Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Dec 1973, p. 7

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Cornmnittees, boards out of busines s Jan. 1 Tise switîis tu raganal mmln ai 174 ecainatea six canmîittees, bsoardsn or comisslons. and endn tise service ni 50 citînean wilis thase groupe la Miltn, In addiiona ta four eosmitteca In Naaaagaweya and tise in .Tute n Camp- Miliou Acena Board, Miltos Econamie Develnpmani Comnssion, Miltan Planning Board. Milton Parking Auiisurily, Miltas Parka Board and Recresation Coin- In-itiei, Naauagan-eya Planning Board, Natioa- gatneya Cnmmiliee of Adjuot- ment, Con-munily Centre. Board, Naisaapaweya Litracy Board, and Campiselîville Village Tri-tens. To groupa tisai wiii te enstllnning are lise Miltn Lisrary Board n-hich la ta be espaaded ta include tise Naasagaweya Litrary ai CamptellIsîle, and lise Cain- osittea oi Adjanlmeni n-tint n tare reduceti pan-cms. Temparary naasn-itaans Ad toc gon-mitieca n-I be pari oi lise packn and rcreation pragraen la- «ava citinen in spenifin nea..au. An esample pcepared, ceaidants oi tise arie or ni a an-vice niais nsigt ie innvavd In tisai upenilie proeat. Ttecnon- milice n-ouid tisca te dis- tandcd n-tee lus n-oct n-ou con- laie. Milnn Courinil plans ta uandie thc planning reapan- uitiiiia as a nammnittea iasoiving al] men-tera. Pire protection n-iil te tandiati ty onc ai tise ian-n'a tre propoaid committeco as n-iil partis and ceceation on- clcnling tise arena. Works departr, Business l n-iil te 'tuiness an osuat" asiaer au Milton Warka Oepacimnmsgoaualiter Jan. 1. Wtiic tisa ragianai coi-cil n-Iil oaume rasnaitiliiy fac Miton's n-aer and nen-age and anme atter res- pa)noitiiity, tise n-actiaacy fac ti tatourerilanot ready yat. Warko OSpertatendeni Bruce McKnrr sad tere tadt te en no commuaication beien tia depcient and tise cegion tite aaid reoidmn stauld continue lu rail lise tua n-aris' ntal for Council ia c=cni aakiag gittuans n-to taea nternai In tisa Litary board, com- milice ai adjnanpr dcaioa t or taen air frcectian ta. anp n rit tng la it_ lu poaia. AI anis mmaanIl te nonatdered iytisa Cai-cil, a ecraent adsrtiacment stain-. Tisere ta o dadlin idicaied for tiesa nuisians tut il se aspecedi te ne ai the n- coancii'a lirai piecea ni business. Applications are 10 te directed ta Cleris J. MeGeactie aI tise Miltn Ton-n Hall. oint as usual quacten caaccraing sen-ara, couda, gartage or otiser fonction- carried on ty lise deparinn. Mc Mel<erc i-id isnstaff n-ould be abtm in eler n-at- terslte hgion if thc ton stafclienli t andie tem or faitthe region asould te datng te particlar jois. ats Oaksile and Oucting- ton n-tO continue tu pion- anti mainluin couda la Nnrth Dais cille and Norts ilolington outil April. BOti municipal- in-e mill charge Milton foc the serv-tees rendered. Thursday next w*eek Seul n-cet s Chsampion n-iil te putlîsted ai non TOUR- SIJAY, Jas. J nlteedof Wcdnmsday, toallon- ttc stalitare a Nen- Yoars isntcday. Tise Cisampin office n-ii cen-ais ctosed Mooday and Toesday, Dmc. 31 an-i Jas. i. Deadine iui the suisin ai ne-s asti adtiig toc theJan. 3issue wlltbe ttcaPeiday, Dec.28ai5op.m. The Cliirid deatiine is non Vriday Dec. 28a ___ Recreation,, parks job increase in region Milton Parka and nomplutes, cesideats n-Ili bc Renreation Deparin-eni n-ii aisle tu get information about tec nio the municipal programas or facililtes ccitt depacimeats mn-t alfactel onecati. The arens or arenat ty ceegnai goscrnent. n-IIl aise iecome a fonction ni OvernIis tisae population thc parts and ecceaior servaisy tat depcnm depariment. n-iil an-p train atut ,nto Directara of aclitica ai-oui 18,000. , Arena manager Laccy Tise departmn-na n-iil ishet Artie n-IIl beeomne Dirctor of atout 55 acesm ni developeti Fueililice andi nlt repart ti parislandtrngiag lise Ion-s Mc. On-ail. Under lise sew tta ta 702 acres. Onags, arrangement Artie n-lt hi Headerson and Boyne, partn cespocîscisî lac tise operation no n la Daille n-iil te ta- nf con-nuity talls, the Ciudad ta Milice alng n-ts sn-in-ing pont and oter Ca-piseilvilla, Bronissille facitities. Eneis of ttc acenas and Molfal parka. AMl ttc n-lt hsave an acena manager porta hsavethalldian-onda and cle Boyne tas a esmn-unity centre as n-cii. Ocan-quin andi Pine T chie Ports la Dakvite n-ici lait n-ittin Mion's buaondarie- bt a board ni artitralars decisin tas rcscd ttat Ont- ville ouIl retain conicol ni tot lisnse parts. Milton enunetil iti oeppose tisait ticiston misena malifi reportI sa filai. Tisai repart in espactati until sent sinon-c. Miltn Onenatiln Direetor ont On-ain an intiewn esplainati n-iy te mlit tse parts stonid te icorlici isy M lien. H e noies lise 1iS acre Drun-quin park n-nuld tcing tise ionos akndp iaion ratio alolst upnt ONTARIO SEAM as la. Ttc official plan membeco wbo participa catis foc 10 pari acces pecr cession in Milton on lion0 people. On-ail noies ttc part n-outd year's ploque feotures, bellip cound sout tise tonos waiking plsiw. Wiliam peck syslen-. He nnled them team cof Belgiono were as cucccnity no part in Milton eboice of o plowing p ihai pessides soture traits, a nioters ai tbe Intcrooi site for day camp and a ilSebd10H tnI pince to sonmotile. wl ehl nHl Dats-ille Mayor Hacry Ourrni l ams tse pacte sisoutd stay under Oatvclle conratbceausc iln-as pu- H old a ville. He noies ihaiO96per cesnt suhrpotonofithe town. Lan rna he ds C O Barreit points oct tte Ton-n of Miton Bus Lines wciil ru Date-itle semis the 11S aces tise Salorday (t a.m. 10 Tyson Lanîn-an ni Han-te- execotive were Atian nf partiand t0 aisaoapm ohdt hsT sine as ce-elected Meintoss ni Almonte, firsi favorahle ratio hein-cen' day. Fsiday and Saiocc Presideni oi Unitedi Ce- sice-president; Olifl Ailes ni parhiand and dos population. Dec. 271t0 29, and soi Dec operatiis of Ontarin ait a Glentarnie, second vce- 10 22 as asnouscrd sn speriai toard meeting atter president; and Bruce Sn-ail said chai once ttc ce- Champion tesi n-cet. UCO's Oth annual held ai MeCuieheon, former UCO organinatin sn thc Parts and There n-ut te nostos sec Toconto. presideotîrom Proton. Recreaiion Departmn aono Moday, ec. 31 orl Aiso elecied t the In a iigisiiy cosiesied eleciion, tor gronp dicecinc of nones 7. 8- and 9, Rotert -Cooltard, a teefl feder and- cash ccop tarmcc icon- -- a Glencee ousieti incombent _ -. Gord ilocs oi Blentein- t0 - ao - n-- - eionen pi tren UCO Ô1 n gsop dirceor. U - Te tem zone elecios iseld retorsei form-erzone 5 and 2 dcceico, Bruce c McCstcteon asd Alias Mcli.toh. and eiecied a oeccwlik a direrior toc zone B. He is Roydes Bloomfield, wto operaesa 950 acre n-ixed tarm ait Ildecion. Mcý Bloomflield replaces KIes Macshall trom Norwich, n-to t' reiced tis yeac. May ail yor dayc lc fillcd ci db -Drive sately over the peacccmnd pcocpeccîy.W lthabcck ),oo for Nen- Year's tolidays, yourcccsftscîd loyal pialtonage. -Holy Rosary Folt Choir e ritheir tirsi record is wel l vinbea BAlLET FUELS seth mon n-rit lisi atihte air sevecai local stores. R.R. 3, Milon TaaianA'rvdeAeia oos OLE MONITE S~ lo. Tr Te S onotiog tcnntinue i c h ttc n aconmnii: f te donec cand recea sn-att progcams prss-ideir and dayi sites in the inn. i Thc dire organizai riluct and foc ttc c made i c toc ttc acena n-iil o te donc hon g t tut toottngs f or ythallsnorpacks n-iil througt thc parts lios office. n-ut te eopanded 10 aseiline pcegcan-s campa ai selctnd rrural aces of ttc cisc noteu caseoa ons soatd gel in be certain tootiogo omis g seasos are os of lin-e. nd Antique Preservero ed p loques iaovei to ail ted in ihe 1973 Steam-Era labor day weekend. This o picture of o mon wilh o Royner of Omogb ond bis used for the picture. The icture pleosed local pro- ol Plowiîîg Match wbich this September. Ycer's Day. Jas. i. Ttc con-pacn-ill rrscn- rglac Selledoiog os Wcdnesdey. 227 Mats St., Miltaa 878-223 Rentais Par Dat Fertifier spceadcr 1.50 Ian-n coller 2.00 Rata tiller 31/2 is.p. 12.00 Rata tillar 4 t.p. 13.00 Flanc sandar aad etigeu 9.00 Vitra Sander 3.00 Fridqecact 2.00 Stil sun- 4.00 Jig san- 3.0 Drit e"1/: 3.00 Dcii 1/a" 4.00 Hedge trimmer 6.00 Son-p pump 5.00 Stapîn goas 1.00 Bait cutters 3.50 Post isole diggec 1.0 Linoleum coller 2.00 Lan-n mamer 6.00 Semer aagnc 2.00 Post driver 1.00 Rug siampaonc 2.00 Wiseliacroce 2.50 Ast luremn-ot listai tiouely anti n-cati ratea availala. Ecctody - akin a ar Ttc Champion, Milton, Ont. Thurs., Dec. 27, 1973 7 time course ofnsaie lcind ihese d"as. St. JohnJhAmb nursing. You'l leoco ohat o hec ceg lahen a St. John anc- ol]ule l ynu net aii do n-tes accidents, happer, in Ambulance course. Cati Siý I HALTON BOARD 0F EDUCATIONY !10 WEEK NIORT COURSES a A good way to pas$ the wlnter months j 1 Flyers avoulable for registration by mail Phone: 877-6993 or cati collect 632-3663 Home delivery by elementary students Jon.3&4, 1974 REGISTRATION NIGHT LEi Tuesday, January, 8 ,1974 1 7:30 as 9:30 p.m. 11 Imorgotown Acton Milton i g Sohool R1gb Sohool N1gb Sohool THIS WEEK'S WINNERS 0F THE MILTON MERCHANTS' CHRISTMAS DRAW t These Iucky people are 025 richer! MIRS. AGNES FORD B. -MALP-SS 272 Kingsleigh Court i35 Ontaio St. Milton Milton BE SURE TO WATCH NEXT WEEK'S CHAMPION FORI-HE-- -- Stad P ize Itinnet ETNfe5 ne 9 M ay the coming year be filled with ail the good things in life for you, your family and your friends. We're grateful for your patronage. Country Pete's Warehouse Pete Gignoc & Staff HIGHWAY 25 - JUST NORTH 0F 401 MATADOR COUPE $3595 GIEMLII si AMIASSADOR si MORNET * JAVELIN lWbackmem betterbecausetwbuilthembetteL- lENTS MOOR MILTON r si * jiat mu a sisaei MILTON 878-2328 aisa haina ai 14 Jeep Chan-Sc REMIEMBER YOU CAN BUY A BASIC 6 CYLINDER GREMLI FOR $24BS

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