1, Ootc, coa laitier; goos Sos- Ho M onestisyour sonigoce; But yos 1c15 ss So scstcstlcs None onseortrcofSokcoi- place' appy homc ste oncecstiotod, Mcc sstcct the stcsory stili, Rst dcots tes latS lelns Locicoiy isstostlcecd lv EISO RosOndsors Joev. Tocy and WETSE8ELT-It iouicng 59015305 of stothsi sto OosscdoEovyMopot 13, 1969 and Oa Mepot 19, Moc y tOouostts oS tise togothci Sol stcstopics fOot stili lest AiEoys scstostlcpd Florence, Docisoand famties . WHSE TAM-It losifo stcstopy of e dleos ussloa Horold E. OIE OIOULO like te gioc o wOOPaSSed oEy Marco18 sp VIo theckS So eus tostuls 1961 foreg Icqis ande o Sursprise If ose ha the oelots glce ossicc<rSosy PaOeSv. Aiso WecO gises Ilcs osa mor5e thlosks t0 our relatives, Tcohearuv souceoand sevOou tsincdsocnd celohbours fou s15u18 d coinuc In o the pOsSv 090 Asa oseet vouoStSte doos. f OcipbsOSlie tkcbsla big Sodb msssc ando ObEOv soooess.TOock vosoufil foe i-estesthed lot stiSe Mildoa r ioeeiv gifts, floutees oad ___ 71546-4161 6 col9s. Tooaeeandto kccs 1 SoksbIkc voir iseansoosoand BELL-I loiOOg 15em1v of5a o pecsce nl"! ankyouSk705 ocos4 nc,SHaold C. wo Hodic ~y ~ poseda osty Mosco 17, 1973 * -OfscOeessddosesd orts r"v% b8st6158e, eves IWE WOULD lke o pessiour ost3 4965 * ssncee losrrks to colativs, - friands oa neig008s for jiGLSfh ofuOsn oo e e ks IRIss STEW supose oS St. be880vet. speciol tOossis Jeons COoscO, 5St05SteEsow, So Rosic Shanono oa Alice SoSuieooy, Moecl 16, 5.30 f0 7 Ann Dydtt9 n usn 0.15.8$1.30 eaot. 5 Mi Son HospiSel oa MITO sSn to46-4170 McsiesuSeobss. MIe O Sesio Citizen ..boand So AIo laNo-toc mtn.gWedsesa5sMasc0 20 6mt46-4167 oS 7.30 0.15. 19 K900 lostes WI55Se os sockth stafof OS o oosspoo sslveb Mitos Distict Hospital to- MilSes Scnior PrCitiocsy theosacsSub ci-c1 i-coeised Orchestro. Mostîcis pbeosc stOule o patients tcse.To osc Oig ariclesborOiOcfioc sage. wosh sent mte Es 15009 ooss, Asteiseste mEails ses. sisiSsSeo ospisol af9 gave mc 9mi6.4075 amc deepby ei-aseSsi. M R.i50 BURK Gi-os ilolwIl Aidte Ois Ooacv ss Dohlias a eegeslos os at sesa bi-ccke te Hortiulure Soobete, 615645 TMesdo, Mosot 18, os O.10 ______ pst. cn tce Union Seul, Marin i WOULD lik8 50 SOocu. ail stoO Ss. Evecn c oe i-etiesOeed se wuth ulsits 9mt464074 coi-Os and1 gifts 901i9g stv sOv in Milton Dis t sics DON'T Seoet the S5. Posi-ichos Hespîlol1. Spetiol SOosus se N4ssoOo308vo W. i. Eu50i-s, Dr. M0Cs500stsl, the susecs S0S0ldsv, Mosco 16, 8 pst., and Oso. Chortes Hoicci-. Boieksuibp FiaIl. 81.20 pes AnneStout pei-so. Ososteandci- pizeos, 01546 4124 lunch pi-osided. Eei-ose SINCERE teskssssivy ti-es msenOei-s. relatices and friccas ser 9st46-4132 floefs, gbSSs, sOi-sondOcsbs EjCHkca oSvsneCcstsity b i-ecolscd ctleni E05 e Cstrse, Fidos, Mevsv 15,.ot sainti MiiSo9 Oisti-ut 0.30 0.m. Admiissios 00v. Hesesoel. Aiso speclel tosts Ladies pieoss pi-ecide.- te Or. Mo5ov, Di-. Richareds, 9,46i3482 Di-. Jeohsse nursesoad sS a sT lOiS I-o T os the 0.e ticsoo. -tossîsosiso G 5I-osieec 5 Beryl Roilicos pi-fessioib y coai-iss, wilb 659,46 4207 le picosd5 Selv MISS Bessio 3SmithOndsaoldu Moi-o0h19.otS8p. a5 the Oppi-coloies 099 gratitsud e A95sssu 115 te $1 is Ontaoi-le mE a99 Antique 09m464010 pi-osei-ociS A sS OCtion5, <HI ANNUAL Ladies 5s OstoeOPrssstesbo W. A.. Potsick's dessertS and coi-a ecc. e. Lewtis and Mi-. poi-Systuil OeOfeld Mecdov, Myclcursic Sos thcirscts, Ma00ch os aîeo0 pst. et tise 5v1p00y Oandseices Miltof Curings Club teidE meirgsOcOonO oS 2Otlof Admtission 81.30 per persoes be-ui1l159bso5 Fos Sbokt il0090n 87804792 oi- OUR Osiscec tOîcks So frienses9t64 9 Sn eh os fiool sel îsEUCHR 5Ps<tOSrd Hal si on butcs, svstPOO 4i-95 0an9 PIOststc, Oovcc Cossin s ctf kifdscss dur190 cilS Centre, FsiOov., Meesi, 22c9.t i-csstboeeet . 0.30 est. Astssiscios 81.20.: Elsie and Frank Shanon Lunch pri-i9d. 6mt46 4107 1946-421.' Seors esqoumen 26 Sto4s9ti EmPIcvosIsn 4 VacatonsPopc<ties 80. THE ANNUAL loc c oIII î<lte hao o Othy MR. BUSINESSMAN AMiclturoi Hall1, Soir lest s the tist to b 0548 800ltds, Milton on Toicsdoy, Mopot 26thli, 8.15 pst. coisi-si 1975 Adisionls 512.LooCh otd CALENDARS 9ms47-4137 Cosoeadcertising spc TEN rc. pil 27, ltyeesice, business gifts, tise "Abernathy iosp.îstsd gise 01547s Sor ail Oohootostio", door pi-be 09t type~ cf bosisessos, stany Spot dance.8 Spcttsci-c ylv q ies D.P.M.A. Tickets n5E on81 SbeSqsts. 81.50 SscsSlei-s, 2.00 non. Contact ROY DOWNS ho815hcss. For tickets Cali COsis 878-5339, osr K850< 878- Domtinion-Ad Pi-oduots Sm. 6.18 380 Highside Or., ATTENTION Teost Coptois 2lm46_________ and CeSsossers for toe Miltot Canser Costpoils-AtSso 3WiMMIseo Pool sacrificec Losissh Nighs t Sol OoSy osy ,Loodisg manufacturor End PEish Soll, Tosesdoy Molos 'distiibtos Sos 00888 oeis 115th, 7.9 0.15. Pick li9 y005 scastos pools lot Osesr Ssos kits oodl EoSoh at iteestlcg 1973 seoson hoit pios fist. O8fr eesStcosscoss Gsopocteed Itstaiition oaid A t itte es s tottl te s Esocged. Coui Credit 9t46.4205. Mocoses, CoiMoct 1 561-1103 5s a 20 dys or' evenices. THE CHAMBER oS Commce 21 Oltt 3942 fi rstogieorai methtin wI8 ______________ he19 Mou'st 26 oS 12 coos etRE EAINrm pca thse Chories Motel. Aiioc ICOaTiONc evai sp 0-e Mossot, Regioooi Chairostec Fos boo ssi op EI1i be the ouest speaer. bcoodioost sn stoico oS Ticket 8032 otîoi OS $isiss 5.99 square5yard; bocks, Cocodo Tesst ond Olse 'SsttSop51 a8 Crcdit Unios. regso 7.SS 9sqeyi- 9m547-4073 solse. Iotcpior Alternatives CMANSONETTIO Musicoie, 878-5220. Osedot, Apeil 28, 5.00 0.15. . 2m64 Ontorio Scisoci Sor tos Dcol, E5XCL5SI5E esoiy sketches of Secior Auditoeiumsst -46 Milton osoiloblefo u al 914616 pi-ictsssitobis Sos Svsisg 12. NOOTS SALTON Contect s' co ti oles et Si, .pis Cecni-e Pilans 009089tp25sd prosinciol Sos, v.oilati aS week oa couses. VOlsctsts The Canadientudtor,siti ccedcd, picose Phone 877.1211 Moin SI., Milton. If svssiîg Soi- applicetion fss Oc maoil, pleese 099 lOc tc 0est2507 16 Csci postaec. C.W. L. Rostsoags scie - 21 mil361 Setsedoy, MepCSS30, 10 So 12 OSCANA cîcttio Ooot.n like tOîs. Stiy ROStts Ho i, Ew. $125. 878-4742 aller 1.20 MartintStret. 0.1 01546-4071 21st464125 1N0 ocsey Tongdsv tight, 8 1988 COUNTRY Sqursistios. pst,' LieIon Moul, stonsoed : Wagon, 3159 0009 cocilo 8 by Lo ads A Eringer Eesttilg maochine, Corodocn Leg.n oc ood conditio;osS2t s SstS-2312, 98k Eith chairs; triîlOgt tems;s 87802018. 21st46 164 YOU ws5 like bstig you JEFEIE 8 RBNSONMr 4Elsi-9s. Couccc5iie.I adMrs Emro 008 non ES ickservice,Sigh qusrnsv O. O 3Getos nwsht Pose Coslpbciisiic 854 2232. SOce dooghtci MopgopsS 101 Losise te MishaoliJOt Sml7 ONDA 175, 0009 cor5 Jelteries, Morisioo look dition. Foi store iStgsction ByOn.Marae n Mik 2115484228 On taoSilsts potos 7OOz 1.5l, &o 1001Ze200 Col ' i0 s ATTENTION BEEF AND DAIRY FARMERS WET BREWERS GRAINS 4541i411s in lois aea os o <fgsios lasis. Recog9ioed a O source cf 9u4iSy pi-eis. CONTACT BY-PRODuCTs FEED DIVISION 1-638-3083 519-6642274 226 Cedar Lace Faros At Stîîd Black Buckshot P. 17854 This sfailion s Stock horec, 084t for stopk and pleasuse ocd pots i9 osto lis toats. Mes Ssiiy s7ONstbrI acid sfacs1 Hh,100is e's o lck acd sthite Soloco. Drop cn SEr roffos ansd look oue stock Contact B. Matthews 878-9437 9200 mae Beagle p~., e s.eeks sld, 810.00 ecc. orse sois Ochoescnd 21' yvcops ola, sfoi-sc, $250. Caii 853- 2309 allcs 5.30 0.15. 25csto37-4956 WEEK ela pose, femiole, stfoci-sgiseco Spitz, $15. 4EGISTE0ED LoI piipioes, cham5pion stock, 878-94.6 ONLY to csft 1974 Sklsosbcs aoSdeolecs. Celi Ossusquise Garaoge 878-4807. 973 POLARIS Col., 200 p 05bv 208.464112 I. FO SAL WL mme 1954 2Oth 1974 /t Anniversar 1965 BARRACUDA 2 DOOR FASTBACV ,V000Sntcscowesteinig per bu.tes.-radiobuct ostts. Ficistes5inti-ed withlosotrslotiblckSnei Lic. Ne. OR N402 Sale Price $895 as is USED 1- 24 LIVESTOCM L - 1972 FIRENZA 2 DOOR FASTBACK LCne 1000 cc 4 speed ti-anssson, fi15sOed sn tise st tch Solctlsg bise cdth sîpeso. White watt tires, wtosi cssci-s. Ones oetri, m3 notesgo 0.000. Joust lite re03. Lic. o 0611132 Mechanic MusS ho copole as hosp foir- 15494ten opcri-oig gosogc os Sale Price $1795 reotaain eeed9ok Sae1otusg sO hes o l o 1970 MAVERICK 2 DOOR Appîyfi tro: Ocyiilsdsvaut3ssa,ai-4u,Bcocasees Red. Fxcellent ceo, MaplLod lies Lus. Ne. SSP261 aIs. Fams Ltd. Sale Price $1995 (WntnCuchl ld) 1969 CHEVROLET 2 DOOR HARDTOP 42mt42 Standarid V6egise.oototic, power-sleeri-gpoerib-okesl Lic DSL73 D_ ~ ~ ~ ~ Sl Prc $1995i' fic'19mi Truc h pk Drve JOs sooi-, osesoîl Ocight AD bS0 NOG m 10itiIlSs, 1973 0.00. 412 Dsmsrto 1969 PLYMOUTH Il 4 DOOR SEDAN et lîsepcýuussv. usb*sdisg oui Channecl VHF SYPestiters fSl oor rscîsol SSotiosstcecst This cou l <edisald,$25. Ponse 8709962, Haois osSesto, tas radio asd h4s 3 u ic v o S15oio, psst stseîsg poer b-aises,, radio Sseadvsetpuovstect tsd1S015,123. Staoei sS111 ose yeoi- Sacori- Finisted in Csppev rw R<s t t4cti9 isSp<ioi- Ose esse, Tep stages * 40' Sostsi, oscuoli hisciis, 21rntf252s 000sioeSvlait. Boo Moseis. 199 lm 1551549e. Lic. 0S521 20,11 cosudes Spaoi * ucdutg oui 015099s1 VHF Ouio SeeS orcgeSeEs, soîobi ppio f o I tsd 19554115d, $76.30. BA Ybugy Osood conditionu. 077.5206. Saj l 45[ Fcoitdi-oi-sug.Ms Couli 878<398s2sm6sc 0 0to5374960 ial rice $1 75 j< f hoves 23 hvooss cf aill t *V 21154.420 îO4lhigt i Ï6 V.W.05590059100sne9os ea- -ds cstspiy iissi-oc ei-gs 35Sots.eciob obt. 9 DINING i-ecs Suite, eldes gsoi-stecd. Licece OSK2COSOe cbudusg oai Chasnel 054F tseod sSvlg, toi-cc 720iscS, $295; 000 MoSo-s, 199 Guselph 1968 FORD LTD BROUGHAM 4 DOOR HAROTOF on Apply So: instouiO, S91.5s. sofo and 2cirs, LeOis X V, Ss<soS. Gei-rgetEwn 877025 Fst). Iseois Phsecs s onescSisO 877 5026 29osg2 4950 V8, 4Al01nallb, flIly tqiuppco ss.cluiug Ou. wa4 poAEF sea.0 Maple Lodge sSislled $29.95. 2115o46 4172 1972 OODGE CoiS, cousw Eith Fnsstd us Fei-s Miss gi-s te h1 black sii esisod 15OScOslg FrsLd *56 ssoSC~m tsssg issSci-ue, tisvcarus greenîusfSe< 0< Orliiol 50,248 loA miles. F<scccOu ss e sic- asoLd F. p-ster tood. lssSobbed 5SWAY esi-sous t centr-e in in pei-5ecl condition s5iy l0E moio aculobie. Lic. Ns. DHZ508 $29.5. the, Spasus sSyle, ostM 199 GuboeLcs elphmLosWs f usp 0SF Oeod, unsabMed $29.03. rao stees, rcosd pive-, Ba, MeSe<s, 199 Guepsl.fc ChiilI BIcd.), Comintin olo had V F piosýCje o aspe dci. bes osd Stseet, Geor-getowns 877-5286c t lOiltrhofSeee Coslsos.P cCo-toVI -poe Aise scti 0901g37 4958 and l5 tc oS t tec anSUF, unsfoued $84.93. sphossesea 9 piese black _Sale Prc 1 9 . Ae AsSeolîtc votes. Isoubed viy living 90015 suite in 1969tOSICK. 2,do d30s toSp, N,4215046 085.95. SceisO dcci. 078.4020. au 5010S, ai1 powoer, 26,020 ___________ 21st46f471 origisol miles, crie wor ____ & Ti cri lk rw L s 1972 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4 DOOR SEDAN Acut COLORCOMBIATION U SEO VACUUM cleosseus. E155359 0ae MeScss, 1099Acut COLOS ~ El COINAIN iolso, Comipact, Hboovi-, GueliphStreet, Georgetown. 35 VO., poessvcsg, power ti-ales, radio, <co dsSoggeri- 50' oute, oc5rI-41 hisght etcH f901eV511020r OsScs 0 t 7 7735286. fused in Ascot Sispi- 0,00 black Sop. A <Pal shavp cai-.s Payable uscbudisg C015bi905109 colosiSr seVcis b ei-ie 7 9st3 407 S5 Moad, 0SF an 4ss 5F. auto- 9501. 197 TOOAC nel.Oe SaExp*c 5 esisced pessos i-equolued S 51T ise0<0kisbodI- Liesse OSC359s. Bai MeSoss ale Pr i $2> 9 t.b te ZJjf5 o uol coe. UNITîs Lcf auBros is i ckvl boss a eso 19 Guelpt Street, cutsp 'o Repirsfal tyes Elet.rcsart brs d tuck G bs tiost., 877 5206. 3. s ec. c..c, e fls 507 ol oiSe 7175 condition,5 017 uooTSuN 2 DOOR FASTBACK Apin esst R ICIIARDSON'S 71921on46-4152 POTA Parsienne4 Beostful f1015e Re sOSO Beg ,~i-teij. aoesosu trh- a Lodgî Radio & TV I1968 F090 Fousuoiseosteososus. Sa Ln Des ofo Lrapd o 2 900<r seac, excellent ISale irice $1995J./ O(istonurchvsilOivd.) 201inuStreet 1asf OUalltv Seed Conditio,35 $55 i-tone 877 17ad nienrho tee Multos -226. 291546-4173 191 PONTIAC VENTURA COUPE ae o 1510si-I o Seee Phone 878-2336 Modlder7Gduble cross corn,196 CARMAI OSIA Volts 6 5lI9d5s aosafis F0410, Ssished sn Lucerne lues, iscol!454 grai fees, orag Sed an waes, ri-oaesei-tirs, ostsd. Extraocieasoautomoe.sLic 015012. Olsiai SsrI g<oSS secd. 9009I 15tes, hoavdsd. epWne lui te t 1k 330 C u1 5 Q ti csv stlevo qsoiitu s 4t 877 3227. Sal k rc $2.295fo piIs ifs ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o Aprîl lnotC r 9m640 R eady Mix rigses h d use s 1971 JAVELIN AMx 2 Secs Cuusericscsea truckt drives Conrete Cou~ s 'aspo sue~is; 1972 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE Ti-aceci boctlce perotor oran Saler COaes 40 en.e Fsslsea doe and loadeurlsyoî 73 oi scS lBioeStpfo pecblethwie 25154 vit Ssonat c i-i di Cc15uS vst c i y opd aou Lor CpgSsp oe builing 4313234C00055t 190400 0 417ue5 - oiiotusuv O<veutsOrl 31mies. Lu. No.FOMOI ued stateria Is. '22osog46 19s6 FOis stapae 350: 07, Sa I n grnnr F0,15 lt0CSsi oposoes Wî elverSaordyS 052 ASOIO oi-al , air Mssaev ss, $3 el ie7 *sjsra Nursery3 05 c-eivtlp We delivE Saturdays ssed Soi- v ears, 15h Vese Sae P i $ ,9 as ?oldp TIMOTHY anc Allitasv 070Sd poste, $320:; 1956 Hesdo 305 878-4970 MihulS9uldn 0 22 ra464n5 V ke. $300FPhoe 878 1973 CADILLAC ELDORADO CONVERTIBLE 1912783 (Tosrsot M atonials Ltd. REL crve seecl. A l 9920 29n.464227 Ciulluvint wvpsucof Fqup an ia n usit leg trini ousFt.414 3547 No. 25 Highstay, scia osee P0se4 L5AW 00FCoFICaE0i-1 us 555 rs 0 pb G60. Suer OakviIIe 2215464206 Chaigoers hch Cte, Ifs ce nNEW LWOFC 827-2575 211544 ST5AW loi-soie 4OC o bole. 070 se4 12 07 64 ai îricet $8995 ' ueMbo FIRFPLACE 221546 4148 1956 VOLcSWAOEN 2s 1ou SUERBETq EALOire 20154602111972 VOLKSWAGEN SUE ETFLGLSECRETARY wooD DAIL raSd dio; S sed in Oyal Aqc. le; gs hteoS Cul Mu. Cartes $20. a Cosd V530, 5250,i0 alsuiet h SesuVS REtA~8L 13024 854-2338 23m5441d59 e esnertsSaie rî e $2395 516 2bssotSO -miibioit Spocl ueetecd rats Use Onr Coovenîgnt GMAC Tums Payossot Plan WELDER NEW MAPS cf SOiSOssOsstuse esselE SAS wmse bsocer HALTON TOYOTA fja i osgitsgpio. the sest munuicipal troem c hsobkensSoi-soie, app. 31/ (lbs. miteldCo pn cais ncer edbe 878-4630. aseaseHWV25, NORTH OF 401~1f-IlfACopn Pion, 191 Maie Street, 0it1 ?sPE5SOC 878-4365 826-293] bFigdFet utfd 21 it 39Armsttong Asosce ANTIQUE gols ese set*e ____________ 2- Xeseet oadoe OOOSoeo LA0RAOOcebevee eues, BEST OFFEO, 9, F3od 87914 "Jocgues 099l Myesl dcsign sogisicsed, stloio stock, 8 Rachios1Ch WOos 4202 Maîn St. Milton 878..23558714 87013007aoses e p.m. , steets eOC $70.O.0620. 42 Coul 8/84160. esnO 33 M94 2a 2115 2315462 29mt4840 29564so4 Experienced DIRECIORY 0F CLASSIFICATIONS 1 1964 0000E V.8, goodl r40910e coodlitioc,, seiiic, but5 1988 FALCN, green, 0004 condition, oskino SOOt 8 5297 oltesr 0415M 19690T BIRD2 der, Osctstos, ltoOvcscel ats, sisl oside cidcitocopct fortie. 878 4062 aller 6 pst. poits, 174 plates. Jsst safety coeked, tee. 0,okcs. 878 Elt «sesr Apeetstcchts 260 Ovio.s SI, APt. 400. stansdord, radie. soits soi cssOsssstt. scls goodco dîlîsi. 51,350. 07817150. 1968 BARRACUDA 273.àspeeds 1961 MUSTANG, 089, O opccd. 1968 INTERNATIONAL i soc, dsol Eteel S, 4 speed 1<098 1 r S W/_ Dien mi, âild r Il 0 1