v a ~he é¶inabîai MILTON, ONTAROTHRDYJ 3RV 3,1lit Pr'rteg i ffeec Cents Go for $553,875 "bundie"- Arena $147,625 over budget council to seek financing A bonlract f0 proeed n'itt a$553,875 arena n'as ap- pron'ed by Milton Councit af is taof meet of197M Thra.y-njg o Ontario Municipal Boardpprovat of the addsitionat iacn cosit $147,Z2 vcer the hudgeted amounl., Faced ott a chotce of Stork is delayed? If anyýMilto couples hadt eopecfed 10 give hirfh In bay on Nen' Vearus Day thepî'l bue tbioking lthe ufork bas been delayed. As of Wedoesday niornînfi Milton District Hospital had eeifred noNyew'Year' bbrandnaineowereex- pecfed in the immediafe fture. Kyf e David Hnhnon n'on tbe ooty baby hors Cbristmau Day Hteislhe son of Mr. and Mrs. David Hohison on 7080 Guetph LUne. Kyfe lu the Ibird baby n tbe Hobuon fumity und tu a brottuer for Micbelle aged fine und Michael uge cattg corners and eain pefthe arena orb un fiaiuhed or goinoaeda h tedred pýgeine, ousc decided tl oas taise ecoomsu Io leave portons ut the work f0 bu donea ta er date andý Hfarris, n'ent for tb o Aie". Originally tht e arutta budget on the peojent came froot Bathe and McLeflan Con- st ruct ion Lt d., Oshaw'a, ut $474000I Added f0 fioi are the refigerafion 0nit at f45g075 .aIl nog.nr.g tees and con- tiogeonies ut 304,000 for a total rouf of $553,1075 Arena hoard cftairman Bill Rooney foid ronciltlors tere wan a big increae infthe price of steelthIis year nhtct n'on btamed for part of thte extra Whitle JI dosso When the tenders u'ere npcned fbree oreebu allio the cnuoicit had asbed the arens hourd 10 see where corners couid he cot , io an ut temps Mo n'biffle the pere don cter lu the budget umount. Appearing aI Thuroday's mneeting, chairmun Ron'ney sfioued ton' the refrig- eration, tbe cnmptettoo ofa communty meetintg halt,a second floue oouling ares and Garbage pickup is extra heavy Milton f000 n'orhs staff had Sulurduy uttersoun 1ttotfns 10 oet unerfime f0 get att of pirbing ap gurbage sn the tant n'eek's garbage pched soefbeend of tontoichina op sn toms. A thee duy hoi- osaty ftisbd n riduy. day coeepedn'lSitxeviu bteuigb esnb loadofbyauta longer Prnsonnsaid euch bougebuad hatding distance mode the stx 10 eigbl hogs of pouf. lusu o diffirut one. Christ mus garbuge and the Acrardiog lu 0Witt tcno, ioadoas ahout triple thenor- assistant murus nuporinten- mut loud. deot, fise rcrb oece uedx Mttttoowitl cotinutedump- for lteSpibo Frîday and ing gachage, nîbe Obvtte again OaudyTn' addi dutnp util somne other fiosaltrucbsoweerougbî in arrungementtusmadeby the to euse the Iadý eegtooal counri Evert n'if the uddifunut Guebuge Alupouat hecume a touding eapartty, toms mur- eesponsibilty of the regiosut bers bad 10 orb unfti 2.30 rounicit. dressngoerounuspioting andl mtltlfocouldeeue for a total nas'ig of 173,20. Oc suîd ibis hoare hottes" oethod ouf1d stili 1 osI .Ses'erul couricillornnp uel ufii ouf pof orsutb ennrucl becaue ifn'anual n'nrh thuf had 10 ho done en'enfuautyuandfbey feared if n'outd coul more ut a lter date. 'Ifs gning f0 couf a fortune, raIl ing ou $50,00 n'Il rouf un 100,000 lter, naid Councîttor Jîn' Kerr. Mayor Brian neuf said be thougbf the tnn'n nstght hune unmetleen'yto asbfor ad. ditonot captal tonds if the 1970 capital budget forerauf No change in postal addresses Altougb the hounduriru o TMlfosn and Otaln n'eee chue ged ibis n'eeb n'hen egiosa guverroment came min fore on Jan.1 tere shoufdhien changes nmail service arcoeding f0 local postal ut fietuls. People non' sern'ed hy tbe pouf off ires or rural rouftesa Hoenby, Oubsille, Burlington Pacermo, Kitheide, Can'p betîvitte, Moffut, toehn'oo aud Adtonsnome If n'bom arc nose renîdeols of- tho 1000 utw o Milton- oi ut Il ge etlheie mail addressr to thern ut their preseol addresueu. feu Oel]. acting poutmastee ut Milton Pouf Office, sui poutal houndarinu don t change lihe municipal hoond arien do. Cntienue tn tige yotum pent address, und adA "Ton ut Milton" if yoa ount to, hie naid Hc alun rcon1, mendu uddisg voue poutal rode rumiee on ai] curreupondenre and oeging lboneowhoturife yootIn ue i toc. No immediate changes ae foreas in the postal rode systemý Approve $5,500 expense for office for new mayor Councll's inaugural planned for Monda y The 1974 rouictil of the Anne MacArthur, North Oak 'ueo" Milton triti nfficiuity vilie reprenentîtven Don L abo office ut 8 p.m. neof Gordon and Kicku Day, Moduy sigbl, Jan. 7 oben atn Nunnaguoeyu and Burfiogn official umearing-in cere- repeemtaiivet, Runs Ker, monyowifibheed aitetfn Rus Harris and Gord Keantu boit coatîiti chumbers. ru peeseni oard tworeiod Sfembers of tise roascî-tw of0 u Miton. etecl for 1974-75-70 have heen srnein aimosirevery webk sInce t bey orere eetre on Oct. 1, tuyîsg tlans for the labeuver us Milton and Hat-P a k n ton move in the meginnat % k n tormof governmenî. Ols Honor Judge Atan n. Opeague wili conduct the noeuring-is eeremony white Rev. D. Lnry of Campbelli f t tIlle's 0f. Danidos Preuhyter- tan Cburch and Rev. Futher Milton Counrit's uttempi o J. J. Murpby of Milton's Hony reduce the parking mes- Rot ary Churr h wli partie,- feictiuîns un buildings in ftbe poic oith pruyrsu hribes- Aontouncore area tottedite uiugs. Abricf bsins pmeod findreoOugh support ai 1h' wil folo t h ibmnauguationvcuroci'sfinalmeetingof the as n'onilmut appeovm hy- ymum Thoestiay, andteismsuer tuos estaluhbg ibm oas tableti for the 1970 munîcipaltsy. crctil o den'm fnto. Publie metnusse tioverai cousecillors mutueti Att reuidensu nf Miton are objections wben a bytlan meicome 10 attendth 2e cere- amentiisg the parking mony anti slay for eoffee asti reqairemeols by-Iaw mas us mhieit miii ho sersei piaceti on the table ut aller the brief menting. Tbursday's meeting asti afiter Rprenativeon lte nen' 20 minutes of discussion,a Mttt= ouoei are Mayor cosnsus n'as unobiatinable. THE MtDNIGHT RINGING of sunded lise end of lise oid year ut tise non' an Milton's firs oln0 MacArtisur totled fise non' ora ton'n. Iitialed a number nf yt ringiog is gron in poputarif rund esfomated at 300 n'as un smen-sponsored eveot. Tise nI rot a oftly fui ling son n'iie lo momisers Terry Douglas and Mo lise strains of Auld Lang Syne. alsu forrurd 'itis armos iinked fot fhul marks tien' year celebralioi restrictions ew coun cil Su the hy-iao 000 trOt af the enîstîni fient eeadiug stage, uni ues ho shetved oith a suggestion the ablti oet cu,cîî utudil,,c bot situt ntî v and tîbe 5 'th ,ît t .otînn yi,îti'tc Prsnt Mufd Thet. Pteh n priugtuonvîsaîe alterthî te oouer ofta building van denfroy cnraeertain pecentageuof and lb. thelt oresand must provide 00db a fixed mnmier of parking bidn ýpaces tocorrespond itbn the ut flor aea- enigon tan' C use. Mont 0f fbididings in er the domotomo arna are situation Milton Counrîl-eteef ban lacquî uppeoned an expotiditore ofut hi $5,500 f or renoultios and in ot furntshing oin the sn'w Whî mayocusoffice. The decisn leadîi Oas made ut a Saurduy am mueuîng meeting ut the beenin j , coanicitowhîchnilthouosorntu mayor office un Monday, Jan. 7. Forou Mayor Asne MacArthur operat 0,11 ucropy office s oec formertyoused forelbilding departmesl f0 liseofufthe front esteunre of f000 hait. Councît ugrued 10 curer poncisonsr of v o r outipaper cuvreîg. That Milfan's bown bell copondiloru alung oith an and fise begînntng cftmated $96 fo impeuse mati muyur Anune tigbting in the office oti ho *Of an eXpanded uveeuand ahoselthe esmued tm gfie beti ist prinen y and Ibis year a A qottios teon' Coopeens isand for tise Kin- inetuded prortsionsi for a de,,h tf n'as fiiled utider ut $1,395, a tbree druoee hg co bn redesaa ai t$M, an arn' isgi ciotnd chir ut $3and ua second ork fis roited off armehair oîth a cherryood h large circlo n'on !rame and futty uphoistered rtise fumitoar tune on gold veivet lu coul $530. S. The quntutn utun made peutision for a 100 seuter Photos by S. Dittu) ouch oitb cbereyoood feame, fatty apholtfered i broon veuet for $510 and mutching easy rbue ai $325.80. To fume fables ut a total of $297 andua coffr table ut $102 are inctuded sn tbe tint of furniohingu lu o bepeuvided. Curpoting ratued ut $593004 ros nver the eoistiog ftte floue. Drupes foc tee 9 ab nunrcosforming windomnoîi rost $216.12, ttanyune demoiing A rommitter rsnsiduring sg uanunîng orc. the reovalions bu9 atîh2 runt bey nuggested patiettîng be uinîc . ut uootucreoted feoouthe uatand ithe parking Se by more. appeupriale ait 5/1 ftr lue.vng pot there in ifs ssue cmuoiaubcad pilre e Milton tnn Hufet mas Tise deuit ns described as cd by fire sn Drlober doubte pedlestal mîish Imo file e omner learned if dramers, tmo bos dramers eimIposoibie Io1 Id a and a fult centre drosser mitu ,orf coparable izei_ fr07. wDSCu obe ise paring ay ede nIlt bace a dirie Hi( ncireatize tiay section iniaid brambled ar hesm heryo top section outl Hog S bond rshbd eherrymnoti and rfinish. Cibr orx- gnowiiimatchband bend h the desb, le one eooou ban uuuiiy beoeî lubeile au lue's officu lbee ban o auctui provision for a 's office sn the pot. er mayors hure ed onua part time hosin. Mayor-eleri MacArthur basngare on recorduashotng avuitabte ut ber 1000 baill office toue tiuyn a orek alfr tan. i Dînruunîngfthe eopendifue, vouniior Duon Gordon suîd the espeune ould be minimalîifîi is conçidereittri sut lice for 10 or 20 years. wscbecbed rtouety. He said thle tnnn did ot upend att tbc fonds attoeufed for snnme projertu tibis yeue. He alo wn'odeeed if the DM0 n'oofd tubk fusncuhty on granting thc addAino financing, nIer arA ahose the carîcer capital Ieeunt becaove th" tour ut, of Jan.s lta' oâ ta Ogere a secs, ng a r Z~.0pitlîîn Se lnn' ia 250,n lus capital foreront andi excectrd lContîsuna qn Page 11) MILTON'S POPULATION 100k a isigjump on Jan, 1 ohen a Il of Nasnuguoeya Tow'nship pins portions ni Enqueoong, Oakvîite andi Burtîngl on ocre sn- corporaîrd ocit t he foon of Milton lu orou the tien' Milton horougu of HalIon's regionut governourof. The population of fthe nid Milton n'as around 7,200 t bul AS of tise firsi nf fise year tise fuwo has 17,900 i habilants. Order hotel demoliation Milton Cuneîl bas ordered dlean-up work te isegin 0f the note of tihe Milton tnn Hotri, wifh rous tb be cisarged te tise oner. Af fiseir finat meeting of 1973, hetti Tsursday, memisors Of roonicil nuid fise oner appeared ho ho igortng tisoir ourior recptesis to gel fisc gufted sheit ni the isofet takon down, un nu demoîjîjon is horo starfod and o permit isas flocn însued. Coun- rit isy resotution docided tisaI if demotition isad tnet hoco olarfed isy yeslerday <Wednosday thlie bown wouid engage Maruamara Wrrckîng tn do lise n'orh and fise rosi wnutd ho added lu lise taxes on tise proporly. Tise Main SI. isofe et irnei un Oct. 12, buf ifs sisoîl romains. Counrittor Jim Kerr also romptaired about a barn on Prince Sf. iiri was parfty deslroyed isy f 1ire a coopte of yearo ugo. If sisould atso ise demo- ised, ise said. ir L SSING THE FILING syulom ini tise non' former cisief Ray Aodreuu. Skerrett isas laken t Region Police Miltonu Heodquurteru ut 48 position of regionai cief as0of Jan. 1. Andresu 5t 't. are non' Halton Chief Ken Skerrett anld hosereing au a staff inspecter tn Georgetown.j (Psoto by D. Pt1 77-_~ VOL. 114 No. 36 9 e f e 0 t e 1 -X