Anglican priest for 50 yers Parish honors Canon Canon F. H. Manan has brenu an ardained plient oftb Anglican ca umnion tar 50 Sr tona euening Ose parlal of Genr Cbareb Milton wbere Canon Masan hos beur assintant priant aince 1961t honored tbe annlersary aI bits urdsnation. Ne mon pre- nentel mith a dollar for ueci yuar bie bas neryed bits Canon Maanon la a comp a- lisate, lavlng man msOs a qaicli mind tbat stores many mumuris of ins 82 yenes. - -Bore in 1891 in Tambridgu Wefs Kent, England bue mas on ffour hoys. Hin bren sses utbannor recalla "We'd bave beau mare cluilinud if me'd bad agirl 1" Ne mamred a girl nmd Mary Picbford in 1930 and tbey bad a daagbler, Margar- CANON FRANK MASON acas recognized for his 50 years as a meme o et. Mes, Manlon died in ep- meof tember. thse Anglican prîesthood folloWing o Sunday evening service lit Grace Canon Maison wa ordained Parioh hall Canon Mason received a dollar for each year of service, prie- duaren and prisat in 1923, a sented in cheque fsrns by Milton Mayor Brion Best. 110v. R. W. Foster geadaat of rnity Collugu. lleftl and Norman Pearce, trightl spoke briefly at thse service. VPrema 1923 lu 1927 bue mas car- IPhoo byD. Pnki te ai S1. Georgens Cbarcb an (Phoo byD. Pnk) Dominon Square in Mon- tiresl. From 192 ta 1929 bie No quorum la retin chrgeait 1929 ontil 1936 bz officiatud aI Her Noua Vear's Party no meeting Ot. pitelCao seu beco pleo uit ~ , - Attempts ta round ap a Hu Ihbm hgan its 25 yenrs willbe cmplte wth . .. . quorumn af membrs toiled an priest ofSt. Mosicas pa- Wednesday and Milton bh in Tarentans Esad, District Huapital's Decemeshr Daring Obs lime bue man ap- board ot directors' meeting poioted Canon by Ose Btsbop. mas ourer beld. Wbite thoru hum as rural dean Jant six trustees arrin-ed for for eigbt yuars. InîO bu6 ru- ~Ithie meeting and mese are tired, ai Ose age ut 70, camning sleeded lu cunstitate a 10 Miltan lu surse as part- qanrunt. Trustees and ad- timu assistant a1 Grace from Karen's. Ordor Noua minisîtratar Ban Wnods aI- Cisarcs. avos dîapponîm nt empted ta locale mare iSser tbe years Canun Mas- f0aod iaponm n mumburs by pisone, miOsout 'n bas nues maoy changes any luch, tais place in Ose cisurcs. Nu -Christmas playlet presented at church The Es-using Anglican Attermards tbe papils Charcb Wumen nI St. presunted a pragram. Tbure Georeus Cbarch, Lonts-itte mas a Christmas tre itis met ut tise humentf Margaret prescrits for ail tIse cbstdren. Hiarris Duc. 13 for tiseir Christmas miee t ingI. - Presidunt Lilliam Mathies l presided and scripture man read by Marg Harris. Katsy /) 5> 5 Powell gave tise tbaugist tor tise day. Carats and garnes mure enjayed. Lais Richardsons rupre an baskets and flontes senst ta lis, sicb and sisal ion. Mes. Jetftares mas presunted mitis a gift , and gifla mure os- cisanged, Ibmn a pot lucher napper mus enjapud. On Sunday, Dec. 16the Re-. L. Presse of Bsrltngtun liadt chaire ut tise serv-ices in S1. Johns aI 9.30 a.m. and St. George's canmonian n"rvice ut Il a.m. Tise choir sang an W antbem and prusentudua q Pr Chsristmas playlet God Ba Ne.a- u Lasud tise Warld. Tise mwhite git attering mas receturd ta you ,îfîî mitistood and strait pieces of bayyinss and new clatbing tue needy tamities lu bre distrîisaud by tise Sorts West Naltan Val- untay Srvies.DU RANTI On Dec. 10 a pot laci sunpper mas seeved in tise cisarri hall HIGoArau tur tise tanday scisont paî1 and alarge nmberattendu.: afise Ihere are more fonda- mental tisinga needed in tise Icisarclt than changes in the formoof worsbip."That won't iattract an otlserwine indif- ferent ongregation, bue says. "Il is a great templa- uinfraeprents luday ta beom marldly, briglt aod hreezy bat they lack dth Object to r land for !nc Tua renideols of Nasnagawmeya hase carrird Ibeir objections ttua reoniog ut tand frum rural agriculture ta industrial ta thr Regiuoal Planning Commilter. tlerald 0111 and Don Dohe bath mrute letters ta Ose Regisual Plan- ning Committre and the Otario Manicipal Board. Thtelandinoquestioun v eut uf Mohawks ton and nurttt of lHghway 401 and isuownd by Bert Day. At the planning meeting Nassagameya Coancillor Jim Watson ru- plained the application hadi gue fuît roate ut the loral lese andhadnirecein-edop- peaval tramn planning buard and coaoicil. Bath Duhe and 0111 notrd the reznnmgwoald increase5 the salue ot the Duy properlyf but would des-alue their praperty. Sill notes there are carrently 145 acres of t tlly surs-îced ondantriat land ot yul usud. Ittie and Duhe note Ihiat s'sth thr 145 acres and the nthersnser-iced ondustrial lasd in and near Miltun, there mas nu nord ta altow ondustriat opral. Bath mrters raised qetions shoot the ahility otf lerad systern lu handle trattîr that muuld bu generaîrd h y usiiiutra buildngin that sera. The regianal planning cammiltee sadicaîrd tl maso't yet in a positin tu comment onsthse eaonisgThteap Municipal Board aps ovai oye tbe .Irh îsg wlllbrln Pr.uly. E'S ESSO "Vuars ugo tise evening cangregations mure blggr tisas tOse in tbe mýornisg," bue remumes. "Tise churcs sout turnisbud yet, nul by a long may. In tise cisanging ntarld ililas-ital tbatmern ths tise mlnds aftie pepe= s ebangeleos message of Christ."- ezoning Iustry and il ns passible duit an s' slq bearingmwillhbohfeld. Noia,, or dreisian on Ose bearing han bren made yet. Vebîcle roer is a factor lu autontobile uatrty, Light- coaned aut-tmohileuare a lit- lie leus libely tu be usaIs-rd in accidents thon dans seirtes. T'ie Il.S. Air Farce is rrplacing tbe tanîliar red tira trucs mîti canary yel- tom ores. Is impesse vsiîi- itylr i ciydsfcl tmîlighl baurs, tebereas yul- lumisuanrexcellentletlectar of any as-ailable lîgst. Mason Acbnmedgn bu manly diorar nnope faceon a Oandayand the resaîts ut go- ngb odiltalcuOatarday nighl and laafing tb4 nent day, Can- on Manten consîdees thuse ta ta a signofa the tîntes "Peuple base embrued bamanins,- he says, "thuy tisois ore important ta beep basy tbanltoorsbp. "Taday sacial sriei cansideed a sautitate tue religion," bu obsersves. "So- ventionaofthe 2t century, the cbarcb bas institated att the charities theaugbsas the ages.' Cnncenedaith thetlachaof leadersbtpbtnr yaung peuple in the churcb, hie uays. Oa day sehont bas oner bren as etfectieas it cauldbhave bren hecause me dan't basve en- oagb ,trained peuple lu teacb. Hanteser bue con- aidera the ynung people today lu hie intelligent inebre dis- satistaction mth the cbuecb as ath mont usher tuces ut our society. "Tbeyutiltcoulehacksble napo contidienttally, -tbey mill sethe cburcbul imelesu messagentfpeacerand calm toc troubîrd peuple in a trou- bled waeld." The Champin, Mailton, Ont. Thurs., Duc. 27, 1973 3 EMO wiII continue request is approved Hlton Emeeg eocy cutbackin tî hv llvîvvt îîl Measures Organizatiun liverd monuey tl u, aîliîc)t 1 tbeough yul anoîber vt'ue af pros de for ENIO pucycuss non confidence ut the ad- EMII cî,cedivatve Bill ministration and fnance NSteaeu, ,,ubed bhat voun,.,l cummitîre ut eegtonal afinu bs depuettucu t c goerment Wednesday report t lic -etbs îlîr The s-alidity ot basing an meut evîher tlî,t tthe EMO co-ordnaue and enginerinîg lryactcrntl Th deparîment haý heev cumtunte typro,îlîl bat questionrd an a nuntbe of rcocsndtie occasions, The mous recrut The lurellu,, cof ENIl> asi came tram Oabellr cous one te) per for ar, lme c cillor MacrAudrsun Heruatd emrgeciesr bul ccv, 1he brenwasn'tcnnced theEMlt foction Il pri10 il I department aa neradd prcparivg forueai terni' Regianal Chatemun Allas 1tsthcrecels Massonuerpluin ed u us ýaItties across the province NORTH HALTON adex rsd a uub lu continue milb thesrrvie. îlie noîrd the province had Jg > agreedto pickup theraouuî ut ntonry ahrh the tederal " noernntrentbhadceut Iront ts budgetu thafint purpone Cal bacb lands The tede, aI galet îlîtîl rerently annouarelteou,ît, 077-1211 HOLIDAY BUS SCHEDULE Thursday, Friday and Saturday, December 27, 28 and 29 - the bus wilI run on the Saturday schedule 9 ta 4.45 p.m. There wiil be regalar service Christmsas Eve -December 24th No Bus Service Christmas Day & Boxing Day No Bus Service December 31sf or New Year's day Regolar scbedole resomes Wednesday January 2, 1974 at 6.45 a.m. MILTON BUS LIMES DAVE AND IRENE LEWIS 878-3125 BELL BROS. LTD.