at, Mfilo To uney A total of 32 teias MWd 67' Milten boys Itncoptel il.o ecn 1os Mtoon beaver Minoer 'A" touorne- ment klcked off Wednesday 111rn11111% oad wtt] 10ermno ntil .isr aredete Saturdsy. toe tooroameot was opa ta aul "A" hockey teamo thoe Mnotr Atom, peie Wee, Batae and Midlet claient]- cations. Milton, toue minor taso oi]p icipate in tise Aside fromt the Milton alloood, entrantate the Atam competitoot tooctodes teao MarkamLLndn, aM. avine, Sattt]eet and Streets- ville. Ptoyiog for thoe Pee Wee crown witt 10e Heolo. C=t 60d, Ma=:sm Md on Streetuvifle, Soit- fleet and Grimsby. Porticipnta in thoe ]aootam Hs maeGn5byColing- wood, Londoo Stoooeyhrook, Beomovitte, Sottfteet and Midtood. Midgets oit] te coming irom, Stoney Ceeekt MarkhamGrimsby, Bay Tonenomeont garnes start ai 0.30 a.3. throughoot tho itimrnmeeot ond end ut 10.00 Wedoesdoy and Thorodat ond at 5.30 Fridoy ond St]ahrday. Ctoampioonip rounds oul 10e ptayed Saturday ai ternoon. New Year's Wd Some like to Foxny how people tibe ta die. Tu celebrate, tbey nil down witisa groppuf friends, excidange naime light con- versation and pot away an mach alcol an they sus. t Theo, aît er an enjoyable eveniog, lhey teave on one of itoci oayn-eitber in gond sprta ingiog and jobing; or i uetiug 007 i tttem aI lise tant moment and they'll 1teavetise portyowith achip on t heir sboutder-either way, they jumptbehind the oheet of THE CHOIR nt Emmunuel B fit Chotrch wo' ~e feattire oif -Aithlie cisurchen ha the musical presentto Tletfg, I Cothing C unia nigtt. npeciai services over Christ- lhe program featurcd curais Sung b y the choir, the reading of mas aod attendaxce oao scripturc and the participation of tihe congregation. higs (P~hotobv D. Pink) * \ ~4 ~2' 5~= SNACKS - Bedtimr snacks apparentiy have inle effect upon how oeil one nieeps. Researchees sn Milwaukee studied 36 7ountees who for a ee6 consumed a snack of a 275 calorie cereai servinghec- ssnittethe snsacks. No sîgisificant difierencesoas 'l i ioly n Siinîs t ousd in the irequency of t466ni6Sndy6g. hodY mosemenls, anindex of go ch4ech ..8 it s rri 'r'6 sieep deiih, noirhow lhey sa<id wheels, $.,!" they had sient. r.ste d. i4 T TryOneSitunt Hura ood Drive-in Hoe of detîcious Fiavor Crisp Chîchen SEELES AVE. MILTON - 878 - 6028 Open Dall To 8 PM Friday Ta 11:30 PM t]onday12 NanTol7PM FAYS ELECTRIC ELEC0OIC SERVICE INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL v CDN T RACTN Ne o I4EATING 5 T *WATER HEATER 5 T R ENT0A LS 818-204 878 FREE ESTIMATES__. -.End tise old year rgt -Therexl "0 garbage cali Champioo Classifirds 10 collection oext Taenday Inhelp you seli 407 unoanted Milton. items. Theowant-ad number ix leopIe die tbeir caroandyen goodbye ... for gooo. trnnny ho o nme people have oo intention of dying- but they do. Tloey, ton, go ta a party, see ut] thites froendu, but they une their bads, oatch hoo much ttoey drink, and bond for home, enotier, ateet. Tisen snme drunk omautesettteadon into him and killn him. tn a crime. Ibis oeekeod, and tho fienit 106 dayo of neot oeek. in- ctuding New Year's Evo, osi time of the yerta drive a car in Canada. Here are somte hints on boo you can avoid the dronk driver: Pro drivers Drive onty if abnoiutety neces ry.rt the car in the dris'way.Friday niglit, and leave tl tisere util y00 g6 i0 oorb t f you do go partying. tube a taoi. to moin caste, they are profeonional drivers and are prepared and aient tir the dangers of thse hotiday f yboay munt drive, be prepre Looh, aheod for posbetrouble. Yoo're soter, but ohat about tbat car comiog looards yoa? In addition In just oatchiog th0e roadt, toob for possible escape routes. If tbe approachinog car starts io drift 010o your taoe, beep your eye on tise shoulder of the roadt, toubtng foe oayn to gel out of the oay. Wheo approachiog an intersetio, tabeyýou fout off the gan, toob abead, and bmep your fot ready for the brabes. Be patient. Wheo yoo are surrouoded on att sides hy poor drivers, kemp yoor cool. Accepi tise fart that 061 everyooe ns an gond a driver as 790. junt tahe your time, relax, and oatch the speed limil an extra 10 milen an houe doesn't oeax murs iime-oise, bot tl oilt throo 760 atout 30 feet further througb tbe front oioduhieid ,heio6 hil that tree. Safe Driving is o F'amiiy Aifair". With the bids booe inobed, it's uptleyou to milic sure that 74aod the thner guy gels hcome to sem theml iog.c!anup canie trip in Algonquio Prosincial Parh yieided 16 ha gs ofigarhagr: mosiiy caon, huttien, broben giasand plasties. Too huge gear oheeis, rach weighisg oser 200 pousato, oere hauled axhore fromt the holtoo of North Tea Lake. A log jam in the Amahie da Fond River vieided a toro rainsuit, a hro- ben, paddtr and a plastie co0- lainler of gasoioe. CANADIAN METER curling trophy was won by Hazel Reid and Jcxsie Andersn, front; and Mary Ann McNeil and Sharon Fraser. The Champion, Milton, Ont. Thars., Dec. 27, 19735 WEDNESDAv NIGOTERS RATEPAYERS Ladieso, High Single ilso Lados.' hgh 'ncGed H., dinil 02. aidos hio epo van der Eyken 249, Judy van de, Eyke, 2à34, 6,304 Dfzu 2 0 Unir. grocsd oîln. Ed dc aie Olll03 0d Triple, L- eIr d 311, T- e, 5T9. Mars St 1n Saody Paso Il,, 1.Jho 209. r lir 14656 248, rilen a43 5934; lady va n, er 051 MrHgh 245. Othliard trpl, LienSt.John Looo66oooOSo or ..40,,1,0 Ed d69 ieJr. 648. G,0,, Litun N.ary4s25 for 19; so 0 for 4;66 0 rjeC n61 Ss0 for 0,. Gai, 5or5190 Stk., 600000r,T.Cas 1-1565, Joes or 47 56,48535055, -Sohools rsume iasse 15 B0,5a2 fo , Ginters 7 fos es1.riger o ,6 35,,,0 507,60 on Thursday, Jan. 3j, I5074. 360ka s0 for 33. J TUE WINNEIS OF OUR CHUISTMAS DRAW: 1 l,,v Bissovete Peqgy Oea,,leu John DeGojaa Wiliam McLaohia,, D. ODavis Larry Youman Reg Glmoe Bob Lnre Bre Oueilot, Bil1 Camopbell Scott Draper R. Harwood Do, Thoepson T,,d Stovo, Vo,,, Wilson Thanits to ail who participated. Winners may pick up their Memo Bot] Prizes at: MAN'S H41@RLD HA! JIM ELI iD STEVE G'ERVAIS 188 Main St. rMiltoo Our wîsh is big aod Sncere.. Aod s0 is oor Appreciation of Vour Patronage and Goodwiii. Sce you Socin, in 1972! i. In theon thorougbly modern times we want to sound an oid'fashioned note of thanks to evcryone. It has been a plensure serving you ... and a picasure we look forward to in the New Year. CLEMENTS MOTORS OF MILTON Milton, Ont. Bronte St. S. Agw Yer Grecti12gs THE AIR RINGS WITH EXCITEMENT AT THE DAWNîNG0F A NEW YEAR. MAY THE DAYS AHEAD HOLD PEACE AND HAPPINESS FOR ALL. Milton Department Store bou I wmbls. B I E PRICED FROM ELES AVE. 575.