FULL HONORS were given Thursday when Sgt. Herbert Mervin "Mm" Robb of Pictaon OPP was buried in Milton. About 90 memberso0f the OPP attended the funerai to serve as palibeurers, 'nogna beareru, honar g-nrdi and escort. Aboive , tino bearern carry tino casket ta the grave ut Evergreen Cemetery while members of the honfor guard, officiers and escart came fo analute. Belo_ 01w. tino _pallearers proeeédfrere the fumegrai home tinraugn tine raukn of tino honar gard. (Phatos by R. Downsi Drumquin Visitors fromn Sask. By Mes. Cocil Fallersen Me. anti Mrs Keith McDonu- volt i oflarnort Sasinai cinewan more holiday riiitors mitn noeie grantimo10ee Mes. Amy Merry SinlO Lino, anti aile milS their parentn Jien anti Lais MrOougali anti tamr iy ai Oakrille. Get moul mishen 10 Mes. Clarence Ford Se., a patient inMilton Hospital minh the nu. Bec. Lynne Cuetin. in inter ai Beln iteti Cinuec gare an inspiring message tu a lurge ilungregation for tineir morship an Suntiay, Jan. S. Thne sacrement ni inoiy com- muio as ninnerveti Me. andiMrs. Boy Martineuf Bioomingtiatr enteetainotifoe the Nem Year'o day fenlivi. îles for the descendants ufthe laie Mr' anti Mes. COhee Featneeion. Aiientiing ieom lii airea mer lino Caeyle. Boit anti Wiiliarti Poulier- sien fiamiies, aino guenst tro. New Brunswick anti Kit- chenee. Tmeniy-tire mem. bems enjoyedtih1e happy lear iiy Party. Bîihday grerlîngu 10 Mes. John Greestielti. Clarence Forti Se, Donald Pouliner- .tn, John Aldeeson, Marilyn Ayees, Nancy atm anti Soss Neetiham. 227 Main St., Milton 870-2353 Rentais Fertilizer Pr a speader 1.50 Lawn ruiler 2.00 Rofo tillac 31/2 h.p.12.00 Rota tiller 4 b.p. 13.0f Fluor sander andi etger 9.00 Vibra :ander 3.00 Friige hart 2.00 Shil sar 4.00 Jig nom 3.0 Dr ill1f/u 3.00 Onu 11/a" 4.00 Hedge trimmer 6.00 Samp pamp 5.00 Staple gens 1.0 Boit cuviers 3.50 Post bale digger 1.0 Linuleum ruler 2.00 Laan marner 6.-00 Serner auger 2.00 Post driver 1.00 Rug shampouer 2.00 Wheelbarrow 2.50 Ashftnennt nidise Nourlna annely ratés anallable. Obftuary Sgt. Mervin Robb A ceremeniat pniiefuaieeai Gleeroe, Timmins an.Ily iras hot eh Foulo Th=rty Firmn, minore ho liad h o in honor of Sgi. Heoherit the pasi fise years. He had Morvn Robn etf Firton heeon a Sergeant fer aboat il Decfarhmenî, 'Ontario yearn. Prorincial Potice, mho dieoti . .Fsero rc on Monday, Der. 31. RerliBaW uer nfiiaGraro Fuît paître h onore more Angie a Curhl otriaa accordei ai the fanerai h aoallers norrci Con norvie hetd leMeeruie stables nclu.ie Co Fumerai Home and the inuria niahiot Bll Buii aond ai Evrgreon Cemolery, ilisol Bupt ours ait nd Milton. Oser 90 muembrs o ni our Rotiln o M ittonF the OFF attendet, inclading anti four o tirs rom FIre Oepuly Commissioner Bird OF Tino c lganOd mas dra1oed Supi. Roai of Bellerille mfitins aflafetmounitome District 9 ineatquarte anti ofiro siarrie on gt. uinin tour staff anprinlenenia. g Rb CaO ied udao ,napl Barnalt Milîneelinta, St. hi ueoh y . t Rahin ma mow nu 1 o s in is 600ya area. Ho aiieneiid schani ai Ho inosues'icd iy ii mite Milton Heignin anti Milton Anne Faliernon anti a ste- BignSohooi, firtuhente ai non James Hamilton of F. L Robnertson anti tino Burlîngion. Ais o nurîsine r Pla in 1.r joing areinroiiners Robert andJon Georgetone Police pari- of Milton sintors Berthna ment about 30 yeaen ugo. Oronin ai Campiltrilte, le C0PP 2t yeaeu Annie Buckn of Milton anti Hie jinedthe OPP 27years Marjorie Dininer of Pitt- agu andinerrod autan sinurgn andti 100e granti Hanonon, Newmuket: chîltiren. Lake Simcoe tops for ice fishermen One of the inesi spats tor and LakneNipisng minier ine-tînhiof na Laine For lueliner inlormalion Simcon minee eurh yeae inntadiof a copy ufth 10e970 more linon 4,00111 (in lits tint Ontario fieing rrgulaiios tino trooen laine. andianuoficil iinmy map. A î'ariely ni spari tisn in contact Mîninlry ni tnduntry availabie, inctudiiof laine anti ToUeism, Trarel Service trout, wiriiefisn, inereieg anti Branrh. Hoenrt Stock, 9100 porcn Boy Street. Toronto Bail and tacklean ie pur- chase i at nores in the fish- hutcolony. Tie-upsandirods Or b rented. Rentet huis. oratien a cinoice areaand mored trom uie t0 Orne as the lisO move, are equippeti with hueks and lanterne or roued-the-rtoek fishing. 100.000 fi shermre It an ieenr rutimateti thal Lakne Simene arcommotiates oeil oser 100.000 fiohermeo eVery mieter, and that thry catch noveraI thousand taOn 1mait anti ovr a quarter nfia million whitefish, to say noihing ofherring, peech and lither Ontario taker popular mith, minier tisher- mnare Lako Couriihieg Emtaaybi Newmmay ofteereing to the unemployei îbweati them araîtabie mta cme PRE-OWNED' e e WMMKLY SPICIAL. 1972 CHEVROLET CAPRICE 2 DR. HARDTOP * V-8 Automnatic * Power Steeriilg * Power Brakes *- Radio *Finished in Autumn Olive * Vinyl Beige Top * eluxe Beige Interior * White Wall Tires * Deluxe Wheel >oers *Lic. HAW 112 ORE OWNMR * LIKI NEW Salte Pr/ce $2 9 95. Su0 Thi .. #4d MVany XMoeFeufl Preo-owud Ouaiwuieeud Auliooàioil.... TRAFALGAR MOTORS 409 MAIN, ST. <%t MILTON 87&u2U09 The Canadian Cinampio, Miltn, Ot, Wed., Jan. 9, 1974 B7 Conservation Authority remnains separate body Begionat Ciuiman Ailan Manson unnureti Haliur Be gion Conservation Aut ority fi miii romain as a separulo ioy anti miii nol Or a Isorbed in the regionu] gnvrnmenlusrutue. par The local mueicipalilien miii stul Or respaonie foe repeennaion 10io henoari Allinougnot in agreement milin lOin patîcy Me. Massmn naiti, "t am jusi une rote en thoug0 1am chairman"' Tne region mili anin theo four HSaItor munîripuiliies Lo mane rerommendtiaions for appaînimenir lu HRCA, Or lti HRCAns bari memneen ai lhinor meetinu Tinurstiuy evening. More invoaisent l.'m glati il's "vtavioa an aulnority." Mre. Munsun coniuei. -Oui ihere miii prîîbabiy Or a more tirect approach ant inoiremeniny tineregîona guî-ereimenton the cmit alune. There is general critirîrm tOut tine D. 0.T . .L F , a yn. conservatin authority inan unconîrottei spanting ahîlti soi coniretteti by iaopayiog utiorîiies, om tuer the regn miii go, t ranit tit you. Mr. Mausson projectet ai the regional gocrmen miii bceniremey huny for the 0001 ihreyears Ou coulant( tietinîitey pretirt tino futue tartne intiitual memheersof the auiheîity. i.R. Currie ao OPTOMETRIST B URLINGTON i i MALL i Toiephane 632-7708 i RIENT A CAR FROM EGELM AND 4.COR TI NA * COMETS G 0 IN STYLE Foi Oarefiee Motorîîg Pleasure . .For a Day! a Weeki a Monthl a Yearf Drop sn aid see us. Oui Ecoîomy Rates Include, Gai. Oii, Insurance -SPECIAL WEEK.EN0 RATE-o- GALINE MOOR I L i i 1IITEDIi i ~ I Put an end to unpleasant, dry uncomfortabIe air with a Wait-Skuttle Drumatic power humidifier. BaIanced humidification prevents drying damage to fumniture and b-soaw floors, Quiet-running and featur- f,* ing fingertip control the Drumatic wiII help you enjoy the great indoors - in ultimate comfort this winter. U I ~ " EAKINCF HEATING-& AIR CONDITIONING TMPENiNDV SPECIM l" LàUTOMATIO PGWERED HUMIDIFIERS FOR TOUR OIL OR PRqfC, CAS FOROED AIR CMLT FURIAGE ofl PHONE 878-4378 MLO SUPER PRO BURGER 4 0ý fil f 1 MýIT1N1;1HLU;ý (,IIl',P Y f A CT)N, If TT 1 !CE iIiE WI1T1 1 AT MURRAY HOOD DRIVE-IN ON STEE LES AVE. $8995 MILTON