fly Bob Blol 0 Stodents and otlsers in- s'olved in researching 2 iîV Miltooos paRt will now hove 020000 50 records of Ose Milton Nemopaper fon 8 on. While there lire80 sone 0p intheinue Choid îton ecrORmicrofilm rra hlg cos the ye stars fona =bor 6hio wihm Thes Use frm cs micofilmaS tse Iirnry onom icrofilm. B. mot) cprofil and avIte bl a4o0O eany torend andaccording il Mes. Coomay, the machine ns on excellent Fes0ar1h font TIhe tapon which inclode 000000000000ne or more years oI thie oemspapee files are contained in small os ratlsor thao large bound files olsiol are 4mhio4ed t0 mork onith Essytocintore Anide Sromn tho foot that tapon aro a lot caoior to store Shan bhboundovolumes, one of the big advantagon s filet records are a lot Ios vulnerable andgeneally more duabie than hoond copies of tse ppr M os Conmay notesile sevie s n of thle os. pandiog services Seing pocded aS the lîhrary People wiii ropoot more of the 000 fshrary than they hanve froon the old, 0020 Mon Conmoy. If al] 0000 vii thle nom lîhrary coold hr oporotionat by the Sali. Eo'ntualty other records ofsignifioaoco cootd ho miyrofilmed. Visit rural areas explain fire set-up Milton firefightoen hace Oc Dec. 31, ChieS A. E. hoon vinitino reoidentn in the Cloment and Lt Jim Couo tonsrural anoan toi onplainocf Milton Fiee Opactmcnt thse procedoron O Scllom for cîsited eides on the Sioth iurning in a rine alaem, lice and tAocrr Base Lice Soloing anight change of RfdandonJan. 4Lt. Conon rire cocerage boundaries ocith oînîted resideos on Dry the introduaction of regoonal and Brittanjo Rds. betocrri goverisment. the Eighth and NîntS Ijnro. The Canadior,, Champion, Milton, 0,1, We., Jan 1, 1974 9 Name Dave Pelletterlo sales manager ait UCO The oppoisimont oS 0.M. 'Dale' Pelletterio as grooraf f= .nmnager foelUnited Co- oraivs oS Ontarîo's rotait etiso han heen annoaosoed hy tho divsion monager and vieprosident, Don Moirait. Mr. Pelletterio, 43, sue- 00040 W.L Harvey, reooently appoînted grain serovices and marheting departmrnt manager- Mr. Pelletterio joîned UCO in t957 as a feed specialino. A yrar laSer, ho hecaior asae rrpresentotivr. [le worhod in the coontico oS Blalloo, Norfolh, Hatdimand, Went- ocorth. Wrttington, Watertloo "AoyoseochoînsnotnsurerOf ochich Sire deparîmeot toIl in anemergency,nhouldcea the Miltos Firo Department office ait 878-951 hetocoos 8 a._and 5 M.'i,' ChieS Ctoment Raid The lire rmergescyoooherros sit and Bruce and wanrso nibte for salon oS fot.fos grainn, Sertioier agricoltira chenmicaishomrand gro prodocts and seeds. Fred mareteing He oas appoioted feed dopartmroi marketing managrinl192. Hlehannco dls rdond 0 mplemented aIlo fh advertisnRg promotion and marheting programs for UCOs cm ptete liîe of 200 diSferenit animal and lîvstück feedn. A5 member oS tho Agoîcoltoral tostitute Of Caoada and the Ontario tnstitotr of Agoogints, Mr Frltrtterio in a pant-prenodent oS the Canadian Ageicultral Marhetiog Association. For many yearn ho won ae- in trin aim organoaations and hr cs a past prenodent of tho Junoro Farmers' Association of Ontario, BHorn and rained othe noted Frltettoeîo Samily Holstein daîry Sarmina Milton, 003 Anhsiilr Faroon tomitrd. Mr. Peetterio is an hoine qraduate feom Agrieuftral Collegte rHo ohiaioed hos OSA inaia science in 1957. Speciali services Christmas eforo services ocre hetd at St. John's Angli canChooechin Nasagaceya and at St. Gorge'o Anglican Charch in Loocitîr on Dm. 23wilh Rev. L. Rerso in charge. A candtrtîght service and commonion score conchscted inSi. Georgeson Dec. 24 by Archdeacon E.K. Ctarke. A largo croood atfendrd. Thenervices at hoth churches score condocted hy lies. Promoe on Dec. 30. ~rIiampiou wuô »H OES IT ~ECTOR> EARL G. BLACK 8 OCom.R.I.A.,C.A. ChaFteFod Acoontant 143 Main St - Milton Phone 878 6542 A LU MINUM Windows & Doors GLASSandREPAIRS STORE FRONTS W.J. KUSKI SIILIMITED M4 Seoe Ave, 87890452 KAISER ALUMINUM SWDING i Sortit Facia. Alows and Soors. Awnings, Carport and RalPoi'ch Encosuores Ralngs. Eaoonlroiaghing Federal Industries of Canada FSl of Forsythe St. 845-0318 MASTER GLOSS (Alcn Dealer) Let osbeauiity your honte wtuS Sîdîog Soffitn Eooos [IcOiSg Aoseîngs DooFn OREE ESTIMATES U0F/V8F SPECIAL Tooer, auto roor 20F 20F INSTALLEDRORO.00 Dan Arbic Antennas 853 0240 65M-9025 George C. Jackson Reg. RepFee805ative Milton Direct Lino 639-5916 004igs87 200 BRICK -BLOCK &STONEWORK CSiRo800, F!iFeplacen. Reirs& Additions ReaPhone AL COULToON 878-4484 df Addition Renonaions Rec Rosons Ho osas S OT GALLOWAY R.R. 1MOIa 85-4 24 J0E ELLSMERE 87803316 CENTRAL CITY BROADLOOM Intallation to ail flta ra 51.65 per sol. yard. Ail ook guaF4nteed. Phone 878-2020 FLOOR COVERINGS Choosovooruneot 5100F 2000Fing SrOur 000sai*RO0tioof * OalOybhoodi00on * Ciîshloned sh880 01001 Our fully qua11fi84 i05tall00R ca0 lay 003F comfpletflS or0F5 vie cnOouppIy the 80408Fal fOOMan îFo 'E. Milton. 878-2351 BEST LES FLOOR COVERINGS Armtrong Vinyl S.A.F. 21001 CARPETS Olympia Peerloss CARPET CERAMIC TILE Mîlnnlargst and moRt complete homo decoOating 340 Main0 St. Milton 878-3435 Fre mparking aaro sore. HALTON MASONRY BLOCK LA\ NG CONCRETS Floors -Sldeovaiks -patios Fines EsgOmofos Phone CLAUDE 878-6397 BOB 853-0477 NEW CONCRETE WORK WliSt805. Ranement F10005., Guaantoeed ond. CATFIEA CONCRETE RESTORATIONS ITD. KEN BAILEY 878-6853 CENTRAL CARTAGE & MOVIING OpeF8te4 by Hoole Soacnnll e Complets movinO service *Soeneal O4Ftain0 e caFf 380 contFadtoi BARN RESTORATION &REPAIRS 878-3032 caOmp, fiatbed vain IHONEST JOHNNY LTUS CUSTOM TAILOO Remodels Anything TOUR DrF00411 Application DRAPERIES ld lsser Reaired Our excerts ouli cre800 New Celiing lnstîeai Draperies cpe 8 site,., ahboot oor e oompemeOOyoa'0 o1 ecal ins 11pe For Ires in your hume Acountin Sray Cali 878-2513 Today 8013 154 654 lune Draperîi No Job TS BigOoF Tom 58041 Milton 01804 878-3291 PRECAST Enropean Dressmaker tÇAI UNIT STEPS For personal1804 sf01108 and porOonct ft Caf f Lyda Deys Relaoll jre 161 - 20c . PAurs Cothea Concrete Renloralions Ltc. 250 Marin Si , MilfOn 878-6853 dbtt ACTON PRECAST CONCRETE & SUPPLiES * Septic Tanks *Weil1 Tiles *Oter Coocrote ProdUcts * Plastic Semer Pipe * PntpOg Serice 853-1529 DRAP ERY BROADLOOM *Residenial il Inustrîi * Commercial Duraclean» Red aeDapsi tc 87 14f t e y eCtrf Deop ~ ~ 22 Mainm ESrco , Milto, Ontaio. "oc, PHONE11 008 878-2067BoooOsWOdi DeepScn t Extacio CALR Pat As Y LNcEo 878396 acuUl 878-922 ohe 878.5111nqet -Wed Dead Stock Remonal LIMITES Ofnea o04r dusanloot Caifle PIo. 4iO) 62 4421lBioîirmii Lic.No. 299C71 Versatile Band ayatî- able for Dances, Moddicgs. Banquets anid Logions. For engagement col S 519- 853-2847 or 844-0151. dtf McPHAIL ELECTRIC *LSIDUSTRIAL * COMM ERCIAL sF20505 & HOMES *ELECTOIC HEATING~ INSTALLATIONS 66 Charles St, Mt6 878-9513-877-579 Our 2fnf 088F ot helpfui. 878-4452 FARM BUILDING steel Rifif au4 8.oalrs PHONE E0E NINS PLEASE Waferdown 689-1086 M. garnis. formorlo George E. Harris. I SRYWALL TAPINS JOINT FILLINS JO[ SEELEN MIL TON 878-3337 GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR *Oontdel 1 g a Newcons60truction Ftreeiioepouoiswtco-0 02002 DE WiLi.i 878-3534 MILTON MOIST AIR 878-9987 MILTONCo, »ER VICE --"":EcS * NDUSTIRES Cocople JaOitoriaI Service 878-6388 CONTINENTAL JANItI3ORIAL SERVICE -FACTORI ES OFFICES -STORES *WIN DOM CL BAN ING *RUG CLEANING FuIIy bonded & Innureci 878-5127 or 877-9654 BRENT'S BROOM Ge0004 Home Mainenance Rasement-Attic-a400 Cleaup, Faictng, Mnor Repair Et MODERNIZE VOUR KITCHEN Letlus helpyoeO fictkchen I.fOofii e4 efic be4000 incIOding pire fîiisd iûAURIII 878 2351l F411404 Wîotoo Li orryHours Mondo 12 Smo o 2e P.. Tiue day Wedonesdlay Thoirsday Foîday 00 .m.o3208.m Tuîenday, Tyiurndo Fruday 6 10 to 90 80 CREATIVE MEMORIALS LTD. 100 Qtario St.S. Toronto 82601363 BRONZ E s8M. MORDiAIS Sioserîoyf Service Sat inact ion TOWN 0F MILTON Tow Cle5, and T on y2 o PltonO , TrnCof Ciom,leeof Adiostmet T-O S.yooîolocdeol 11. -oP4008000iO Sentn Plont F 878 46171 HALTON REGIONAL POLICE 878-5511 - 878-4111 or 826-1223 NA DAtIN Elecfric Co. LSd. 3153 Base Line Road. Mlton. GEORGE B. THORNBORROW BP Canada LEd. Home 404d Fairm Fuel 0i,. Dieil Gas 24006F Oooner Soroice H. CLERK MATHER Dîspensîng Optîcîns T8el.dyp lo3Up Weekendn.04 itcp 0F by appointmfll Oculins'005 promptlyill0118 007 TRAFALGAR R065 ORITANNIA 0025 AT DU MQUIN Arthur A. Johnson, .D. MILTON- 218 Main St. I -PUBLICATIONS -BUSINESS F00000 WAEDDING STATIONEOT A Ccc, dote Des, gr and 1 Podu cion Servic0e 878-2341 DiIIs Prînfîng &Publishing Co. Lfd. McMullen's Geotral Repais -F4002 ceilionsi Specializing in OcFcete licols, walks, and patios. Cail Dayo collect 40853- 276 F-or Frnt EFsimate BS.. 878-3673 Il5,1 St.E ,Acft-, 8538200 OUOU~CHO 54 mWe&.00 aturîoday RT-RTX-LASER Ortly franchise dealer in Il ff- Drumqiîni Garage Traflgar Road 6 BtF10400 GIL VANSOELEN Horny PANIO 878-4807 ci 878-3040 CON TRACTOR INDUSTUIAL- RESIDENTIAL INTEUIOR EUTEOIOO Cali1 SoU foc Free Ootîn,4005 878-6137 Box 114, Milton. HE LEN'S ART NOOK Main St. Rockwood Arfint Supplies Ope0i Atteroons 0002 Sot. or by appointinent Phono Ren. 856-4781 Plasfering &Stucco Ait Types ot Stucco Nem Planter, Oepairs, CoeCeîiligs AI ffO l 2i 0 103C afleiSynm 68906211 J. D. Curne Piumbing Ropairs 24 Hour Service 878-2452 DRIVEWAYS& PARKING LOTS 2 PLOWS CALL ANYTIME 878-3716 BUS SCHEDULE 40 200 a13, Aru o.c n000m MILON nd6 KITCHENE 040 12000.0 MIlLTOFNa0iHAMILTO40 1Ar. Miton loam230p80 04110 exce et Saturday. Sî,cay, Holiday o- Saoiioday coloy .-Su day or Hoiday0 CHARUIE'S WELDING A2Iig 0004, P.,ont CHAS. SPECi. 878 5365 BOB'S WELDING Mobile Melding Milton, Ont. 878-4987 40t ACTON Baionnoo 0641 Terminai MrehouSe o0c, Divid.ts LIMITED CATHEA CONCRE-TE icdonotîal03cnitue fcfcrs RESTORATIONS LTD ProafoFouoototoooer tooddSoo06e Albi Di Pede iPick op&Seinooo Mosings 250 Martin Sf. ROKERASE SERVICE 878-6853 Phaoneo 853-2320 ACtun - CET HIP!! Sewing Machines SALES-SERVICE RENTAIWANTAOS PHONE 878-6861 Milton Fabric Centre, 0031an Rep.,,s on MI LTON UPHOLSTERING Have your furnitore bea-mion tifully re-oîpholstered by fin - fil ont ceattismen Hundreds of - o in~ fine fabrics train whch toi 0 nimaise. Free Estimate N n 88 obligation. .1 580 88 008 0004 Town's early news L on Iibrary microfilms Il- - __ ý 1 i 1 191 main si milton ý 1 1