36 Tise Canadian Champion, Milton, Ot. Wed. Feb 6, 1974 Martin St. plans winter carnival A weeh et minter fue je Keni Smith, Joanne Tripp which teacher. The elmient pt for i the stuet at ant Jon Lneprich. counecil miii i-en Unese evneli gai-jeý Ct. enlent Theie Participants han-e been nnd nainethe winners at Une wjniee carnat %,ileunti-onn chome hecaune nft heji- par- en-eneg deece on aene Fehi-sry -t4aned iin- ticipatton. citiiemship. e Day. Feh-ey 10 Wnsee eteide iner and nntner leadersnhip dtnplnyed en gel tn, ent the emarties- actinîtine. sminet actinites. t4wl ne alt eree nI etuen-y A princef and =rne mi Cntrats sing andt a hed t ilna benhc e -en o l ntsni tn Ani aen i ion ne reign nnee the wnch. Vnting Cnnte ean high in the Aieantii e nnmioer mit laahe place Fehrnary el ineehis tue wit a big nemi et sports shomo ait Ueh nl Thimn thUe ranning ai-e taon nmarles mnitiegnf-o meoe Throeghoiun temeekannart Hnhhirh, Jety Wioutghby, tn guesei Une iighi nemhee. dieptay je the mchnel mitt Randy McDolnnd Jim aned n phetn conteel where tepici snom careinat scenes. Crmgh, Tracey Cnd-on lenchers hane nhmitet Steeen nmeesuiini-ene KnUnthy Entijs, Erjc Ettime., theji- hnhy pjioi-es mermi- each i-epni-ting i-nom, miii Cneje Gervais, Letît MtuNeii. etadents e ingonen mhjh je he jntged. ~kampîon I yS* Provide varied housing Die'ncrReie Roberts tebi thse rainal ptannng nom- mitteni. ai aZmetln Wed- nesday ofta cenceen natut thte incaig trendt that nee Buetgs becemîng more nf a edentemmsnity. The direcinesaï mtihni Beetingien fais mnder Une influence ni Toi-ente and Hamiltn te a gi-et entent. He recotteit discussions thai tanks plface miie deneteping an officiat plan. Acni-ding te Roberts mnny et tise people mite mers ie Une manstacineing industries canent bey n home in Burtîngien. Hennait mny bat tege Hamiltoenandtsnnein Roherts salid Unere mas tetînjite reltion heimeen Une type et hneiing ailable in a nemmnniiy anethUe enentuat tevetepineni ni a hetreent ONE BOY AND GIRL wifl reiga an priacene and prince of tise Martin St. Sehool wînier carnival f rom Fes. i8 to 14. Contentante tram lefi are Don l-aikirk, Judy Wîffoughby Raady McDonald, Jim Cartwright, Tracey iiondroa, Lelti McNeil1, Erie Eltinon, Corie Gervais and Keven Smith. Misning are Joanne Tripp and John Loepricis. a w -ý 1- KEEPING TRACE ef stock wfaile Homard Scisyler training to gatn on-tine-epot expersence at Home corta je Lyn Moitotain. She je one of tise etudente Hardware on the weekend. from MDHS who uned her business machine (Photo by D. Pink) B usinesstudents get ARHRA on the joàb training 218 MaTieS Fve business machine Liainn ni-range fi- practinat ex- Mlc lue rm Milo Disrc Ma rte Pownydrecni-n peeo treuft 878-3673 HighSho pn hr te chonr nommercint Come Cadwr Milo tèesnd laisonhbemeen MILTI Wtn-saadeo- i-zaey nbr ha msto taen soan d ehe teses f mie iKNIJW HER' says Judy Willoughby, ireasurer of the Athîctîr Coimacil, as nhe and secreiary Lori Camern, tefi, and co-chairman Mike Eltîn try 10 guens the teachers' baby picluren for lise Martia St. scbnof winter carnîval. (Photos by J. Heatoni -Support Milîonen Win- terteni. paetctpnie this tneekenàd Fine Furnituri MILTON PLAZA Wherenn, yo en W gon hnntes, ni gifts and tendia aTeeainge from iin d busiesneiOhbnTn ofi the cnmmouty. MCC. JANE MUGNeS NO5TEUs 870.211a SIeeentý hpe the on ne for the$3,000,00nexpansinnpr c ne nt Rnkwel Ite- Milton Sehool natio~na hr a 72,000 quare font addito nns gng up Enpnded employment of 0 op~ponies wlbe provdedo ase fim' Oshawnonpringplant ns neated here riin se e hedd.nntnteoginalplantnotbshfedheein 15 sna utenmkofe :j nsune Pogrm to et ninpetti r n e s CALLGEO BARD 78 018208f Mata Street E. Mitonc 878-2894 1.DATSUN'IS NEW IT'S A BEAUTY, TEST DRIVE IT TO-DAY NGRTH END DATSUN* 610 Martin St. * Juai South of 401 Milton 878-241 FORD RENT-A-CAR SYSTEM AND -CCORTINAS I0 *COMETS sG - METEORS IN STYLE For Carefree Motoring Pleasure ...For a Day! a Week! a Month! a Vear Drap in and see us. Dur Econaamy Rates Include. Gas, Oil. lasurance - SPECIAL WEEK-END RATES - 12 FOOT VAN ALSO AVAILABLU THURSDAY ~ BUCKET When you buy abudoet or barrel of Kentudy rned Chckena we'l give you thefi&do.,RMi aFamtly Pack of Frenchl Fries et16 fIl. oz. of Creamy Cole Siane eA toaf of Grecian Breadi Kt Ft87841712 MI LTON L SALE FINAL 3 BATS TOURS. - FRI. -SAT. staCIaTr SI4OP THURSOAY & FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. MILTON PLAZA 873-2629 ee=nit.1.m-» trieti te oeeceme tne in- fluence trem, Toi-ente and Camiton hy providing a varie,~ of itnniing and by t.yjng job opiteritites net fee aay feont homet. Cie netet tise rehsilding et demeteme enre wase't very tennibte hecause et tes pi- imitytniHaiton. Anew ht tee be business ectin tins been eninbtiitled ie the Burtingion Mail ares. Roberts neied ibis dnnntnp- moent hadbroight con- sdrbeaotofbusiness back in tuint.en POLLOCK AND CAMPBELL Hien G,ade Memnoriis Me,-nl Eeao