Coýmmittee's annual ,MiIk production down Oy Hoey J. Stasny Rusetl tirres presidnd ot Jie a]p meeting ut tise -*1otooMus Cammitire n ZWednoodoy, Fris. 00ai Honny -.onmmunity Crotre. Grant MEsts narinr Milk ?sfrklg Board Director, oaid fihit ncnraii mitis production for Ontario had dncrnaaed 5 per cestilast year with at 12er cent decronnelIn indutrlotmitkpdscton. Tise pmobtnm misici arinm l th tseossiilty ofsnmeuof unir industriat plants isaving »te, clnse isecuse ot tack ut Joycep#Ïionnl Haits Dairy Frintema, apnts on teader-, sklp. she sute ibot then rnopnsoikitittî nt 4-H and Joor Former mors gires thse member confidmnce. "It agriculture is tou progrens." siaed ny e n muai hure osebldnd nu leaders." J,. Breot, Ontario Mils Indesr Drascis Fietdman, stetn there unre lIa 11usd mitk producers and sise indsstriaimroitkprodncers in Hottes an Jas. t, pmodacisg sre43 millin pondsofu musk fnr os average prn- ductinof ni75,Of pinds. Hn asuncnde prdncrs sr qot ty c r s tont Th .Iuner oas Gordon Mc- Donald, RHR. 3 Genegeton. Thse nneen 0p mere John 0. Bradley, Ates Buchaonan' Barbaora Ford, Colin Mar- shall, S. Waters, asd H. Weitlaotee. Tise minser foe indostriol miib nhippees mon A. Kingdon, Narrat. Ed Duncan, OtrnMitk Marketing Board tielduan, rnmlnded ereryne that if they do nnt ship On par cent ni theor Market Share pSto in thse1973-7 dairy year, ililu te reducnd. Dr. Misr, pragraso direr- tor, Centrat MIs Testist Lahneatory. Guelphs, otatn fOntario is tise only place ta tise woeid uhere erery pro- docer's musk o anatyznd tfo b CHUCK MEARNS cleors the drivewny ait bis Woodward St. horne after fthe niormi whicb blonkcted tis ares lont week. fPhoto by S. Dillo f protein, fat ond lactose. This h a bren careied on for tise pest fane yeors elth a wtuii otintformatin raitabin wiih con onu iec fdor imnco ing, hrmedisg, etc. 000I 05te torm.Hnl staimi tisai Hottes s about .2 per ceni aooe th. Onte«rIn average te istterfat. lise ibuid mitk sbippers rary ls tisas if per cent in their pro- duction throughout tlie ynar in Halton, compaeed witis 22 Çe r cent in the erince. i su, ise stated, the dairy tornera in Haloe are dning a rery gaod job. Offiters and diretars etnrted for 1974 for the Hoiten Milk Cussotitten are chair- man H.C.iReid, Miton; rire- chairotan Horace Otythe. Acton, nerretary-ieonorer V. J. tLarence, Ii Gloucester Ave., Oubritie, cnncstirn Russell Hunen, Campisell- rtille. and Fed Nurse, Georgetuo; sotnty rep. Colin Marshatt1, Milton. Directors are, ihee yeors, George Oted. Orocis Hareis. John Kitcising, Cutis Mar- sisall, and Harold Middte- hennis: twn ynorn, Ceai g Reid, Horace Biyihe, Frnd Nrs, G..ege ettenodJp ed on yeur, Vi ý. n. J. Lawrence, Bruce McClure, ,Rusell Harre, Jon Oind, and Blli Maisoin. Murray MrFbaii of Camp- brîtrItie bas ben nomed tor tbe Lire Stocb Sundici non Ad- risery Comuttre, fnrmed ssder the Lire Stock Medi- cines At. Thsis oct, passed tant Joue, pennides for tise tirensiog of peeins other thon reterinortons and phormucîts miosal mli tie- stock n measý Mufshail. repreofnoting the OtarioGrain and Fend Deal- ersnu usoition, in one of 13 membrs on tise committene. Dr. Donald Doris ut tise Min- f stry of Agrtculture and Fond, Guelphs sa bairman. Thsenomttee'ssaorisauill inclode: t. tise resicw of ail legisilion and reguiotin pertaisnn tn tirestocs mndtcines; 2. tise erotooti on and rcm meodatinofn penendoces reloling to the note ni lire- utocks medicines and proper standards for tise mainten- ance. bandling and storage ofltirestoris medicines, Ail of our praducts are finished wifi, the tinest organic caings, scien- tif icaiiy mixed, blended, and applied with ufess precision ta aur pro- ducfs tu, assure lifetime durabilify. Here aur Organic Finfshing Fore- mon deiicateiy applies a newly deseloped finish ta a fussy precisian part. *Decorative iighfing displays e Pump repairs 0 Mofor Sales Service a Exotic Lghting 0 Street signs and mini signais NA BALIN E LEGTRIO 818-4111 TORONTO 820-1223 3153 STEELES AVE., W. MILTON Haiton Piowsoea's Associa- lion las onssg at leoast nu dnlnegates te seasrt weeko as- inuai meefing ut theo Ontario Fiowmen's Association in Toronto-t, entend a worm invitatont, lise popin of Otario t, attend Taàdoy's session t, promets tise '74 IPM on thse Craig iaid and nigkkortog fars'oo, Bide- rmadEaolg 0 .24 Thnoga croud sn ynaes ottedts annuai meeting ni tiseOntario Shorto ub eceotiL uti Haoltd P t= iten, 1973 pro- sident, faciltas citirman. Eteciod tnnHaillosna directes, for tn74 are Refond W. flardisoose, Clarence A. Feamois and Haold Patier- son, att ni Miltes. Roisert Merry pi Miltten ehIfof isefaniysfthsnti Mur. and tMr. W. H. Merry te, Mary Au MeLean oi Sornia and Nancy Brown ot Pickser- aus, wha sownd champion ndenserre champion steero intheShorihoro sectios ni thse Qoenos Gainas clou ai thse Royat. 1,p cse acse John McK=s ni Milton nt eected for a tisren-yeae tenm on the Dshrhon Type Committes and plans were 3. tbe making oi recm- dnigstion,0 rooo doan uo tsi a bo seld byprsosnba uill Wo li csd odrls Art. Dire suo more milli el Support yanr Hnart Fond. iJ.R Currjo0 OPTOMETRIST SBURLINGTQN ç MALL Tellphont1632-7788 =u,Ihtl=rsmtch hach in haro beun os worh uer ssc prepanlotg for tise hig sow. A minimumO pi 200a000 risituen ornxpes d. Dessuostraio Local committen chairman f0, ruirt pi Borliigtn wit haduP thn Hallon sap- . Haton Region chairman made for theconinaatinofu the committee's wurk. Dtiesrr on lise committne are Smits Griffin of Actes atnd Emersoo Clarkerof Genegetosat. Refond W. Gardise of Milten as appointed! for o tireyatertebussciated tereeds n Ontaro and Emnerson Clarke ni George- tous uoo apponi as dnie- poineta tise iOtio Beef Omprornonent Associatton. Shows hesi Doag MeDoneit ni tise Ostario Stocis Yards Bord uos gamit speaker ai tise pro- gram.He diacisard misai the Shrhmbreedu con and aboid do in tise bni ratitle gegrm uto Conadian farotu nshawnd tifles ai actuai asnonalo and tiseir carrosses te deononrafe tise er breedps ckrs anicn- Tis is tise type ni Sbort- isorm tisotthseiShorthon Type Commitice sa reqoonting ils Ontarinonnonbr te, adapi, os Attao Masson andwtH£alton RotMPim Doow aut skMpna s oppart. Thse plue- mec are piaososg o nos stration ioran gmui o dacing tr entertolo otknr OP& detegote.- Delegatiaons are aise ns' ptdfmtise eontie and rngosah.ating the 1075 ta 1977 matches-Ontario, Bruceand Frontnac. ctive Club outtîse hy Retard Gond house in hs report sf tise 1915 committee. B.A. DEGREE Peter Sommit, son af Mr. and Mrs. Josepht Sommif, farmeriy of Haraby, graduaied f.rccec.t ly fram Uiversity of Guelph wi th a B. A. i n Sucioiagy. HALTON FARMSTEAD AND RURAL HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPETITION t Sept. 24 ta 20, the 1974 Interna- tirgantzatioon in Holton. tional Plowing Match wili be bnld Hundreds of Holtan farms and in1 Haltan, on the farmn of W. T. rural properties are "spruciag h Qoig Reid, 10 Siderad, Enquen- tip ini time for the 1974 Interna- ing. tionol. Cash prizes miii be givea ta Su tbat Haiton rural tonds lte winnescr. h Ii looks their bent ta the bundreds Meonwbilc thc sponsors of the of utooads of risitars, a Form- competition cxtcnd o groteful sedadRural Home Improve- -Tbank Yos" fa the foltowing hment Competitioo is beisig spont- orgasizotioms and btusincos firrns sored by the IPM Local Coin ocho bore mode ibis competition Smittce, Ontario Ministry of possible tbrougb tbeir financial hAgriculture and Food, ond ather contributions f0 tise prize list. 5ittnFarm Saiety Couriil il Raios, ientertuan nisoiatin Adronce Forminf Systrua Ltd. Haltes Fnderatn of Agriculture Reid Miig Ltd.. Strertsritte hTownship of Esqamsisg Milton & District Horticoiturof Society 'Mitton Quorries Raton Agricuiturot Society h fnterin Formero Mutool lonr. Co. Dominion Seed Rosse. Georgetown aDuiferin bAgegten Genegerfnm fOpen Kitchen hNiagara Cisemicals Holmei Mutoot Fie Insurosce Co. A ctoo Flu Milîs Halton Region Conservation Autisority hDublin Wnmenn5 ntitote 14 Timu Entrprises LIA. R Oobert Nelson il Sons Nursery Lt. Chas. Cspelood hMtn. Union Wonmnns Inslitutn Mrfsi Etertrir Co. 114. s rassagameya Wnmenns ntitoîn Hottes Holstein Orreders' Cluis SupelorPropneHalton County Muisk Committer bshgereWofmen's tostitute Dobrilte Mtlis Producre' Associatin hCdn. lmpnriOt Bnofn Commerre, Haltes Cnanty Plonter's Association Georgetown - Corporation of tise Tswn ut fLObrilf r Roao Oasis ai Carada, Georetown Toms of Busebngtn N flirt Mofnsn id. Rattos & Peel Purs Prodscern' Aaýror. h ifoe Wtîiiams Elertrîr Ca. Trowt ot Milton Toron to.Domicio ank, sGeoretownt tfa.Giigy(iCanada 1 d h tyaf Cdn. Legiar, Na. 120, Georgetowna Towansip ut Nauofagarea Bll Gaeisutt Pfuming & Oeatisg, Gearge- Tawa ai ercfaotai tow Cmi i iaifa tit i , iaflrtaai PeFterE. ealittLtd., ergettow Iic fts ServiceiCet, ti Nlsin murn Isstisute Oc snacis nar, Actas Tu Nntcb Feeds Ltd.- Muffat Keo's Auto Service, Arten B uta itna Womns Instituts null Totur, brIn t. r scotch Biocks Women's Instituts G. Mlec Jonont, co hHalten Salif & Crop Imperemont Associa- Acion Wnnd Fesdscls l ion SUpeeet Feeds Ltd. hConadian Mêler Ca. Chtir k Woods, Milton sNorral Womncs Institt Tnun ut Acten hMaster Fends, Dtewarttnun f Maple lesl Norral Junior Wnnen's tosîfînte M ilis) Foberi Real Estotc Ltd. The Canadian Champion. Milton, Ont., Wed.. Feb. 13. ;97,4 1 How to cut down ~lYetsriuPd 3Kecpfs irane in tuoe onl fuel expense nannalnt ifrosainato 4. Strict maisteansce of tise P. Est g.. Gantlph Tisenmait important issue tor aorers risingaoutiofnrgy shortotm sa the incrnosed fuel cent. To heep funt ruato doue, leuo tant most hr used. A secndory issue is the need tr osev onrsnewahie fuel rrurcics. Thern are three mainas of fuel cnstuptiosaon the tarin: homr hnutîsg. irans "p"luion, field and furm stead ortIf font tor gri r i s incloded, sudies show noch nf the thee orros occausts fur ahout the saime fuel cutn- somrptîun on frss Haor ffruting 1 Rnd.ulîue of houue teprture oflfu, drgreru rrocouctreqoremrnts by toer0n A settini of068 drrmshaotd he thn tuai. 2. Tise hest dollar vaoue trom ,nsoiatinn crimeu trom innuiotisg tise ceiline. .1. Chech uut tise waether stripping aad stuem asîndous MAENNC ELECTRIC COTRACTIN "ELECTRICA HEA TING a WATER HEATER RENTAIS 878-2048 and doors tue needd rpotea air libr ensiuo thuat tse Storm windows und douoés art- engitetaris rii the peapnr aott nt hetiaile so tigsi that the furuace is starred for a ir. 4. Tise turnace bre shsoid hc cherked hy a usvcenrnea year fTins is especiatty trucetor oithred tortiocca Tise hiower beit snaild he cisecised and fturs and hiawer hearisgs lIsIricated. i-orm Vriees t. A s'ery obvious fort sa0i00 meus a.s tu rot douas uon dca tua. BI Mi STORE NotFriS8mrat 5 Pm NOURS Saturday Sam. ta 12 noon Last day of February sale SATURDAYD FEB. l6th JJ.P. Winter Work Clothes Il ALL REDUGEI UP TOOF TO OLEAI 5i 0OF SNOWMMIE BOOTS *GALOSHES WGRK BOOTS e ETC. AtOREATLY REDIJCED WILD BIRD SEED (ESSEX TOP CROP) S BG SAL E $ 39;-rg39 25 ILB C PRf CE 3BAGrg39 SALES 50 lb. BA RIE$629, rg72 PRI BAG rg72 50 LB. BAG SUNFLOWER SEEDS 9.9 $850 A.MF. SNOWBLOWERS 3 H.P. AND 8 H.P. REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE 5 H.P. -reg 483.99 8 M.P. -reg 544.99 SALE $39900 SALE $43900 i F APPETIZER AND 09 16 V CONDfTIONERS FOR HORDIES SPECI AI GAL. i %O ALL HALTERS 2~ 1 .FSAOULES BRIlLES h Plus many, many more Items reduced for this speciel sale. DONIT miss OUTI Bgig Haltton delegation Ont. Plowmen annual Halton breeders a in Ont. Shorthorn Campbellville man on Imedicine committee r ---------- ---- El ouse sdsog.. for tie KA ISE carefrne heaufy of il. I uccoodgrameorbrc5 la 20 yn..d. n5o I hieo *tOy our sand Iiis 10W FACTORY PRICES ON OTHER AWMINUM PRODUCIS a Alurinum Doors BUDTEM e Combination Windows A[vAoLL e Car Ports e Aluminum Awnings FEDERAL INDUSTRIES Foot.fForsthe St. Oakisotif 845-0318 OUT 0F TOWN CUSTOMERS PHONE COLLECT BELL BROS. LTDU FOR BEPEMIAILE FUEL SIL IILIVERT FI MME OOMFONT SERVICE PHONE 818-6380 r-- - - __ - ---------------