SiOTon Canadian Chamopinon, Milton, Ont., Wed. Fnb. 6, 197A Ha/ton Board of Educationi Says music programn here "lsubstandard"E Haltos Board oif Edclation îiii aibosp la procide aoswero fra sel tf recommendabans aiie utiç. nin porbimtins fer munie instrction in Hall. cli A brief presented by Mmn. C. tlsmling on behalf ni a group of cîtians ontiincd wao tey felt mus a sulatandard munir profram in Hailen schaniu. Thecbrie(fonduitdwhat sortof Instrucion shouidhocmade ava ilabie in te varions gradesat tce eiemrotary scboid cccel. Providecostrotmales In addition 10 tat tce briot outned cqsipmeoi avalabie. eqaipmesi seeded and prnctded approimate colis. rthe opportuoîty ohouid ho avadlahie la ail cbiidren 10 leonoan intrument a an agewhon thonhkiiiinabon.acquicd. Wjalitird upecialolt teuchoro shmdld ho sosgbt by csuliantu and principals 10 011cr omail gronp instruction in sucb in strameon as piao (as correntiy, acailable ut E. J. Jamnes noil in Oahciliel, recorder, vtolin, iar, etc. an un cicebive to suppiement ami cm-icb tho ciatorn pengrain ai tce parents' expesse. rbit mouid enable many more childest la cc an lin stlcoment aI a far cheaper rate thon sa ai preucol possible thicogli pricate intuction Ciainraon tonchoro obonid thon encourage te eluidren 10 usc teir intruments in tce cilla mscpregrain. Scbolarnbips conld ho sosgbl throgb service dola. bomcand sebosi assoriations, asd foondatises la onhie children Who caonot afford ees $1 or $2 per merh la Lake part i liiy arr keniy intermsted. Decebte talent riepublic urbool ruonol uttempt la brain virlumsi bol il sbou id gice a chance for tce musical cid lat show bis tents support once tey knîm in iniat direction their chil 's talents lie. Mem. Gooding ofîered tce assistance of ber committee and a niioshr nf coluntecro in ocîbofg sp the pengroos amdin scocig wi htebord n ayway ltprovide a bttr msic proccaM Board chaîrmas Bill Priesnae commcuand tce detogalin on tecostructive attitudes cspretsed and for aitomiof a maolonbeamontofnibmetfortebord towotnnUtfe reocol and file a report iiit tce group. Urge commron assault to protest Bill 275 HailonBoaerd of Edacalise shauld mert mitb bot clemen, iary and secondry teachr inte rgios icita viewol lanching a common assut: ugaini teprovincial gocero- mcnltapcorottagaionliBill 27. Tanlatenlenl was madecby Bll Pcimlacer, chairman od tce Halles Board ut Tburoday's meeting. Tbal billmanld commitlbotblaeachr and trsts toiabininf achilcalion. Chaîrmas Presner said tce legiolabion. if enacted, would erode the rotesoftce trustee mit regard lu cccý- pomsibility and acconntaîiliiy. Prieoleer notedth al molle the bll cosimîlo botls sîdos la bîndîttg arbitrabion tl dmnso rote ont stribes or conlein any s.almentiabout mangement rigbla. ltilasared cot Pricoleer saîd ta ude ocanditions nbould te pupti- teacher ratb home a segotiable item. That se a tort i sacrd cmand if wegie upUliatmegice upth igh it manage teurholso lacertain eicnY Thc pupil toncher ratio han a direct hoariof on bon inany lonnbeco are reqairedfora ctcolnildrro and ion nibas a direct resui on tce budget Some aùve lit bîidng compulnory arbilcabion nitoutd lic toimA. Prîcolace sd. The legiulation i expected lu o dolt cith in the leginlature thisspriof. Edscabion Mîsîster Thomas Wells înlrmlaccd lèginlaionsi December tat would bacc witdrawn tho rigbt 10 strike or lu miaso cetîgnalîse for trorbero. Thot bi mon eceolaialiy iciti- David L. Phillips, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR TRAFALGAR SQUARE 310 Main SI., Milton Second Floue Site 203 0V APPOINTMENT 878-5656 <CAN1;V TEL> AIRLINE RESERYATI@NS? We'iI moke themn af no extra cost. Complete information on Iowest fores, carriers, stops, etc. Call 878-5680 70 Main St. E. MILTON HALTON BOARD 0F EDUCATION REPORT Board under budget liallon Board of Educateun enill ho icithin bodget toc tce 197.1 npcrabio, trustees lonrncd aI thoir meeting Tbucsday in Burlington. Supecinlandent ut Basins ami Finance Bruce Lindlcy tld te Board tbat opendinfu in te clcmenlary orbo ponel escerded budgnets by $108,on0 ami urols for tho Irainalile relered cscended budgets by $110.10. Lindtey old howecer, Ibal opending ut tce secondary cccl ecre ander budget rolimales by $338000. Intheocoming ebsthecboardiniilldccclop a budgetlfor 1974. Halton Hîlîs trusteeTom Wcatson s cbaicmatt of tho nom- milice woomma on lie budget. -Don'l miss tce Winlrrtesl Ibis Friday, Salueday and Sunday. There are es-cntor ait afin on th1e prefruos RELECTRIIY Im OurB Business DI1n'i oe a Tînkecer wittt% ~EleceeiCity. % Cati an expet torc wicics A dîtitionai Outiots% a Outdose 1.00<5 SFEATHERSIONE ELECTRICE son637 %e F E Ws're availablej- Yen, cour Champion is availabe on Wedcutd.y at the follomienneondealeen: HALTONVILLE Jennings Generaitoren B ROO KV ILLE MctLind' Store C all ACTON Acton Setuke Stoot Adains nos Dspot Royal Mih Stuc. GEORGETOWN Mtenons Stsre Fesdteets Store Ose Sinueho u SPEYSIDE Sceetîde Osoccai Store c Hosnhy Gecai Store Country Face PALERMO e Snowmobile Painrins Store Caitiolos Station e Free Swimni LOWVILLE oberton Guof Rides . .and bMount Nanis Varlety tameitie Vaciste Casîn's Star. CAM PSE IVI LLE Mohawh bIn farte's Garage Cort's Corner F I Fittter Vacinte Parkside Geoera 1 Stre n and Aroend MILTON R Chalet Restaurant, Dnm Drop- len, bod' estaurant, & J. C. Boei,es bsoi Aituesus F-it Macliel, MO _ u , u tY, Harrisn Stairece , Jims Biiîards, The Ctampion, Eltiecos Pberacy Ledmith's Super Sae, liton Dailotesson, sp o liton Dm0g Mart, Ptaea Seroke Shne. Cacavnsitaurant, Mac's Mik. APeuntvlem, Restaurant, "M ilton Milton District Hospital 10-25 Somvie Station. Near Mohawk Consider Nassagaweya industry site Members of HaIon Reailon- isduntriai mali beiaf Iocalted nnlad Utere waa luifflcient t the5 whole avaid niat a chng in 15e ai Planning Comitice ex- ihene. land ta ailow wcceaing and bC conaidered. She objected officiai plan pressid concerts about rond During bill reenta"to bemi' is,;wer nd oewer solicitir bihDyli h a oild<iUcio supie let calk lhe. ibey cominittee an ccasrond matt surcmsdd = ,aqonr -DALE- coui dcrdn ,alicatio forcd la botlaaleite a leur IaII hayftr -OS a re-ainasu mcd mntof the traffic thatmoud siteonfthenhydro ine and an ORn men tthofiiaipInn go ner te Misop ae.: ofninhahited tfarin H notd Mait E NassafameTa l leoi i otole no the AlIsop homenemuthe od Naoougawey Coocil had Highmay401 ,ond.% jou min o roperty ihat wmd he fl roesd1eapplication thehakinTe ainp teiaya t rom Oertramt Day la have home sla tc Ut the comm f he .Itaned laRN the os acrco re-moned and tce perty in ain a ha report fronRth officiel plan amended. Sthe tce corner ncSeodLcMii ni Environient re-mn wid aUbin an and tcUeSdrd di..cIlla Utcrecns iunrlose for the land. il Rich Day. tc. seiiler n formaeter, semer fac iline and Tbe firet lime the malter oOfUtplicaint. He ex- Coancilloy Mary MonroW lE ER no ond grclri. n ais a .e Milton onclo nd esl ac din g odi reC ment hefore the regionai plIai h lsdle 0ngeidhodn terjc b plunners tey paudil over, arrange a differnt lawyer latu _______i pc noiUtc safoUtcoi- telle tce case and mahe - _____ milIce acre sol in a position rersntatioo bol hadi beinu lo comment. Regins couneil =nbi latae one In te___ snt the reportl bach t0 com- lime acailable. miliceeandkanledreponrtho Day saidtesite wouidh t _______ modea deions e oioogooin adlmoegnd indostriai land hecaone Sae dral obje bion ere il mat nsuitabie for farminraRE*~ hearinf in Naonogameya tant oraonaand counen Ins usOU.T.f year. He he Uc PR trachu and wIth Red SiMd bd James and Margaret Aihap Highway 401 abulted the INSURANCE e RNS*SIDES e IIINDS ld the rommilîre in a cItter propetty CAMPBELLVLLEFO T lbey objerled la te adt- Oc Ihxdsmehn dilional traffir Ihal scouid ho nimilar la tce Alliance in- 854-2271 gcnerated becanse of an dostriai piaos in Milton. He IERE COMES ITERFESI '74 6.With An Avalanche 0f Winter Fun! RUARY 8# 9# 1l 'or Information or JJegistration Bo b Small 878- 72J SATURDAY FEBRUARY 9 alidren 's f' Program' Rides e Variety Showu* Muti Show ing e Handicraft Show * Helicopter nsh orebth a n e fcoerc SATIJRDA FEBRUARY 9 NOWMOBILI RACES $2,000 in prizes * 17 classes in ail * races ooposored by Victoria Wood Reniutltnr ytîsc Snoîwîtuaîî le yîîur adissions toWinf - StNDAY J FEBRUARY 10 à , t q 1,