Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Feb 1974, p. 11

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-At lvd( erbi -nwo iare p a sThe Caiad ai Chamitpon, M iloiOn. Wed., Feh. 13, 1974 11 m. Ahrihd beeemltte nair Erii lait weeboajued r o vil a k /9 givn oucitbostProbe three deaths gi en co nd l o st oi gtohyhMîit hgaad il ih eIitidtfhe thi areia whh thi traie inpectors alto visited te Plae fr aitiaîl ittil hieiiiao or ui iotaaiu21iitah I etati ythe F ilon bu dra d ol apyao food. qaarries t0 îondact anin Fii~~~1 Rrsmlauiiîhb. S diamontd inBreoîhle gut a ta have alighted diaitîitdhi land aiml ttan d tia ing intotheideathi of CoronerDliaieo PoragritoeaiîOdeda CSnmtte of ounc . hey tedthat if il The iiimitteeagreedtao- m iwren't panaible ta have the LISTOWEL AREA cie wih plansa for pork taility in hiaaboille, the develipmt on laid im- gro/I ithld ialice arrange- shl hall in Brotdiodle. Ditig and Shirley Thomp- so rait lte Broekville hase- bitllubi tld the committee il eiront Director Bah Solai iaid the project Whald The Royal Trust I 'iRATOI Company 'fTHbE StIGTru LsReal Estate Dvso HeI! Ouri oaiting lst Ior homes le Milton Oas hei redaced hp to recult sales: the samne list Oas hein increased hy live recent requests. If yu have bien conidereng selling or makieg a change 100 Acres d Waae Towiptil, siurepa4 bedrcotm brick donelîhii OIi at emodern ioeilences, haro 61006 oatith shed Olaha and ciet silo t4xOg, naltable for deinp or hâti. Pried aet lt75,00.0 100 Acres 4 On Qpaoidrosai, 90aes orkitte, set u o rlitihg, Harveîhcr .n 1010î.04 barin jaîlti, 3 itedrootit brick itoose, pt-iced ait CatI Wm. Stratpîhok iOtiuiii: (519) 291-2144 CALL Ut NOW ON TOiSE ANDOMANY MOR E EXCELLENT FARMS AT n iBramalea Realty Ltd., 130 Inkerman Street, Listowel, Ontario. Phone (519) 291,4070 86m42A e e Buyers need salesmanship a 2 too! 9 Ciortiii aid lrieidly reations are titi oit that otahin tOe itheeli oftomec turn casier; In1 a reaI cite treanacion thy miy weil saveyou mionci. élever torget lor- a ite that vae are ail ornants oîdr the kiii tuomplets mitit imalliais, pielcldices aid poeciaitioi idcii oh riuhh andmroog. If ano ottot-iimpreionuf Ia bayer iS ospleasaih - duAo ai reotarl, or attitude ai diiioortiui - Il ouold afftfilhs t-espontihthe buyirnosbcspenoltit. Mail people scllltg e haomc have Ibied in il tutti eiitth to tasse hait friands amaii thhir niihthri mhiîh IMiy mai hope o t-lain coco aller ihîî mooe. ht le importait lttait that the people thp sait Iheîr homes fib hi icrIWffloàisli - iL- o tari caif attept. TOmse feigoun ittini prouspectli hut-i tait refl.60 t0.10 revaitîtt he/ hayeris offcr. Sellers htave butn kftami ho evnlotir th0cm prloh hoi selI la a hamilp beî tit w. Id be gaid tan tOi ncighitor taod. Aid tOit-e is lîtîralli il eid la the t-iad blok an ffleidedamfnr at tht-ai Rîmimbin bhat the projection of a plisano attide oîoally bilitn oie In retr an a osmille lu oct-y infiouaa. G ( la 91 Maln SI., Milton Living in as apartment? Now i hefirme titake hât moe lotoa lacit,3 bd-aa hath iplit complcts milO nhag lhrîoghaot, ail drapes- aid nOceri, lait lke oe Irîdun aid ilote, plan mahe and dryco. Foul itasehit aller I bidouami rouhd In and wlid, - ciseat t-atm rcidy tft- yoor haaîh. Caîl Jacii Beehîî 87i. Don't be fenced in Have t0 ait-es it lotcly olitw ol ittarnimeot, chalet Style a tadnoom itome, lut-gi liig aresa, fireplaoe In0living aid dittig raitn tatariig îoalaout lu pahio, taoid-y t-tom on moain tht,. New haro aid training hraîl. Opcntho olleri. Gladly shuiti by Jachlî Bet 878i412t or i7i-4310. 100 year old home on 45 acres Cloutac tarit huncitth 3 large bedroattnsandlnpatlous 16 xt6 kilîher. Thriis also a 60 x45 polc barnt plus Storage and litn. pieet shed. Floiig îream andA pond add to titi appial atait mitI lte loittattin Vto it-mlI hild lit motgigi. Tahe a look MIt Donna Sarueaitt 878-4129 an 878-6212. Try yogr offer 3 todroam br-ick batgalowt, lat-si livinu t-tom and kttîtai, full basetet, double garae,paeddrieanditroliili-t ittiend frontyard. Viii itih RoisiCesiaih878-4129io 8i.75. Country living at its best This brkand aie btr aualow othirs 4 bidratti, lat-gi livling rmom, separte dintltt t-atm, taitlle naît, nitt-hltlio 000it, 2 lîrîplatas, 3 batis ail doable gaae plan 6 att-es pertitt loi si-doong. Auhutu i94,it00. Rosi Cisiat 878i412t or 878275. 113 acre farm 10 t-atm homet, large haro, tt-oolpoe on 2 toadi. Asking $1,300 Per ait-i tRons Cestoî 878-4129 or 878-2755. Country lots -10 att-i building laI ion Oighiay 7 ncar Acta. Hîgit rallîg lard mith slncam. Anki $35Oii. lit aires oI hîgit rolllîg land mîlO poid, îean Guclpht Liîc. Faor dehails tait hart LeRoy 878-4129 or 457-902t Graceful living Red brick Vicîoriaî homeon o31, acres on1 Highota No. 25 toath 0f Acton. 3 aparttoofa ith an incarne fr002 loI $200. Ea cellentcondition. S67,500 Colt Bort Lîioî 878-412900r457-029. INCOME PROPERTY Cettally iiatd ad coimercitlly zoid. To aparmets and at-ca tai itoub. Great potctiel end floid lInaîîlîg. For utonitr infît-mahion taIt Jaîkle icehoit, 878-41291or 878-4319. MEMBERS DF OAKOIILLE AND MISSISSAIJGA MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE MILTON 878,4129 TORONTO 826-4317 rrBEST uu REALTY AND M IN$IJRANCE LTD. Trafalgar Square 310 Main St. Milton Country Properties NortO Ootligtio-Bcaalilal 1.4 att-i midi loton titi sîde oI the istooptiot. Gaid matit- noppli. Eaiy atcnns. Tht-tu aoallablu. CatI Miki Lidmith. O.rmpbeIlviIIe Area 50 aueitaet. Large 12t-uoo, tntaiihui. F iA oiI hotlOOn. Motdern hatittoatn. GooA bat-n, to At-li shidu. Sceic noltîta taoitry- iacrofustah. Drniinopenlito orlhit $OliWt.tit Cati Jit Bitlîy. Country Estate Claie ta Camptallvilli ionitlg ut 2h att-es--lliig laid, snmapli boih. Smart-nplilev[iomett, 5 yearî old, appruo. 2,000 squarei hiet. Abtaahed duble gat-age. Spaîloaî living aid diiigraon,talons t-iplateI arge kilihei,latilly rot 13 x 20, t-ctrealian roitm 22 it 22, foor bidrocmn, 11/2 halhruuros, laoedry t-titi, tati onloas. Wall ta malt Oruadluuit. Datd mater nopply. Asiit $1ttitau.Oi-lertis aoaitabie. Close to Milton 401h excellen iiol of utIhe Esoat-pot. This deligOfl hate isîlloatid on a 10acre pt-ctl comtplets rIth îtreaitîand pond site aid gIle-n yo the Oeil In tuomlartablo living. Fruit titi lvigand diniîiurootmItdlowsiyu iew cthe iîarpoîot, mOiti inoyiog the itone lireplate. Largeci tatitboît hlithe and breakfast arca.Thrcuilarge bedraoos m he main tior, touter bedeot 150x1 tand 4pplcebatroomon 2n10 flaai. Total of ltao tait balhraotis and 2 itathrotoms. Fall onaîkut haseteof. AOtaîOid douitle garage. Maîy at-as Inlis:e trlg, ihoc, diihmaîher, drapen, broatdiat, tratai, otc. Llîlid I $119,a00.110 -i lue lt- fe. Milton Smiart four bidraotm home îlhaatid tclosei u ittali aid play at-ea. Large livinog aid dioing t-att, npatlu hitihco th breakfast aria, family t-atm- l1/a tathoattu, fll dioldild tatitoo. M montat. Oai switiig pooIl 15tx3, tiitud pahio, tItdi.apeId. Listed aI $53,ito.00-lt-os goalluhie. Loviville lici, raech style bngalow ut a 21acrt- lt. Spaîlus living and diniog t-att titi lireptacn, khttci with breakhfast aria, tor hodruiti mitO mail lu eaul Oroadiot, 11/2 Oatitt-attn Poli dioided baisemient. Attaahed garage. Mati iut-as. Asilg S75,00a.ta-t-mn aoallabti. Main Street Property Caniig of a îialtor22x6 iful baseiit. Plu twoap- part-Iton uth0e scond tiao, reoling aI $11500ta ot pur itt. Dpn lu, steral 57,tta.thith $5,tOW dite. I ndustrial Space Faor Runt. Accuomiodatiun aooiiaOin thelO Wiitpoy, Alliance aid Kingionai industriel tals. 2h000 squarc Icet lu 26,006) sqare- lt. Fininhid goffices, taîhroatit, sprinkler îyslt, iatdîtg dutkt poted parking. Rese-on yoot- ipate sot bituon rates git op. Wile affer You A Real Estate Set-titi tOIt is Seond Il nonc il prolcsiouai inpit-itiih, exacelnt fie taallils, gugd filoîtti ctcts" M.L S. nervice aid a pliuani and itîrsîtit itaff ltaI hai ct-itous clieon itterestcd on the Milton Area. WHETHER YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BUYING OR SELLING REAL ESTATE, CALL THE "BEST- SERVICE AVAILABLE. Cali Best Realty 878-4118 Tod ay At-lr Huru Seroice: 4,14 BAllEt' a7a-asI BOBMaCUAIG iîe li94 BEVCASS&DY Bl8-4294 DANWOITE 87i-3001 0616E LEDWIT a78-4873 ATPAOK iiIA BRIAN BEST a78-416alme COK 87.4 MEMBERS OF TOE OAKVILLE REAL ESTATE BOARD MM042. 86redI te- a solhall diamod. Hie thne mii totiitt early lait ntted the laid waî ut level. Wedntday toorig in a Meting ohaîritan (lord itobile hoite traiter a Krantz iaggrnled fliIdusi Qaarrieo ea idget and hi ionidd aI Carl Ney, 42 aid Cecil that tite wthaoheriilar hm.er oh t oh proposais. Falls aid Haghi Todd, 35, of O/ar hu iaiiîloi Hit raiehridfe were îoaid dead PWard tahe ao Mayior Aile inîthetraierwhe hey were MaAthar notd the foriter ahoot ta lie awaheied for township of Naîîagaweya wOerh. The traiter itai heatitl boid $8,166 îoiog Croit the prov ora rt foraratro itori doîî lait year. Titi ILTON1 itiyoi ihîrd 1the project woidd ie îahîîdizîd 25pe cent and titi îotad titi rest of flheitoiiyiaald beraisid by UIF selling soite laid owiid hy thtownship. Dariîg a meeting of the Mi. Ornait said the toito Coititaity Services Ctrn waild haeîto getarighta it ittie of Milton Coanril way îrm lthe Board of Monday the Coitiittee Fdaoîatioi loir thir laid ai -Agried îot to cotrihate ltroobuîlill chool. He sit the Oh titi minltenance of Horiho, bard itas williîg ta irooidi Parh. Thti par in Halta thti rîght ot way hat oit, oe a 1-1llheiid ater a meeting oth tiitparary hasi uiles the the Hailton Hilîs recreatioi township hought tho diriotor, Milt.î dirictoir Boh) pîopîîty. Sait aid the titat told the ihomittie this Mayo îIie triO toiti woold mot eiv boi oardaofficial. saîîiîieîtause towarrant aîy The toito bai heun worhiig ctribuhttin oonaisearragemet wih -Riiîiod a latter test hiaoille Faritu Tbr îoit Ken Moore otteriîg t0 terve nottei agrîid to allocate the on an ad hoc iommittee Cor mioreytroit theigraot to the ýark devîlopmîît in project ai voeuI ai itosey .asigaweya Hu lîlter alto [roit the posibleisale of pro> otteridthe secsofi titi prrty. CampbeItrlilli Basehaîl Cluh The iomîttie taggeitrd 1taintaloi titi Cactphiltville haîîîg platiner Bob Zuadasyi hall parh. loohatthe sieansdtggett -Reîeived ateîterlfroit the hitt possihle use ot the Doo Hanoo, a lanstîape laid . arihiteit offring ihssrie Powadiuh îoted tennis t0 detelop a comprebeivio laîtîttîro îoold be proîîid itaîter plan for Drornqoiî tlire ata laer date. Park aînoicharge. i'ieary Laes' hlîh -faste' CeroIe. Oiaps OtiladiW hlaO trile, Car- Olyi Hîcie 647; ri' igh 06 lainsi id 332îaoa; noiii 0105 101 île. i d a.ooi eMu 01he, flood salalen, Chaîlte Vaidooîoathiti,, BIbi, Bedîr 203. Poeî Vasdeoh.uv.1 Oit. Frank Pedulla 21h, 000 Ocîhurd tlttflood rple, Bîko Oit- oîdîro 775, rantk Pedalla 770. Oayw.edt713. ito Viola (iti. Charlie ,it 7 fori 0, e 00 fo I'm 'fo 74 iit, ree or7, R.ay -Agreed toah pm=tsta to have 25imile perrbtauiei lirait iigîî potted on Marin S1. tear Martin St. Schatl aid Halo, Rasaro, tîhool, and O/ai advised the maticiptit, mould have toi seur ddltîiol eqoipiteet in order la maiatalo the e raadsthIat carne anto the maîiîipulity. Warka sapiriilîndeîî Brace MiKirrnitîd titere wr abot 7hm .es of rtoda addid tothe tmit roadîsvsteit F0] I H. FOBERT REAL 22 Ontario St. S. ~We're out to VOTED FOR VALENTINES the moît Ilily totatîiced in sîllita. Thit 3 be00000 ide-slii lifari a large/l/lobafl iordeckl(16 x 12/. ilidîtottitit doos; fireplatIin amlly acer; arae; exra 2p, ath; anc in ihoaroot condition. Let ai show/ la oalouoday $0600 THE 1,ARGEST VALENTINE iytorlilf erinhi bradiaîaifaitaO e- t 3bcoi bunaloit n Aton. Surrooîdid Si mter lits for prîtaîy, titaiiîiit/y lotalned tlaie ta shropping aid ithtooî; Oroadlatit frouoatl tîparafi dintot t-toto Oeaollal kt/ItO and ai- facOid garage. Weati pt-ufuiiid cap/d f0 show îoo lts anutite .e have the key $46,00 A REAL SWEETHEART lfO ithahli tatlly. TOmhibaid new ctohnoit at 3 hedrito ranch hungalowt s litated Oitaioi M/ltoi aid ShoîpiOt 0,0014 ai Stiiles Avenu. Eceetu/lrcatîfion; qoal/i bo/it tai- boartds;i/ I aire ltit, ext-a 2-it bth;1 fire-ploîe; 0004/toit fhroghot and radylto ove ino. Letusor a oyoa Iodlait Ohav0e IOe key $62,500 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE GARY THOMAS, MGR. h MURIELOUBIEN 8 JOAN JOHNSTON B TERRYGILBERT B FOR FURI O0 SALES Rl Toront 78-2366 77-6281 77-7210S 77-8127 Colis Smillie at 878,5000 TOi Royal Tut Co. Reallor - --------- ---------- mediately bellind the town- ments Lü play home games in and an inqueit is expected ta hi field. The thrre men were em-q re pthyed bo, Dine Chh- Chut Sevie itruction of Toranto and had beee working ai the quarries A sneNaveether removw g overharden frontîhe qaarry's ST. PAUL'SCNURCH ST. DAVIO'S and tiieitair Ney waî of NASSAGAWEYA haperihtehdethofthe prijeil. THE UNITED PRESBTRA Browtnt and Thdd wr HBTRA eqaipmeithperathri. Titr CHURCH OF CANADA CHRCHES amtiaied tttabout ive yearî, Minister RaDala or a campan, spokesmat said. ea' C. A. Haîr m. e.Duga or The traiter had heeu h.A.M. Dit., 8425 purchased netes at Auguht. Ottiht and Choir Leader: M0e msen stayed in the Mri. Harold Matie Surdiy Feb. 17, 1974 traiter, during the weeh. retorniwg haomr onhe11 Sunday, Feb. 17, 1974 NASSAGAWEYA wiihîîd. Fuirrati tor the 11t00 am-orsip Seroite tait.n _Worsioptrice and tlead men were hitdFridao,î in hgtshpae tA Church SaOul. Itiîr eipitîe hhtitathh Fat-eil, Editor, Thte United CAMPiELLVILLE Potice aid offiils of the Chaoih Observer. il ta a.it.-Wrhip Serovice tîdaumie aed Diiiei om- 110 a.Charttt SchSl. and Cttorth Shoaa aeies impaîrd a nw gtackoat immidiatel, aliter Nursery tatîtîtîes aoailahti. the inident and ordnd off HRNOCR MILTON GOSPEL CHURH O CHRIST HALL O ne s No.h OSiroadiand 0*0 Lote 306 Dintai Si. N. 87i 2t22 O n r ... Trafalgar CO,-îîîîans hathired in the .-iiiîia.diaiteaut At-i Ohoeît h ramet oI thi Lord Jeithrit. ioutd io'iotuatty hi dio'ilaped for thdahhr y 7,17 Latdî Day Helitdhe udeotýd the Shoday, Fib 7,17 t hwi wah ihhitdertig go, . g 10.00 a rrt hîbti Schoo. Soodao, Feb. 17, 1974 orth hoftltghway 40t hat Classes for att atet. 1.30 ai.. htaki Biread. ootid the laid hhhth oft he aita ý-Mtooîtt Warsip 12.a p.it.-Suîdîy Scoih. htgh-way ouod be atot easier att pit i'otaciht o the 7.0i tp.it.-Gotie Servatte He hi dth e aniii o Gospel. Widoeîday, i p.m.-Prayer ben îîtd fhr larid g bat and1 Bibl_________ 04he riadtol. botg hedlo Caitîg at BOSTON AND Ait Are Welcaite Ta Thee hiiaaoi theroihai, jwrt ofthe OMAGN Sirvices hon asbiig eîtrîded ho ilose 1h that prîperto,, il wat PRESBYTERIAN lTis ta laitîtOt sayinot 0ha0 ho ainge lagîcalto 1hrtaril. CHURCHES Christ Jiiotcam t int the Appareitty haitriotrs in Miiser. o ittOt f0 00e hiniti. 1tm the iras Creqaently ose his Rea W R. Leis, h.A., i.D. 1__________ whral fields ah a ploie 1h go 818 4428 tor a walh. - HIGHWAY GOSPEL Loi Wtilkinson wht twih h2 Sooday, ?b. 17,,1974 CNURCN hcesittei the Third aod Goii Priachr Thre lOo. o. A local ahsriiitbtof Foorth Lione ahhid foti Daaîdt, M.A., D.D., The Pentiiostatttiiiithtîih exemition ai moîll HartldBorofSeadhpofCna Horreî whh liveîon Mai t. ioardielf Rd.ddîîi lad H .2 W/est ashed for exemptli o s hOSTON Mortiltd.on wy thathoatiig cooldroiotaally 9.3t 0.00.Worhrp Serovi Paifor.Ry M. ttao eSe btihuilt theri and Cttarch Schtoo Tel. Cr8î2r064 A frithoown as Btld De' (Nursry îdtîtîfîiht endid not pprar bot had aîhrd that 85 aciet hi OMAGII The Loidt Day riithtid froigreen rlt con. 11:060 a..Worship service Sunday, Feb. 17, 1974 tris. That laid 00010 oîthe and Churih sihhl. Wilston popeit, ts itod A cordial invlitton h esh .400.m. Saoday Scoat. industriat ah wei inded ta ail 11.0 i laamonitg Warshlp. ait0 pmý-Faiy Prayit IIIIIIIIII.Ifl .t0pit -EteolgoEarge- Widoeisdai i pi..irayer ai hibe Stdy. 'Whaiaever itait taI upar .hi naite af the Lard ihaît tab hav&ad R9it. 10 1 -GRACE ANGLICAN -R,-TICHU RCN ESTATE LTD. Ogns:Rbr .Agi Milton (Across from Plaza) Sexagîîita Suday o t:0 a.m .Holy Comitita on 930 a.it Juniar Chat-oh 0.30 a..Matioi aid 10:45a.ro Seoîar Chorch W yoIl 100.0.HOIY ittharist 800 p.Prayir Group and Thariday. F00 . 14,17. 10 ait -oli Caoion an4 Seriton Wîdoîîdoy, Feiruar 130h- 'Foob Ni0t' o in th Pariîh Hall bioolo ali :00 u. Witrelote tou tt-ati PR ES BYTER IAN CHU RCH INCANA DA K NOX CHURCH MI LTON Oit. JohnM. Murray Organish: Moi L. Vtaîtair Suoday, Feh. 17, 1974 110000 SpakrThei SRît. PRETIY AS A VALENTINE eai Seaknero TIti Ri i hi sparklig 2bedrotbrikhmetitonthorgeutreid 194 ..JuirCuc acre iroperti. Ideally l00004 on Trafaltar Road airtiî Irait 0.0 it-Jolr ho golf course;.fatariiioir-flowint itreait yon prohiiOy 10450 a..Seior Chorth broadoithrohht adcaribiiiirntdi.Calforp- Sîhoo paoitrof $00,00 7:0 aO. 00008 Papes Soct-oh. roîre ts aiayi wr A FAMILY VALENTINE aiItt00C 0f 6000 Are yoa toiking for soithiot ttoiiitieevrt ititter of 0he EMMANUEL lail? Tis rtr be il! Feataîiiahbeoitt (3 ai, 1 ti-art, BAPTIST extra 3-0. washraoom; rit. r-ouer (32 x 13); L.R. and D.R., HU C drapes an4 iheirs. Otîtti tioed lot; In iit0acalate condition. C.C Riaionaily prloîd aI 533,50 Ct00trcil Steet. Milton l0it-o Poîtar Dr. Williîam BUY HER A LOT _Foitir, Oniot ilte Cottise. tor aletiîîriiDay. Wehave a 2 re parce ofad, toit iîiotelywoodeot, on EstarptioOrly $29,otW Sooday, Feb. 17, 1974 HER DETAILS CALL ______ 11.00 am. -Mtrrrtg orship, NE OF OUR ~r' ' v ,ti ir t ,c EPRESENTATIVES 6.50p.m.-Song Seric. 1.00 i.it.-EinO War- 878-2365 kgMu.1 t«i Thi iritaio tai îht Une 26-130 WThi ible and 'the Local o Line 826-100ihh To Se Preathid" WARREN CRAWFORD 877-7953 Wediendiy. 11030 pit.- JOAN THOMS 87-34 rayer aiti Bible Stado 87-32"Lot tsuiner 108h titi Haie eh BILLCURRIE 878-4944 th. Lard MlIi thaibuhiihio and tle is I Courts wh 86m42 hriin.1

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