0 The. Canadien Champion, Milton, Ont., Wad., Mardi 13,1974 TRAFALGAR MOTORS 409 MAIN MILION 878-2369 * FORD "MAqAVRICK *TORINO Y THUNDERBIRD *tPINTO V MUSTANG Il *ALL FORD TRUCKS 1912 CAMARD 2 DOOR HARDTOP ViIacomatic, ponersfeeocsg, poner biakes, radio. Fin ished i Dark Brown, 0111 beige vinyI bucket seafs. Whilte nai tires, nhoei cocers. Lic. No. EBZ890. Reall1o shau, $2975 1970 MAVERICK 2 DOOR 6cylisder autossaf,9. Finished in Saddln Bro.nze wfh matc.iog isiy ,oterio. Compoete itfs radio. white nali fires, wheel coes.Lic No ALV04i1 EsceptIonal conditio, $ 1895 SAVE NEARLY $2,000 1973 LTD SQUIRE STATION WAGON This is a company demo dies by John Oiyth. V8 aontsaic, poeristeerng, powerbakes.adio, powerfitistgae Fin !shed in medium. Brown Mallç soathing Ginge- interin.o-, piefoot 05 ed %hf wail tires, deluxe Ioggage rack, capfecagoêsn, fot ad ea bspe gads, emte X56hand mirro, inted glass, heavy dc>ty suspension, dioe 0i,4 12, 800. L5c> No. DSR456. Balance of Nen Car Wariacfy up fo 16.000 Msies. Orginal new car price $6,475 193 Clearance $4,6 95 193FORD COURIER PICK-UP TRUCK Economcal 5000 cc fou r speed transmission, 5,50 milles baianceofsnewtrucknarsa ty, lke e. Lic. E46139 $2675 1973 FORD CUSTOM 500 2 DOOR HARDTOP InsRaves9lackVB auonnatic, powerssoeeio,power bakes, arcondtioner, wohite mails, oheel s.000ss, emaculate. 13,000 miles. ic. BEM854 $3575 1972 GALAXIE 500 2 DOOR HARDTOP ln light Bise, VOt aufonnatsc, pomoisfoosssg, power biakes. radio, whitewalls, nOsol coves, 30.000 miles. Lic. DTF41 1 $2695 1972 FORD STATION WAGON In, Mdnigisî Maroon. Vit automatic, powersteei59, power baks,, power taigate, radio, white oails, 35,000 smiles. Lic DSA922 $2895 1972 CHEV HALF TON PICK-UP InsDark Blue, 6 cclcscdes, standardfsa5smissi00 overizOd fires, heavy dols- sspensisoney clean. Lic. B14830 $2395 1971 THUNDERBIRD LANDAU 4 DOOR ln Yelow, olo, Oark Brocs, viryl roof, VO actossafi> posoo s0ering. psoe brakos, pooer wndonc, air condl iig radio, wchite nalis. and wheel cocors. Fu>l equli ed 311,00 $3895 1967 RAMBLER CLASSIC 2 DOOR HARDTOP In Dak Bownc, 6cylide atonacc, rcad, vycssdan Lic. $895 FOR FAST FRIENDLY SERVICE " Qsock Beeton * Bili Taibyn " John BlYthe * Gerry Arpa * Barry Beeton ti Hugh Camp " Buck Gervais * Ron McPhail 409 MAIN ST. MILTON 818-2369 JACK MRLEY TOM RICHARDSON RICHARDSON RICHARDSON RCDJACKva RICHARDPHIL MUORRAY HE LSEL RICHARDSON CH EV-O LDS CHEVROLEI NORTH AMERICA'S NUMBER AUTOMOBILE AND ALWAYS A GOOD SELECTION 0F O GUARANTEED PRE-OWNED CARS 1970 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2 DOOR HARDTOP Equipged wuf, 8 cylinder engîne, aufossafic fiass. sion, poner stonissg, ponni brakes, iadio, nhite mail fises, nfsmi duscs. Finislfed ln ligOf nreen nits dasO gieen viyi ront and gien Interlor. One owne, ion mllage-42,000. Lic. No. B TR535. 1968 Ford Fairlane2 Door Hardtop Finished sn ebon> black, nît bIse sîsyl Inferlom; emuiPedIw oclf powei steeisg and pswer brakes; el cylisnie esgion mîtf asfomatlc transmission; radio; ntmel discs. Licence OPF603. 1972 Montego 2 Door Hardtop Fisîshed sn ligtt green mith a daib giseen iteilos and matfch sg cînyl1 ioof. Egsipped mith O cylildei engine and ostsssatic fransmissIon, pomer steerIng, powei raSses, radio, white mals and nheei discs. Lic. No. OTU 681. 1973 Ford Galaxie 2 Door Hardtop VO, automnatlc tiansmission, pswei steerisg, pgere braSses .Fieished in astomnel oid ul a caddIe interlor. 4150 eqsipped nifI, mOite mails, osheel discs, radis, and radial fures .Licesse FJM 010. 1968 Pontiac Parisienne 4 Door Hardtop 8 cylsodes, aufoseafio transmission, pomer steniisg, poer bsaSses. Fisished in Hawaiien Bise mifh bise Mnesior. Egsipped mlth whfite mails, osheel dlscs and sadio. L icesse DOM 603. 1972 Honda CB450 Motorcycle Eqsipped nifh dosble oeiOead Case ecglse, 10.000 miecoioi bisses, ose onei. License 44322. 1973 Vega Notchback Coupe Fsssshed sn sot nifh black icteiles, equipped nifh ssfsseafic fiansmission, radio, 4 cpI icdni oceiMMa ^am esglce, mOite mails, acd fim ings ices OS K 1 35. Jack Richardson Chev-Olds *CaII "Bob"' for fast lefficient BOB BRIDGES service Head light $95 AlignmrrentExr Hwy 25 S. at Derry Road 878-2393 878-3812 GALLI NGER MOTORS MILTON PLAZA e MILTON LEI'S NOTCOM PARE PRICES Let's Compare Cars 1967 OLDSMOBILE 98 FOUR DOOR Lots of optios and aItln 10 moiîcorde40 License OSJ 369 1973 LTD BROUGHAM TWO DOOR HARDTOP Tnln comfsrt loonge seafs pIos standard power featuies. AM/ FM sterec iadio. Liceose DTO, 1973 MARQUIS BROUGHAM FOUR DOOR Dilen oi> 22,000 miles. Licence BTO 002. 1972 DODGE CHARGER TWO DOOR HARDTOP VO aotomacc. License DPX 527. 1972 'CUDA 340 V8; four speed. License D 0114. 1971 CAPRI SPORT COUPE Four spesd. Licesse AUH 242. 1971 COLONY PARK STATION WAGON A good famil> uoit. Licesise DSK Boi. 1969 MARQUIS BROUGHAM FOUR DOOR HARDTOP Standard equipped carnihfwIn comft o f00 seats. A gosd svng car License DSN 224. OnIy $1995. AN NIVERSARY DEMO SALE 1974 BOBCAT 1li,0 dosi runabout; aufomnaflc, a ieaî little gem. Licnnsn HOX 539. SALE $3,384. 1973 METEOR Rideau 500; f no dsoi haidtop; aufomnati, pgee sfnering, power bakes, AM/ FMiradio, Licesn 059 539. SALE $3,577. 1974 MONTEGO To doos hardtop. ecoomical 302 VO 00810e pius ail standaid ponei feafoies. Liceose APB SALE $3,197. 1974 METEOR RIDEAU 500 Tno dose haidfsp, lotsf of eas. License APB SALE $3,989. 1974 COUGAR Tno dons haidfsp. inather frimmed bucket seats nîfO console. License AOX 21e. SALE $5,091. e METEOR *MONTEGO e COUGAR " CAPRI *BOBCAT te LINCOLN " COMET e MERCURY MARQUIS Ford Trucks Our Convenient Plaza Location Gives You 50 GALLONS Our 'Free" draw wiII take place March llth e Drop in and fi out a coupon Streetsville 826.1434 Toronto 925-08871I Streetsville 826-1434 Toronto 925-0887 MILTON AUTO WRECKERS R.R. 6 Milton 854-9955 wîîîpa> $$for iat scrapa. Cash In on tat Idioyesore. H-ep make Ontario beautlto. We aiseObs . sait gond used cars. 41m4e HELP WANTED CANADIAN TIRE STORE IN GEORGETOWN REQUIRES: (1) A CIas "A" Mechanic (2) An Installer (preferably with experience) or ne willing to bu trained. Apply In Persan tg Murray Lageton Mgr. EMPLOVMENT INCLUDES .Fsll Oent its oshîch icclude Stock SOaic -Profit Shaiso Plan *ComIsins, etc. 429ami22 REAL ESTATE CAR EER An have opesiogs for 2 enthusiastio sales ieresestatises ncth or mîfhouf Real Estate espoience f0 service the telton Our pisses Sales Prograse cospied mlth >our ambf ion, sifisteasdmiliigesstomoikhard, caogisey>05aniccomne 08scaient 90 or bette, thas esecstîse earnIngs. We area large compan and have althe taclitleso aid pos, incisding a Relocatien Depariment mOîcif estends len' sevcsalacross Canada acd fhe United States. Osr masagerial assistance excellnt Comemission and Cash Boseses Is ose of the best in ehe iMdusfr>, sp fo0 per Foi a confidentelltrin aI Claie Oliner: Masager 826.2253 H. KEITH LIMITED, REALTOR STREETSVILLE PLAZA STREETSVILLE, ONTARIO 42mf ACCOUNTING POSITION Available Appiicantc shosld have abli>lt assume enesal Ledgei and other relatea respen. sibilif les. Prelmab> a C.O.A e r R.IA. sts. dent. bof cof essential. tf he or sitn Oas au,. counticg backgiound RepI>le iimrlfing te: Bem 312 Canadien Champion Milton Statieg quaifications and sala.> enpected. 42amng47 'ta.. s - , . M7ITO ICHRYSLER ICHRYSIERi See Our Fine Selection of New & Pre-Owned Cars MILTON CHRYSLER DODGE 88 Ontario St. N., Milton 878-2962 * 878-5394 Overnight Service at Gallinger Motors Open 4 NIGHTS YUBTE Monday - Thursday tll 4 ar. MILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY Circulating and Reference Librarian A poison te wofk wîth Ihn Chief Librarlan in the im- tIivesRiic and expansion Of these departments. Ex. parlance essentiel, positin asallable May lot. Send i-orne to. MRS. S. CONWAY CIIIEF LIBRAR IAN. M ILTO N PUB .LI1C LIRRARY 264 MAIN ST. E., MILTON ONTARIO, L9T IP2. Wanted 4th Cîass StationaryEngineer For large residenflai 001,001. Shift mork. Appîs bs lafter f0 A. H. BRITTON BusinecssAdeinisrator ONTARI0 SCOOL FOR THE DEM' Milton 4$2m46 FULL TIME EMPLOYMENT Young Progressive persnnel wàted to learn roof con. struction and ma ienance of indostria1 instaîlaion. Eo. prienc: preferred bof moi essenltila. Aoppf> Dale Thibideau Industriai Roofing Servces 878-9262 WELDERS Flux Core Mig Welders Slarflng rate 04.04 up f0 04.42 per hoor. Usual Company pald Cal M. Maamn Star Steel Lirnited Milton Public Library Ane energefic and creatico Peison i095 r04, f0 be responsi bîn for Children's Sericcs. MustI bn able to doeieop and organize programmes0, Foperiecce essenfil. Position asallable Jsne lot. Sen4 iesune toc MRS. S. COP4WA, CHIEF LIBRAR IAN, MILTON PUBLIC LI BRAR, 264 MAI N ST. E., MILTON, ONTARIO, L9T IFP2 42,047 Gal1li nger MOtors REQUIRES CLASS "'A" MECHANIC Tonwork 4 ights a seek -Higesf nages paid _Exocellent fioge bosefifs For furOs> information con. THE SERVICE DEPT. GALLINGER MOTORS LTD. Milfo, Plaoa Miltfon 878-2883 StretsvlIe 826,.143 42mnag46 Thre Caraoan Tavern fcas as spnlg for Cocktail Waitresses Bartender Must On 10 sr over. One Oenng is fo 5p.m.fsî 1a.51., in are for Il S.m. f 2 p.ss. shift. Ofs.fhn job frininisg APPLY IN PE0909, Caravan Tavoro Milton Plaza SUMMER EM PLOYM ENI Applicafions aie son beisg rocoived for sosen em. Psyseen, in roof costruction andsmaitenance. APPLV DALE THIBIDEAU Industrial Roofing Services 878-9262 SECURITY GUARDS Foi isemediate esepisymeof in the Milfon aiea. Heighf S' 6', have fo hace a clean ie. cordi and boodable. Cal Banner Protection Services Hamilton 547-0894