LED WITH 'S $UPER $-AVE HAPP 'EW As 1974 takes an the spotlight,.aII of us here extend ta you aur earnest good wishes for a year that wiII fulfili yaur most treasured dreams. On your way ta future goals, we wish YOD gaad Iuck. SWe're praud ta have been able ta serve li yoD in 1973 and we look farward ta Ithe same appartunity in 1974. May your 1974 be happy, healthy and prasperaus. 3124e JOîx a zýé> FROM ALL THE pvô4"'e STAFF AT LED WITH'S ~I :1 =k Grade "À" 20 Lbs. & Over TURKEYS RUI#àc WE HAVE LOADED THIS STORE WITH ALL THE FESTIVE SEASON GOODIES THERE ARE MANY SPECIALS PILED HIGH FOR YOUR PLEASURE COME ON IN AND BROWSE AROUND START YOUR NEW YEAR RIGHT. LED WITH S it