potiticot future hîomaan n'hen aile n'as elsasea teanden of Maltas Conty and inOhit rota ted Oie only an 110 tras- forarion fesoiaun a eegisa mniniity.Lofer in Oie sainie yesr Oie lady e liticia defeated Milton Oyur Stion Seat for Oie eiaupart cif Oie yoe. The a.,o. second f ire in theee weehs oon' Aubrey Ricttarduon and bis fonity of s ejected fraie their home on the Sassagavveyo and I Sofoty Cornerj ON FREEWAYS, snow plotes may travel in tan- dem with as many as four plows following each other, spaced about 50 feet spart, Do sot try to pass between them. There isn't enough room to do so safely, and thse ridge of wet snoon can throw your vehlicle out of control. In spiteof all prauioay easron desigoed to prevent swpins' coltlisins, these vehlicles are i'ulnerable fil great rosiyacidentss'ith cars elerywisler seasoc -visîbiliy is the real prableni', explains Murray Sinclfair, Manenance 0pration Eogineer in the Ministry of Tran' qs-lralion and Conimufficafions, -eces thasgh ploies are ail equippedw'îth flashing blue ligts, indicator lights, a reflective checkerboard montd on fie back aod cefleetive stripes on the bonpeer We simpfybhave torely osn otorists to eercise Cautioi. espeeîolly duriat a sen Stormi or snindy, driftise siien'conditions, o'hich is iehen oor men are ot fliere trying ta clear the roai for them." Anoeoaeioatioo of postaccident experience reveals flait neorly hall staff collisions betieen Cors and soas ploies ini- volve a vellscle attempting to ocertake thse snow ploieTfain, be- So yoa fluait yoo'rr a gond driver? Most of os beliece oie are! Wr are also quicb toaogree di hafere sboifd be onricer enforcemnof brIaille foies and cegofafions by Ifhe police. We areeinofoor of coniposory driver eiucation and mosfof us s'os'd recommiend toughei- dricer fîcenaing esoinios Tlfialîbecauseiekoie nare gond dciîers-i ilajuslffiats'e sec s ieaoy silies who are kkieg, The Ostios Sot ety League ecenl y received the reults of a s icey csnducted by Young Drivers of Canada. Researchi froin' Scarborsogh and ialasî Ste. Marie tound fiol thse isajoritfyof drivers qaestioned agreed with the aove recoi- mn'edafions .Atfthe saineftire,theftalons observadtefriving hiabitsoft clone lo 10,000 drivers andcamie ups'ilb sanie inter- esfiof sfafiofici. foOcaeborougfi, 73 per cool 0f lthe deicers observrd did sot enfer the correct i rallie fane whfen coonplting o LEFT BAND turn. while 50 per cent faited tIsenter the correct fane ieben s'aking a RIGHT fAND forsn. Afiso 42 per cent of att dricrs faided t0 conne fo afult stop SI a red figlil brsre tsrning right; Îp,-crccntfaitcd loi yictd lu fn'dcotrians fn crosno'afbs af trottin fgt intefrsctions; 33 per cent faited tai signal Ifirir infestions fo foin; a oolfer 32 per cent (39 per cent in Saufs Ste. Marie), did nof sfop befiind thie pedestrias crosss'afb for a red f raflie Six eon'mon drivingitusaions. Wecoutd paf oueselves os the hacbliheffsought that 61per centof the drivers ofsers'ed poseds'wit fityiog cotors. But whatfabout tinse 3.43s'tsoon- sfiffed the ofserîrd violations? Sefore pointisg a ffngee, sOt- geas, theOntario Safety Leagor, s'hy nof examnine sue sien rioig babils? Salvation Armyl PICK-UP TRUCK Ie Miloc & Ara * IEVERY TUESDAYI 227 Main St., Milton Rentis Per Dse spreader 1.0 Lan rafler 2.00 411111 Rato tiller 31/2 h.p.12.00 Roto tiller 4 h.p. 13.00 Floor sandler andl edger 9.00 RE EME rOs Vibra so nder 3.0055 YINE GRvS EnMI Fridge cart 2.00e O 28 Sh11 sansl 4.00 E Jig sans 3.50 Dri If 1/" 3.0e0s DriIl 1/2" 4.00 Heige trimmner 6.00 Ss'np pomp 5.00 Staple gens 1.00 O BcoIt catters 3.50 Post hole digger 1.50M b Linoleum roller 2.00 Lan manier 6.00 Swragr 2.00 CL M Pastdriver 1.00 Rug shampooer 2.00 L M Wheelbarrons 2.0 Askfo iles nt ised BROUTE ST* M-oury andnioblyrrelu nonitabf n. TIse Chanion, Miltsn, ont. Thons JaIn 3,1974~ B3 ...a busy year in review By Bsb BuetI The yeat 1971 hos bren onie of ropid change lnaond oaond Milton. Te peopte, Oie lad- scape and evea lu o certain Iegree the nture sf Oie toi hosn changed. Eves foies li rioes are signiticastty dittecent soie thos lhey n'ere a yeac uao. The folfon'ng paragraphe; aewritten iiO a vi en ta retiving sanie of Oie event s Which niade nen's ducisg Oiat avenifot yean. Sosuaaseya Serve Mes. Ose MacArthur san' lier KsoF s To n ie. A lire jont befo Chefstonas an Morfin St. lfrt five familles honiefens for the Christmnas bolidays. Munieipal representaîf van and hondreds of islerested peopl e heard provincial proposais for regionof gaversiniont in Ballon ai a mieeting in Hamniltos« TIiot eseslsela series ofnmeeings ino miotion and six nionths lter a bill s'as posard in Oie fegislttre iniplenienting reginnaf governenl in Hat- tas on Jan. 1, 1974. In Josoory Durostone joie- ed the Milton indonfriaoin nionity, announcine plans ta set ap shop aI the Alliance Indontriof Malt. A n'onlb pa olicins ganbd muse' the rr3,Ililil Mopfehorsf Cs'relin Cenre. Tateni- pies is noie under con- struction. Bruce Sf. Sehonfi fate ieas decided in Febrsary ofr Miltfln Councif recriifd n engineering reprthlsi thrsehanfcoatd nslberehoifl for a reasonable cont. If n'as the second sucb report on the schonf. Dorne the soniner graduotes oftbeschontinaf- cbed n'oehnen deniotish fhe building. The leues niony bad harbordtfor severatnionths weetranstornird finfe reaf- il y, wben lbey saw the cen- lsry-old sebont cruonhr lt M ayor Ile afdr ira efi gar Suare TIel building inonerie cpletforn'l bonnse i Trnft. Doniinoila Bank and Besllses'ffy anong soier cernicial and office Plans tor a ne' bieti sebant inMitIons Soiet Park area were annouserd. Il s'as tirsl befierd tbe sebant inoufd bie baill for 1975 but Haton Coonly Board of Educalion bas considred detaying the building of the sebonl onlil f977. Adecision onlbhaleounlt il expecîrd sborlly. Andy Frank was honored as Mîllon's citizen of the year in a Cbanibec of Commrerce- sponsored rient. Milton lire deporfonenl bic- rd a second fill finie mian. i Coulsen, s'bo bad been a votuntrer tieefigbter for sv erat years joined Oie depocl- nient flI finie. The OsIaris Munieipal Board appcoved renoning1 landsxon the Brucl ieont firoperiy Io tacîtitale tbe construcionstfa seniorcîti- aros' apacrnment bsilding. Tbe building noix ondec constrction is lbe second si ils find in Milton. The ladies' auxîlîary aI Fins Furniturs MILTON PLAZA Miltan District Honspital pre- senled the board of direetors s'itb o cheque for $Oif. The cheque n'as the Ihird of fnuc cheques lbe donated, ail for the saine anins, as port of a pledar of $20I,000 e ospital ausiiacyrmadeltoibeeebospitat sn 1971. 'Me endof Macbn'as bud- gel finie in Halton. BatIon county counicîllocsc aised Ibeir salacies froi $3,000n Per year la Sot,0. The saine consecil camne limier aI tacb for tavisb spending on the n'ac- den'sdinner in honor ofWar- den Jini iS'anbnrnugb. Afler bearing aycesentaion tran' Gus floulounki, counecil agreed ta cut bpck on tbe bud- gel esfîrnate foc the 1973 din- ner of $,500to $,500. mhe - tuaI expendilure for fbl rient carne 10 $3,00 aton Coonty Board of Educotion agceed tu s'ait a yeac lx close Norvat Publie Sehont attler eWspaper and ratepayer opposition n'as ex- pIlse The decisionîso close .Ws t inatty miade al a board mieeting a tes' s'ebs ago. mhe decision unce agaîn was po tesîrd by ratepayecu. mec board feltltbedecliningrncrol- mnent justitird fthe cloning of the scbrnt. In Marcb Milton builf a ses' s'ocbi garage os' Nlpisxiîîg Rd. and the pcoîecl cont $1017300. The s'okcbs nisird oui t of the nId s'ocb gacagejut is finie toc il lo be uxedtfor expansion offile xanitary ses'age plant. In Apcîl Roy Wollaston snarnrd succexsoc lo Don Kennedy wbo toc fil years s'oched as supecinfeodent aI OntacioSilebn for tbe Deal. A ournber of parties and fonc- tions ixere belli in bonor ut Mr. Kennedy. Bob Morau resignedtcr ios'ncoiltloaccrpt ajob s'ilb the Liquor Contrat Boacd of Ostio ax an inspeefor. Six seat ocouneil s'as tilîrd by Ron Harîs, formier ev andecounecillor. A proposaI foc 254 wl dsriniurnbosing unitslin tbe Oronle Sf. aro received OMS approcat in A prit 0f ber ,ban p oi- i s ion of fevie Ibere bas bernnoconxtruc- tion ai Ibat site. mhe lss'n budget s'as final- ized inApril and broughblgood nesfor ai Wîtb the betp of provincial grants, to'n taxes un cesideolial propeclirs drped an avrage of $23. Lg ition foc Parbs'ay Selfs on Ontario and tbe Nia- gara Excarprnn coîîfcotî wece announedin June ai Qorenos Park. Bollb piers uf legistation bai-r seirre ion- plications foi- tandos'necx in Ibis acea. Keitb Wallace, an Oaksitte MATADOR COUPE $3595 tENLUN e AMBASSADOR e HOSINET a JAVELIN ckthembetterbecausewebuilddiefbetterL ~NTS MOTORS MILTN Jui N f Nmobt î MULTON 878-2328 dl. bof .1 Jui jepsoro bigbsehont teaeber, s'asel ecle 10 bead Oie Matton Dii- sion of the Ostaios ileondary ilebonl Teacees' Pederatîn soccessoto Tso Ramautr- singb. Afler years ut debate. re- Ports and antieipation Oie legisltlion n'as întrodoeed and possed iniplernrnting regionat gosernient in Hat- ton, The kilt n'as passed dur- ine a session in the tegislatuce Ibaf s'rft sntit a ni. Thse bill wsone oftbosetiossed ost prîor tstbe sommnercecess. if s'as the subjeci of bnsiy eitiisrn troni opiposition rnerbers in Oie fegistoture. Anne MaeArthur csncfoded ber carrer as a sebont teacber s'ben she refieed tcrm Miltn District fligb ilebant. She n'enf on fri ciit aof beconie rnayol fthese'niniei- palty of Milton. Amotiecsfnmeetings wece conerned on this and olber cornn'nifîes in Ontario thot could O h atfected by the 500KV bydro fine. mal issue is onerofthbemoiiontroir siaf f bat bas yef fa be draft Cveiitrcion oI a $1,140,000 isarebouxe and distribution crnIre for Consumner Otan' s'as ansunced in Jol y mhat pl anti s built non' and stands ifiiig fle South aide of Itigti îiay 401i aI Highn'ay 25. In Augmst Bruce Sf. Ochouf s s'atls caame lonblisg doso s'îfb faccetot blos tria bulldozers and denioli- liunîcrrs Many people sonne formerr Sludenfs n'aI- ebed and nioorned the dernolif ion. Webs ot specuiaiiîon ended oben Cbarin'an Alfas Mas- ses n'ai appoinîrd as the trinca gnsrr s' eboice l u ie Salon into i-egiiiial govie-t. John Mai-b, n'bo toc 41 yearv operated a restaurant onMitIon's Main Sf., refîred aed ret lsnn ta live in Tor- In spifeof intalerable braI a total et 22,000 penple iited the anssIù Steorn Ei-a i-co- ion en Milton in Septeniber. ily n'id-Septeniber rIre- tios toi- muanicipal coloncils en Sallton s'en- a sobjeef of rnucb discussion. Ti- Oct. f elclis' sas' Milton residents saine ftbe fil casnti-s n'b iltl guide fhe bi eto rngionat goîccrnmenf. Annei MacArthur of Nassafas'eya asd Jin' Oieanbeîugb ot ilrioglon wee arnd as Halfon's oersnttv s onbte Nia, gai-a Esecprnc Commris- sion. mhe commsission, mnade iip oxly ofomuniipal poii- dasor formeir mnincipal polificians. oi bcbng ai-i-port on tbi- iscarrien and reconinind an official plan s'vibc n'oatd deferonine uses ibat ihaotd e otton'ed and soier pertinent informiation. Ont. 17, Milton tirefigbters wece pcepaiig for open bouse and fi-e ssfety titnis n'hen tbey n'ece catted ta a tir aI Milton Inn. mhe tire s'hich gutted and destrsyed the historie building bcobe sut aorod 6pn'. andn'asn't lin- aflysIs utunt n'îdnisen ing m e. ta. An estirnafed $250,00W damiage s'as done. Sear lIse end of Octobec n'srbers aI Pofysan n'otked off tbe job protesting tas' m'orale and dîfferent py rates. mhreturnedftos'sc aftr a s'ebk of pîcheting. Oiei-600opeoples'inessed Malton's eegional nounicîl bi-- ing sn'orn in ait a speciat cere rnony in Octobr aIcin fan, mhe ceren'onynaed tbe beginning of a nwcui m'unicipalegovernnient. Sine filat finie regionat coonecil and esn'n'itters oI tbe regional coancit baie miet osa regular basin. On Jan. f fthe ne' cousn- cil ftales etteef and the Raton county oncil gars ouf of existence. Docîog tbe tiret reahîfor mneeting of regiosal coonicif, 'en'brrsivofedfbrn'srties a salary tof $,5Wand by doing sa upacbed o protes( fi-on' ratepoyeci in tbe cegion. Bllon Lîbris sent dele- gales toi tbe Onianîo Lîberal Fay's ELECTRIC COMPI TE~ "INDUSTItIAL MAINTENANCE "ELECTRICAL CONTRACTtNG "ELECrIC HEATING " ATES HEATER SENTAIS 878-2048 TAKE NOTICE Ihal h%. Order je Cîsuncil P.C. I973.302b daîrd 5ib Oclober, 1973, thse Gos-ernesent lil Canada estabîishnd the Airpot Isquiry Commission iii inquire intit and repart upon thse air transpottration credsouf lthe central Ontario msarkect. The C elilîtlcin hais tocil O ill fice il sitilo 541, 54îhh Flitii ii hoto DomitiioBank tîtusci. t iîntît Doi ion C 0011. îîî ho (ii\ h i i itîtli Ibom ractîi inv'hîch thce(iillisil sitil uoilttuIc, thi, Isqiiia litt hc hîcil ,tled I,Iiov , i, t-he(iiîoi*nitiiit il ( vida ifileica saiissfii*>ofl ci.îiioic,uoîi.toi .c.eth siipyi ting dicoiitl vhicthe h(loiscî tl nie nt coititi oU ic i cacii.tîg ilis c, sîon, thîl tho fiia,iîpii latioin tîcîd ltllcli h)ntaîîî s'ai ktkicqiiit eihiti tbi e ho etiih ed ait eii Itli îî,îtîîîn,î .\î po, t n aidd o itio to cils elily fiot nltelîîî natiiona.\iiiot. Malo uuandiîht the loca.ition iho nci Intelînaionalil pi ti ho i il sfic ocît Pici îag. (liî itý 2. tbh ioi nietcvii ,iiliîici 11011v vit iled oi ho aviihic ti tosyecoiii hi ici moothotiil tho Pubhlic il heoficett (il the îîîîîîî . -li i s n ivî.iîding 55 tnscsv o i he Citoio îîi meiti( asada. ihit %iit lto apieaîbtît, the, iiugiiiiioiiti tiiot holi t iitiit o % lc it. eqi til fi uîle a thecîc ( l h oi e a.îc li iit to Pi tîptîs to ,iiliIce heoiîe hoc i tit jiý iti sttl n lI ii hu ib iI'iîl;k, t the Ill ptîhli,. \% hio vsi ssli il v, iii 1he ho Al vos , iiiih l n ei,l (il e\it i 1111ticl sic ,îý1ilc hi iîîî îttnî a t fiic ( î,ihni î,idi.îofi.ceii,,t ailIllhif hIo, l Pib vî, hitchceiiicîî,.ciiihctlîii hci oi h the iiitiici'il an ifo ilmciii i [iehîldcii Id'h .(11 [ ho [ie,îî c-cui' pic, c ýIle i ti tî1lcîî,c(ih,ýi ll he cîl'îîîî fil dlil'iclel l Pe1ii ontIl in 1 1,l,. u.u 1 hiiiîg hol ic and Plîîhil hIlo,îii be ,ilinloi.l %i.Iiî cl% lhcl all pin til hiîîiiciv the ,. )pp iiilv thiîtingi Public \eling 111110 il( houic ,îîîh ac i, î.chHtig ,ti iihciilitlithý.Nic tiîîiini.ohsiting\,ii.-c.yiihshnitic plyci al c ag ho mali el lîîî itmtLt Ail inqeuiries aond cflnimunjct2lilliisfvsilh the Comminissioni tir (toiîttîissioneîrs shîeuld he aifdresscgt tht the I-egistrar- Xglîoinistreolor tt he (îiiîîsissiturl" Office. t hainnianu I-hc Hitoaiteihe li. Juiîce Hiigh F. Giitsit f renerat C oua sel u Riiph S Nlctuouh, Q. Refî.,iran. hdniiistralor: i. W N. IJoi me. Eq. P.O. Box 170, Suite 5401, Toronto Dominion Bank Tower, Toronto-Dominion Centre, Toronto, Ontario M5K 1H6 (416) 369-3881 1973 leadeship convention in Tor- $10.100 for tIse isayor, for the seuibers portion ofthie sets. Robert Nion s'as ee- f974. tos'oship nea- Kelso. mhe rtected ina fourn'aycrae. Par-entsxinthe DocsetPark pacb n'outd bi- a hisstorie Pederot Liberaf niernIer ares pcofested thls i o hm bnparb and ouldbriees- Norn Kobib gaie Isin Oie isabe Ibm ses' sehool in tIsai peeîed 10 dcaie feu' 9,f00 tu cloxeut racetfur hisn'oney bt aisfoen ncept. Asacresilt 16000 pi-se i-rl tbe facb csutdn'tn'osfereooughnup- ofýtbaftpotesf, proisioo foc daîly prowsis. One oftheadd r- dernouotabtr seafîs bas Iseon Jusi pion ta Christmasx ots of the convention n'as m'ade on ftbe budget for lIse hi-mati Balon and Ontario lIse resîgnafion of Onitario construction ofthiat iebnofl scbuof facbrx ixaltid ouf id Libral Assoeiation president Construction aftIe ies'îfu i, lhe sebîrns peotesiio fegîxta- .fomCronin. Croninnmade an e uden'ay. lion ihaf pi-mirais tacIsees error inftiming on bey sper- fre' Isaiing lIse rîgbi hi cbes and as arsateesigned A icîouxtîre levieed Bea- stinir ousrassisreigoa tran' bis office. con Cbernieufs plant on Mai- lions as a Isaigatoîse lmee Af theictlasf mneeting in gai-el Sf. Soi. 27. Thefici- domîgîîiegoiaiinssTba is- Oclaher, Milton Couseif dam'ages'asmsfîn'afed ts b suerîva conipte esands'i pmedaoxgpa lue tai escrîs et $100.000) e n hrssih therache-uand iervident ou enpog The Sodandf Comission the proivincial govei-rnmev ioe v icsa Wosffhi-Id a publie meing in.Mil- iîlfryieoconii-feg-ips with. trdevefsesr i b.ot0 ton feandbea-dfocaepouiîo .i lOdaneasfigbn'ayotw le lIe praposmd hyd( re flione Milton fas'vcooseîfl aod ThaiponfRd. io.fs'oufd runfthrough the planninghboard espneîsvl Tenders fer thi- fons nes' Milton arma. Tbe bydme fise is cosrn about the lfutue of aaci-e rre cfid eanty in sfitfa ttapîeandaoneibaf SMainSt. anditherds'nfîs' Soienibe and were recntly 'iff hi- di-afI s'if aeuîc in comernec ial ciiiAs a rmoolt receiîed. The tendrs carne 1974 of tIsai csci-n the town in wetterther$400,000Pesti- Oirieg a Oerenbensmeet- bopisf ei-iaimeioftlis n'aIe. ing Nassagan'eyaiCeîi! yarking cegelafievi asd Milton Couneil setsalaries hi-rd ai-rososai lan a niabi- business ivenoures a of $4000 forcauncîttoni and $2.0SO,00 parI ceniples i mor i-proi-enigyProposi. SIVENTrY-SECOND IN A SERIES AMark of Progress in Milton*:: Wallia lIste îîee public sellant bmîng Isuiltins Dorset Parkb ontîve the shopeof et building taIse in ose Isy Sepleniben 1974. The cr0 i-obic set ir tli srve residect ofe bairas Provsîiîon îshrîng iseluded for s'aiis alffough thenscbool is cosdered ansopenaceiptunit. Ifs'ifl bc the fouih pulic chol i thneoiginal itn Fea rcgroe Ive/7 tnsorasee Peogan II l ..an oseact I}TSURRIGICE 208 Matn Street E.- Milton 878-2894 459 Main St., Milton CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HOURS MONDAI - FRIBAI 0.30 as'. 9 p. SATUISDAI 8.30 a.ni. 6 Om AIRPORT INQUIRY COMMISSION COMMISSION D'ENQUÊTE SUR L'AEROPORT