Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Jan 1974, p. 12

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- -~ --- ..--~ - -w- 12 Tie Chtampion, MiIcen Ont., Tita. tan. 3 1974 Regqional government Biggest issue of '73 Regional goveremnent wiii unit Haitn Reglun prupsal tise townshsip. pruhabiy go ducu as tise ise was endnesed by thea pru- ltsnOaisille of 'tise year for 1973. Tisai vincial pecuers. Wiith the Tu thse surprise of Issue has heem uppeeteost in ecpion oi Milton, ail politicians aed tise isai the mîndu of muet municipl =ain lueuadtmuisiave eepresenlatis puiliticiane ie tise cnunty ailsd tasued jumping Milton Milton iuundary dippei yeae. ie cith a nuetiseen iseeuugi, jute Oaksille lerritury lu Junuary muei cipal leasing uuiy tisent unis. muse sas pentesttd plticians ieum laiton, Peel la..agaeya iteeve Aune u.sly hutusuccruutul acd iamito-Weutworth Maeiur eealiued tise Oakisie cuucii. gathered in Hamilton lu heur foati unit ws a eeaiiy and Wije ait ot tise PO treusurer John White's toaght succntfailly tu ustlude aspects ot reginal g parliumeulary asuistact ailoftNassagaweya nith ment haveiseerise Arthur Meen ulne planu foe Milton in tise turti unit. She rehashed antlîer the sarinas regions. ciaimed tisai aciiesemeutues appears the impiemes fi wsen tisai tise four- a peesnnaiictuey anduonetuor winl penvidn sulid chai Building negotiations appear deadlocked Neguliaiscs tur tise salentf Auhed tf tise peuvince isar thercuuuyuswned court hnse cusideed mnsisgutuofthe sud admiistration building bsuildig andieavig itfor tht n Micluo liste prov'iuce regiOnu huuubous it.f Snse apparltcbe deaducsed. epessed cuucees. Hutln Regional Couuucl 'i' cueceener ahout lise reîrcted anutterterntitceIsigis cuut ut replauiug tise prucince fte iebuilding aund lacifity for proviueial offire lacres ut lacd ut $1.65 aud courtsancd reeuuatng thse nclliuc A hielautcueetiug existt bulding saii cud regiucal cccceîl agreed tce.1é eus fr u regiseul offices" thec building. but tue $235,00o ise5Bd. mucre tsac lise province siasi Ne.msiteibst citer. Tise cusi ut rensalluf tise MPP tue Haltun Eaut andi building sa tisugis lu ise Sicisler oi Guserucueut betweemun ,utuundtttOOO Services ics Sues saut tise sn scîd hie fit lthe egicu "umcîlie ut regnal ccuadheibetieenfftlcfaite the couuicullcrs iecaud isvosuts prosiviilallferand purchase hui rrait cits t thlie teis quartees bettersiter lu prucicce's citer ws a taie ils nteds. one, butlcuccîl rejertedlthe Teaetiesidu citerý h aeo h uliji Sucwsaicc thse pre lise au issue tisai ias isen hic regasi stdccasinceucess ofut t uruud isyi rsnegtie acyctftherappraisals madeu 0 uuy" uttusur.s thuuldn nnted il culs Council is splil us tise lis' sup rtabl ccd ce suie ut tise buildiing. Sume ceunaid thuptae petecunce. cucucillurs sec tise sale as ccl asiîg sas abuse cub avi te suti uttier cuunî te ther province cccld otiter th ohofhecuyfr Sucs nird tise court boses teginal iseadquaeters. ccchicisicurthccurand Meanuchile maiutenance lis pro% incehbaaleaeein meaittise crret u uy r ctity If tisai lease sas biulding are isy maiu ,ru i suir isveîrie by maisesiît ofice arrange- mutcl ag~reenen. ments lu accucmuodate Sucwsai ctheis province regîsual stattees alrcudy ccculd bcihappy tcotiue isîedThseregnal cucri lesn pc rt uisy lise is autisurseri chiarmas building ci tise appraîseri Alicu Massn lu sers c site valuetue tempneaey iseaiqucetees. Volume up 30,000 Lots of greetings but rio delays here isliscugis tise Milton puni Dec, 22. Tise surtig ut sucai ofiiceuotelan uîcrease ut mîail cîtîsaed tisecagi tirs 310W .l.ipirces otguing mail 24. Tierewas a full iielivery ,% cî tcr L- Bel],cing oniSaturday, Dec. 22 witblthe posicuincuer. repcrtedl a final mailtdeiuered Dec. 24. staier flo ofmai] thaun pasi , ecrs mcrirutherib a (rI asi tis lais an N O CC~III dtleerecler 757.000t inters Milton Fise Beigadetsas cnd parcrlu prucesutri Tise abletoi relus user Chisismas puis dayu tue cutguiug mail semis There sert su tire eie ce 12, 13, 14 anri 15 catis. thl an average ci 31,50,0 percel isandird taris day. Two crashes an aerge toa of370 l ot im paired vuo deiuys Ralunu Regius Police lu Bv six ucici Christmas Miltn laid no chsarges ut Eceè tise pcstiocfire cleris bcd impuireri drîcîng user tht finisheri ail lise buliday mail New Yeae buiidap. Tis cmy tirst espustuce Police report culy 15-c hereandi1 diduiisuussbwal accidents sn issu, bots lu esperi' sali Meý Bell. mitur, Newu Yeae's Day. Buts ticîsecer ltere sert su were alibuted tcy rad.. îielasc the mai]lbeplsiciing. and àcfir tereihave een no ccmplaiutsinispiteofthe bad Quiet w eek statser. Me, Bell iscr especteri tu Ontario Provincial Pclice ire au cddîlîuscl 26 pespletol detarismeut in Milton repuet sorlmai]ldcrugltheerush noumajur accideuncts o eral perîcd- sl utud lie cui occurrenes uise eli citho iedei ain acdicis l ct Ratios regicu user lise cumile lise icob. Tise extra Chistismas seeis stf isedai cueis on Lie c Tisere seee su chsarges oi adwreruhperiads ccii mpaired drivîsg cite tise tesrigwscumplete on Nec Vear isntîday. r--------------i huuse siding . uefo tise i KAISERU carefree iseatut of il eut oolameoridcke 20hunuu11-. tieisin 10W FACTORY PRICES ON OTHER ALUMINUM PRODUCIS o Aluminum Doors o1 7 Combination Windows 0 cc cu F Car Ports o Aluminum Awnings i FEDERAL INDUSTRIES Fmtuf Furscthe St.skusO. i OUT-0F-TOWN CUSTOMERB PHONE COLLECT Certificates pr6ê.-nted to retirig councilors Muet tris of es, lise vignr- usseri. cal, it sitation lenges Miltn anri ibm regnal les-et Maup bey decisios sut, base tuble marie cs tisai ail, ot tise rerts bac-e hem receistri. digesteri, asd dispesd sis Boucniria r ies ar Il irepresetatiicsiere w issues btia esroitri a grec1 rimai ut dehute durîsg tise peur. For tise lirait lime sn tise isistuey ut Ratos, Saissille and Burlingto will lie bletc cuntei tise oulcte of a vute by ssetr mcinotes Ai thseconclusin of thét liait meeting ni Miltions& 1973 Coueicil oit Thorsday eceniug, Mayor Brian Best presested vertiiat ut appreciaties ta ail muendiera ni tise outgolg rouscil andcouniciiprisenute bite sis one. "Thse endbfthernd" bau arrived,ithe mayae sait!- referring oni orty lu tise end ut Milles au il s pr:seutiy coustîtteri but ais bis retiremeet front cvusuil sceis. He tisaniser tis enuscitines asd staff for their co-operaton,erespect and cnfidence. tI tas mucs bas hemu avi ever anritlu masp of u, tisai s tise ony renard se hase louiser tor'," ise sairi He especîailp praised couucîlturs ftueimi escellet cttesdasrm record ai tise mueetings ibis past pear. Mayor Besi preseuteri rertitiratte lu: Renie Buis McCoaig. siso sas rese ibis yeae aund deputy remue en 1972 anri aise seeîedssncouuuy cuiil and lise tire airma rummîtee Reeve MeCuaig said very bts teunicilu gnt aiong as seti as Milles Cmmrcii han doue tis gucio ByiChildo, a couecitor siove 1969, member of tise ares huard andi planning hoard, plus seea ariier peurs au counciline aed ma yor. Cauncillor Ciids sairi ise bas mujoyer bis 20 peurs ou voueIt anri "t'm guisa lu misa il." Couneilor Jîcu Kerr councillor ibis peur and aisuo onthe planninghboardantd pariss ced rencenatij vute- mitime. He said ie a bobkina forcuard lu joinisg tise eupumiel cousicil lest peur 4cuitbxedentoilons.- Counciltor Gordon Fruste, councilliesince 196 and aise tie toises represeotatise lu tise conseevatiou aatisnrity. Couciliot Ron Harems, couucillur ibis yeae cits pusi srieas remît anri depotp remue anri aisu sis tise CisambeofCommce and ispitai huard. Councillue Haumi Porter, eouuscllr ad nmteeofthe eronntir desetopmetri vcmmission this peur. Sise proised tise "esceB et mayor and sarrisorisina cous- ciBlors.", Eatier Deputy Lnte Mrs. Marjurie Powyn hast revnived bier ceetificate. Bshe missedl Thurudupos meetiug as ohme sas userseas os a Christmas holiday trip. Councilter Art Metausun wue aise, absent Tisuroday aed Msayor Best sairi bis certibicate wosiri te peeseutei lter. Bill Roney, usty spectatur ut tise meetiug, ruse and thasiser ail cuemberu of the roustitl and tise staff bue ibuir efforts, ous baetoir of tise ritiueos ut Milton." Remît McCuag iurned tise tablsin ou tise mayor aud prrseuted bite sis a ver- oii fleu appreciatios ton. Il suttri hi s service as a uncillor 19614 toi 167and as mayortencu, 19680te,1973, aise srieou lise byden cocu mission anri lihearp huard. -Wfe ail appreciat bise isurd surs yuu have dose bue un and tise beip anri leadershsip yu bave givts us nu-er lise yeces,- McCuaig told tise retirisa mayor. Four accidents Christmas week tniesied fue c- cidens Ciseitsn seti. A Bnulng Dayscirah i .ai. i.nnet smB. Sct wc '68 Faites driven hy Titniy Pearson, lIt Ontarlo Bf. ous- tais liB damage sahite a '67 Ford drisen hy Jutet Finit, Rociswood rereiveti $150 damage. A ttres cae chais reaction totaiied $3,511 damage tlie Tisurudap abierunn ai Blet- Ail budgets Qaenus Pars seul gise Ratneg a goin coservatimt Autisuritti tise binai figure for tas 1974 budget isy Jas. 15. Tise propused adi- ministration budget ut HRCA is $39e,ot sisics, if appensed, sutl te gises in a lump figue tente si tisl set peinritint. Members ot tise autisnriiY esecutise ageeri Tuoday tisai mure briebo sasd pireseutotins suti hase ta bue cuade if mure fuuds are snded. RCA bas isees ootibied ibat cuuury oa tigisi and tisai ail regional autisurity bsudgets A '70 Fnrd drives is7 Kes- nets Lemt, Cambridge re- celsed $t,5S damage as did a '73 Toyota drives isy Chartes Gaebtgt, Grand Valley. A '66 Dodge drives isy Car- masn Placido, 104 Rminop Rd. wsea unhine tai op seien tise other cars coitided, aed ru- ceivei Sawdamage. Tise cars sirucs a signai ligisi cauning 150 damage. tI-an BSheppard, 84 Folion cut 25% are coi hy 25 per vent. Les Cose, Esquesisa couseitior, rummeutei tisai ibis attitude s a iouç way beucu heing reatisis. 'Tiey sr ot prepar e, bise up lui !tiseyMgln d i upri impeover living condfiins isp sup- purtiug coineratin.' Beberrisa to the treud la boy Up 1usd toe cuservation, Ken Bush of Waterdocun said, "Tiey are shiog aus ta huy but se vaut cuaintals il. Sumebndp bas toi rut tise grass.-- St., rete5mseIssr ledsy mnng Whu lits '10 rie, Dsirvylle un Braste Sit. ner Vicinein Bt. Damage secs ftt and $7t espes- ieiy. neFdn eaiieS. 5 as '67 Plymnuths drives isy Bos- ert Cotok, 1i5 Asisis;eniCt. cnBide sis c '71 Furd statin wagndrisnn hy Fed Verste- uaie, 320 Fine Bt. Damage ia$5 and $W6 espec- tiveiy. 5ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS5 MEETS EVERY TIJESDAY 9pm Gecun Anglican ParisisHall HAVING A PROBLEM? DROP IN IL-AMON Meetî.eep Thursdae 0.30 p.m. Gec* Anglitcan Parisi Ha It atn treet, Miltone onynchave a relivle cuisis udrielisu pruisiecu? TABAIR OPEN 1:330 A.M. TO 6 P.Ma THURS. & FRI. TILL 9 P.N. BUILDING SUPPLIES 878-3263 CE 25 Steolos Ave. Milton 8850 ~\~ YOUR ' 0 m m --.'T A Terey Lachapelln Ted Mist Ken Lefaîne OCARPET NW YEARf ' "PEcCIAL"1 . SDEPARTMENT 2"x4"1 SPRUCE VALUE PACKED CONSTRUCTION GRADE PECIAL 92Y211LNG CASH8CARRY ONLY! i ROOM SIZE RUOS 91l 1FRM33 24 7:30 L. MOU. TO SOT. 45500 ShEETS BARN BOARD PECAN 5N PREFINISHED PRE FINISHED PANELS PAEL 1'O HES 699O 99 DAON SE& FO&N CEILING PANELS B16 4 ft. x4fIL 49 SIZE 3 DON FREE DELIVERYJ kit PARTICLE BOARD SHELVING 11/411 WIDE 1B FT. LNTs SEVILLE TEAK '15 PREFINISMEI I PANELS 4'xU' SHEETS 5 M. a

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