Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Jan 1974, p. 16

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(Acori Dtsk By Roy, Dos~ wns A SIX MONTE CHORE, Aibino DiPede constnucted a replica of a Spanisti guuleon using booihpicks, corse haRd crafted Wood and patelhes cf collon for souls. A recent immigrant frore Italy, Alims limes ut 50 Main St. N., in Acton and works ai Cathea Concrete in Milton. (Photo by D. Pini His Spanish galleon is maude of toothpicks Olp Dace Pik Alitino tiPcde, at cm- o lyer cf Cititca i'oncret in ilion and o renîdeci ci 5I 'tain St. Acton. bas con- strcted a miniature Spocîith gaitmsu'îitcut uoiof a05 plans or modrîs. Acide Irons coto saîls. made byboond. bacdicraited woodec objecis ccd a bros annitor purntanrd cn St. Petersburg, FIa., lte ip is Mr. and Mc. E. H. Oron Irons HaillIon ar.- cr resîdeots at El Primoc uparlenol. Wr ielcome te Orons to Milton, Mes .Donc Frecice o Kîlitride spent Chitmas day attiteihomerofter nircr and cepitrm Mr. acd Mrts. Regîcald Toisse R.Il 3. Camphelis'ire Ant and Doloies Melcocon andlfamîly werrviiildcivr lte News Year's îoliday Iîy Colores" pemis, Bruce rand Dccoc ingmac formerly cf Milton); ber broîber Darren andblerrandmotthr Mes, Renorti Sbipmn, clot tcy Leoc imade rnlîrely cf lsathpîchs borroised bocks os ships lc cecured cilh gtue. ctcdy tIhe ship plan 41.fo hr Why tcothpicks? tIt s'as attempted 10 bitld tl. DlPedo dîllerent-. says DîPede. said hoe had itocome itored DiPede, cobo came In Actoc a'ilb television and wanted fe, Irons ltaty tant Septemiter, bcîtd somelhing in his spore estimatesbhecsedigbt boxes tise. of iccthpicks and il cons cf gtue cn bis projeci. Totat ccst Tbe ship meancres 38 on- of thte sic mcntisc mort, sayn ohms lrom stens to st1cm and t)iPede, mas about $1it stands inch higt lie cIndy ship si.ip hon o hingedi rusdr s A meor ofc tite Adtos figurebead orfdIrn w:o Public Librory, lte tobyvist ;n thenbope h oros heed 'arr oeabte. 'elt and *cannons are corved Irons Flics Olag Titis won lte lirot project oi IllibtisIgLyeundertaiten by lte ne- Cndion. Lýoyat to hic ntationat iteritage lte ship Rlies tite red, whtite and green lag cf hic cotise ttaly lromn lte main mont . Hr nanced lte lite and Mec. F.A Ranbîd cenuet "ttalia". Irons Ourtîcgtoc and lodia arc cru' recidecn ai 1.R. O iPede is ptanning lu bud lton Wr ortccme ltes 10 a nbîp cf more modern design miltn mthte orar future. fnita dto picktko fise mmuddhave obh Aody 0ant Briao Boni, Anne Mac r Jis Osons and Bruce Homieti .. sal nenesuarity in thol orden of importance, mind YOLut al]five woOld bove 10.h on lte ui.i Aosdy Frank la peritaji boni itiomo on 1073 as Mlo' Citizan cf lte Yser and ho mas 0on reiay in lit yeai itttChamhrof Commerce frbsvariet contribtsions te mmnssauily lite. But Aasdy masalt only in thte noms Ibol monit, me sans bisn riocting lte fermiers marktl, bowsling ai theo lan bowling club, piaying bis iiddle an lte snior cubn club mi ng anti ioairijastsonaIIre nounrysie enertioiog otites' seciors, moriting ai lie Plomin match in nai Ccunly miton ie supervisoti ente timent in lte Halton Hospitatity lent, judging aI thte illde conimit and more recently appearing os TV mithbockground violinnmusic for a itistorical piene About lte oni ting mc dido't son Andy do titis yonr mas pday Ranis Claus, and ltaIs a shame, bons certainly g01 the physique, theo laugiter and titeloikle inthe oye ltaI suits a mon for Ibol tank. WolK sans aloi cf Brion Orsi, toc, in 1973. He coppoi ies six- year loren as mayor midi mit mont bove ben bis itusiestyeaoardate. We sa bis bundrots of fimen, in pmnond cn liteIs pogm o B ionhiîto IJ.R. Currieao OPTOMETRIST BU Rt N GTO N MALL Teiophose 632-7788 aIccompi tgme la nol esa.i =nloutbo cerLainly toc lengthy bo pohlisi here in rO ras seen, in 1973, turlig Indsly te "om, flgkiing tekeep Milton intact s a horougit of rogionsi govornmenl, convening mocceil meetings, appoaring ai paublic lonchons, pssliieg dram tickets, contriitoting te planniog and hydre meetings, nrtind oeng ricIn tonding thtebond of friendship on Miltonns iteiaif, saying thankomitene tbonk mas due, banding out nertificatos of uppreelalion, oppoingland use plans in neighhoring nortit Burtisplon, punhing tomn sercing peojecis, buildi ng a nom office building, ociively sopporfing is citureit, diggig a fîrssti and coiting a riit111, ail lte mitile trying toi henp bils omn reoi msie business goiog. Anne MacArthur aise focnd ber nome in ikmse pages for a carieiy ci reosons. Althoogit ber nome pitbyaprd nscmetottyeur inon lors or anotiter, site made itoodiinms ai lte start of lte ynsr nb sit mo named Wardenocf Halcon Ccsaiy, In thte middle of lte year witen site retired aller 27 ymnrs oIl rocn ikgi oco in toms MacArstaur and aithbeend ofltheyeor mith lte post of mayor 1cr lte neot tbree yeorn. Knon as a ligiter, Mes. Monirtor's nonspoisnîslquarries, iyr lioucconleolled des'elopmoni and lte spilting cf bier heooed Nassogameya Tonship more ai]i duly renorded in lte pages cf lte prs. Site also made nens Ibroagitlber regular meetings of Ccunty Councîl n Nasnoeomeya Couacil, ber spirited eleicon nampoîgo, Jise ber steentos figit to 10 tep itehydrniUne fs'om hespoiling ber area of the township ang assorted officiai openinrn and officiai Isaclions-the tant cf mitici. lte wardio dinser, got her sonneaun conspiimentary front aog poblîcity agoin bait meit.g Jins Rnow, or itusy mensor of Haîbion East, croix mb lithe noms offen titroagit bis rote as Minister cf llovemsment Services but ite oins made noms in 1973 mitit bis aperces aI a itost cf sata eenta sad-turnings and officiai openingi and ii cimse asociation mt nucit provincial maliens as lte ýaritiay boit proposaIs, ydro ine routes, regional gocerniment and tteenergy crisis. Jim has bn an et- fentice MPP for lte riding and il cou saw bis noame, or face in lte newn pretty lrquntly cn 1973, if mas e be mas COING nometbing mitit and for lte Peopile cI mHalton East. Big Jn, hoing a former contractor, bas an added distinction cf hoing one cf lte tom MPPs mito can tomn o drait sod-tur'ing loto a colorful 0cn. He knms hom f0 operate ail Ibat big machinery tiat sitsanound on construction sits, ns miten Jim cmm f0i tors lte finst sod hoe rejeta lte traditionol gold nitovel and climbn aboard a big penser sitocel, bochte or bulldozer and gcugm sala yard or tno of rartit Hons nany Otario ridiogs hacecorainet mininter-MPP mito nan do ltaI? And Bruce HomietI me naced lte bmst for last. Mr. Homieti mas pmobtby nol lte mccl popular but at toasticino lte distinction of hoing thte mosl tolted-about mas in titis part cf lthe country. An Anserican consultant, ite mas clîrd cn mth bis eans cf experts 1n itolp itydro moute commisssiner Dr. Oond tolandi picit an acceptable rouie for Ontario Hydre's big cen soc KV penwer fine. To datre i asn't fournilone route ltations'cepable 10 lthe neigitiors, lthe mnicipal Halton groups hope for $104,000 in LIP grants Chosen by Halton MP Terr O'Connor, a Ciszns' Adi sory Group, chose six of the 20 applica;tion su numitted fur LalInitiatives Prograns A tota of 35 persans mi11 he employaid nith fands tolalling $104,000. Considered ta ho a recommended for a $7,tM grant f0 employ tiscee per- lise Yoats Hnusing Systenn Group Home wiii gel $15,444. Il in a italfia hom for ds PlV fn' e1i Cabville anid m i5t es ployes fîv peol eev 4,0 or is mort tisroughnst the Haltonors Rnpairlaurniture Thte Fornitore Repaie Homi st cuiisor lte bydro. Homiett han the dobioos distinction of catciting mlsat- for Irons ai sides oc titis topic-cotody icants o hydro inin their bock yard, let alose their viciffity, and he's acqoied a pretty titici shin after o roond of local hearing wheretnocal residenlo told him chat they thisit of the hydro route in their bailiitri Ho han iteen a contant, il not popotar nrnssmaiter mitos named mont ho etctsed in the annals cf 1973. Tttere havr beec other orwmmuiers cfi5 bot thse arr oar nominations for the top lice of the ycar junt pont. liii Workshop o bhoom Bni- rceiv 9,300 10 support he os oueos. Pool Project in Acton. employiOg fise pensons, miii renelse a grasi of $14,040. A Pre-StfItt Esperience Centre, Oabsille, soughJs a 07,s00 grant bo employ titres pensons. in signe nases lte unique- ness andi valse toi lte coom- msaiiy of sigme of ltse pro- gram; oatmeighed the stipolatin ltai programs msali only ho accepienifithe people coutl 001 ho oltoermise employei. ommttee Thse Advisory llrosp' doni- sioo mas acceptent in total hy Terr 0Connor mito suo- nt their recommne- fions bo lte Federai Govoro- ment, lise fottoingpnMpt more on lte mommile:Ba Woods, Adminisirator, Milbon ospital; Peter Morts, Cosa- nillor, Acbion; Horry Barreti, Mayor, Oaheille; Doog ColI- tson, Recreolion Diroclor, Georgetso; Mes. Lindo Clipohns Smimming and Doy Cap Organiser, Georgetown; Mm. Valorie O'Hara, Progans Troanarer, Halfa Heing Hai, Oak- Halton Cooniy Direcior, Adidiction Roeoàrei Fommda- lion, Debvhlle; and Mm. Boa Ciendennin, Natiosal Dîror- bo. Epnimeni n to- national Ucing, Dabville. Ite group mel Imice for ins-hsu-log meetings f0 ar- rive ai hei dormions. Mr. O'Connor said! he boped ltait hyhboving sonneitizen onput and tigitor administration of LIP g ranis, lte boo nsoney mould ho moul spent titis year. ARTHUR A. 10H NSON 0.0. OPTOMETRIST 2ltltMain Sf. Milton 878-3673 Action- Wsdnesda asi Saturday ~'1 I b *e UNIFOIRMS e MATERNITY FASHIONS Stooppors Worîti 499 Main Sf. S., Brampton 1à 4161 457-6144 PUBLIC NOTICE ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP In the. Milton District Hospital Corporation must b. obtained on or befor. Monday, January 7,1974 in order f0 b. eligible to vote at the Special meeting of the Corporation For the porpose of considering and approving the. revised Hospital By-Laws on Wednesday, February 6, 1974 Memberskips may ho purcbosed for 55.00at tbe Business Office ut fte Hospital Monday fbmougfs Friday, 8:30 a.mn.- 5:00 p.m. or by forwarding o citequein lteamoont of SSSO ta lte Hospitl. NOTE: Thte location of lte meeting wiii be poblinheti In sub- saquent notices in titis papier. A. H4. Briffon, Osairman, Board of Directors. ta&tùn JUJOIT ow Ir: e t 202 MAIN ST. MILTON P>Vle Vf 878-4472 LC.4...

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