w~n L ZANY ANTIOS lsighligbted Sunday 's broombal gaore fie. twren the town count and lown staff, part of Uic Wintrrfeat werkeod Lest ivities. A big crowd laughrd from, the sida. boras an the rouanti crae outacorrd and oui- manaeuverrd ftic staffers in 20 minutea of asekoard baII-ntasing. Aboya, Drbile Kelly uf Oie staff tram alors Cotaneillor Jim Watson a bard lime seule ia the backgrou nd rrferer Ray Andreso, aur former policr suref, runs afber thr action. In the second photo Counrillors Jlm Kerr and Jlm Watson looki on us Cuunciitur Don Gardon wrrottrs pioniner Bob Szdanyl ta thr ire la une 0f arorrat juat-for-funsakirmiabes. Nrxt photo drpicis the vîtory crîrîrution n'rr burly bigb achool hockry pluyrrs Rick Mercch, Daryl Graham, Marty Cairns, Bob Laugrîdige and Tony Pedulla rscarted Picturiaus coachi Maor Annr MacArthur arud the ire afr cauncil's conoiaciag wn. la ther botlum photo Snos Qarro Nancy Nana prroents thr challengr traphy ta thr maor onhir c x- lassîd playera Gord Krautz, Jim Kerr,. Jim Watson, David rantz, Don Gardon. Art Melunsun, Brud Cîrmanlo and Rasa Ponadiuk look un. (Photos by S. Dilîsi -ls . YES WE CAN $2,00-50,00tt 2nd ond 3rd Morîgages malltpes ai propeeties in Ybac accu. Cal direct Pi'uîip isestment Coep., 330 Ban Street, Tor'onto, 366958 aoecan. 231-0146. lau ami. Ony cavpoae. Octavia MILTON TELEPHONE' ANSWERINS SERVICE *CONFIDENTIAL O COURTEOUS OPERSONALIZED 878-2020 BROOMBALL The real, true story behind that council-staff encounter il coas biUg "Wd te00 Ibraumbail match, bat il Ilontird more lihee coin- jmenarment ai statf-camcil salary negotiatiams. p tahe nUic cea Montu * AeoOunday atternon and !cemeBtin did happent on tise ceBt il s noa better gamte befure ond afier Uic match, ln the dressiaf raot, thon il n'as on the ]ce. There n'on sappoed ta heua reterre, un impartial ane. But Boy Andress, tormer enlise cbiet uftihe tun'n. n'as cied ln lu utticiate and Uic reoder or the spectator wn'n buse La imagine what kind ot retereeiag the ganme recrioed. Andreos n'as ionc slow ta keep ait with the action and the playern didn't pan much attenion la bis n'bisile ooyn'oy, uless ihey hoppened toneed ares alithe mmnt, n'hich oes'erol did, aod trequently. Bash Ini hrodo The match ufthUe year pitied a cruoty cren' ai counicillors aguitntoaselected sompliga taf monily ohal es ubu came inia the muni frequent contact n'iih tbeir elected represeotatioesoandn'ere Iibul ibuse mont lihely lu n'ont lu bash ina tewoftheir bosses' heads under tbe guise ut urgouîsed broumbaîll Wee tbe nbirmisb ended the score read 3-1 for the counicilva nrw-hîvh n't' quile true and certoialy nul as rxact descripiona ai Uic play ur pmn'mns ufthUi tua te .Cunsaillurs jual gai lu cbier aousd the goal- mautb, ibot's aill Tbe niaff nquod bod the coucillors beaira ln yuuth, eshuhleroace and mondiiioning, bai jasi didait gel the breaks. A blon' by-blon' description ai the ganme n'ould be poli- les as the gamen'as bai bere are o feu, hitwItes un abservrd by ibisbn'iee scribe: Qulcb or -Mayor Aune "Mouler" MacArthur caeched the cauncillars bul Councîllor Don Gorduanon folia Ig aleep ln the council set s balmn'uy ibraugb Oie gume tbe niyonr repluce i m eteen the pausas Josi an nbte urrivei la lobe up ber polut the bal tricnle i nia, Oe set heoide her-she bo""ti o gu a chance te mnehret pnuderhber oseuor ge oa iaýem Oie actei ut le ig ntéscore n'as taetrd. -In charge ufthOe staff quod n'ast Buciag Bob Omîl the recreatios dur- enter. He direcird tramt the Iran' beach but Oie tram didait listes te bis commands suhe gave up. -Lorry Arbic n'osa barrel ut loughs. replocisg his broum n'ith a hockey stick Iarmbe the netoruound sa te council cauldut miore un it uend Il ding sonne raiber unurihud positions. Tom brlghs -Boy Glas n'as sureping inthe staft goal bai bis brigbi red hut lmhked lihe Oie goal juaigen lîght su he n'as remuord. -Your reporter observrd Cooniciluor Jim "Wild Man" tson ionsisg his broum ai the bail, staffer "Bobe" The Bout Clemesi Oirun'ing it more Iban he siu il. oteffer Bock The Duadier Daruan n'euring o face faoi lu preleci ber mohe-up, referre Asidreos intrteriag n'lOi Oie play and r affina lîbe on olai mon, statfer Arbic grtting o penaiy for ,sprediug, Cauncillr Rerbiens ass Pan'adiuh ncurîng a goal' ubîle uttuide. Rose "Kaucb- em'dead" tHarrison mai58 siegouti body cbecba osa Art Dipsy Doudîr Melooman pluian'iib a brokea broum. Manon n'on bock il its aid tume, duudlisg the baill urooud opposition appurtnal the n'on be asea lu dozale iatermedioir hockey leama in the 1950s. -Cunel acîlaoringron ia ieom. Wbrnseverai coucillurn cbicbeaedout andi refusei tu shon' up., Cous- cillar Garai "Couber' Kranle brugbin lais son Dav'id la Colurs ft -Tbe stafiers n'are stiped reteree sweatrs, cucillr upprore inl lily n'hite jer. seys, and reterre Andrens oreoa sweater described as ."cap-uronge". -Miii the non'man up- prured partn'oy duringitbe fume. iouk our look ai the butfig, pufting oldaleru uaid '~CZ AND SCOUTS IPAPERDRI VEI Safurdoy, Fobrucry 16 IL romp9a.m. Il e is n p ei ie buodles secarel, and plaoce ts th quickiy departed ta the safeiy oai thr stands. Lîbe a godspara eparter, O ii cib osurd 1 the lirmoiiigroumsniail esdead asbed thrcoaches for commente. Winnisg coach MacArthur divulged ber secret. Wbro sbe was in goal, she sali., n'beneoer o staffer ap- proheioth o ball she re tesrd utiibeir alary by aine per ceai if Oiey tried as bcr o er. An a resuli ibere urre au soai an goal during ber tenture lu the art. The mayor olso admitiril ber leami had beld 15 pructicon- "talbîsg pruclices." ube salid. "Wr urati n tbere lu cala- il n'as positive tbiubing ail the n'on." maaed the mayor ut ai Oie prpir "Wr arre sur- fii. tua." sbe odded, brushing the sn'w off ber uoier end. Ask share permits? Sboring ai theebuIldin rm Ieareodn colrctrd. Ourlingias and Gakoilir n'hicb hase came luatMillas. is lo be suugbi bn Oie iun. Admiistratioo cammitire itembersofa Milton Coucil leard Mandon ibai aamberaof prs w'ere imsurd before the neor'rad. On some no construction bod begn uýnai M"uessteff n'ould receisei the tee. The cammilire agreed la mcct in'th the building la' speclur la discutes the esirai thîb preblemt. Less tbon use tird aI Canodians n'îOi bigb bloual p ressure receise propr ireuimeai. tteredity la a major factar inasarosag yaar Slttfer coacb Boab Omali noaid bis tellmr bun'ed la Oir hosmes bati lcous"ail loch. ano oblil. anai pour retereeiag lu." lie said bis tellrmwa edn tue a rrmoicb. on' lime. and 'iiliag la ions 0ut1a challenge. "Wr're goiag la practice forurneuer."bhe confided la a ubiaper. Retere Aadreus admilird bis reiereeiag n'usa lilte aur- sideai. once be discaverel thr bribe ha bad bren givra bn staffer Babe Ciemesi oua onincutnadias Tire moaey. Official goal-scarera er Coaaiciilars Pon'adîab. ton and Melanas for the acîaaing curncil club pioniner Rob Oudanni for the lasng ataff squad. ilaaificiailn. unaouacer Marronyiiaad sans the niait crea waot il 17-12 based on"body contact." Thse Canadlan Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., Foh. 13, 1974 3 MOORE PhasL bren apinted rector of St. Grge's, Lun'villr, and Si. John's,' Nuss- gawryu by the bishop osf Uic Anglicuan Diocese of Niagura. Orailivilîod lb'rk e Peb.17 10 24. Anglicans. appoint 1 new recto r ev. Paul Moore bons bers appaînted reduer ai Si. Ciogs l.S, n'i'%ill uaid SI, biabop ut cb Anglîa Dimeseý ut Niagara. Hr ban relared la Canada aller Ibree yrars le the Solamon Islands irocbiag al Bisbup Poliron Thralogicol Ceaire sn Melarolo. Briish West ladies. lra. Muore n'as onstf raitoning Young mn'e lac the oniuiry under the auspices ai the National World Pragroon A gradueale aI the Uiversity aI Torasto and Trîclîn Courege, Orev Moue ,,as ordaitedintiaonilton. iHs ,ered la SO. Catharines and HumilIas tue eîgbi neors helîvre 153 oaid 1961. Bel- wn 191an5ld 1971bc auin Vanvouver, B.C. Re, Moore is uîîonarrîvd andlîves al 122 Branle Si., Apt. 1101, Maillas. The Corporation of The Town of MiîIton PROCLAMATIONAR ETS THERE ARE HEARI MONTH FOES F10 LonsBmidl4' WHEREAS the ettecis of heart disease are 'ith Joie de sppnOme responisible for widespread suffering and create serlous economic hardship in our community;MMq,. AND WHEREAS the Ontario HeartJ-d1', Foundation is takieg positive action ta - reduce heart casualties througb a planned, - priority research program; AND WHEREAS the Canadian Heart Fun P. Campaign to support beart research is n~. being cosducted trore February 1 through February 28; 1, THEREFORE, prociaim thlait the month ot Frbroary be observed as Heart Masth in Moaen. 1 uther uea Fonddr end ta Io Mîlrte n. trher Fo a i a zn to o civic, social and traternal organizatioas and business establishments ta give tb s campaign the greatest possible support. FLOWER SHOP AnneJ. MacArthur MILTON PLAZA Mayor 878-2881 4 i CONTINUES IN EVERY DEPARTMENT Throughout the Store! AN BAGOIES 1/2 Price Off FOR TOUR CONVENIENCE CHARGE i -.m the D~OEn TIISOaîi T pen TMl TSOR m uiD e Tharsdap and Frîday 9p. 200 MAIN ST. MILTON 11711192l TOWN 0F MILTON NOTICE .. s hereby gînen fa ail resîdents of tihe Tows ot Milton under tbe bylaw of thse Corporation dlated the 4th day of February being by-law 18-74. 009 tags must be purchased by April 1,'1974 1i-he said licenses may be obtaised trom the Treasirer 's Ottice, Town ot Milton, during normal business haurs. or applications may be sent by mail to the samne. Cost af maie tags and certified spayod bit. ches $5. Female liconses $1t. Kennel lic. enses $25. D. E. LOUGHEED TREASURER TOWN 0F MILTON Proclamation Whereas the aim of the Girl Guides of Canada-Guides do Canada is to assiot girls in character deveiopment by encauraging there fa be responsibie citizens of their country and ot the onorld; by introducing them to adventure in the oot of doars; by training tbem la skillsmwhlch miii help tbem to becomne goad hamemakers and fa ru- perieuce tbe joy cf giving to aethers. Whereas the aim of the Boy Scouts of Canada is ta heip boys fa deneiop their character as resourceful and responsible members oi the community by praviding opporfunities and guidance tor their mental, physical, social and spiritual developmient. 1, Anne .1 MacArthur, Mayor ut thse Cor poation of the Toms of Milton, do tîereby proclaire February 17-24, 1974 as Scoutý Guide week le Milton. And further, do cati upon the Citizens of Milton ta support the Scouts and Guides. Executed undor my band and seal this Itt day at Pebruary 1974. Anne J. MAacArthur Mayor of Milton