Philosobits Happy New Year By EOBbh Oburpe A nenayear, anew ricne. For niolt people thentart of a nena year sa a lume for fue and pnes, on enrcuse for 'niahisg nahonpee." Bol for nie lu' a gond lume lu nithe a convenant or cnractnailh ni "huIler self." 4ena Year's Day sn ferons of lierre dosi' nin a grai Lowville MILTON POLICE, '10W beariug the new title Halton Regiopi Police, lef t their nId quarbars in nie town hall Monday and meved lu a larger location-the former Children's Aid Society office at 48 Hugh St. Fermer chief Ray Andreuu taped a aies te the door (abovel lu announce the move as Serent Bill Palterson looks on. Stennerapher Bannie Duimstra sifs on an ahandoned denk with nething left but the coffee caps (right) in the old office. Patterson Iheloni) directs moveru with a drue di1iilay cane in the naw offire. (Photon by D. Pinkn) Planning ha Mms. Bas Niafocu Rev. H. ricîryn sermni tapie Aun "Day by Day. 'The euiphasîn ns upen daiy leiieAicg Janue. Yeu anst ho an inspiratienleclbternaand netirealiziInf 170, HacAri wan sîcband cn drbi. hie credir erarpsbîgieor a lai! serntersa. Ha Arer the Mrsîab Alfar woas broe bath aras andl bad theniis aass Shr ieued ibai sbr ceuid carry a pail e! Aaerroeacbacasi Leavng her pas! brbîcd. bee ahut tho preel'? AIl na 1reranhr tdi e iea one sirp ai a linir The grand- laiber aioab lîgurrd beev naany lîchu il Aeuid bai-r le nite in a year, and il huit a cern-nul breahden. Wen il roaind that il bad le do jani oeriiahaaiia iiivanai] rigbi a g uic Grava s sul- licieni 1er yeur saadn. Eyr hathet eiea, or ear heaad thergieryihal Ail! barreaeaiad iyaur seul. Aooivnrscry Nec!t Sucdey. heiy aeîî Ebenezer party on anniversary rotaion il be obuernd. Chai-lie and Lii Thomison o On Jan. 13, the niadrii Saha-day cighi, ih a party cuiinitr rom Morri sice wil! ai Briiahviiie Hall, on th1e cendari theservice. occasion of heii'45h nedding Th omnt shnrn acciversai'y. Van Man inte . Greier LADIS'rLNGEREh SLnEPEAb 878 (àf l ,-5744W11 ( jjl fils lve. Chirist ulipp berea Cisu usn Wr eon Ifonpi drey tbeni The Mni P4 huiler Jobs and i oorth don!, il's jonf anther day, lus 24 youon lister uhas nie day hefore. Bual mne il na niniefhieg like a stop aigri. If yeu are an alerl persan yen were inahich yuu have hors tranellin. Are you nieving n the Mais SI. or are oina Several are iii over holidays fYMrs. T. anhcn Russel and Jean Coulon ieus nenit le ha s - and faniiY are sewniiing rf Persasorneasns. aroued CiearLahe ai Henry alin othe conmniiy and Jean Haninhanan. l naifh the Blu oser Toni and Bah Haninhane lias. Eleaser Couller have ose le their collage as dnetleeice andhrohe Oller .ahforlheaarhend rnon sIlong hore ibey Teîîî, Neida Germnia id read lu nil donan la ianilynaeoeusnahoiiisgaît tiausioe ai Engene Eganvilie ever the heiidayn. argarel CeIerS. On Chrinstmas Day Jach, arr. ory le roport Ihal Audoy and Biais Ceuler da- C0ulo i in Millon cîded nellte drive on the lar le t0! aed bis ninîher Au. Orangeville le Aîndre's lasili ihere Wr naish nitehrrand dad' fr Crist bath anpeeJy reco'ery. niasosnlhoe eetdayîtheyAaent fHecd sarh up asd brougbi Mo. aed Mas' senonnfbeeornhave lefi Harveyhbachniîhîhernifor a irt nf the contry for a visil. cie e i he sorfh. Mr. and Mos. Dava Secer- i and Margarol Bren oigne!f Belleville naorr guesla cniiy spenl a naehko eRichard and Hren Sover- of ParrySound. OifiglAs eeh No rush ta purchase hospital membership Thora basest heen any rush asd the nirdicai staff le purchaun nienihaohipn in hespîl aie reiinde Muoin District Hospitl lagiSetl put hoa he Corperation siocethebhonpital ce ahuriln -meuld bac hoa rd are ned il Aeuid the Milton hespitli recomnin d ahotien legisia- aonsasiance la palien lien ha included ie nie bospi- maust nana go le Hai tlis by-fanas ai a special Oahaiiio, Burlînglen e carper alin shareheiders enie for an ahurlîn. naarting schedeied 1or Frb e 6. Alas peisled nul sn Enprclisng a fooid of puhie siens ai recenf heapifai oC 1eonfr and agais the meertings Ibai neiîbe ahurlio issue, the huard ns nadia ceoniliar e adv'erlisig the public niarl- bespitl board arr ienn0Feh.6Oandithefac nausy ilaver of bat , in oder le vole an the ahurîmens dose local: hy-lana canges due fer 101h froue feit il naisi cosideralien ibai si ght, loin the nbaoeboidr nienibers mauet have nhijo spital ta avethop ienibarsbip cards ose mnienl iy le pet the ingîslaliî in advance oI the mearting. rîfeci, il ibey se desir The deadiso fer purchasns The huards annerie niehipn is sesl Mon- ofils itennlereeon day, Jan. 7 ahurlies Irgisiaio bon Jengravrr iiurry ef leilaro f 1km Au e! Friday, bonpitl offi- epar, nies! ni icate cielsureporteiyrron pirhee pee *ponhe didetwal bave anhed t'or nirnihrsî inions alloed ai thr cuide, nabicli van! $b each. buspîtl. Oseé of ibon was a local nain maannabe buys oe eery ynar aeynaay, a honpîtl officiai tld The Chanipion. "Wr have For Quality ggon e AtteFbur medn thý~ ~ ~ ~ TONta hreodrswl potltleo oacon , c ' de]wihsve u ggested . cf the d the books cor a ts Abo silton, r Tor- discon- huard -r thr or the havief y, bu! n ibro t ahur- alley? lu tire a jay la Yon, or je iljon! a drag? Il ynur' lire bas ne! heen nahai yen hune nanled il ta ho, then nana, ai 1his Newa Year, in a fine liolo te change the canirael yaahhave ith lire. Wr are ioder an ohigaion la ourselven la have a happy aed ahuoduol liae. W giaelthe ordersato aur mnindilin lardnlivrnthe gons.tIf Aie ordar hoit ihings boi , air gel haed hach laie aur liaes, hat il vir send nul gond lboaghlu iben il lu gond wecao espar!. Our mntsal attitude la lire is the ansnar la Ahai wie gel ot0flvn ifiastlyearvau mis table or yen. Ihos yen ero'liin uhnailh yur 'houter soir' as yen should bave haro. And don'l forgel Ahe made usan ethe lion! piaa. Boîîg God la 000 ias. Why n!t ahe adt vanteageof 1974, maho il a happy and jnynus year hy * mia h ie tho scelle Aii God" lei geai! efyeîrbaeg- eps and lat Hini gîno yen Lifa_ lire an il shud ho. Happy Newi Yer, everyne. Parking law police job Halles Regional Police AilI cotinue le enferce parhing hy-lAns i he nohas section oi the n0A toAs of Milles. Milton Council-elec oplnd le go ihal roula raiher Ohas deiogaiing tha oesponsihiiy tIna hy-laa osorceoiesl olliar, ai a mieting Salie- dayeiersisg. Use Oakville garbage site Milton Conaîl receiaed a louter 1rm D. W. Bronan, lee'ecierk in Oalle alîbeir mearting Salnaday cenfirodsg "'ran, 'nren" le hune Millea e garhage dumped ai the Oahe-ilia dani p rani iiiein ea. 20 Oaîvlia hadl rariier agreed vrhaiiy le provide a place foa Milles le dunip ils garý baga unlil the onde ofihe year in disposai of garhage baconien a prehieni for ls ragioaa ceusai!. -Alart the n0A year righi, adi-anme tha effectie wA iih Chamipionealassifiods. -Sludrsls ended a 12-day holiday Ahan they reiursod le classes today. IONTARIO SCMOOL FOR THiE BEAF SENIOR AUDITORIUM - Ontario Street, Milton, Ontario SIJNIAY, JANUARY 6, 2:45 P.M. The Champion, Miltn, Ont., Thars. Jan. 3, 1974 3 Rezoning hearing necessary The Otario Manicipal from ruraliteresideniiai on Nassagaweya Couac! en- Board wilihbear objectionsta Janll2aii10a.m.t tiheiaAii dorsed the rezoning aod the a propoai alaeooeiands hallinMilon. proaeia ucse the 70aces Ai a couic IMeetîing for a haasing deveiapmnî Saiarday oiorning Mayoir The niayar explaioed the Mrs. Anne MacArthar ex- ilaila Regien Conservatin O utimne plained the tand in qaesion Aaiheoriy had oppooed the wauiland aalhcofNniber deoientonlriinally bal Tin-ee Sîderoad, loi-neny aller sanie negalialins and tow hal nedby Campholliio Sand amnenrnts he rpaiL The mayor noeid tha! oibjecions. r _r and Friendly Service SFLOWER SHOP For the bstin Designs -Aniersarjos Arraneents Tri bains PLAZA 878-2881 MILTON HOBBIES & CRAFIS ANNOUNE ... THE FOLLOWING STARTING DATES FOR CRAFT CLASSES N eediepoint Classes - TUESOAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 22 THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 24 Crewel Classes - ATRNNJNRY3 Decoupage Classes- WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 23 For fortner information omil Milton Hobbies & Crofts 160 MAIN ST. 8783711