Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Jan 1974, p. 4

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Grant Bants tpat tournament A. tot-ge cromd ut Mllro Minur Hokey .tn ibuiots Ouied fib .rn tant we t nalcb tourne lt-on 14 dit- tnt-eut tacets plo3t-d vomes contending cceislips and cosoaio etompftt- sbipoIlwa timeA second yne a mairt ltomesl tas been boet by tbe Millon Mlisor Hockey ot-ganîoatlon. Multin Misor Hockey prosideot Johno MeLean puistl eut the "trmnoun reospne'oatte gte - we uplroelast year- Milles loaces cumptm inc rock nf the four classi- fictaions. Thse minur Bontics oece todtnd minnes of the toornocest, mior ceidgnts wet-e prunen consolation champs and Ane local mino- aines ad pn ees nuods lenst in lienm ietof chaoc- pbmoitilp play- aies and esldge croons an a Coîbogesed inor Pce Wen squad nwon in ttnit- division. Stonybrouit (London Mio cga= :M dland Minur Atutsnu consulation citaepinniipo le ides, ol o tut-samét for Minor Teoces ceas lalthe-d hy Milton Mino- Hockey Association pent presideot and tournny directur Je Wilson tant year. Thn associatin prncoeded niA lte tauroamesi ceien Ahey touod ce taurooces ocailobîn lu Miltan's Mient- ltes. 'fRotter titan tuotlog' said Wilson, 'mn taced Dflciating ai Ane taurnit- ment ceas pt-cidnd frenly by lte MilIton Referons Asuociation. Moeitors of the association -olunteeringiitnir lime for olficiatiog wern preseondceiAhplaquesby the ceisor hockey orgasnitan Salocday ahtecoen. NHL linesman LenStiktn dosatemi lime lu t-oInt-o Sautes Friday alienoon and S 010eday mot-ni og. Bruce Hood, due o lits oeec int-ry nos onuble lui attend. Millon Misur Hockey helprs and eens of the 4 The Champion, Milton, Ont. Thurs. Jan 3, 1974 êkrnmpîjoil srth Opiitcuworked ai thme gan= rug= ut lte tasroey. Il s boped' liti thu then cercti heo A noe amena seul yesr lte tournomont miSl haventhe use oflwo sheetsuuf Hood's knee recovoring NHL ceInt-ne Brune Hesd bas iait Ane coul ceesoved Iroce bis loguondilaon Ane toad 10 cverty. He plans ta oit-rt sating agois on l'o ceeis fire 00 sa lnokiog lot-word ta getliog bock lu ceork. liood s prnseslly travollinol bock and lotA tei Moplo L.a Gardn for ceoroing Iceat- monte and esng the Miltan Ho tial ceiirîpool sn the ateens. Jeint lite o day's esork,' ie enyn. Heno nditisn oe nitile payig b taint at Ane (ttroScmnol tat-tAn Del last flt. Ho plans 10 relu-n ta Ane game sonnc day but sot in lthe icemediale future CHAMPION MILTON GRANT HAULAGE MINOR BANTAMS Grant Bants top thre contonders Miton Gt-ant Hautugn bleue Bantamu camne out1on to oftht- r« disin aI the btss Be-tMio Toa- n omc 1ntineck -Anheoly mtlton entry lu, wn o ch aespionshitp. Vicliesn Reomet-ille Barils ne-e the tictints et an O- billon aI- t ack sn tbe f -et rotund et the Dog Ft-aneand Bill Lyos hoth sortedu pait-of Hooler rouis in the Th orsday met- eton coolesl. Singlns carne t-on Dv .ont-me, ftni Carctwright, Carl Capuo and et-an lT-rne- Asstts wento Frarnenith te., Lyons , Carltright, Brt-nI Flt-eron, Don Habkirk and Wally bacEay. Secel-lionl The Grant Bars lt-tned thnir attention lei SaltfecI in the emt-ltsal round and carne out &-4 wtsners. Carl- writksredfroncenteice toestartbMilton offlith Frarne drawing lthe asoist. Habkirk mode tl 2-0 t tont Tut-ner- and Cartwright. Solînletes Fete Harachek lessenei =h ga ut Haule- iloroden chc idn Mttton's Ibird tolly lt-ont Lyoss. Habbirk and Attesa Crtsrt contt-ihutnd bock tei bat-k goals niith Reb Champese belping Crisrt. Fulelitacay H-at-ocheh and Yakotchik Atomn Meds downed after declared win Afier a deciared win oer Touh ttone thonr Grimsoby couoterparto Pool Rentoo iouchcd tbe tisursday eventng. Milton t.tne for Milton otter taking Dors and Dents Atomes foceia opasstfromRicrbChoopou a 9-3 Markhote Mtlltonoires Rondy Fersette foiiooed on drubhing Ftiy afterceen in hos boots with onoiber Milton the 000vcr Tooooctent. marber. CarlUEmersen ecored to Roc Warren, Addison and stort Grimsby off Tboceday Dan McLeod turiberet the sîgit bot Ricb Chontpooe t-e- Morbbarn toto piied tobis second pet-led goal tocs andflensowrre lot-ced a few meioules lter. Scott to play withoot teirfasiiar Sorces assistei Chotepoon. greecswoeaters hocoose of Firsiobsit Motbhom's colooring, Tbey Milton teck a minet- penalty ote the tonn teogoe's Pon- in the t-t gotoe bot doos tiacseaes onorded the deciston onthe Champ bisais et tbcir bit-et eket on Morbbom teox the tour- goal cornent atomcharbmposbp Rt-ton Idattansetorteet Mark- delcotisg London Stoney- bomt oi Friday bot its goal brook 3-1 f ote Saturdoy aller- waa itnewered by Dncand mn. Dent Scott Morey fromt Bar- ncs. Speabers t<eitk Addison andi David Teel scored apair ofgoalstfor Sente speakers wko dosIt Mot-boom itb Camn Stesce bnow mit te do wilb Ibeir adding a single fort-hIe bonds sboutd t-y clampiog Miliocaires. thbrm ecer ter moulin. BADMINTON AT Milton District High School WED. JANUARY 16 7-10 P.M. FEE. $5.00 FOR 10 WEEKS Ragioten unfy ns MILTON IERTISI DEPI. 251 Moin St. 878-7211 Traîtait istruction- Tanomtsod corimtition0 im[Lcie hoth conlrihoted Saltflent goals to mit-o cfoser t0 Milon bot Ct-isci put the gacee anay for-the GrantBarils when h srt-dlfront arndesuand Chacepeus. Hat-arhek scoed thc final tatly lo- SaiflecI. SoîtiecI look meenmri penalties 10, bitton's fie- With a pair of wns undot- Att-i holis, Barilo ne-e sltalom t0 mccl thn bidlond tedosmt Barilo lot- ttc tout-oey c-on The Grgiao Bay c-en tannA 5t_10 on slrong billon allack.t Ct-isct slated the- Hautnro nith bel p frontmHacsden andt Dan Nadalie. Andrcew Zorantcki eeenedthe coren fot- Midlund. Habhit-h ecot-ed billon's s-cond cearbe- hie en Black tounm Midland twne fronm Rob Chantpeoe. Lyns and Catwrttight ecot-nd Millos final geaIs nitb Fcanteaod and-n d-ang asi n tht- Lyns goal. 4POLLOCK ANDO :~CAMPBELL -- h Gradnett Mcgtatcg 4eýGALT fce and minle hoblke ta Oc- cocenodate AA and AAA Wilson le foz-caoting opt 96 fusonta t ti sui0 uona Miltan Boscot- bint- Tour- tinnent. No play MINOS MIOGET âmsiFbabJ Miton5, Bay Ridges 1 Humpemr4 Malam 0 =arsis, Cnlmmgwood i Flnash Coùiý;t-imt FotErel , Stoney Cruelle Markom , Grimsby 2 8,Ba Rides ilC W end a Canolaio Plm " = 1 ifoF2 CrErieîl ReOel Milton 3 Fort Me 2 Overtime win Dufferins bounce back for CTC's win consolation honors Milton Canadien Tit-e Millon Dufînrin biidgeln lut-enfles ptayod o regutar bouncnd bock oller a loin In sosson gomes ot- competed Ane fiesi round et Beocor in ooy tournucenin ocor Tono amont play ci Chrimas meoi. coGlto ntn risby In recont play Ane CTCs baid hontesr the Dultarens 3-2 hoa Buligon 7-3 sspped but Boy Rldgon fe11 5-I and Storll S-nd bonI 4-S 10 Fort Erie ceas odged 3-S In Chinguacoeny. nuddon deai ootime. Ro-c bioeitay ucot-ed George Tronco oit-btd Mil- lwice in urjington im AlIn tan off agoinsi Gr-imsby 04dm Fr lly, Bt-ore Voyce, Enth A inl front Kecin McCoy but MeKnnso, Andro Wynman G msby's Ricit Ooudyn oand and Mite Leulin oddiog sin- en Torling put Aneir club up Moewitruy and Se-g Mac- a qogoel - cersito and Davn Anderson Duffermn Dav Turner pot- nesced ugoiesl Ctang. 104 Ase equolice- front Troes CTC's resue play Sooduy and bicCoy lter in thane o gt i n Guelph. bol Chrin Finher fininknd the Gaeton scores six Optimists bow in semi-finals Miltan Optoceint Fen Wees ccived onty one miînct- non- boed i n Ahe seesi-Boîal round tnce. oI Ase Bever Tourooceni Gcetan opencd Ane Stree0- Fridoy olleroiton o lurival v-iln escountar en bie net- Steolucilîn Lions Cuba. 0pt- td o mut-ber t-oce Pol Bob- ceista cet Sîrentacilîn oSeiri-t. Bruce Robton and discot-ding Glrimsbiy 6-t Dan McLaogtlin came bock Ttut-nday evning. ftheA CubeomiA o poir of Jony Gatntasunpplind fie rouines escit. Milton goals as Aheclub ceaI- Jim Neweman po11040a Mil- bcd uceoy mith Ane Grice o nhy a rntsc Scrutin and gain. Btion Scrutini citippcd Buier but Robnrtson quel- nu An isA ckcd Ane ilton camebact ceiA itIird goal of thn Assise ent to Bradyioda- olît-rnoon. lin, Richard Shannon and Ico tt-nioilleesoced 001 Anth ZuboiAln wo acitandnin- finasî ceit Ay tlS 7-4 ta lestaFoPl Rohots, Fout But- CoS ingnced. or Puli Rohoon and Btair Fi llpo FeIt-r Fisiter ocorei for Grisby. Dptiiesîs oece penuliced t-ticn ceite Grimsby e% e SNGWUOIILE OLOTHIN _RO SALE I% OFF 0~ clalhing r MHILTON MARIN FORS THE SERIOUS SNOWMOBILEI5 1973's FROM $5753 SEE TH4E C n~ 174s Codet2530 LISOAR TWIN SEASONS SALES & SERVICE 7523 WinStsn Churchîi Bled. 82643M SOS of 40--5milsE Dufferons veines ie srored for Grimsby. MlI goals ceere ncored dur- img second perod. Milion touit Turnera met- vices for the tout pae after tihe forward non ossessnd a major penalty. Todd Corradeti and MCy bom found the mark twic agaimot Boy Ridges wehi te BiQ Lj'ons cbippnd on Miton'@ fia ntier. Lyns mincis Lyns oiarted the gaeso (rom pets Rota and Pool Shields wiAh Corradetti fol- towing up trn Stove Hoonoti and Doug Strat. Doug Browen arored Boy Rtdges' only goat but McCoy citargodlie opposition net for boc tabck goals. Cor- radetti osoisted on bot miii Hannon and Ferry Capuo draming sinipe assiste. Corrodeti fininlmed the Mme front trat and yRdges funk 13 ce nor penalties ta Mitan'o 12. OL cd rsi portad goals an Ane Duffeclnmucnd opni u- E-e in the final coooa round. Rota, Guy MeOuinesu and Jies McKerr direur, an- Wocnn Charles 104 lthe Cotreltibne tlnnsps a :0 IA fotan t-s. a leA *i 4- I MINOIS ATOM TOMRNAMERT homofl Fire stn Sltsvilloi. Bmsvife SionetrmoaCollsgocd1 eSeiFsl Staneybro2, Streetsslls1 Mmrkham 9, Miltan 3 Coitngwood,,Boomvile t Bolifleet , Grimsbyl2 FInals, Mornselaton FI ah; Sotfleet , Collisgwoodt0 MINOS PEE WEE TOIJENAMENT scoes Fi-t Round4 Saltieet1, Hespeler 1 tSattfleet decleredmlinner) Coigwood 4, Mar-bboce2 Siceetuvitle , Midtand t Miltan, Grimsby t Sensi Finale Cottingwood , Satileet t StrÇetaville , Miton 2 Consolation Sent luais Mot-boom , Hespeter 2 MidiOod I0, Grimsby t Finals Cottingmood 7, Streetavitte 4 (ummoulntlsm Fimals Midland 2, Marbtoceo

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