Commonwealth games GoId moedal win for Yvonne Saunders Yv oine Sautiders bas nhsiprai.-"Lass eek weaiih Dames in New fisaiiy, alr-r Year-s ot ro-ess-h 0e siapOrs Rue goid meffat Zealand. pe ng and trainng, won wlastrCad is 1e 400 mette 0e cnsaidersi te be "some- dlash at the sois Cemmen. Miss Sautiders is a lihearian as the Univ-ersity ut Guelph ushere she rmsidles. Rerare, Mr. andlire. W. asdrlire ai 139 Mais SI. in Milton. They saus Yrconne's big oin fan televisieti and are fassXisaiY awaltîsg ber resues f-ma Nen 77 She Oas previsusi raced for Engiand and Jamaica bof leels sestimental ahout isaving, wos the gsid meaia for ber new cosntry. A Jamair-an hy birfh, Yvonne oui hecome a Canadian w i~,citizen in May. Her tamiiy .5. moved f0 Engiand iremn _â, Jamaica sn 1051. liii '~field errais in inier-ur-bui III îîa~ ~ 1 jujine tIhe S3trailerd Atiiefir- il, Club sn Esglasd and cosm. I l - ~r- peted sn many rsusly, rom- jJ Petitions in Europe, cap- 4 1515110 top awards. * Dori a tfe sammer of 1967 hertaiiY moved ti, Monireai and itoas henYonne made- the cbeice beioees ssdsusl and tra-. Oh. r-eoained in % Engiasd and oaes -hon lu 'L",mpete lu fihe Cestroniol tionai Trar-b anA Field Meet lOsttawa asd Toronto. Siw. bmb a.tirui and second ts 1968 able mon-rd f0 Munireal lu Or- ollO her tami Thetfamiiy mosrdiuo YVONNE SAUNDERS, fsrmerly of Milton, won alo ni 90 goisi medal for Canada in the 400 meter race ai the lu Canada she bas r-urm- Cosmmonwealth Gameu in Newn Zealand tout week. prled in gomes ie lreiasd, Nom living in Guelph, she ued ta live in Milton and H a lilas, Wi nnip e g, her arets ae sill ere Yvone s shwn n aEdmonton, Vir-toria, Van- ber arets re til he. Yonn isohoo 1 Ocouver and the Common- rercent photo with some 0f ber sonords. wsealth Games sn Edishurgh, (Staff Photo) Sr-oiiand. S0e aiso comnpeted on the 1972 Olympios. ________________________________The Canadian Champion, Milton, Ontf Wed. Feb. 6, 1973 3 tA tjor"s D esk ijOperating without licence C7Ù B Roy Dami CORRECTION: Las( oeewerotaapi-fure oftfireedon- ons ai the Miltas Red Cross 0lusd Aumer r-unir- lnr-srreriy idienisiied onre fo drivers tue Orars olso ar- regular duors asdtb lookme tram, tlseir deliieries tsgi'e blond. TcaM sulait tinury,owe peled the rsissiugsause wousinlhe separae fist of domers. They are AI Croxall and Dane Barbe and were sh.050îithKen Hodenbeig sred rereshmests byMIl EdAt Patlersoo Stramn boOts uo onre isieresied sn onr eariier stories os uid r-naine No. 136, wbi-b was repaîred ai the uocai sbop ut Hume Transportlonmay beinteresteisei ngits TVdbu on CBCMarch 3. Theecolline as btaised ad ruored by the Ontario Rai Associationand usnofth wsuork usas doneaithOe local nsop OnsnedbhydberoodHumuea dr--ir ofteclb.I iuissent outwlast u sommerlu be ued in fimsîîîg CBC' 8 documentsr- on the building ofth1e eariy raiiuay arr-ui the prairies ts Bri- tisb Columbia. The resoling prugrafo "The Nalionol Diream" is ober-levuisoAsecerai limes unlCne10ork,t 10firsai i p.m on udayMatch3. WeAd ble lu adA Brion Beulus fther Perery Busi lur0 0011auia as ambausado. Mr. OnsiOr gaverTheChampiuoagrat pogWedsday ai the Cifben of the Yr-ar Ainner ir-Orre bais sn oas beisg bar> uredifor lasseri-eadladership in Milton. Heold te ud, eneil was a greatipaper and the louis oas iur-by' lu bhive cocha 0 lie ape erviug the community. Me. umt nayu uss webs bus Wedueuday edilios of The Champion ar-rives aui huhme in Wacehaus, Englasul un Mos- Aay murug. lAod it suseiimnuitabrketeCaada PostrOfice- biat lng agetmrpaper tTronto r urlinton.I Reroir 0fikn Ledusith, use ut Rrian Bemis business asr-lates made a trip lu England and Aropped in lu sisit BriansiatRerai Warehaui Pereyr-ayu biasableituitellMibe îuOat had bran happening in Milton ne ho left ThOr masos Mr. r-if cau r-r-rr-e bils Champion su quirbiy inuGreatOriiais isa resuofa rrr-niCaada PsOice-rdi- i'uuPosal auiboriiies will oten enti urftace mail by air lu Gireat0ritau i îtOerr lu r-mm ou a fiîti ui r-ou ca'f riant onyururac-r mail iu go air frîghiall time. i"ir-iisofu Juan Melur Mîllon uisiniuar- ltîa ie, i lie piroor-ulo lunoo JSn uas ur-Orduird lu tisalr- make r isay tath lOrarsbcontinent ]esticr-rb Juao, wislknown in Milton fo-r hr-r-uk wit the Camupbell ilc-'cr Ecangelnlîr- Tram ind Emicanuel Bapiul COurr-b s lallillîng a dr-ram she ui hada 22rvars 000 by g010 lu corb in Ahe miusion finlds. SO bau sprol the pont r-rar in Fraur-r. icrngnoupeak ad crie FenchOinuorder-roisoebîsîibfbth ecangelirai iss in N'Djameua, repoblîr ut Cilud Airira and ac-oiidîgitulrlaui nisr-iiri iolriensuber-nbrcoas duer- lr ioAlrra ouJan. 31i irgîii Orr-orb. lir rman frrnds here iîl b ra-ing for her ad er corO O 'rConn7orpraisesý% Make room for e le ctio n bili Ia speech 1010he Daboilir Rotary Club Mundar-, Halles MP Ter-ry O'Connor said th- fr-u Eier-lion Espunues OBi coul blp Orina tbe sysinus ualut ofthe ba-l r-murs and placer il under publie sceoliny. ur- saîd ibal tieul lOrre coould be slric limitations on th lrats oniseyr parties anA ciandidates r-uuld upend dorîno 1he eir-siion purinA. Radin. ireevision anda fr- piper adverlisîng datation le the r-apaîgu wuld Or- lîmîtrd 1010he 29 Aays prior fts r-lr-clîu day Halion r-andidates, s- cor-dîcga luh1e spending for- mula, oi Or- limîleA lu $27,000 or $18000 Pas portin Tbhe Bill aiiuous reimbuese- mentuofta portiounoftherilr lion espenses irm the- publie ieeasuey f0 candidateu anA par-lieu. For parlieu fOr- arian i 0e useaith1e osofeteir adnertising sous- peignason TV and radio. Fur r-andidates, Or salA ihn amusoit oi relaie to the nuusbeeuters in thr iAing anA lu be elîgibie for lOis pouîlir- r-cmbueseusenf. tOc caondidaue muni receis usere iban 15 per r-ent 10te voteu For Halles sandidates, the rr-ioOuurrsr-eni usould lmuntt about $9,0o. The Bill aiso r-equies publie- dîsciosore ufth1e nattes anA amunts ut ail duuorn ot uso iban $100 ta a parlu or on individual cas- didate, ar-srding lu (flCueor. Rn salA ibis wuld Or-IF r-r-ur-e ube ausounin' osaaliy duuaied by fOr- lu0ur su large cor-pur-alions cohich hav rsriaAiiioeaiiy r-arrled iO tusu large purlien, or en-en sne cases, climinar- fOr-u ailtgether ACTON Y's MEN APOLOGUZE That due to onsafe ice and ar-k oSf snow me mvee eunableto un ur SNOWMOBI LE RACES ou Fr-b. 3rd as planned. Weather and snous conditions permilling thn RACES miii be hald on Feb. 171h. Wich this paper nous week or coul 853-0926 or 853-0286. New Agency Appointment The Crse Issaranse commifssion of the Ontarilo Minister- oi Agriculure and Food is Pleased tu ain- mu appointaentl Of MR. CLIFFORD G. BROWN 360 George St., MilIton 878-4596 as an Agent ta represent thn Commnission in the Halion A anagetfor the Commiussion, Mr. Br-own oi n callesg on fermoers in fou ea- f malle thn goernmenl apprsu.d crop Insurano. program acallable fa them. Me. Browe becomes a alued member ofth1e Cmmlise Oratore .1 of 0r 150 agmntsin the Province' and foas le the orea olshing cop inourons. infor-matin are asked tco contact 'r new department urge day care centre rezoning Milles Day Care Csote operaled bp Mes. K hne is nenin tu luen by-laus, Milton Cooscil's Planning anA Deselopment Committe- usas bold ai1the meeting Tues- day. Cierk Jack MnAnar-hie bld unrii the provinr-ial depari- msent guceesisa day r-aro r-r-nes usas coilling 10 lssue a li-encebl nl te e downilaiesunei'os uofth1e building ai thr- sur-uer ot Heuiop Rd. anA Cummsercial Sl1. Tdhe poica iec wul Irait Ihn r-apasiiy 10115 shildeen, bol roonril oas tll there rm au manr- as 26 r-hilAres aisenAing the r-r-sre. Asbs eososg Pr-uer Mr6iliams eepeeseniing For-os Develop meno bas requeuled a r-r- Milon Ionci briefs Miltun Councl Mona- Aoeing a regular meeing: CAuspo1liiom mn u Clerk satliaison uoitb George Jacksn ofthen Lîbeay Buard un the sno ibeaer building -Learsed ut oontiisiing meeting dates uiih Milton's planning anA Annelopsmin summîirae ur-beduinA for the the mniu1ias welasMbi tn: Libraey Buard meetings. Mayor Anse MacArthur aira noled uhe soi us ihn Dabsille PUC obisOa umies the thied Wednesday ni the month. SOc saA sOn ibooghRis bt meeting usas lu 0e ar-sommodated in th e uscai sheduin. TOn Lihear- Board usas asked la look ai is ur-bedain -PeolaimA Febraaery as Heart Month and authorized a student sampaign tue fonds. -Namnd Lluyd Chishulus lu ihn Cousmilira ut Adjusi- me-nttforeaone ynae purld. -Tuoo se ar-lion on an ob- jection ta the HRln Dar-lile Deselopuseni propouaisuor the erteaus Day prup osais anA foemarded thn by-iaoo lu thn Ontario Municipal Board tue bearings. -Narrer! deparluseni Onods anA enlabiubed seaulo isting comusie lue deparimeul beadu, super- niser- pesonel, salaried unr-bersanA boaely r-tld empo-en A grend lu sml a r-rpuri tramt the planning direstor un a propsai that lansds lu 0e deseloped hase signa indlr- ing it pe lo deselopuseni planun as o guide lu poen liai porhasers. -Agree lu the suggestion of ihn trayait, lu Ane 10e luinu erlfienf f0i aifer ftr- egiosal gusveruiment bill lu amenA 'anses" lu "amalga- maie" lu relerence lu Nassa- gaoe-a. non noind il usas on the carrentieegionarutril agenda anA sOr badult realized the issue would couse upssoms' "We dun'i base the background todesa ithi if ae einnai ounril.'uhe sug- gested. '-unîsathe iprteionuof carer-ne is operaied ai '0c bnoiina su 1ha bai npare SI. 'Pool COurr-O-anA here r-ouidir-galr-O rfrordr- OaA Or-rn nooprobleniînihere. r-arr-ose. 'Me opper puriof u Or- bu'iding s o-n-A reiea 10d h an apar N egotiate me-nt Mar-o- Arie Macrthurfi salaries r-ncr-oagrd fOr lur- lu belpi Oaloey u-gulialuons are som, irs. Sonne r-oupiy i'h uderisay ai Milton Tows r-r-olaîîonn, Oui noir-il shu' Rail uîih curil r-bumiug thni ror-r- li. r--O-u Coutil Duon Grdons lu 10 rce. Or-a ils neguuialisO tos. r-usr-cilluo'r-r-rîre-i r-r--r-pi Couciî-lloîs Bi-a Ci-emensir, ieDepaeimefn loinO onne Olelanson arr usembers of r-r-o aiînnou id Or- bal commiller. reqoied Or-Sure Or- upslar' Ciierenui- for- sommiltire uiofreOuildingulooir-i s-otiafîng naies ucîlb iîl rrgoiaiunn deparimeul Or-adn. Camp Nlsen pro-sle Or-l] Thunîpsun. ob omeil. comoior Ari Mcîausou o Lor-uhee and Bruce ntdteprobru sn' a0 Mcr are nrguiiaig tor or-os une He-sautAheOerefr t0e dr-par-boul Oradu. OaA Or-rn moirA lOrre or loue Coasoîl appoisnd meus limes Or-raonr if coan orair-A Oirr lu the camil ait a inilglznsadnir-îoru met-ing Tarsday. Ilreai huitirglauecand COr-nlo Airer-lue Bou Omali an- Mrlansun ugg-slrd the ousrd membrn of the îoîfssrmîiiol îo- rr-ier staff cossiifee fuluoiio sh ul maire luefott suri Repesentaie fslre oui the pobems. ~Profilers ai-sonaie sr-r-uiotulluoi h-iouind 1prsnonnel anA repeses- duol ~ ~ ~ abe ofou coy- aiiuouurly paidoers don' kno why'« o il] or-r- aiO the seguuiaig lir- norA arc-oopraîco- dai r-omiir-n the- near lotue -LeaeneA -hr een subsin 10t inte - am 10gsvea nqiis maytitu an A 10ed inteMlo mem0eruur-uoifat$4.u sevc is1 milege pal lhe unea The araui uurtl selsamwilr- -eAvelin ed un e byn uuîes-l Milot Couesil's Planning arr-a currr-tîy Wnîg used by Hn said, "1000gb thee Oas anA Der-elupusee Cousuitfe r--hOr reroln dear-plueni. let inmn cases Onen a aperused reotonîe le the Cuunr-îi auihorined direc etire oftjobstarers tirdfOîA theeonhallito renoualions ot lu exceed urunfear-l, etc. thiO publie accoumeodair thc or-o $2.000. Zuadaeyî salA perception ufthiis arrange- planning Ar-par-fuen provisiun r-an beumadetforithe usent h as bran iait il sl pore Pae- oZaasîld planer. tOn deatsusas anda pal,ee Nous lise sys-u PiherssBiab Or-feu y OrolA nereeiay. fie noted par- wii0 en oeuoflthe bar-O- tecrate hfl ecodtilions wuld han-r lu be r-noms and plased und-r sr-iup an offirr-enpartiofiOhai Ouîli. public scrulîey. Thiu lus Arsir-abie. heaitOy and de- tieiieiy ftr- uso prugressine se p aben by tOn ar-t." - "o îlonsversilthe ArsireA r-r-uit ut r-edosed dependeece 1 1p k i o b un large donations is achir-ned, bensaidithe erliai re-îuurseueniowid bc trous iOn public frr-asury. "The- exuactsuuet oftOrse lu the Fîr-euren, Mr. and Mrs. Lou changes lu iOn freasury lu Rukor, Mr. anA Mrs. Dus Lambert, Mr. bard lu t Ar-f-ruine, aAM- îiRusl n il O'Coeno salA, "Using 1972 an -.Bl usl n grs nd al eleciun resuilu. the addition- Our fr-irnds for inîr heip and cuesider- ai coul 1010he eauury will b allun afler 000 r-rceeS lire. Their Olnd. 7 lu e million dollar-s." He admifinA bhai oas a loi nesis groafir- apprrciated. ut mene-. Ouf adAnA. 'if if ashie-s a beolibier pulîtira nysteus. fee trous f h sn! N G O IA A O i pîcn ut patronage and begsn EipRAC ROuN r-rmoire pulilicians troust 1e &E E IM D lemplaiues ut geaft or- miii Eb C MP EL ail have- beneftteA sob- 1_______________________ staniaisiy." WHERE THERE ARE HEART THERE ARE FLOWERS. FTD Loneunilé"' wlth Joie de Pleur 'parfume IHearTdfowesa p theoTîD Loeu ndl. 0r-aotifol buque-tuofireuh fluis.. ustOaonurprise. Aj cappule of Jouie de Fle-ur F-TD'n excrlusive- or-u perfume. AnA or- ian nend filer f0 yopuo Voientîne uirlsuocross n.. the ntrret u or-tusuis he j cuntr-. Stop iu or phone us fuda- Ouf huer-1! Don't Or- dînoppuiofed- nend eorr- j Joie de Fleot peelome. CALL FLOWER K«te" SHOP MILTON PLAZA 878-28801