Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Mar 1974, p. 8

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Deadfine is March 29 for town crest design tJIIr ...ii -W.oa oca v-ikssaos. . ....a- siots ... ocy totos So-chools in Georgetao were the Pineview Grade S baya valleyball team. TEe Ocam includes (front raw left ta right) Michael Raberts, Ernie Hal- ler, Andrew BraItel, Ken Zulack, John Tharpe, Brion Muirhead, Brent O'Flynn. (Bock ros, left ta right) Arnold Brakel, Bill Dreyer, Paul Les- ley. Bill Deenick, Wayne Lockie, Wayne Beat, Daug Hagenaen, James Allait. (Phato by D. Pink) Only a fem eotrles have iseen receivad ta data an tise Toma of Miltoo's seot crest rampetia, ad lise tarcs 29 deadliae lsaoppraachisg qoickly. Milton Cooocil decided o nwcreat maes aeeded la torve tisa aatire toma, aam lisol ail of Nosagomveya ond Miltoin sud. portions tel Boirliagtoa. Ooisville aid Eaoloetîog isove iseea merged atu lise onem Milton horogs f regIoaol gavera- mean C acîll!or decidad to offer o $200 priole for lise isa aobisasiao froot local citlaeao. Mayor Aane MacArtisur toid lisis meek tsol ollisough tisre ore oaly o feot rira received se for, aise isoped severol more woold ise submilted. Att lise eatriot hove isara ed adnn wili ha opeoed 00111 ofler thte Marcs 29 deodline misenao comoitilee mili sit dowa te revlem lisem. Cittizen coimittre Council isos iaviled taveral citizens tla serve on lise cammittee anid suffit coard in thea drclabas. lle clatin are artiste and represa- Otltve oaf commuolty ÇOUPS incîadisg Miton ea CiIizpaa and Milton Yoaot Couffcl. Titre ruesaof thse compretîtlaa oaa' fary wide apa The motta for thea e a n tiona thea crieat houaald rflect thae cammaotyas hiaaory. PRESENT CREST Milton's cinrrent tawn creat ia a beaver inaide ,a maple leaf but no-ane seema ta know the arigîn of thia symboi. Tmis ms e tio it lI ho troui hIie mi mayors chaIs of offico. A Nelson: Troors, nos. chIn watt math ts and a tllssp ofa,ý hearlog tise civlc croailai od Nl li trfve muoieyait010 thaït 1080, a Iltore, mera margedatJan. t, oad a iadar. lreedot aItise isottrun Esqusiaig:oha af teoan office mas loBt crama. bîank for the seot toma Trafalgar: Ano seýtomais prisseot symba kot l la a heaver sitlag in tiseA cetr âe lef-uttsj rena artai la a b seur0e. Mes. Audrey shmho isas beeis oni tise tomra staff for na U2 e r years. said il mas ia ose n aise started ta mark tisere bot Buildinig penai isad no idea boot for bock it vataed at $1,53 rienit. isoed by Mîlto Ast symabels , Departant linF Symol oai tise ao' Th izsti cýhaai af office ioclode0 Tse for Mont a Hattos: Pictores of m l a for iltai isarroot, mitd baer, plam and acMi.siînsa tship, aoppoaedtly to telras vatoed at $974,31 tise foor moai rtomasn thal ia ae mere lin olaeratiai otea tise family isames. cauaty mas fos-med an lise 1l50as. Permitso tf y. Nassagamieya: A mand hait, represealt $3,231,0 ,est and a slogai "In a mouita ai commerce, ait trets oser ta far mark 1,810 ofomare aBuilding ebrutory. oe permit reang. liait kl valuai at laI peraislt 18 mre sa- s44 siagle or ta dote 14. THE CHAIN 0F OFFICE wamn ait afficial civic funrctiana by Mayor Annie MacArthur ~Iîampio Cordon and Lomnax Char se aA 0054tn 140 Mala St. Milton 878-7251 EARt G. BLACK 8 Coat, Rl., C.A. 143 Main St , Milton ALUMINUM Windows & Doors GLuSS and REPAIRS W.]. KOSKI KAISER ALUMINUM SWDING Sufi,- Fatîa. Wvdoasand Goor, Auvîtgs, Casuort and Pus oh EnclIosurses uail ingstEauetruçvaq Federal Industries of Canada * 845-0318 MASTER GLOSS HOME IMPROVEMENT Lai us beauts your Metse ut-th Sids5 Se f fls Eauet iroughing AOisst Ooos FR00 ESTIMATES 854 9809 -878-5337 atle, 6p.m. di8 UHF/VHF SPECIAL Tusasraulu solus,UHF V5F INSTuLLEGsao.ov Das ArbîC Antennas *Cuuîplsla î(.Ikkeeping *2ý5 yers euPsîlautua Doreen Brown 878-4563 George C. Jackson Reg. Reprsentatiua Milton Direct Lire 639 1916 BRICK - BLOCK ai STONEWORK Ciîteys, Fieplacas AIses-atioas, Rapai-s ki Additioat Phote AL COULSON 878-440-4 Additions ORu Rooots ROT GALLOWAY RR. 1 MoItat 054 2424 10E ELLSMERE 878-3316 FLOOR COVERINOS Chase youa asot tlasr touesisa "alt br188Eoadîmot " CuthoaOd trsat unlas Ou, tully qualitled lastollers caa lay you, tooptela tisar or aeucavsupels thse otteiais for the do 8l yourselta,. 7040v aiSret ., Miton. 878-2351 BEST LES FLOOR COVERINGS Arstrong Vinyl G.A.F. ViasI CARPETS Colasae K,auss Olymote Peothes, Cooat la ad OutdoSr CARPET CERAMICT ILE Milios's laorsi8 an4 mot tooptet hoote decoratin9 340M0anSi Miltan 878-3435 CENTRAL CITY BROADLOOM Rcpas 1,88 and salas, wtt t0 4,411 intstallation. AIl work quaatted. Frea astiotâtes. Pharie 878-2020 dm88 NEW CONCRETE Watt tiooe.ous. ptiot. ucrandats Guaattsadtia CATHEA CONCRETE RESTORATIONS LTD. KIEN BAILEY 050 TMartiv Street 878-6853 Afte soosals 8425 I - *~5I OPRECTÇXNRL CARTAGE & MOVINA I Apartoete bouta Ottica Replceod stps aCAR VAG E Replauald inL08P5 Geverol Contract Pas-taI 1 2h4.55 Deieyspusla-l rvc Free Estimâtes Fast Cour Cathea Concrete Meous Saric e f 250800 i nSi. Milon 878-6853 4h58 We Cater ta ACTION PRECAST BOanquet -auadags CONCRETE & SUPPLIES And toOsture home bake0d *Saptic Tanks Bread, Rolls and Patstais *Wall Vîlait1 ti Ohe Ccose ,o.cs DEW DROP IN *r Plastic Saop, Pipe *Purspsg Sesulua CAL LMRS. WAYNE 853-152 8 78-9229 or 878-5111 HALTON MASONRY BLOCK LAVING CONCREE FIas- Sîdeaals -Patios Pt-sae Estiontes Phonae CLAUDE 878-6397 The Carpet Clearirg process mosO recuot oteudad by Carpet mafuacturers. Deep Steam Extraction Of Milton 878-3969 . Drclean" DURACLEAN CARPET & PHOLSTERY SERVICE 80-194'tl '1 tpa. DRAP ERY BROADLOOM Induttia Commercial 00048 maode Drapes in stock Fot- Customs Setrie CALLSB2067POR HOME APPOINTMENV maOtia S. Mitn Ontrio PHONE: 878-2G6t LOT US CUSTOM TAILOR DRAPERIES Oursexperst cill cet Dra perias oe perfettly uom pi ettt t ous huomt. See ussîdoi eetion of tex tilps and fabsîts alto Emu Cali 878-2513 Tadan Jane Draperieo Milo sPa a European For past Ca FARM BUILDING Staal Roof end Repairs PHONE EVEN INOS PLEASE Waterdown 689-1086 M. Harris, t a,,erIy McKERSIE cOurer ervc 878-4452 Milton Drywall & Plastering "HONIEST JOHNNY' Reordais Anythlog Neot Celling Installedl-otty shapeask about ou, special Auoustîu Spray Paitintg -,side, outsicd No Job TSo Big or Toit Sotal 878-3291 GENERAL BUILDING CONTE ACTO R *Reodelliso 818-3534 DRYWALL TAPING JOINT FILLING proie Estimâates a08alzed tnlat and JOE SEELEN t MILTON Il Lydo Dey 878-3337 878-3234 Wate Skttîe 9S - Coo ltaay intal n PACONI a d. One sear gAON ua 4 ea-tsO. F0r furha Stoick Reminual, infomation LIMITEP O? dead o, di 500100 Cas? le Phone (4l1) 92 4421l0is550k Lit. No. 299C71 Safety Drînîng Schooî ).0.T.> Lit. Ins4tto, *Masuai & Autootatic DuGol Costsuls :Fuiiy IsUad *Freae Pitkup *Air Coaditioned 877-7792 McPHAIL ELECTRIC LIMITED aINDUSTRIAL *COMMERCIAL OFARMS E HOMES OELECTBi'C HEAVINC INSTALLAI fOS Moi Charte$ St. Milton 878-951 3-877-5795 Cali 878-6032 after 5 prn. 488t le.>VICE Cumplets Jissitorial Service 878-6388 CONTINENTAL JANITORIAL SERVICE *FACTOR IES OFFICES * STOR ES aWINDOW CLEANING aiRUG CLEANING Fully banded & Iesured R78-5127 or 877-9654 MODERNIZE VOUR KITCHEN Let u help to plo your 80 k tchr, ttloiiency end beaure aocluditg pt-e flaisltsd ntuelu0 haedaaad cabinets. 700 Min St. E., Milton. 878-2351 Cental Library 264Main St. E. Milton Mlooday l2 lnona ta 5.3 Op. Tuesday -Wedaasday . Thursday - Fiday 0a.09 te 5.30 p.m Sat. 10a.m te 5 pm. Evaaings Tuesday, Thusdav, Frlday 6.30te 9 p. Caotpbellle Branch Lios Club Comasunlty Centre reday & hursday s.9pot baturday 2-4p.M. dit CREATIVE MEMORIALS LTO. 8 90 Ontao laSt. S. Ph. 878.6522, Toronto002641363 GRANITE AND BRONZE MEMORIALS Sincet -yervioe Satistaction TOWN 0F MILTON TELEPHONE NUMBERS Town Clerland Treasurer Inspecter of Buildings» PluotbingTranches PlanninagBoard Caomt t etcf Ad1 ustotet Toown Super ,stteet Reuloat lon Offie 878-721.23, 4&5 Torotoa82868 Sewaga Plant 8786171 Forea Chiepîs Offieo 878-925 1 tîveresy Fire 808002 HALTON REGIONAL POLICE PHONE 878-4111 or 826-1223 NADALIN Electric Co. Ltd. 3153 B aeeRoaMilon. GEORGE B. THORNBORROW Agent BP Canada Ltd. Home and Fas-m Fuel1011, Diesel siGas 24 hor Bos-ne, Service 878-6538 *BROC HUSRES *PUBLICATIONS - BUSINESS FORMS .WEGGING STATIONERY A Comipleie Desigtn and Praduction, Seroice 878-2341 --Dilis Psinting J/l; & Publishing Ca. Ltd. 19 Manti. Milton McMuIIen's General Repaîr -hotaoy and roof repais -PlasMer eeplss -oancy tei110805 -Basemte pargina -Socco ork Specialioiaa In uesurate tloors, swIOs and poia. Col Dose CoîlecI aI 53- 2726 Far FreebEstimtifs Mitch s Roofîng and Eavestroaghing Speciallziag in8 reoattt and Steal work on barris. FREE ESTIMATES CALL COLLECT 519-856-4721 oraAeo. Gà okropay vsi. RT-RTX-LASER Ctly franciset dealer ln lOolton Cooanty Dramqain Garage Trafalgar Rond 6 Orîtassa Horaby 878-4807 or1878-3040 DRIVEWAVS ai PARKING LOTS CLE AR E 2 PLOWS CALL ANYTIME 878-3716 H. CLERK MATHER Dîspensîng Opticians Waiakdays, 6po..ta 10p-.. Weakeads. 10a.ot.torpo. or by aippolatassat Otolisl's Ra's promspile tIlled 007 TRAFALGAR ROAD BRITANNIA ROAD AT DRUMQUIN Arthuo A. Johnason, 0D MILTON-214 Main St. 878-3673 Appoaittrost TuaSdayaad T5hursoay WaotdneaySturday House of Spectacles 218 MainaStreet Tues. & Wad. 9.5 Thur. 9-808,.09.0 Soi. 10.3 EXAMINATIONS AR RANG E CALL 878-5923 dit GIL VANSOELEN PAINTING CONTE ACTOR INDUSTRIAL- RESIDENTIA. INTER IOR EXTERIOR Cal Newofo FreeEstat 878-6137 NE LE NS ART NOOK Mis St. Rockwoood Artlst Supplies Opaa Atters-ooa orhy appalalaseat Phone Rot. 856-0787 J. D. Currie PloUmbiag Repoirs 24 Hoor Service 878-2452 dit Plasteritig & Sttscco Ail Typesatf Stucta Newt Platore, Ripai-s, Aldairshot PIoste-lg Ca. ailler 6 p.a., 689-6211 CII Coîîact Sewing Machines SALES-SERVICE RENTAL PHONE 878-6861 Milton Fabric Centre 12 Matin Str-et Servs andRepo 000on aol asof seooq achin«aa ACTON Termoial Wareisoose LIMITED Industril & Dootit Sotage PrivoaiFurntua Lookes- oaded Storage Pick-u &~ k Bivory-Olovaos BROIIERAGE SERVICE 853-2320 Acton 364-2841 Toronto MILTON UPHOLSTERING Houe Yoos- funturoae iseao ifltllY eupsolsaeret by tin. est Crotmet. Huad-eds of fino tabrlcs troot othîc t0 thoms. Free EsOtma- No 0bIain 78-9M04 dit HALL ENTERPRISES 878-3147 -Waller Condit lasers -Huotidifiers SALES, SERVICE& INSTALLATION SOFT WATER THE WAY IT SHOULD BE WATER REFINERS Westay Fuels 20 YeasoftWervlioe la Hallet Cauaty 5 FR EE laatollatio& *LOWESTotsîy Real Rota PHONE 870-5489 Milton Euaaisgs -Weekavds 0444-97081 9a.ot. toS5p.ot. Daily BOB'S WELDING Mobile Weîdlng Miloan, Ont. 878-4987 dît o Railitat-Incaa, k Outdsa, es Gates a Ronas Dioidat-s CATHEA CONCREE RESTORATIONS [TO Albi DI Pede 250 Martin St. 878-6853 a s î BUS SCHEDULE MIL TON atd TORONTVO Lu Mîlgua bO0a a? - 10.15 a.m. 4.20 p- o-0.15 asm., a-8.35 pa. b--6.30p.ot. A,. Milton lo.0a as-- 6. 35 MILTON a.c4 KITCHENE. MIL VON ost HAMILTON Luir 0i-.55 a.m.. o-5.30 MI L ON osd GUE LPH As-. Miltson c2.36 pa. Dellye eooept Sîst-rday. Sutsday, HoidOay. o-St urlay oaie. a-Suvday or Holiday, b--Fr10ey. Tiie., Thurs, Set. este

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