MOSRA snowmobîles cQmplete in Winterfest classes The ond oS oai machinea t'lied the ais tauda' as modifiaid and ito asa9nnobiles okipped mmud the tain grouands (rock an MOS.RA. tbmau. Tihe ranis mcm>part ni Miltoa Winiertnnt nelobratiana. Driveras represenig a large nomber ai noothera Onario tows worbod fiaa (h trenkintieid pit armas aa titd ouito ttOh race coarse tikrninekork throughut the aiteom Thora mois te classes. "A" SaPor Stock winnor waa AnIsa a Daa Arbic ridisg a Polais. Ho boat ont Paal) .iakaaoa's Arci Cal fOm Toronto and anaor "Cal" irisas by Bsill Ciakiar ai Woodhridge. A Jobs Deern drivn by Orymn Baitey ai Gten Moyor on tiret nPat sn "B" stock wiik Kmn Sutherland of Wood- atock an a Rnll-O-Flea taking seond and dylmoras Aie One iniabiag tbird an a Sh Rapp romps ta "E" Stonck nompeiin Dmug Allen of Markbam o HtamryCleets ofanGdic oaa aecnd and Clitf Jobais ofIngersall (Bedtird A] Atlen ons "C 'Stock ridin a Rapp, ontk Cîrment fiiiaing secnd n a Rapp Barry Deansa ai Miaaisaag oa third on a Rupp. ABOUT 250 SNOWMOBILE racers were registered for the races held aI lthe Milton fairgrounds Saturday as part of t1he Winterfest activities. Estimates of people watching the races ran as high as 1,500 onrthe cool Saturday aflernoon. Ile races were fest and furlous. There were aý f ew local winnero in the winners' circle during the aflernoon. Organizers received nothing but favorable commenta about the track and ils con- dition. (Photo by S. Dilîsi Raiders dumped 9-3 Flyers fatten totals Flynro fargot tkny had tn tresnt goat Ray Lave and iran the crîtar donttiag BRrd Nirîsen drew assista. Preston Ra iders ta contrad second place and trlt behisd On-nndrn ntroch again a 2.0 rarty in ther nprning inuate atm., piskng ap Jeii period.When thny rrmbrrd, tBckridg's reboand and the Gallisgr rewm rattnnd On tkraoiah tl p and o-r knock the Raidrrs 9-3 an oprawlnd Prestan gnatir Milton Frsday sight Marcelt Fnl-m. ob Baak Flynn> AtnrOovr.den ontrt picknd ap an assint. his (rais oft italtnay thrnagh lai lasse the nprsing prid tolîsmîsa Bnnk Bridgman lit thn gnal a snranbtr in frnt Bf tke lamaatrrin thenpriadohrn Overtimne thriller CTCs tie again An on-nrtnmn stasd-off komrtrais's secnd gnal lrngthnd Miltan Casadian rarty in tke (Bird. Tire.Jooenites snnirs with Srrg Maaaarata sent thr Streisvi lî sn Sirertan-iltr gamr into artumr oshrn Bn Sanday nnght. Thr trama colctnd a pesa mois Mikr dm5 3-3. Lesli ansnt it againnt the It osas (Bn laarth ai the lin-r Streetsvitlne twisr ssith 2.13 gaoanerinaotichaasr rie et in thergamr. in era tmm Miltan han Keisp acarrd iBr BaBIns- Bo n fth(e onrtime ville halbosoy thrnugh the gaisrs esd tird thrrr. extra perWan Strnetsn-iltr non thr Bony otearcat drnisiBn. Captain tOao- Andrrson CTCs Allas Fritatny pnttrd Boal Strentsilîn geelîr the iirst goat rarly sn the Harisan osnth a mmnute rift On npnn rnad trais Dace regain the lin. Keith Anersan and Naris McKinnn pnchnd ap the Moshray, assiat. Strrni-nttrs Inn Guiaond Tanner ptaed stmsnt in the Beet MiltBn goalîn Glrnn Tan- Milton goat nr eln he scondowth CTCn hosted Omees il Prithard pshsng in the ast night Tarday. Ry Doan Merrtt In a tise game round robin srmraie the Bayvinos Country Club On Tharahaîl Banrr the weekrnd, mnr Junnor Girls (ram, oisnrnBiofteSonuthrn Ontariocup stout toArpir. lfsdnimtrd Annprior s-Ill trael omst ta cntend (Bn AIl- Cansadian Champnanshnp finals. District oinnmm irais Sudbury, Amnprior and Siomx i-aaiaat canopetrdinnTitrnkif it staisrn rprsentais tnaisCampOBordrnM Miltoannd tmTronto CicketClub. Impressano pnning crnmonesated (Bn ptayntts as93 witnth (Bn 1ms pnped Bat anta (Be ice. Sm(hrs Ostario i-adis Canlang Pnnandrnt Nen KrBiler thrra the tint Stonr. Congratulatins no Buth Reid, Trady Sales, Catîma Ctrmrnt and Cladrtte Pkrlpa atang nith kntprr Jean Salis asd cBach Leu Fu ain. Tkcy dnd (Bn Milton club pnmud isinning (Bn SoatBrrn Ontaria Cap. The Sionleara Baspmn osas Bnld Beturday at the Milton clak and was nan By Mittan'a OBab Wnngrovn in an extra end (ame against Verd Kaeding and her Burlingtonanm The osmnnen ai the Calt Dicisin B osas drnidnd Fksniary n, a, and te at Orangeoilla osnB macB (Bp (em pleying tivr grlling 12 mnd ganes Our on Bich Bnowtey came out on tap oi(svice rry Fra-rr, second Jim Wolseyeand Sasdy Oen med. The Coltsetin s for tnrcona osi(B mors yans ar ]asnt mrlng napenience. Omnng (Ba ecmkicotity Frrddir Bell os mrepleaced hy Jus Wolsey. This tramt oit nnter the nrmn-inala for Ontaon tab pied in Orîinei FnB. a7. AiÀ BIPL i o I hn pancknd in aln andl Blipprd homr a backkeoder. Loi-e added (a Bis (oneis in thetlast minteosit a slow olndrr to thn bottois corner mois Georgn Bond. inn kîcheil the pack into thePrestn netnsanarn Lockridge a gos early in (Be i-ocknidgr'n sbnt osas bobkIrd ky Patois and lIay si. inchas trois (Bn gmtl lnr. inden, sprawlnd acrnss (Br crrasr. tappet the pack si oith bia fOBI- oiasly aaeq te reierrn. "I coi rack t osntk my stick," ratinnatiard On-endea. Buak andl Oo-sdrn bnih drew assists on the goal. iadrrosas be r Bridgman conmctrd for Bis second ai the nigkt oknn hr snekrd paon drtendrrs andl drpesiied tBe pash andrr the coskbar. Hagli Marshall cnntisued Flyerrscring in (Bn thîrd period, clippiag an Dn-nndes posas irnis thn rift aide ot tBn goal. Drirnnrman tlnnd slipe in ton nke Flyera eigSntb oantr wntB Grorge Mlls loppîng off tkm Flyer nffort. needhingone in (rom Dmrsdrs and Busht Ct'nrai es MiltoncBntraiird lhr gamne. ern-lng 55 ots at etkr Badr of t Bay '.0n con_ round (k penalty .ngoasmi peaiis Raidrs satout13 minons. Prnstn gontîr Fnonvn naS .koscn the league's moni aloabîn playrr an as BROWNIE'S FOR BIK , S 150 MILI. ST MILTON 8784602_ ÀI The Canadien Champion, Wed., Feb. 13, 1974 5 49Main St., Milton OPN EVERT WEDNESDAY 8.30 - 6 n Bitl Emey Aubarn, on "A" stock oi( a Ski-Di ishir lesarren and Bru% Ksigbiknbot es ot n second and irdn ok.rc h Cet mis n Bon Mmore Stratiord, mn thi lb"D" Mndiiiedraew as Arctnc Cet. Gary Rbernt- 9 Landn and KeVB Siom 5 oftWatosisererraers up .Shi-Dana. a 'D' Stock nmas wnanh Dnag Ailea's Bapp noi(B ClI! Johnson and Hemr Cîrisent's riding (bnîr Rapi taascod and tbrd moar Ston Shed of Strntsnil on C" isndiiied onth a Alouette naitb Darnie Var oneisiort of Trcamsr placing second with a Sno- and Ildertaa's Bob HnnsBen teking third oith a Ski-Dmc Rnonna ni Mapie on jOpaen Staditrd conpmtain -drivrn By Aady VanDnldnr a Oran Soand ond Keitl Sirmon o allon tonkaneconi a nd (kird. Oa a Ski-Oa Ladies' "B" Stock oseswo ky Cathy Hryndrinck o Simnoe an a Ski-Don, SrcBBi .as Cetharise Spehr n Kitckener n a BRposu Derotky Sutbenlandf aio Wondalock (bird n a BaIl-n lA. e'A' Stock osas o ShaBpnySnper, Aylmer or a 1Ski-Dan. Dnroth3 Satrtand's BaIl-o-FIns tonS, secnnd oStb Sharnn Clark Strethrny, (kird an a Ski-Dm Cathy Brysdrick tnink Ladins "C" Saper Stock osnth a Ski-Doo mwoilB KatBy Lnns ai nvislle n Sharon Clark taknng Second asdtkirdositbaSki-Daoannda Yamaha.- Mark VanBren of Forest Ski-Dm. Lane Kenleine Strathroy, ioas secBnd on a SkiDmo whBite a Bo]llen dri-n ky Sten-en SantIe- Wmdstock. lmok thîrd - 'aoiaba frst Don Nelson of Wairord rode a 'iamaka (B firs( place in the "D" Suprr Snack olaso, Second osas GeIns Bill Walsh os a Mnrcary witB anlknn Merecdrivnnny Car]Cassir of Paris (aking (kîrd. Grargn(noss's Bob Allnsn oson tBe "C" Super Stock osiik a Ski-Don onth S. Tos(r iaknng second. A 'lamaka dri-rn kv Allrn Oanlrv of Gin Meyer ona (hird. (Arn Keete of Richmonda osl on tkr "S" Saper Stock osn(B a Yamaka. Oîker Yamebas drivn nsy randn Wininhrll. Gormlny. andl Allen Baitey. Glen Meyr, oBnSecondaand aliraplaces. Oob HnsBawosf lldnrtn wson "A" Modifiedosnth aSki- Dno os (k secosnd place finnoker Bob Wnood, Si. Paal'o drnonsg a Skn-Doo and Sinlinos Alan Knngka (kîrd n a Sno-Jet. Pnleiai anoduird vamp Barry Webb, Huntsn-ille, rade a 'B' isadilurd Polaris le (n rot osi n a Ski-Dmo dri-n by Stennray ,Dorchestr taking secndi and nli Empny, Aubunn, osnnusg tird osntB a Ski-Dmo FOR THE SERIOUS SNOmMOBILER AI b...... nigh dn Pon toak ffme ef 91 ýi rdgisan andl n"fngo Bt Sher spli S THE'4s LISOAR TWIN SEASONSj ~SALES& SERVICE 7523 Wunston Charchill Blvd. n..8263609 SS.foSUin-iraS.f Norvai WE SELL ONLY GOVERNMENT GRADED MEATS Fnaah-Loeohseatn FrshLean-Meaa FrehTe nTa-Tndo Fs B Las. Lae PORK PORK PGRK PORK SPARERIBS ROCKS LIVER CHOPS 591 491b 49c1b 99 ltk PraahýLoaoMay Fens.i-Lean STEWING CHUCK 79c,, BEEF 'I 19lT STEAKS $1.19. Freash Lean Marna Las "Simad" Rie COOKED STEAKS HAN t.z 69cc P Marna Lea Mepia Loat Qal'er- "HALF- BONELEOS SQUARE PlOuIC DINNER SHOULDERS HAMS 'l1.1 9lB 1 .29 ,,-c, EUOY FR181 PRffOUC WITH ANY MEAL af Canada "Fanan'- "MACINTOSH" Doit an LsiqanSe APPLGESN FANOT APPLES BANANAS 75C3 Ob g ofCnada 994q.bahkt 1 b IUSSEL WAXED GREEN 'ROUIS TURNIPS CABBAGE 99 cups Ibn2Hne49C Freas h-oeas M aty PORK SHOULDER RGASTS 69k Swifts Premium WIENERS Va Pac pkg c 75c - Lanede Paokrrs SIDE BACON ScinDa' Pnamnamu i-anS Mapfo or Sugar BACON Vâ ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIALTY.. FRONT END ALIONNENT DUS TRAINED MECHANICS DO A PROFESSIONAL JOB WITH ALL MODERN CGUIPMENT. Plus .. . General Repairs SCOBIE'S 53 STEELES AVE. 878-3222 'e. MONDAY-WEDNESDAY 8:30--6 THRDAY AND FRIDAY 8:30-9 nSATURDAY 8:30--6 IRIDICULOUS iSOUTHERN ON'TARIO Ladies Curling Association champions was this team of junior girls from Milton Curling Club. Skip Ruth Reid, Trudy Sales, Colleen Clement and Claudette Phelpo arepcue cetn the after they won first prize at Humber Highlands in January. The Mitlon nteam went to the Ontario finals on the weekend and wson liso of their five games-nst quite enough to doam the provincial crown. (Photo by M. Burns) R CES C N I U Oust Streets ville Leoprich, Blair lead Bulldogs MITO MAIN Milton Community Credit game'sias mnute. steady game, tesding the Union Balîdago ssrapped u p iase Juro ha piayed a Milton tenon. thinnr best of fine pieyoft series droppngStreetss'ill e f in Streesbitll Thonsday inigit and patting ient anal y S F UT M R E 5-3 in Miton Saturday a t m tnuldiignoispt the srries in OPN. iY8AM O 1 . . S T R A .T . .O L three straight ganrs. Sinon Blair anid John A ~ bt isbke pbLrich pacrd the club t0 2 1.8 in mK amCA P NC A A îoanîasfmnîSAHET POWDERED DETERGENT "AMMONIA POWDER- Blair openrd therncortng of or PRE-PRICED AT 99c ALI PURPOSE CLEANER the Strerts-ilte game fromt Iiaanr Stark and orprîacnAAR N Iate isnthe irst prid Eaiy Fo*u 79 aaa 1 innthersecond periofLnprirh GatB.3 dug therpack iitioftherrorner 7 9G9 andilaid a pic(trrpann ostn he 2 P * Dolca Vita as0%pure Snokein Va Far O sha stick nf Nonne Fîrmingian, wosi prempify droer il homre.VITA* RED KIDNEY "LIQUIO" Stikr Shrphrrd playnd a E TAL oircing gamc in the Miltnn CU OI EueDTEGN nets. Bn oas Inryrd e makr r-rcd3cec teammnats anddoachis 9 $ Z.00 O idiaiitnaKellogg 4 Min. a Aymn "K.nel Kne> anan TinP Strnntosn ir carne soit Chacolate or Maple ILTSU skating ici an-nid î-inminatinn CO N FCAPRTWL Saturday. Miltn nias naughi U G 2o ah LreBxso 0 oft balance and oscro ictims R of tw irsti pnriBd goalst0nZ in a Biair nntchei ho liraI ni thr 5Ec 9 .7 nitht (rm Flrmington in the Petaiaa Twan Paa 'li"10.Tns . second pridi'kbLopich BSnPAHIn nana Tins8 N4Ssig wo paoitshBnnhoe BATIROON TISSUE'2RP-k, 3 90 SPc ETiACE3Tn 9 Bhe Balldno ap 3-2. P.",But Blair assistril on knik gmaY0ne m un P naCaFdPa iBat nnhile Snott Brading helprdon' UINIEf FAOODIIE Blain countril the laarn 4 0 k.o pli 0.Tîn-9 goal sith hlp frnLoritn 5' 7- , 10 O anidtoincMurray. Penrsistent 'n SS IIIT QUIC FROZEN FOSS ink Aonlinn prnsnd per- Î. Aci adnLb sSara iLon (-inovlîn siotrncr paye nil as hn looghi for and gained yossession ni " FRENCH STYLE" VEEAL hoccae a Basana arOranaa COBFISH Sincnion lIn goal, Bn nratly - Blipprd i inie the net ne niake GRE EANS FMINOS CAKES ... cHIPS the score 5-2 fBn the Bolîdogo. Strrrtosville conîd in therlC 2O * 1 4 k 27Cpka o. 59 Cana 79 on pk oz.