Obituary Mrs. Jennie Coulson Mrs. Jeanie T. Coaleo ha-h wsrks saed away at TbeTh ts O an active member Davsn ursing Home In of Lavn iuc United Cloarck for East York oo Suoday, Dec. 9 over 60 years and tbat inhlir 9nyea remained avery dear part of Mns. Cuon wýas bor in lier life util thc end. Fergua October 2, 1882. She Mvi. Coalson la oarvived by tsstfewalate rea lier daughter Mary, son On. June 16, 1900 site an eveu greatgrand- married Sborwaod T. Coalson rlnildron. aod movod lt otwville, wkere FaneraI nervie oas betd thcy alient aver 30 caors on a tram, thc McKersie Foocral fana an Uic Gap Lino and Home, Milton ou Taesday, liater lived beside and Dec. Il. laterment vias in a-rae a service station at Lowviloe Cemetery Sic Z cornr. grandions avera paIlîbarers, Her baaband predeceascd Habort Aoderson, Ronald bier by 21 yeara. Sinco then Caution, Jim Coalson, abe ban oaln noverai years Sbrrwoud Cualsan, Laurie witb bonr daagbler in Tarnon Blabe and Wally Hoora. Electrical services at Bronte Park soon e OURI GRANDFATHER'S BOOK in read by Hilary and Gillion Willoughby ou they enjoy a visit with thse author, Colonel A. Forteacue Duguid. Colonel Duguid in famous for his design of thse oltar of remtembrance in tise Memorial Chamber in tise Peace Tower of tise Hounes of Parliament las Ottawa. (Photo byJ. Beaton> Famous war historian visfts grandichildren by Joyce Ocatun Tbe Willoughby cbildreu ut Milton eujayed a viait r.c.ty tram Uiofir grand- faUiec. Ho na Colonel A. Fucteacue Duqg id, tarmerly utf Ottawa, tbe tatker ut ,Margaret Willoughby. Fratu S1921 lt 1947 kve was the directur ut the bistorical section ufthek Dupartuceut ut -National Defence. Mauy cbildren tuday knout uuUiing ufthIe lau avuvld aen but tar tbe Willouby cbildrou Uic bistry bas be bruugbt alive. Colonel Dau id ithe authur ut Tbe Ottîci Hintucy ufthek Canadien Furces in tbo Great War ut 1914-ta. Ho li penuaily interestd asbcne d o foar yearn, tigiting iu every major batle. Heo a ouudcd and mcutiunod iu diapatchea, culminaled by beiug awarded the DS on tbe tield cf bottie Bocra iu Averdenkhire Scuttacd in 1807, Colonel Du g id came ta Canada as a cbild. Ho gradaatod asna civil engineer tram McGil Ulniveraity, Montreat ta 1912. Ho waa mni id in 1916 and bocame histovictt directur tulluaciug tber. liularical desiga Perbapa hoe a munI tamun toc hîn design ut tbe altor ut remombrance iu the Memorial Cbamhcr cn the Peace Toer ofthbe Huaof Parlliament an Ottawa. Ho wote tbe binturical ording loy the panels iu the cbamber asnocîl an mahiug Uic original draviaga cvblb appear avec eack panel. Healnu designed and wrte the hbohk ut remembrauce obicb nita in a glanas case on tar pou the sitar. Priacens Aice and Lard Atblone dodicaled the book and werc lmresed bythe waythe cnal upa aI hicbever page il ti. Margaret cao remember licv taitier praclîring with hier huittina ceedton lu pertect the Uioortical denigil In 9sColonel Dugiid a a Me bapaé ail ysar New tour's wînbs came irae Thanks far lisar loya pattonoge FEATIENSIONE ELE CTRIS 878-6378 aavarded the OBE lOrder ut Uic British Empire). la ad- dition lu kms avrîlugu hoe ban denigaod many ufthUi army insignia, includiug the une oiUi the three maple Irata and ccunned orda uned util Uic uitication ut the acmed forces. He alna denigned the paratruaperu badge, tkv katton and insignia toc Uic CWACS. the nignia for the army radota and the second world avar veterans hatua. Writlnss Hîs oritîcys include the c hill bîtory ut the CaoinGrenadier Guorda, Canadian Bettletield Momnorials and tkv in- ocitiu n the oar meu iann Ypres, Vimy Riîdge, St. Jatien, Pasarbendacle, Hill 62, Dary, ouarlan Wood, and Cur- celette. Ho allie compiled the HAPPYi diacrae ut the Canadlien anita ut the second orld avar in cr~ration tar a binlury lu 1926 hoe detiçued a veon ut the Canadien Glag obioh wns tabou uvenvean hy Gruecal Mctaaaghtou an the Glag uft he Canadien up di liocary turcs. FtJutucitunaiely ics design, whieh included the Union Jack, the Fleur des Lis, ccd hic tamua Uiroe-ntemmed mapletleavra acas cul adupted an aur national Glag. Aî achast ii hia oc cight, Cultuel Duguid oaa rapancîbte toc chuuciug the 30 wor artists lu do painlings ufthIe Canadien forces cn Ili fieId during ortd wrto Hic paintinga and hooks are o procius part ufthIe ilttuaghky bounod acd a pricelélua berilage foy hic grandchildren. Tenders are bong callod for thenupply and installation ot electrical and ram- munication serviceos ia Branle Creek Pravinci1al Parb for tbe Ministry ut Natural Resoarcen, Hallon Eat MPP oud Minister ut Guvorninent Servicen Jim Snaw anuouceed Ibis woob. Designod by Project Planning Assacialon Ltd., enviraumeutal ransultants ot Toronto, lb cao services ropresent Uic Uiird major contract in devoig Uic t parb, ' bere tive a9uifdingus b ce been rannlructed and mrisd, parbing lots, grading, etc. are aveU uder way. Akove. belocsgrond The ccurk is nitra an Uic saatb-omlt quadrant ufthUi 2,000-acre parb, ucar Uic Tomat ofaBrliagton and Oak- ville, and avilI pravide clour- trical and cummunication services abuve and belote graoud, includiag a main suib- sation, udergruoud feeders, pad-moulted sub-slatiuns, and roadaay andparbing lot ligbting. Entimaled cumpletian date for tbe wurb nua bcing ton- dcrvd cs July 15, 1974. MILTON TELEPHONE ANSWERINC SERVICE *CONFIDENlIAL e COURTEOUS_ e PERSONALIZED 878-2020 M[WXFA 19111, 1 r 0 may your New Year be aprinkled witb starduat. May your days be rnerry and aatisfying. May A1 your special drearns corne truit. GALLINGER MOTORS tramcop ..ts our happy wish for agret year. Tu ail, aur Ibauks. Milton Janitor Service A. Van der Vlet Ws'ro availablo Yen, cour Champion ns available on Wedunday ai the fllluaisa nesadealers. I4ALTON VILLE Jensiegs Geoera lSoe B ROOK VILL E Mc LmUds tse ACTON Actos Sicoke Shas Adams Sas Depsi Rouai Miik Stoe GEORGETOWN Sevens Stoe Fendleys tore Joe's Tunk Shue Deirea Sicake tbap SPEYSIDE Spevida touerai tare HORNBY Hornby Oescal lSoe Caantry Faire DRUMQUIN Drassuais Slave PA LE RMO Palerusa Slave Caliegis Station LOWVI LIE Robertsan Gaif Mount Namo hiarila Laucuila Varîiit KILBRIDE Casi Slave CAM PB EILLVILLE Mohiawk Inn Earicas Garag. Cari's Caere a's Traak tmp MILTON HEIGH4TS Fillier Varieiy Parkside Geneval Store In and Aroand MILITON Chalet Restaurant, Dew-Drap Iu, boudas Restauirant, boudus Drive-In, Aucua Eiao. Altovacas Fruitl Market, West Erd Meatý, Milton Variety, Juras Douerai Store, Harris Siatianry, Jîms Billiaords, lhe Champion, Elsisy's Pharavacy Leduits tapai tace, Milioe Delaatessen, Milion Drue Mai, Place Smab. Stuc. Ca races Reurnt,0 Mec.s 0011k. Mioostiea Restarant, Miltoe District tHospitl 10-25 Seruice tatin. I B