6The Canadian Champion, Milton, Ont. Wnd., Jan. 9, 1974 3 games in 3 nights Dufferin's post win, ties Moltion Doirin Qsarry .Nntmoodnr Knis Monre was strono, rtirbing game. Morse Modçntî dres nirns bntwen the Milton Dutinnoon piaynd in lornrtssiitn a pair of t-1t Uns Poonts BramiptonoToisday nigbt'-bter) aod opsni Dunlph 7-4 wian InoDuetphbthefotoeog day foortb ganen 1 as mont' bhren niraigot dayn of tri. Gnorge Tenes led the Dot- oogbts. cooty piay' thin snnk. fins a'otb a bat trick front Ftayotts begon agaiost Datins ptaynd sent ion the dotonce. Dattois pisyrd Strentsotte in aboat to 'oireetss ir Satsrday s'otb sitb oniy ibrer defninsees weekoj soit' Sinsn Hanon, Dosg Tauonerscsned a pair of Steatto aod Pnrry Capsto on Milttn goals aod troe ao tbr defnsi snqsad. oaptais annint an asotbnr . Gay Straib ocao njnctnd frose ihe MeDooois and Oit Lyon os r cto gome on tbn ibird pocloit. oddnd soogle goals for Moltion. TeCaiiomsant Dos-r Turenr scornit ton Ansoint canon teonn Mokn h hminmsael Milto in the fient geniod bot Feooerocitb four, Capots, Mie e rnr o1 s enk tbjt foot Zordo orttnd a Strnnt- MeKeer, Hannon, Rod ook,Mtnronini scole gat tb fosi tooa Dodig od MDonin. car loto onotbnr nnhictn vilegat ntefna hsrk za Ason osao ittoo drises Ut' Fred Verstrarte, l ie d Moito ao kea Aatn n cr eiser oa lot lonat Milton. MILTON FiRE BRIGADE otan ealted toi]t bock. bittiig thon. t5 Sidernad nar Spoynide early Sonday Milton ousnot Streis-itte to fort, Coob wsea drising inioflamen. Loot in ebIson ser o '72 P iAnAniAn NIoToonlIRLS Monaystt ni gbt ta tt bat atloog Futton St. sen tbn tuk itndtcheto h P a Jo...eO Tarner ws e tbn y on sebo Versirorte-nboctn backeno out iok.M tadncb ntfthOP osi t ndtr ioosie clos So mnageot ta score fronto a o toneot. stribing Coao. cor's bloek beoter. -is« c ta torpn. cita Rosa Fesser and Pool Sbintds. tt it'rsttn. Gesi Rosis Daiterion sere setboot ose.ao Oaio 620, Ruth Tots- 'svosî Teanitt 617. Mart' Sien-n Hannion oitnr th ' 1[,ýp ss.reagurdsuferd amge Feb. 8,. 9 and 1u stoc'iai o orasotalS 55 lgamensoin Guelph. Agaosst oo'-l-Soe.-itsit loro53, coin fr Sireetsvitte tbe Modgnts ýý>ttrsto ili.îcnr for46 sbaseed admirable rennrain. vvnter -a n i a ev e n ts ic i oa 44aGy MeUtois isred on a ho home of F morning Wth lymoist and ho tire may Two trucks coîlide damnage la $2,500 A otlhoasi triacia irai- gh ines. lan eeinoi $1tase itamage Driveof the lnr10tr trsitnr Tloaroday mointins ohm ti Wiliam Jamsee Rohios, 37, of coilided it isa Fond trsuck ai Hamitos receit brum tie ronser of ighmsy 25 asit ohmn hecolision dirnntait 25 Oitnnsad, jous sosulo of Ac- fls vcaeloto ois ilosmm diorlo tos. Tomino ores ssorkei mlnrn it tap proosn gin esos sot Oaies stensoos 10 rinan snd mnd. Thon '72 DMC trsc- __________________ rienr soit sa omnet loy Lao Niagara, a Si. Cathas- BABY TALK ines bas oin o oy. The Ioerai heatl Csb dsagod leatmn pulicstion, Damage mai timito te thOe. -- "aby Taito", says brai fsonr rab ai thn o<nhirtn. Thee mas ast of lice rbiidrnn millo ns damagn ta thn traiter. dofnrticn speech hase ns Dondon Fagnit, 35, 00.L 3, nrgsoir casse, anit st of Dselphand a psnngr Bar- thne baienso montai defont bora boobin, Doniph, ne- niobon. Thenmajority aremqsitn rnicndsinmrcusnand lonoises intligmnt chititmen seho hae as thoin '63 Fond trucko nie' acnrýymnaloseseof sond rced $toidamage.AUs'ir- rai Horeenoborgor dsernisiatioo. For innsnrn, lises mnno imeatoit aid ne' on s mrano buraf t11 anit "k" sosoit atilon be round frose Miton District ozp thnm. OSco chititmen eso soit Hospotat. a '69 moro pick-up shosuld 10 tsgb ta tell one Fagnt maes mahing a nSf havo sartod in thse Sounit (ono anothen. Thon besi tan note Higbmoy 25 from lime fan Ibis corrnction is tUe siderai an tUe trione (Photoby, 0111lsf bieoen the agno of (ose and traiter opproacbrd, police seveuSaiot. ACCIDENTS In toirl tratOtc, drinnrs selo iny toi ga mselo laiton or sooser tiaon moisitf othoer vclis , ofenncasen ac- cidesis ssd asimasem irritation. Tet' to mairge mils gin irfflir lose-dos't try tu beat fi, tbe Ontario Sait' Lnagan soggnoio- Adsi yaoe actions in trafîie choans E. Robson gets Q.aC. Osntispion rit>' solicitor asnd presoidont of gin HaIton soit Hatton Est Litonrot Associstion, Eiisbh itabion bai beon naseS s Qonen's Coansot. Miss Bobson mss ose of 90 Otar0io Lamynes bononit sehen Attornet' ensersi Dalton Ostos mode theo n -o oosnemnnt. Miss Rbbon tivs in Haito His. 0f the 96, giron mono ladies. Qsnnn's Cosoosoto sean otto 90008 isait of cotion soit sil ai gin frnt of the couri. jEitor's Deskj lit' gsated agaoo. K. teaoders mot' Uc aonderiog isbaftUa ses, couricotor -Rosa eot-mogbt Uc-tUe mie lirtd asna membr ai Mtttm'c 1 974 ootoo a trepaiot'genstoey tast serc. Tber'sncsacb peson, and su acaes are a oitte ed. fyponesr isse ptantppedaieesteapy se thn tint uao'.tttg seotintype. eee'thenproper waotthbnpaogopb ,hoIaad base rend, sols Une mords moosnîfiri east seeeb's stary is bîlarae tt'pe: itepreseotabvs as tUe ses Motton Casnt are Maor -test' MacArhor, Nortb Oaksoin rerefenmaiabs Don Dordo andslatcbtjay, ansagaseryaoand intorepeeoibs Rasa l'onsdiok and Bradford Cl'inni. regiosat represes- laitnes Jion Watson aond MSi. Marjirie Fainyn. soit Milton rerrresenatienAtMnson.JonKer, ban barris andoard Ko os ta Noas sie knou, base it door, Mottas Ktssmen Cloub bolletin t't'st'soy laId tUe otoey of a caotet' oespaper edios mUs ctiaedav tba bigifortune. Asbcd tUe necret if Uts nnocemo. be t'pet'o - atteobote my obototy Os retire ttt o tIs5,0i0 batik ttotosce aller 30 yeacs nitercoutryenpaperbfed, tartiose iplctOs l daty. paesoong a pstiry ai nirict Ummit'. oalsesyn prscnicisgsrgarcanresnfcnsi ny.asd otheeeceot dotb ,A tac 'iode, isba et ritoe itaoas -- finsone bas been araoid brisre bati tOn sseth reprinrbif broc. Ilsà a ltte dogseret courtd "Mas's Pedigree.- Tbinimaosksys satin mssassao tirc Dssasstg tisgastby'ii satd tabc S aid aie tbthe ters "Nase bis t'as tsea Therrs certoin ramai fii sas'i.br tisa i bat mas drsendod (rosmose sable rc TUe scîide di nsnarra disposce Noamaiket'baos eirdsrd iseofc btsreodbnirbabies andierifr And to'as' irrei aer w aisibni menU Te tisse ber tablessmith aotsdnn ta book Or posa tUe as fisse on ta actr ll tbry bandit' bcseioU i n ibîhir matr And asair tbirg t'as mdI inevsec A maik bdd a frnrroundasaa ou tre Ard lt the sasanat manie Farboddisg aU tt abn moobs o aistie Wtty.ift1 potsa feno rond tbistlice Soarntiai seooid faice pas ta nordl frase mn Asnd beres snioctiig nts;e o monk mas't do Go co ai nigisi and ge ini a 'nse" tior os aiu or asclb ai kttfe To e ortame atbnr pao macbry'î 11fr Yes, mas drnssrdrd-ibc srerit css- Bai, brobr, Uc dodi' tirnd amn os! Gine a pinta blood away +4là Milton Legion Thursday, January 24 2-5 6.30-8.30 p.m. Coffee and Donuts Free Baby Sitting I will cater to ail ages A varlet' 0f artîsotino 10 bing pionned for thn anoal minier cannicai te b hetd on Multai Fnb. O, 9, and 10. An effortis ong mad es ts base mait' atractions ibat seul coter la a a-udr comit' ai iteesin. Tben'it br lts ai ipeciaor nsnntn on seti on rampetitice evnois, Rncrnalson fliretor Bob Smott reports. Feodot' es'eniog tUe ibe dayrevnntswl edt ndmisoy mit aniofficialopnngsand treerbrnigoibsRtary ParU. The trer bsrnng bon becnme a 'radition in lUe lasen. Fattssoog thn officiai apeniog od the aniosore' ment ai the snai king aid snowqeeo Fnodos migbi, public skating mutl bc annaoged ai the mini pond on noarbt Cennoiot Pork. fiorts arn being mode ta hav-ehoterehmnntns aait- sUie aI thn pond t ar thoéeib Mosien tin White tbonnsebah rîjayt'hie asidoos are nome ta totona od caase of thn nbating, ibrn montyenoomMavs're teniotianît' bing orroiged for tUai nigbt in tbe case moodty rosse- botondot' wio br o big day miib moe enst plonord ibon ont' indosodoat coni lobe os oione. Sîssemoierae it br on of tbe big ai- cnustUai o bilter nyoirm ai predocituog bigU saine periodo Oanieednd. Inormation prenentit' aaitabir tram aiu faning. cantrodutoey anddout ot dafe. accardoog O tUe Lobe ranils are sader coinosonnidy and anotynis Ut' tUe serine gos moiments aid gaceen- ment agenries. William 5esepting. MP for Raton- Wertoisse, andt Teret' O'Conore, MF for Hlaten, wiii be anbnd Uyt'hie sutorilt' la moke rrprennntotooon ta the monoctry. 001er inonlsin othe levinr Dreat Labro Synise bavn risn sabstanlitit'l dsroog 1973, mnnoiiing in10 iu propert' damage aid maniain Mtoins tbe nsoeine. Halito Regian Cones-ation Asioit' on nappforting resotio byt' iCot' aiSi Cotharinen ts tbe lederst misnit'y of tronspant ta protide opuso dote reports ond fuoise trends. Murarmot'beptoro, genenot manager of the abronit', ti - iTterimasidangmeaossoni- so anite NartU Amerira 1,0to iasi- orerrasibrs. bon aios se saivs-en bot poisaisas snobes. says tUe ileadere, Digest. Aliboagb ihe deatU rate tramn soabelir ostIos,. for tUe coctomo the or- diea[isadreadfoi eperience ssmreimes renotbngtinsrcbo oremitbsaof permanentlrrip- ,s d sooo irntfsion pims tlea ofaandsor IO han 1206 fonin pas te fonti. aibgbandicaps. woramybno." 4 -t 4 tractions. Commutter chair- mon Rab Smott indicos a seui moant if lineret han be baseon or ibat ecent. Oibr e ranis pîsoird for tbe Sotordat' tîctade cross caonty nbooîg demni- sirais, snooboi rollis and demoniraine, ides, a boodicrabt nobibli, o sariety show and o log Ui if campetilice evnns for yong anod aid- tOneao bathn boosedat' rvcnong ises daoorrn seul be bîtd lin buildingo ai the fir gronds. To bands, ose Dam Fa Fa bandoand thneotrdios band base Uen eîgaged. Oie ticket miii admit gamins ta oie or bibh ni tbe O diances. iaecase ibere arr ises ty'pes of manie bning bntd, camosotter siembees frit donrers may esjsyoarchnge ai pore.t2resatttlbecaa inepoogseitbtbecmsoda f lUe Wontnrfrst. Mostibthreerto totnned for Sîdot' mil be bId in Mottai Amisa. Figure sUai 'g demanniraiors Ut' fibe toao club on seil an o beomboî game and a basket' game are tenatinntt' ptoind tir ibot Rocs on. girls Arrangemmnts are beng f)plat' hockey agoonsi a gie n barbet' club. Tbot 10 expected os br, tbe greotent mole- teaoe closh nonce Hobby' tiiggs and SuIt' Jesn King met obeienniscourts. tise again siammer tags mdll br the bey ta the carnival aid ibet' ssii go or note brin mtebk. SE l iF t "K bj - L A THURSDAY MORNING accideint ai tho corner Bath drivers soda passoogor recoivod minor cuisr af Higlway 25 anod 25 Sidnraad lot a tracior traiter sod braises and wnrn troated ai Milton Hospital. r salit bnging ta Lanor Niagara of St. Catharines Towitsg argon bad theo mono cinarnd by loito alter- prone in otoot diieli and a '63 Ford truack bolooging noon. ta Gardon Pagoti, Guiolphn, otit $1,000 damago. (Photo by D. Pink) [WtGIEIK ONISTIEIS ROSEDALE "CHOICE" "COUNTRI ORIEpl MÎAS 1902Z TINS FOR99 CRSTY ROBERTSON'S "SMAIL" AD""E S ABO 30s LOAF GAT ARROTS MAL"EO 3 iLos Ot 1Oo C 100 FOR tl Lo02« 89 Sons-z 95 US UTA LADY FATRICtA CLAIROL CLAîROL ULTAN A ROTEIN HORBAL ESSENCE HERBAI ESSENCE 902TE SPRA CNMAIE SPRAY SMAMPOO OREME RIuSE OORENED19 SOPT OR 6hFO Ofo 00 UOEBD FtRM OZ RDRY 8 BOTTZ. CONTROL. 9 CAN MAIR 90028 --T 7 OR uyDE LIDUtO KLONEX TWiN PAK KLENEX 2 PIV PRERICD 9c APR TWES FACIAL TISSUE 32o -z37CH., 29oLLS Si e LARGE Baxon 2,khll' MAPLE LEAF MAPLE LEAF i S.P. i MAPLO LEAF MAPLE LEAF ci "SMOKED" CRVOVAC SLICED PlOuICS COTTAGE BOLOONA WIENERS READY TO SERVE loz. a t 70e O LB oPO F AC w K ,) CRYOVAC L s FA..1C V C LB. ~n MAPLE LEAF OR MAPLE LEAF BONELESS MAPLO ..EAF "BONELESS" SIO0F MAFLE TENDERS WEET "IN'ER SIR BACON IUIIER HANS PORK SHOULDER MAC 1 .09 La. ' LB5 $1,29LI FRESH "A" FRYERS FRESH CHîCKEN CHIKEN LEGS OR *RISTS FREH EANMETY REH LANMEATY POIk EA OROUNO MtNCED STE WINO an0Y 59 « BEEF 79L¶. BEEF DU LB. SPARERIBS S FRESN LEAN *RfOU,.D SIRLOIN j5 T-BOUE *POITERMOUSE STEAK $1.m39LB NO. 1 USA FtRM CRISP FROSH USA NO i FR059 NO. i USA -LETTUCE CUCUMBERS RADISHES CHIONS QLARGE AR FO CELLO 2 HEADS4 * FO 250 2 PKGO 25c ...2 'AENO1CANADA FLORîDA JUSCY - SE 403s PROD UCE UOA WAXEDNO iRED OR OLDEN TURNIFS 9c GRAPEFRUIT DELICIGUS i FENNO. 1 ONT. GREEN 59 ~90 APPLESc WHITE OF0 LO LB. R3tLw* t o r Authority supports water level checks qç