Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Dec 1973, p. 19

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LowiI Club delivers gifts to Christmas family ra SANTA DELIGHTE, lte rhildrrn ait the Sunohine School for Troînuble Retarded lent week. Here tWo of lte students thank Sanga with o kîns on they rcInSe teir neorbings of fruit sud candy. (Photo by J. Bouton) Frdmn business to arts Sheridan aduit courses Theý Comconity Srviron Ae corne je the Applioti ttivioe ot Sheridan Concege Arts Divisioen tit it Esplor- hegins li winer sonsion Jan. tee Hecacity-Prom Tri hon 2t with o ouchor et corses, te City Dcrlf ors oitl I onces- worslopo aod orminaro for traie onraroos cutral oye- adolt cn the Halter-Pool tome throogisout the wertd. cemmunity. Tepies wil t inctude the etsl- Progrons wiii toer aI ltien ot mac, ionsip nystemn, areos et ittront froon boni- carriagr and rosidroco coton neso and management, ce- et ditterent soriotion and a mon studios, English and bistery et the deteopcoct et media, oecrotoria,oapplied mac's iercotogy'tise courne arts,risual rt, eboogy, %vinl ho nopplecentod witb arts and cretts te opociaî films and field trips. If rocs 2t nlieront cournes acd opgead- weebn et the Burticgtoc cam- in the Businons Division, a pu iO-week corne je Undr- ++ standing the Motie Systom B iABIlO witt acqeaint ntodectn euth tiokotaje lise hintocy, anenig and yearn tee ocly G1 percent et ariitmoiic ýet ie trîc syn- the habies',vre bore itt hocti- ft and ifs impact ic daily tats ted tbat 56 hables oef et 1iig yhhsioso rev r ( dira' Today et moaity. ettsprertethebtt rere Some f theothercour e hsptals and jetant deathe Seme thor ourse har deceeasod hy more than joclude a tn-ceek sessioctc no erct. Peronal coco Tan and Capital Gains, Siman Buni- nons Management (Part fit at tise Oabriflo campes, Saleomanship, Computer Applicatiocs acd Hec te te- cont in Stocks and Bonde. T.MOORE INSURANCE caMPEerLLVILL E 854-2271 by Mc,. T. Ramsoot Tise couple's cois met Wednesday eit tise rhumsh te iMeand dellivertse gitto ti hita amily. For several yeaon tisey hae adopted a needy Burlingten tamily in tise toue spirit et Christmtas. Tisey coffet money for grocerim,.gift for rock memhor et tise tamily and gond uoed clolhicg. Wr are morry cona HOarvey Mutear met cits an accident and wili haro te spend Chiristmtas tenlise isespilal. AIse Mes, Audrey Coolmon cilI ho in oser Chiristmtas. Wr are rery pîroord te report tisaI Robert Heatiseriogton oa home troon thte isospital. Guidon. Brom.deu Due te a toc dedicated leadeon tise Fiont Loccille Guidon and Bemwnies are isavlng a erynseessol yoar. toit et cisallengon and opporlonition for tise girls, col te mention tise leaders. Mon, Barh Cisecha mies tise heip of six Guidon rons tise Bramnie Pack in Locrille Cisorcs hasement Mm. Helen Forgasen, a veleran Guider et 18 yearn and Mm. Nancy Crok have charge et tise Girl Guides in Fairriec Seismi, Four et tise girln receired ail ound goid cd tant yoar. In Octohor tise Gaidon and Brownird risited tise Black Creois Pioneer Village. Tise Bromnion visited tise Bird Sanctuary ron hy Mr, and Mes, Pal Smiths et Gahritle and they rachnis gt ieir hird badge for oisserring and sledying tise habits et tise biridi Mc, and Mes. Smits, natoralints, tord ap le l0t Canada Geese a day, hosidon terding and giving medical caeecisenneetted tomany otiser rarietien ot isirdc. Nirsedinisheots il is untortenate tisit thero are stili people arnnnd chn taho sisots et anythtng cild Ibat runs or flies. Macy ot tise hteds are hrouglrt t , tise nanctoery cisere fIL., are nursed isack te isealt by t ho Smitis. Tisey are te ise commenjdedtrieirworson iseheit of God'n iseiplens cet are,. On Tisanisgiring tise Guides and Brownien provided a hempor et a pon and a isamper of tond flor a needy tamily in Norts Halton. True le tise tradition ot Gotding, tise Guides and Breenion did many gnd demis oser tise Christmas Istead ofet ocianging gitts mis racs otiser lise Bromnion rocs iscoogit a gilt for Jaort Bainer, a Beccie chu han heen iii for mome time, Onc crat nigisl tisoy made gifle for liseir motisers. They aise mode tavors bo give te lise ciidren eithlie renidenlial schrof in Grillia. On Dec. 10 tise Bromnio hmsted a Christonas Party, spcsrod hy tise Ladies Aoiiry. Great Canella, tise magicien troon Gaisille Provided tise entertaincenf. and Santa Clous crosed tise eeening. Tise Guidon ba a Chrismas taie and hohe sale and gare MO0 te Borlingtoc Chistmîas Bureau. Tisey aIne made and tros tavro to tise Mount Neo Nursinsg Home and onlortatnod lise nId folks mies Christmas caroo C-hristosservie« Locrille United Cbercb con tifîrd te rapacîty for tise morcing service. Mr, Rutb Coverdale's clans prenented a Christmas pageant. Tisey enplained tise meaning ot tise ditterent symbots on tise Chtristmas trocs. Tise Voots choir sang Ico Chistmas cochers and Rer. Wayne ircin's message con, "Regarding Gifle'. In t ho eroning lise LoivrillI - Zimmerman congregation and many nibors gter once again for a "CrIlnt1lma Fontiral et Word and oece" featoring tise mutsic et tise four choies, Junior, Youtb, Ladion and Senior. 1 could libe te cemmend tise leaders wo-b dodicate Ibeir tise and talents te lise musical coenship efthlie cisurcs: tise Juntnr, Senior and Ladies cbntrs andor tise leadership et Mrs. Caret Fmlter cti Rosemary Potle aitie orgen; tise Youts chsoir ender tise leadershsip et Sue Devey and Stepisen Gunisy citsMrs. Mahotorovy athe organ. At Chistnmas time factîjon nometmos traret long distancon te ho togetiser. Mrs andMr. Ray Meecer and tce boys eîsîted trom Medicine Hat, Atta. cils Mr. and Mon Richard Sereigc and famtty. Mt. and Mrs. George Ceiliog speol Clîri sîmas day te Guelphs cils thit doogister Joan, ber bonisand and echo the chiming of the New Year beils with best wishes to ail for a future fîiled with pae happiness and prosperitg. MILTON MOTOR SALES MILTON, ONTARIO ~MRRESj8.m INDUSTRIAL PAINT PLASTIC BASE GLEN 1léýÀ BARN EATGN i:;ESS .............................. PAINTING M..NT I II PH N E Powing M atch Speciall" ELMWOOI, ONTARIO TEL: 61S-304-1S19 MalTi oPnN :toOlci To Ail Farmers in "BARN PAINTING SPECIALISTS"fi - ?I- _ --- _ Halton County The Champion, Mil ton, Ont. Thurs., Dec. 27, 1973 87 Fire destroys home cfteFegtrwr of former town Man W H fs m fA pr-iromstr fokGao edenWafeCmbfnithe fon nohf Jare ,anddestyie homeof a Mr. Drdge was ateorhî enrr le y if the facly frmce er M te s to pWl rt cio jOw e o Su n d atnth rjeyt m e fn ih g p esendssieon s. Is t i n ef 50o receffymovd t Wirfon inide, Mcdo mortcgpoced rocther move, as Onlyoaoew TVsfiesiyuc. 5i7 Mrs edinaro they cere cn the precese c Vakradricsed ftysfsfirdsetfie rhenoighhoe h hen a tire in fhe shed d- shedi od angr t rush her wareedgesaare fyog wfih hec joing the houe spreod tei chitdrre from the hbouse ceusin Jic Miller at Wioreon tbe home ofMr.oand Mrs. hefredi as cnsucedhyv unttttey coefindta nec honte. RENT A CAR FROM *CORTINAS * COMETS fi fN4 STYLE For Carefree Motaring Pleasure ...For a Day' a Weeki a Month! a Yeat' : Drop in and set us Dur Econumy Rates ncde, Gas. Dii Irsurance XII * ..I...... CITIZEN ~~eIN VOLV EMENT '~:~~'IN MILTON Citizons of the Town Of Milton ore Invit.d to participat. on the folowlng Committeesç and Boords- * LIBF1ARY BOARD *COMMfITTEE OF ADJUSTMVENT OPARK DEVELOPMENT * RECREATION <Specity Interont Area) Please indicate by lettr, if you are irterestrd and staf e yuur preterrece. Ail submiosiono wili bo consdred h,. the Counicîl osf the Town rtf Miltor. J. MuGeachie. Cferk Tosin of ' Miton 251 Mainst. E. MiILTON, Ont.

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