4 Tise Champion, Nitton, Ont. Tisons., Dec. 27, 1973_ Jeff Lockridge both pîcked up a pair of gamne but bols cooceded thnY acere " (Phot.i If liasMe,-nitt Soososes culing canbe astaleofmnd. 1 dont isoso aboo t you, but 1 do soy boni curing o-file sitting in a %arn comorttabie chair holing a glass in oy bon Watching tise gond strategy, thse isat stoategy, gond shofo, ioil shoto, gond ssoeeping and tod ssoeeptog, t Ilee teliig eoysei 1 woid have made te ptfeCtisot. In fact, sous titat thi,odgiasotoosyhandl woondbhave orted aperetgane. Wesoentoed s eting about oatitoioistOvil mites teon weni to oeeis. sn, il eso go soith tise foot one- taises roso the Officiai Corlisng Raie Bonis 'rhe skiîpotailihaethte exclive direction and content ni tise goson for is ois, and soay play tant stose, oreany ponititon hv pleases,iso.hail not be alloed te changebis pstion hen tisai bas isee ftaed. We hts torent play connesbe shoiselect one ni is players tas as sktp in il place and taise thte oposno a o odinoey pioyer. -No otise piayer may oct as stop escepi tise ose s desig- natedaitheisetaetsfthensoatc. The skipnsayrele tethetee for a bree conultatton sifs tise acisng sitp. Any conuttatison orediocusston by tise sitp, otiser tison nouthis ticce sist shall sot s, conduceted in or bebînd tise etngs." Hfappy New Yea and gond curling. lue Mua Cantinental FlYr y i or naction canti'nuei their boit!il aIlr CTC Javenile Kntth fc ot the Centrai Ontarin MeKironn damnd a Ftynr- 1 unior "B" tonp thin wenis anitnrm ton bath pr- knckn tIse b etawn foranonces white midto Bramptan Vhie Wonads 4- F, erry Capota, Brace E mon Tbarnday nigbt and 0santi Dace Turner saw action tentaiaiog Bsn f alon Dand Friday. Flynes 10-7 an Mia Frday Gary Jobnon Moarteli tise ev)en ng Bramptan sqaad aff wmus I-Ai Flyes sonne onthaat the hbee mîinte pont ta tn Baris ofa Gernge Rond andtir ne Aies Dontin repind Ro Ruait soo nemouitesei .o thn Mien ereso tram Roti Dondon s spnoens in' iatin anti Breot Rono aaiy nsouider injary. Bitl Preniah 'dingpo Fiyn nn Bp anti Aies Ocendea were tatecoigmnt ite KenFIy puteti aans ton t une foter. forcet! ta mons th Fntdo pn ithbatait Rn ngbht gIm n tng out mini nd Oendnn. res e elance and meint Kiso Cronaman lied Bsn ofar enouoat wdth irani thon a minute SBlair nets two goals in the Bulldogs drop unst lucis A 'byS. Dîi~ A ncaster 4t-1 Milton Cammonity Credit Cbiagaacaany aven the Union Baitdogn traveBlet ta Chrintman baiidayn. Aneanter tant Tusday aighl ta donap their bota 4-.. K r es b s tmz Blair acoanlcd-tso o n ts b s ni Miltn' goals. Rn mon setSo k t 6- ap ion tise irni y Doane o k t 6- Stark so diti a great job ni diggiag Bsth cse 0 i s Kitcheaner Karants daoned caneatn Blair. tan P. L. Roberton Novice Murray Ruat set ap, Biair's Bacheta 6 ta int Milton an second goal soitb s pictaire Sonda aBteraonn. tas itans ilho goals Allen a nceeo tiri te came tram John Lonorish id Bsn Kannets nappalt sitban assnîied goaliandi tsar gals in hsecorndpnn- Dosg Daay ot ar homd ant tmomre nBsUtrd. Nonm Flemingion anf Baio îtnnalaeanns Berton. third ped ohe Bah"O Lan- The Baiidogn wili ibe taiti dr bras Ise ne g < port in the Sucver Stick ai Pont Zlts. sona t Bs rate ite Bneot ior the Sachets anti taceti f abats sobile bin moira Pintos edged col asnten ont y ight igis lau eading Kitcb- in Ancaster Thte ocketsnext game inin Penston Batunday aitenon 'Me Trafalgar Ford Pin ai ifs. p.ml teaveiindl ta AncOsier Tans- day ig int Tei-Coonty Atamttire vll Maor rampettion and ti o t r e s i thn bard filb contrat 3-2. Mittoa's Eddie Gao nna Hauer spene th ie ncorng aI BstPheulr * tsoeaty second souris oi Bsn Grant Routage Minor tirst peniati, asointu sont te Bantsn sonne shat ont 2-0 Iy Mars Bradley anti Stan Fay B trentsviiie Bunay atteramaio Aacasfer nenredti iren ta Milton. Strets-titt opeanti tisn thie second penid tise sonltl if tise tirai sous Miltona etting onn ta e d = 1anti d o te inaur- sotil oat tbe aceiag. Tish e ga, ls s on tisoso Pites goal ment ta Gaon minutes t0 play ta tise gamne. osoisteti iy Fay. Tbe Grant Boana utshot the e Tise Panonso wi se piaying avsesa 22-to anti beti a mon oi . i tise Beansso le anti Clark- adoanloge ibren timos n BtBs Il nonoo-nasoen hsoee s gameibuttfaiedlti ent a welas regilan Tri-Couaty stroag Sineetavilie peaalty gaines. iiing sait. OFFICIALS did thiser part ta dincourage Milton Fiycr Ray Love and Dundun Blue Bob Jaggard tramn cxchangiog Chiristmas greetingn in the third period of Use Friday nigist encouriter in Milton. Despite appearailces il acas not a rough gamne antIs Dundas edging oui Flycra 12-if la minor penalties. (Photo by D. Pink) Tiset t no "home Tise instants Safeiy Loogne resety- foe casner Tisone reports tisai a meeni asdo ato bei tis get youe tiscinea csos fOot otty drivera bave ilt ai tise firt sig ouf ni oite a soajor dectsisa trouble. Tie yectudes tison f0 eey i12 seconds, sn tise cur il aerage. 00THE SERIOUS SNOisMOI LER 1973's F ROM 1575o Choose GRAND SIf 174s m TS 400 ' ~ SEE THE M ilt uv o ni LISOAR TWIN SEASONS SLSSEVICE 7523 Wînst@f Chuchl BIvd 88 ONTARIO ST. M. SAEO SE SOfottO 50n miS otNorna ____________ g oe in t enosipno the 14 minuemrnta e Bhsn manne gal aI 10.25 of Bs peN aiZRamay Lovenani Osntplay MIta otptayed tiseir ap tna nM Bsn ai pensant doîg evenytiigibut solnhing iheï in tB goal. Doug WethnralSsasnd Bsn Flynn nîn as Brampton etig eBs Mtilira 21 i-sn minan pealties, Love Inada Aller ntigiag Bsn Damdas Blues 5-4 tle pesions Buaday Boy Love ted thn Flynra tea osubsntantial 10-7 soin Feitiay. Love recandnd o bat trics witie Inammcales Jeuf Lachritige anti RI Gnatilng ebippeti in o poir ai coointers. Gantiing anti Lannritige rancededti Bsy mmre "jouI lacky. Love ottrihuteti tise min ta a "Iguat ait raund et- tari" bsy teaoo anti sonuti hes cluais on a tisn gamenmait an ai tise Fniday aigis gome. "We titi il tan Vero IGooditag) aand Pin (Bais Flyers talke pair beat Blues. Woods Omner,/ manager Vera Gaodtng band th Fntday nigist co tng daies on Pin wan atoing o fielnd's satD. Droi Frd olgnt mino Vanntiieuvot bitino e snb doisIl two anti a halt miut g ne.,Rrat Mnnny rapit onn hs ty tram Rugis Marsalî 30 secundo later bailgthBs pu oi aon unguantind goal. Love nSea hisn tirai ai Bsn nigist mld may traugs tise pentidmises ho dnpositad Bsn Mu wistUt o bonis aifthBs n as nelminder tramn Mnrry anti Reidi Ntinsen, Love picisd up iso seconti moriser tramn beisnl tise gal aI 16.05 aBter Tom Jocensa bil scoreti tan Dundas, Netînen kiaitd o nasl undnn Bsn cruashan tata in thn apening pIlt tram Locknitige anti Gandtng. Bise Tnrry Bratish fougist bacl ion bis club miBs tîce minutes gane in Bse nmititie pntiot! but Flynn neoart Rugis MarsisolIl î in t Milton, tits tram Bicis Britigman a minutn lttr. Jeff Lockisntge pushnd Bsn ama hionlîne, nct aat thn Dustil net asiknd Bsnth Cck inta thn coranr. Boy ce souIg round a Blue dneinst pot a bochantier Iner ln tise pni Attaarowlen Gaading attacisd tise Dontias goal tomce miBsin tmeoly Bone secondsn dirncting a stiden traugs Bsn goalinas legn aller a pase tram Marsallî, Bhsran a cloue in drive itt a sean empty Blues' goal tramn Tuner anti Ellimon. Dntnnsive lapea ailameti Bluen Vannuvol anti Brunsh ta score goals talte ta tise perlod. Lochnitige caaght Bsn net's canner miB a nlip, sisl soiBs Ile minutes goon tan tfinal p=-at ta close Bsn Milton Broh anti Vandenniuaa added Dondon geluatsaer in Bsn game. Wednratiay attennon ta ment tise top raisnd tis anti miii entertaia tise dangereuse Respelen Sisamracss Filda aigist anti tise second place Barliagian Mohawks Buaday. SNGWMGBILE CLOTHINO SALE on ail 0 helmets 0 accessories CHILDREN 'S ITEMS IN STOCK- * HELMETS e BOOTS e M ITTS a GOGGLES a u.* ma la -mr * sl~4~n~sn 8 ilit %ideo" #,0 eo %914 a 1 a a a a a Wm a a