STOVE-LIXE COVER on the hot water radiator in the old Crawford bouse is just 0ne0of its interesting features. Thse Beswick household uses the "oves' Io warm mitts and boots in winter. VILLAGE. SHOP Horse Cars Producta Drop In soon 1 You'il be gicad you didi1 Bronte St. Milton 818-2391. SAVE 20 % T050% SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION e Fun Fors e Leather Coats Zip Oct Linnq a Dresses * Ski Jackets e Co-ordinated Sportswear * Blouses e Pont Soits e Sieepwear e Hoosecoots e Gloves e Sweaters Pies many other speccais net adeertiseti ALL SALES FINAL *4 He ading for o winter eacation? See the latent le croise coton feateting pastelsJ anti whltes in shorts, siaccs aed haltens. Ail a ie ie mix andi match groups locio 246 Main St. 878-3961 JAPANESE BRUSHES are used by Helen Ceswick in the glazieg process. She aIse uses a large hypodermie seedle te squirt glaze an the pettery te give a required affect. "The place with the Lions" AN ASH GLAZE cas used to finish thts liqueur bettie. Helen made the glaze by mixiog the ashes from her weod steve with dlay Her shop "The Place w 1h the Lios 000 on Main St. sn Campbe ilvlie, beide the pond. VOL. 11 NO. 36 MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 974 SECOND SECTION Potter takes pride in her work Slty and Phele' By Jayot lits Whee Cette Bnso oh heught the big nid Ceastotti hoese heside tht pond en Coc htitto, site bt!t se inteniosntfnpeecsg ashsp. "Nc o~- titoosotr interestcd peopir helcoteIset ctio ceondernt tehes hZ shep cecid open andashctta icy chnsThey ent coises asý In choc tent Oas dot Theycceed see threth the frent ssnsdow that smen ca s pettcse and ct juet teiteonti that Cette cseid ceiceese the te catch. Ceinno selc imes thees tehehctcscuett Ce"cn,shn attaches gneai pride te hen TlHE LIONS LIE te tht senewn t front et "Tlhe Place with tht Lions". licite Bescick's crafts and petîoey shapeocoopins the bottem front haIt Cf tIse large old hose in CampheiIrciîle. HELEN BESWICK shows a dlay face oftan angel sh, cas asked Wo make, o replica of one the contomer laad neen. She is shown in ber display roues benîde ber workshop. c ork ant ics aica ys c ettsttd te knecchee hen pieces ot art are ose Shecis pet- ticouariy piea sed cison a estomntncames bhanhetace te ash ton custem itocs te ho cceeated. "Whateven 1 do. t do ce- tessivety.' secs Cele "Eaoh sucee 1 go te Sheridan rnttee te hase a oehin hlitay. t fied mysett sa eye0eeeced sy the peuple thene asd cae baoh homeccith eccdeas ancd ciespiration. Thcs p s met sho pottets looh tihe neatheonfrenc tht iancons ottnc Matene Levcne a Cattadan cho as chot hen cenh ie Paris, Frneo Last socmmet Lios Cecta o tecst North Atscnîtc expert lic ai giaeiee. taeeht hen Ccc, techeiques. Itiesentes toch haelait hen tectcet te,> hy sotîcet hon pettety. h tIns te matI ce peoiais aed has tht sP- pettcy te de ss ac Shericdan weig hent thns hast tht speocai it nteeded Cet shot. test nocetis epeeed ccficiciiy te t publie s caltet "Tht Piano ccth tht Lions iThcsU coan ehcts naco as Iteis ex- plions, Wheneet aevest ceccIt ceme ce thet veetti say. 'Oh. se thcs is tht place ccth tht ioes'. so chat's choc t catied it. Tht liotes lie ce tht scite et theoetaOe te hon shsp. Thec are made oftbrck anti conte tashcseed aot cho brick sard sne ioattd ce Cacp- hetiscille antino tnon as a tehen«swr sn isietfd by se e eh dsin us hn matke.s osthe ie s onetoa ktti shte scees it and pets the dateson Sic aIse ha oa studio siamciccethe siopeo lisess pot atcd o large IB sn a putcttastt inc tht Dendes t ta tsssoe shot as c nil as at spectol shoot et tht ttahs ilte Artts Society. ced insTortot hsetiq ens. teorI cotisa te tCmp hell, ilie eenad hen tacnctc listd in cOkIle. Thnne te as eceifom ti ceecce diette has besn a gucide ltader tee tht past 2e ynans anti has aise taeght Cenday Soeni ieo er, hon loet of arc aisays tact titot and thte (Cecnphollv ite 555m cas pnecptncihc the tact ttsho heor anstuio. Tht heeso in d'ocphitii oteit'cidhot sc ofheo childhscti hto m ct"otcsstcn that tht teeh cttleluei cohcet ep hen cied tt petrch se tl tts caeymon ise hw 'cet espaed hen ce- te te i painting asti oicc t ike anyting icato Ca ,d nthn hattiiitrtptilt. mc.i hosssothcsî sitho antcstsitt lier s tig cs tient off- seun'c, beiîcing chittietes aendteg han ccth tht cent. lier cihtitre hase tehetiteti thecessthe'stloveof artctth hen tws etdest daefhters ticsptaycsg theme ceel sn the shepý Conticed on Page Bt OLD F-RANKItN STOVE but ns sssed to hoep tht Cesctck sutirsees carm and hîcmey durcctg tht wceter meetts. Cehted the stss'e arc an irccn hordee atcdcawctt hngîeg. Tht hangtcg tv a ptnceori tssed ccth whsite dlay sctlpture. OLD PINE CUPBOARD holds many otf Helen's pottery works. SIre is holding a mug mode to hold a pînt of beer. Helen is wearing o hand'wocen shassi.